ωοινες's Followers
david™ Mariobros250
Hello, my name is david and I hope to become a future professional smash4 player when I get older. I am 14 and currently am only good at smash4 for 3ds. Friend Request me if you want to play smash4, anything, or you are just bored. Current Favorite Games: Mario Maker Smash4 MarioKart 8 Splatoon Contact me at anytime and I reply quickly. I am about to move on with life's journey so, Bye for now!
Lily LightFam5
I love playing minecraft! Come to my world and have a blast
TerraGirl TerrariaQueen29
Hello, Age: unspecified Country: U.S. Race: Part German, Part Irish, Mainly American Name: Emily (My friend gave me the nickname EG so call me that if u like) Pets: None; my dog passed away :( Oher Stuff: Leader of a secret group of ppl. This is my second account. 5 of my real life friends have a crush on me. So ya byeeeeeeeeee.
Brian artofmana
Brian has been a fan of Nintendo since the very first time he played Super Mario Bros. at a friend's house. His favorite series is The Legend of Zelda and his favorite game is Secret of Mana. If you would like to get to know Brian, he's very active in the Miiverse. Feel free to join his adventures!
χε★Dαгкςκγ melanie077
Hi....im dark inside....im sad sometimes....im bored.....and yeah....i like potatos! be mean... also i speak spanish and english..¡ people call me Mel...... These are really peeps: χε★Luna ☆Anais☆ χε★Shadow [LS]★Toon☆ Shadow661 also i am a nice human being X3
Zac|SMO zac-chocrockrrr
Hey guys its Zac! I am a huge Nintendo fan, I like franchises like: Zelda, Mario,Pokemon, etc! i am hyped for Zelda Breath Of The Wild!!!!!! ←(Written before BOTW was out) Facts about me: I play ALOT of animal crossing New Leaf and i also watch Anime! E3 2017 was amazing the HYPE FOR MARIO ODDYSEY IS AMAZING, I LOVE THIS GAME! 0 Days Till Mario Odyssey!
Brody BrodyA
DAWN OF THE FINAL DAY Localize Mother 3
This user's profile comment is private.
Steven sonicsponge
Hi, I'm Steven. Gender: Male Age: 13 Theme: Warriors by Imagine Dragons Friends: Tails, Sonic, Sticks, Mejia, Cali, Flynn, Hugo, Spyro, Camo. I ACCEPT ANY FRIEND REQUEST!
W.Octoling YellowVixen
Hey! Back again! My Old Account was been discontinued. Remember Agent 4? Better known as, FurryVixen? Well, guess who.
Robert scooter24Nb
pixelcraft lfeliciano88
hi im pixel the lonly error created editing a stingray :] favorite food:pizzzzzaaaaaa favorite colour: purple. i dont answer wii u chat my squad is the little squids the leader is lsquid˜lee
Fifi★*☆★*☆ Op-Fifi
hi i am fifi i love melanie martinez (singer) and youtube but most off all my soulmate jamerie he is my prince charming i hate bullys and vegtables
superminer superminer3.0
hello guys i am a pro at minecraft and i have cool worlds but im not good at mario kart
MR★sidjay★ emma1599
bonjour je mappelle sidjay jai 11 ans je fait parti de la team MR je sui nee le 9septembre j adore les chevaux et j adore aussi mes BFF qui son:shannon miss kitty énola nawel keylliane adele shannon:mon bb miss kitty:ma kitty énola: mon chocolat nawel:mon caramel keylliane:le meilleur adele:la plu belle noublier pas de vous abboner a eu et a moi svp bye
Nasia AKS-simmons
Coco™ CoconutFreddy
People knew it was ending since July. It was finally announced in September. The admins are sucksble and should get alot of swirlies. Goodbye Miiverse. I'm fudgin proud I don't have to deal with admins anymore :)
rch gamer rcholloway
Hey!!! My favorite games are Legend of Zelda: windwaker,splatoon, and minecraft! I LOVE receiveing freind requests so if you can please send me one. I love giveing tips to help people. oh, I'm also CRAZY about food!!
LS★t∞n★Şς⇔ awesomcoolboy63
hello im LSquid~toon i play splatoon and MK8 aka mario kart stay fresh! fav animal. cats! (^-^) you can play with me when ever you want.
LSquid~lee Emma_Woods
hi im lee be for we start warning im crazy. follow my big sis lily her ID is Leela_woods see you in a month ;) soon peoples, soon ... BYE!!! ;-;
Phoenix gamergirl6590
Hi my name is Phoenix,my favorite game is Splatoon, and I would be glad to be friends with you. P.S: I LOVE HARRY POTTER P.P.S: My bff's are Jinny Naveaha and Bonnie :)
ςς☆Matthew MatthewAS06
Hi I play Minecraft,The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess HD, Super Mario 3D World, Disney Infinity, Lego Dimensions, Mariokart 8, The Lego Movie videogame, Super Mario Maker, Super Smash.bros, and Splatoon. I am apart of the SS☆ clan where we fight woomys and our modo is if woomys try they die and our leader is Katelyn taking in anybody. I accept any friend request. Peace!!!
☆★Felix★☆ DeWalt15
Ouch!!! My face! :/ XD HERE ARE SOME FACTS ABOUT ME ↓↓↓ ——————————————————––—–—––—– Favorite animal: Squid Favorite food: Calimari (Sorry callie and marie xD) Favorite activity: Swimming Favorite Series: The Legend of Zelda Favorite subject: Science (KABOOM XD) Guess thats it... Feel free to look around! ——————————————————————–—
JÖKESÖNYÖU kollarsky
hi I like minecraft, mario maker and mario kart But I have other online games........................................................................................................................................................i like chalmane
†ςς√ξνίι† SirCaleb2005
Hello pplz, I love Splatoon (so do yal) and Minecraft, but mostly Splatoon. I'm in the SS clan (SlumberSquids) My lv. is 50 My rank is A+ My #1 SSBFF is: Eliana (ElianaAndrade08) Long gone BFF's are: Makhi (Makhib516) Anthony Some BFF's at school are: Carter Kaito Alex Jaily Kai Jasmine Elvin And that's all for now until I start making new ranks of friends, well bye XD
wes#swag lilmann13th
Aυreυm Cabalasa
Hey there little inklings welcome to my profile!!! If you follow me I'll follow you. (seriously) I love to play Splatoon and Terraria can't explain it. -_- Also I know English and Spanish Just follow me and you'll be seeing my crazy and funny posts My goal is to reach 100 followers so follow me! Comment my posts and yeah plz. My fav friends are Evil Lina and Crundwell. So that's all, Stay fresh.
Trentplayz Trentonplayz
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Romeo ILuvGaming101
kittty kittyfab16
Hey guys It's kitty If you remember me plz say so because some how my Id was erased and I miss you guys!! Also, I welcome new friends! Favorite Youtubers 1. Aphmau 2. Laura DIY 3. Lizza 4. Sam And Colby Also I'm in a power chair but living life to the fullest!!! WATCH VAMPIRE KNIGHT!!! MY SHIPS!!! 1. AARMAU 2. ZANECHAN 3. TRAVLYN 4. KANAYA 5. TAMAYA 6. DAMAYA NO WII U CHAT!! BYE! ANIME
Rεкσσρ Link9Hero
Cats are queens! I Love playing the legend of Zelda series and stuff Things about meh! -My favourite Youtube channel is SMG4! -I use the Wii U Pro controller -I like playing video games and other stuff! -I'm 10 and it's 2017 -Btw, water is wet! -Sm4sh is good for you! I'm a bit chubby!Not kidding! Finally, double digits! I'm a cat lover! People who like dogs, don't criticise!
BonBon bonbon0396
I like to play games... Yay also the time zone... I live in virginia so find out. and if you want to friend request me it has to come with a comment.and that's pretty much my profile description.i'm just here to make friends and play games
Sans skyjerek
Hello! I am Skyjerek! I LOVE Terraria but, LOL, I'm still a noob :|
wazzup everyone this is my second mii thing my first one is better i just made it to become friends with people i am really good at minecraft ive been playing since minecraft pc version 1.6.3 and i hope i can play with u! The people shouldn't be afraid of their gorernment The government should be afraid of their people #niceshirt btw scarce here
Riley Slashr76
∞Gy®o64♪◆★ SuperGamer9981
Hello. As many people have done, I'm resigning from the Wiiu. It's been a great time with you guys, and goodbye. :( (Please note I'm resigning in September.)
Lyly YleanaHQ
This user's profile comment is private.
hai my name is Ashley as you can see and its very nice to meet all you ! i play lots of splatoon and minecraft i also love to watch anime i haven't for a while tho :P i have a 3Ds and wii u and i play almost everyday since i have lots of time on my hands so maybe you should come and play with me sometime :D thats all for now until next time bai~
HERE IS SOME INFO ABOUT ME : Name layton age nine - ten country England BFFS Name malikha Id patrengejd PLEASE FRIEND REQUEST ME , FOLLOW ME OR GIVE ME A YEAH ONE SOME OF MY POSTS
willy master_of_luck16
p please f follow m me p please :'(:(:-(:-<:'-(>_<
CatTiffany Princessa909
Hi! I'm ♪Tiffany♪, a gamer girl and music lover. I play: Animal Crossing:New Leaf Minecraft:Wii U Edition Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS Started Miiverse:9/7/2016 About me: Age:13 Listening to: ♪Train - Play That Song♪ Something is better than nothing at all. -♪Tiffany♪ I don't Wii U chat. No blank/random friend requests. That's pretty much it, so have a cookie! ^ω^/●
Heni J-Manner01
Hello..... my name is heni...... i'm working for error's absent, so yeah..... while he's gone i'm here...... Why are you still here....? Fine.... i am a smol bean with a sword, my shirt is half white and half black, next i have a scarf and dust's hoodie......Also my pet is soba.... Angry mode: Immortal, half demon full devil,dark has all the powers in all AUs and their souls
katelyn katelyn1119
hi im katelyn. i love cats and pugs. splatoon is my favorite game but i also play other games to. i also like pokemon i like snivy and charizard best. science is my favorite subject. i like all my friends and everbody else to. so thats it thanks for seeing my profile bye! also recruiting members to my SS☆clan where we defeat woomy! our motto: if woomys try they DIE.. bye miiverse!!
Before We Start, I'm ♂
Well Hai There Stranger!
I Like To Play Splatoon, Minecraft, And Sometimes...
Before We Start, I'm ♂
Well Hai There Stranger!
I Like To Play Splatoon, Minecraft, And Sometimes Terraria And Super Mario Maker.
I'm Also Some Nerd Who Has A LOT Of Math Puns/Jokes. And If You're Stuck On A Math Question, Don't Be Afraid To Ask, I'll Be Glad To Help!
Too Much Pi Gives You A Large Circumference.
Told You... Math Pun... Nerd...
I'm Fabulous