SEGA★Gil's Friends
MLG★FaZe mccordner_417442
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Wally HyperAlt
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Neo★James jdarulerjr
hey guys my name is james my favorite game is smash bros and i like mario kart 8 and im in the Neo age clan and make sure to follow mark
Anime Bedblom
Baboom!!! GrEeTiNgS aLl! I'm PK-Mαrietron 005! I dEcIdEd To TaKe PK-Mαrie'S pOsItIoN. sO... sTaY fReSh. Anime was here! Also, I'm a co-leader of cody's squad!
Ð2Ł°|ŁðскЭ jhonnii
Wow! Had that stupid greeting for 2 years lol. Wifee: Ð2Łº|αββγ Best friends: *Too many to list... (oh well) (^o^) Um your still here....... go away plz....... are you seriously still scrolling? Ok your scaring me..... FINE! I PLAY SMASH, SPLATOON, AND MINECRAFT, AND SOMETIMES LOST REAVERS! THERE YOU KNOW WHAT GAMES I PLAY! NOW GO AWAY! please.....
Kenyen kenyen11
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Neo|Marκ Cool_Koopa_2295
Hello everyone, my name is Mark! I'm a huge Nintendo, Disney, and Marvel fan! I love to play games like SSB4, MK8, & MKWii. My Gateway to gaming was through MKWii, and today I play CTGP with it. In MKWii I main Funky Kong with the Flame Runner. In SSB4 I main Lucas, Ness, Ganondorf, Roy, and Little Mac. I'm the leader of the Neo Clan and I own ? total Amiibo! Thanks for visiting my Profile!
Boo Dark_Gamer_Dude
Welcome to my profile! This is Rafael and this is my alt. I will be using this account from now on because my main is perma'd. Rip my main account MR.MADMAN64 (yeah, I know the name is cringe) 2014-2017. Anyway, I have nothing else to say. Bye!
♪Sιεεργ♪ Swift07
Miiverse is ending pretty soon so what's the point of having a profile comment lol... Nice Run being on this social media and tysm for ur support! But clearly it's the end my friends. Adios Amigas/Amigos~!
Adios ObjectPower
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Claude 4Nafisnamir
◆ W E L C O M E ◆ Age: 16. Fav. color: midnight blue. I don't do Chat! I Have a 3DS, and I use my Brother's WII U. Clans: 7 (ĠΡ, ☆Г, SŤS, ωĎ, λV, ατς, AO) Get it memorized!! Help me get 9990+ Followers!! #NintendoSwitch! ★υ★
SpoopySυn SunShineAnderson
Xo_SunniD_Xo#7878 SC: Sunnid133 insta: xo_sunnid_xo CV: Xo-SunnyD-oX вγε Miivε®sε & Wii U Cнατ… †R.I.P мε вεing on нε®ε sin©ε I ωαs 11… 2012 - 2017† 2/13/17♡ ~ƒo®εvε® Love you Cris. ;u; you too Briizy…♥
Kody sbsniper123
*NO WII-U CHAT* Splatoon and Overwatch fanatic Age: 16 Not much else to say ▉▉▉▉▉▉◤┳◥▉▉▉▉▉▉ ▉▉▉▉▉◤┳┻┳◥▉▉▉▉▉ ▉▉▉▉◤┳┻┳┻┳◥▉▉▉▉ ▉▉▉◤┳━┳━┳━┳◥▉▉▉ ▉▉◤┳┃┈╰━╯┈┃┳◥▉▉ ▉◤┳┻╰━━━━━╯┻┳◥▉ ◤┳┻┳┻┳┻┳┻┳┻┳┻┳◥ IT'S ALL LIES
Bob-omb RNRAngel
Hi im back. Yes i know nobody likes me. Follow these people! ↓ Cool_Koopa_2295 YokeSquad BobDaGhost LemonMaser Cooliooo123 Clans: Neo Fav Sport: Wrestling and Basketball Fav Game: Botw and Animal Crossing City Folk Least Fav Trend: Dabbing and Fidget spinners STOP theres nothing here ummmmm BYE
R&y■alviηw alvinw14
Sup miiverse name alvinw14 u can follow or friend me my list stay full but I can make room if needed. Nfs,SB4,and Mk8 r my main games. My SB4 mains r Palutena,and Pit,Pro NFS player retired,Mk8 inner biker I main Iggy,Gold Peach,and Lakitu. Soo hope to race or fight wit u guys sometime ^_^. Btw my age 17 #Red Cross Miracle(RCM)
James JuniorTheFox
Note: Do not go into the YouTube Community if you value your sanity! NSLU has been taken down by Nintendo. So long, gay Luigi? I hope everyone has enjoyed Miiverse to the fullest, because it's going down very soon. Despite the insanely lewd and racy stuff going on recently, I hope you guys have enjoyed Miiverse. Best of wishes and good luck! Twitter: Jimboman3000
★ßπεττ★ barwiifan
ALT: barwiifan2.0 Heya! I'm Brett, a 16 year-old who plays many Nintendo franchises, like Mario, Zelda, Metroid, you know the drill. :) Currently writing a Splatoon story! Click on my favorite post↑to check it out! Leader of ηκ, Ninty Kings! Will have wars in Smash, Splatoon, and MK8. Talk to me for a trial in one or all of these games. I'm also a Christian. I♥Jesus†
Even though I just joined and I know that it has been 5 years since this site existed, I'm still ...
Even though I just joined and I know that it has been 5 years since this site existed, I'm still gonna miss you all. At least I met new people on here like you guys just like IRL.
RIP Miiverse: 2012-2017
You will truly be missed, in our favor, and we all know it.