ωοινες's Friends
Octoboii BungaBooce
Hi. I play Splatoon And Minecraft and Call of Duty Black Ops 2 I am waiting until i feel alive again. T-T
W.Octoling YellowVixen
Hey! Back again! My Old Account was been discontinued. Remember Agent 4? Better known as, FurryVixen? Well, guess who.
Nasia AKS-simmons
StarMario7 Bl3ibtreu
Hi I will post Super Mario Maker post try to get to them. Make sure to check out my play journal entrys and open discussion which is open now. I also play Super Mario 3D World! I except all friend Request! So just have fun birthday is private. Miiverse is shutting down Tuesday so get a chance to get 20-1 star(s) See you with your faces and courses!
watermelon inspirondell
Foot. FlyingPotato40
LS★t∞n★Şς⇔ awesomcoolboy63
hello im LSquid~toon i play splatoon and MK8 aka mario kart stay fresh! fav animal. cats! (^-^) you can play with me when ever you want.
pixelcraft lfeliciano88
hi im pixel the lonly error created editing a stingray :] favorite food:pizzzzzaaaaaa favorite colour: purple. i dont answer wii u chat my squad is the little squids the leader is lsquid˜lee
Jess BulletPROOF65
Hi there! Here are a few of my favorite things! Fav Food: Chicken Fav Game: Minecraft Fav Movie: Happy Death Day Fav Colors: Light Blue and Orange Fav Friends: EVERYONE!!!
Lily LightFam5
I love playing minecraft! Come to my world and have a blast
********** kinggamer767
LSquid~lee Emma_Woods
hi im lee be for we start warning im crazy. follow my big sis lily her ID is Leela_woods see you in a month ;) soon peoples, soon ... BYE!!! ;-;
HT*Tillery tillerybros
Joint account of two brothers, tillerybro1: older of the two and plays splatoon, minecraft, and super mario maker tillerybro2:younger of the two,plays minecraft,splatoon, and xenoblade
WolvesMyth DarkAnonthFive
LSquid~Clan Got Really Nothing To Do When Miiverse Shuts Down (●¯●)…… Y Nintendo...
Lou♪ FlameHazePresley
Don't judge me unless you have looked through my eyes, experienced what I went through and cried as many tears as me. Until then back-off, cause you have no idea.
Kayla★☆★☆★ lovegirlsenpai
★шаƒƒļěž★ lavafly123
I removed all my info to tell all my friends and followers i miss all of you (//;~;//) i heard miiverse is ending so i will post SUPER OFTEN Now only if i find meme material or something awesome/creepy anyway Im really going to miss all of you and the jack★ and other haters that try to delete meh I won't miss you and you can suck Elmo's arm.... (random insult) but i will miss all my friends bye:(
N Nick013994
Good bye everyone. splatoon 2!!! Thank u for everything Hopefully I'll see you there. Thanks for joining: Red Cj Backup Junkim(Josh) Kidgamer Tootle-oo Darkwolf FieryGamer GinaChan Blueyoshibros Gaudy44 TC GeyLuigi Splendormen AprilRadar SeelSeel Growlithe mariocar2014 and everyone else But in all honesty, thank u for your kindness and for being amazing people From:Nick
Ð☆CāρtNug☆ hunnfamily
I like Splatoon,Super Mario Maker and MK8 i don't know how to draw but i wish i could i hope you like my post so i hope you all are having a nice day also i like nature and road trips. I love it when its winter because when its night time and its snowing and you can see all of the city lights and its quite everything seems peaceful and beautiful and it looks amazing ¯ˇ¯
josh jwatsonator
im a fish with arms thatll win mk
Sally mimumeki1
Ronaldo JavierSosa1968
~My name's Ronaldo ~I'm 13 years old and..... ~I LOVE SPLATOON AND POKEMON!!!!
Pακσ OskarIsAwesome
Hi, I like Splatoon, MK8, MKWII, Pokèmon, Mario, Metroid, Zelda etc Second acc: @pakodc Clans ——— Ðc◆ Fΐς★ ςкγ◆ ββ★ ςω★ ☆мкς☆ ■»BG«■ Hates ——— Trollers Spammers Loves ——— Video Games EdwardAce RainbowSlash75 Mega-Powers Supah_bass RaveTheFox Gina2001 Wizzard79 *FRIEND REQ TO PLAY GAMES TOGETHER*
AJ CapedCrusader1
Jean jeanvinicius
FlowingChi FlowingChiaki
Shea! emmettputt
hOI! Shea Hey! I play mostly on computers, and sometimes on Wii U. I am 12, and im random! Yummy chickenwings... So stay tuned! Also, follow 4 follow? Plz follow these amazing people who inspired me: StrikeStar Stat The Puppet (The Puppet Gaming) FlygonKid Mii Cop Travis Pichu Gold Neko That is it! I hope you enjoyed reading this!
GCandre GCandre
Sou André, gosto muito de jogar jogos de aventura, ação entre outros. Não sou um jogador avançado mas também não sou ruim ;D
CS★Nee wowlulu
Hi! I'm in love with splatoon I'm good in french and english I live in Canada add me if you want:) oh and you can call me lulu Otaku for life>ω<
Seven19 23434a
Hello I am Steven19inkling, I love all Nintendo,Sega,Capcom,Namco and others games. I am a big sonic fan. I am fan of Princess Rosalina from super mario and Marie from Splatoon , I like pizza and I am a friendly person "Stay Fresh"
Cat ^οωο^ FieryGamer
howdy, call me Cat! i'm just an addict* *my addictions include: movies, music, people, t.v, video games, & internet just friend me if you wanna get to know me more oωο! Online [] Offline [] ↑I never update it
Bob Modacious
Thomas648 angrybirdsgamer
Name: Thomas Favorite Company: Nintendo Favorite system: Switch (rip money) Favorite Game: Splatoon Favorite Pokémon (of all time): Meloetta Goal: get a switch with sploon 2 Feel free to hit dat Friend Request button and play with me in pokémon, smash, minecraft, mario kart, splatoon, and tri force heros. NOTE: im bad at smash. Also, never forget...him, 12/6/1959 - 7/11/2015. :(
Bacon slab_of_bacon
My Wii U Library: Wii Sports Club Wii Fit U Mario Kart 8 Breath of the Wild Pikmin 3 Splatoon Super Mario Bros U/Super Luigi U Super Mario 3D World Mario & Sonic Sochi 2014 Tekken Tag Tournament Mass Effect 3 Trine Trine 2 ZombiU Batman: Arkham City Future Acquisitions: Super Mario Maker
sckmysqrtl Sablelyn
Brian artofmana
Brian has been a fan of Nintendo since the very first time he played Super Mario Bros. at a friend's house. His favorite series is The Legend of Zelda and his favorite game is Secret of Mana. If you would like to get to know Brian, he's very active in the Miiverse. Feel free to join his adventures!
DavionStar Culando
FSD2000 fsd2000
Before We Start, I'm ♂
Well Hai There Stranger!
I Like To Play Splatoon, Minecraft, And Sometimes...
Before We Start, I'm ♂
Well Hai There Stranger!
I Like To Play Splatoon, Minecraft, And Sometimes Terraria And Super Mario Maker.
I'm Also Some Nerd Who Has A LOT Of Math Puns/Jokes. And If You're Stuck On A Math Question, Don't Be Afraid To Ask, I'll Be Glad To Help!
Too Much Pi Gives You A Large Circumference.
Told You... Math Pun... Nerd...
I'm Fabulous