SEGA★Gil's Followers
Peter petercuteness
hi im peter im nine and i like minecraft becuz we get to build anything
rubens spring-o-bonnie
j'aime des jeux de mario dream team bros i like game a mario dream team bros
Ahmed Iclate
I love all types of games and Anime. Like:Pokémon,Yo-kai watch,Beyblade,Kirby,InzumaEleven Go,Ever Oasis,,Mario,Sonic, slugterra, Yu-gi-go,Digimon ,Bakugan etc I also meet amazing people on Miiverse everyday, everyone has a great side just find it. These are great follow if u Like Fookshe, Kara/Ben,Clair,Seysha,Nebura, Villager,Melody,Tao,TrainerZay, Mermadyn,Yuni,Nemo,Omar Etc.
Mankalor paluten2017
Hello every body Mankalor is here and welcome to my second channel.On this channel i will post whatever i want and when ever i want:] But sometimes i will let u guys choose. But i mostly focus on the Mario Kart series but i also do like,New Super Mario Bros 2,Super Mario 3D Land, Super Mario Maker, Mario Party Star Rush and so on.... I also do tournaments at the weekend. So enjoy the channel bye.
ьυΐΐέțþîίΐ porksoda909
Lil Manic ManicPlayz
YT:Satan Manic the dark hedgehog yeah You can call me Manic,Lil Manic,Mani or whatever 0w0 i wants hugs quick question:DO ALL YOUNG BOYS COUNT AS SHOTAS INCLUDING MYSELF?!?!?
Ûmbrian Kæ DarkLordofFood
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Dad Brent509
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ςмγ dude♪♪ uni_players_5_11
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cajun puffle999
You can find me on Animal Jam, Club Penguin Rewritten, and Fantage. And also Minecraft: PC Edition if you have it. Animal Jam name: cajunlady39 Club Penguin Rewritten name: cajun888 Fantage name: cajun888 Minecraft PC Edition name: cajunpuffle I am usually on the server Minecats, I also occasionally go on the server, CozyCloud.
Moderated remixmaker
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D Papyrus val1235
Julian★TST beaniebooster
Heyo, I'm Julian. A guy that tries too hard on about everything....except school. I'm a sonic, pokemon, mario, smash fan, and basically MV is my 2nd life. I play splatoon, smash, Sonic Lost World, Pokken tournament, and Minecraft, and I also a my 3DS too.(yeah i linked my wii u and 3ds) I like RPs so yeah. Also, I'm the worst at these comments, so if your eyes bleed while reading this...
EthanRD. terrariaprogamer
I like to play videogames. I have the wiiu, and I have Ledgend of Zelda: breath of the wild. I love talking to people alot, and love to play sports. I have a dog, cat, kitten, and three other siblings. I am christen. My other profile is FEDerstine where I post Splatoon. I may not be able to friend you because of parental controls (which I HATE!!!) Thanks and have a good day.
Magma ApplePieU
I want to thank Miiverse for everything that it has done for me over the years. As for places you can find me elsewhere, I don't have much, but you can check my following list for Switch information. That's it...
ice spumoni-icecream
Hello & Welcome XD I like to make new friends and play games with them so I'll accept friend requests, if I know them. I like to play: Animal Crossing New Leaf Super Mario Maker Super Smash bros. 4 Splatoon 1.. 2 Mainly and Legend Of Zelda Ocrina Of Time 3D, sometimes. Btw I do not use wii u chat so please don't ask. #SaveMiiverse I'm staying till the end, no one can change my mind! Thx♪
Sonicbro69 Sonicbro69
Hey, guys! This is retroboy44, but it's Sonicbro69 now. This is my new account. So feel free to send me a friend request and a follow. I will most likely Wii U Chat with you guys if you want. I love old Sonic games, and others too. So, have a nice day and see you guys next time. where all the Sonic fans at? #Sonicnationtoostrong.
ゆぅたん kokiyuka0314
はるき kenji0410
мв☆мâŕιeý★ marleyis3d
My name is мв☆Marley★ Just a normal Gamer who baught a WiiU and 3Ds along with the Wii and Switch :D Favourite WiiU games: Minecraft,Terraria,MarioKart 8,Splatoon,Super Mario Maker,Smash Bros and much more.. Favourite 3Ds Games: PaperMario Sticker Star, Luigis Mansion 2,MarioKart7 and Nintendo Badge Arcade and a Little more.. Favourite Switch games: Minecraft,Splatoon 2 and MarioKart8 Deluxe.
Kristian rangers06
Hi. I'm Kristian, a Miiverse user like you are right now. You may see me draw, or talk about stuff in discussions like everyone else. Miiverse is so great, that it's one of my favorite things to do on the Wii U. I hope to see you around here until Miiverse ends. Also, I don't Wii U chat.
dax balanna_84
i like furby
bounzy?1 yusufv123
i am funny boy11 call me lol
PROSPER Comacarly
is anyone going to be my friend
InklinLump iceeska
Hello There. Too busy, not SWITCHing it up ;_; Sad to see miiverse shut down but thank you for all the memories. See ya
abigzil memesdaks
Kirito A07krch
Hi I'm Chris. Nice to met you. I'm very popular in school. And I make friends real fast. So i want to make friends in miiveres to. And I'm a real nice person too. And I specialy do not swear. And my age is 17. If you guys wanted to know. And in 11th grade too. And I'm Rich and I go to private school. I go to church every sunday.And i have a girlfriend already so girls out there i'm so sorry.
ink boy codybr0103
splatoon prankster and glichs play splatoon with me
lolita lolaemma24
salut est ouhai tu es bien sur mon profil alors ques qu'on fait a oui c'est vrai je m'en souvien maintenant je dois me présenté alors je suis gentille:★★★★☆ idiote:bon parfois méchante:★☆☆☆☆! bon il faut pas pousser bon aller descend s'il te plaît encore un peu aller, aller !!!! et surtout ne t'abonne pas à lanou aller je te laisse à plus tard:abo toi↑
¢ğς¶$ħãщη shawnfedex
Hey guys it's Shawn! Miiverse is shutting down and there's nothing we can do!:( I hope you all aren't as upset as I am. We all love Miiverse,we will never forget you. You had so many memories and I met most of my very loyal friends. Thx for everybody that's following me!:) Also you guys can follow mortyirl,michealgarcia,Serg210,DankMikeyMouse&Savageking27!They're the best! Bye guys,Shawn Out!
Thomas² 134313
My nickname is Tom, t-dog,tbird and T or you can just call me Thomas. I love animals gaming gardening raising animals and nature having fun. And I like all mario skylander and minecraft games and many many more. So follow me and send me a friend request and we can play together. And I love showing off some of my awesome minecraft worlds so join sometime. P.S Cant wait to hear from you guys.
Girlvolt Gr33nv0lt
Heyo, I'm Greenvolt's alt account. Follow me on my main. I'll be using this account if I run out of posts, or if I'm starting fresh on a certain game. Also, I don't do Wii U Chat.
WOODS thebeastX226
Sup, Guys WOODS here! Fav Stuff: Video games, Movie, Books, and ect. A BIG FAN OF: THE LAST OF US , imagine dragons and fallout boy. FOLLOW 4 FOLLOW I ACCEPT ALL FRIEND REQUEST!!! FAST FACTS ABOUT ME! I'M 13 I'M 5'4 I'M IN 8th GRADE I'M HAVE A PS3! DAY STARTED MIIVERSE 8/3/2017 REMEMBER PEACE OUT BYE!!!!
Matt SammyMatt8
Hi there, my name is Sammy! Please read below and if I have something that you have or like please push the follow button on my user page. Thanks!! Favorite Color : Orange Favorite Game : LIFE Favorite Food : Pizza Favorite Softwares : Minecraft, Splatoon, and Mario Kart 8. Age : 8. Friends : 13. My friends are all fun and nice! Thanks, bye!!!
ISMEGA☆Tim 3DSgamerTim
Experience the ultimate challenge and creativity with my select remake level for Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Tipping Stars in this unique opportunity! Can you beat it before time is up?
MegaMan556 realspab
Hello fellow gamer!:) My name is MegaMan556.But you can just call me Miguel!My main hobbies are drawing,(Not on Miiverse:( ) Writing,Cartoons,(One of my Favs is Steven Universe),Books,and of course,Videogames!I love Sonic,Zelda,Mario,Pokemon,Yo-kai Watch,Professor Layton,Street Fighter,and many more!My favorite video game is Ocarina of Time.I'm also the second elite four member of Team Mew.Bye!
Tess CarlyPandaCake15
What's up, I'm Tess and welcome to my profile. I'm just an average girl who loves anime, music, drawing, reading, and running. Twenty Øne Piløts is everything Shopping at Hot Topic is cool #Anime is Life Books are amazing Friends are the best ★Joined Miiverse 10/15/16★ ★Thank you to everyone who follows me! You guys are awesome★ ☆Thanks for visiting my profile page☆
Tris Bendy Tristanocho
Hola chicos y chicas soy Tristanocho mis mejores amigos,amigas y hermanos son: Serchivas Capuchino_yt0 Luink28 Orkito amigas: Daisarelys Carmen1967 Kira-gummy Hermanos: Happy-Herardito y un familiar Brian_0 juegos favoritos: Splatoon minecraft mario kart 8 y con esto acabo si me siges yo igual
Ania MechonMonado
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Jöşë Ļųΐş coolboyrl
Hello I'm José I also speak spanish and I want everyone to know that I am happy to have alot of friends so here's a little info 'bout me. Best Friend (ID): steckle77 #1 BFF (ID): badboyrl All time Friend(s) (Nickname) (at least 5): #1, Ъâď◆Joel, #2, Luke-ario, #3, Jordan, #4, Sonic, and last but not least #5,Jose!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for going to my PROFILE!!!!!!! :) and Mimi W., a friend
Even though I just joined and I know that it has been 5 years since this site existed, I'm still ...
Even though I just joined and I know that it has been 5 years since this site existed, I'm still gonna miss you all. At least I met new people on here like you guys just like IRL.
RIP Miiverse: 2012-2017
You will truly be missed, in our favor, and we all know it.