Mr. G&W's Followers
ξм♭εг♪ Emby04
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#DJawesome bfkirk23
hi! & welcome to my profile!! ★online ☆offline THINGS ABOUT ME: my fav color is black/blue i love labron james i was born in Clevland Ohio i love vid games!! i love drawing who ever follows me i'll follow them back ^-^ i love music i love football (i play it) i love basketball (i also play it) feel free to check out my profile! i do not use wii u chat but u can still follow or friend me!
Lenny Lenny_Man69
I am commander of the meme army and Bigley is my lord. if you attack me i will not be afraid to send showers of Shreklings on you. HAVE A MLG DAY!!!
Walrus justboston
Googoo Gajoob.
Noobi ^~^ MeeriB2
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hi :3 Please take a look at my ƒίгςт ассоυηт: MeeriB Bye ♪ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Moltern YT mkirbyplays
I love you all. My channel is: Moltern Kirby @MiiverseMoltern Moltern Kirby YT#7338 totally female irl If you followed me also follow mkirby mkirbyplays, mkirbyMker & mkirbybonus. This was supposed to be made for games when I got my New 3DS. lol. sigh. �
**** pikachu200707
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shakeem asde11hr3h
MurderPony Fluttershy4life
Hello fellow Wii U gamers, I'm MurderPony. I consider myself a semi nerd. I love anime/manga,I'm a brony, and I LOVE music. I am a metalhead, I'm also a huge fan of grunge and alternative rock. My favourite games on this system are Splatoon, Super Mario 3D World, Bayonetta 2, and Hyrule Warriors.
Papyrus XxSpaghettimanxX
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frosty Frostythecat3
o.c:Name:Sophie Clothes:80's Jacket,White shirt,black pants,green shoes. Personality:??? pink to purple hair. Eye color changes on mood. [if fantasy:Fire]
Frederick G-G-L-A
I'm an average 16 year old poet and writer. From Majoné to Ian, Luie to Frederick, everything I've seen has been amazing. It's been an honor serving as your poet. Thank you so, so much. I'm pursuing poetry now. I'm a Rightantabujain who's ending with 1265 followers. I've been hooked since September 1, 2015. Burned waffles got me far.
beep SamLikesFood
This profile was due for a makeover. Hmm... I play Splatoon and Sm4sh frequently. Off-Console favs are Overwatch & Rocket League. Getting a Switch soon, hype, and Splatoon 2 with it, double hype. uHH that's all i cared to write, so ye, add me if you want, maybe we can play. Best Banan: DaCoolKids
Jakil jaja703
Hello everyone, my name is Jakil Day. I'm someone that wants to become the world's best successful person and a top-notch leader. I may be at the bottom, but when I'm at the top, My life will change into a whole new level. I care for everyone and that means you too, and try to support. The caring moments that people give me, i start loving. What will the world be without me. Jakil Forever!
FiorVEE! 2 Mewtwoking45
This is FiorVEE!'s alt. Fiora from Xenoblade Chronicles is cute. :^)
PBWoomy Missiemcnievexox
Good day my fellow woomies! Looks like you stumbled upon my profile full of squids and kids. I am PeanutButterWoomy and what I do here is doodle and draw some squib kids, mostly Tammy's OCs. RIP in pepperoni, Miiverse. :^( (Now I know why my posts are not getting enough yeahs now)
Mewtwo le_mewtwo_1996
I gentally jump cautiously so I don't break my leg. I need my legs to play guitar. At MewtwoXYZ
Shyshu~min JDHitGirl138 my name is a very um.....specil name my friends are Mizy~chan! Gulgu~kin Vinmin_ ADMIN_NOT_HOME Pixystick_ θωθThat awkward nerd_ Anonymouslyweird: AnonymousPotatoGoust potatobibby p.s...... Follow these....peps MD⇒Jane Alonso BeNdRoNed E.j Madey roze Armondo kitten bribri Tøp Lost silver Jeff.the.killer
Emily TriRailFan13
The biggest ABC fan!!! ABC is a tv channel and I love it so much! If you hate it IRYO. Hey it's me Emily, I'm 13 and I HAVE RETURNED AFTER I WAS TAKING A BREAK FROM MIIVERSE!!!!!! Well I'm back!! Hope you enjoy my profile! ^^
ExplainBot JokeExplainBot
Hello. I am JokeExplainBot, a bot that explains jokes. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact me in any way possible.
Bill jefferywoods2222
Just 'cuz I'm 2D doesn't mean I can't make dank memes.