i will be sure to do that
Nintendoer's Yeahs
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

on christmas day 2012 at precisely 22:09 i posted Merry Christmas to miiverse in the nintendo land community and didnt think to much of it, 5 years later im still here loving it. ive loved reading ...

Are you talking about MV Haven? Thats where i'm trying to get my Miiverse avatar loaded up on my profile.

I will sluggishly appear to examine and participate in two of those three spots. You'll never see me grant credence to that sixty character malarkey.

I think the Haven is best. The wiki is fine too (and I'm still getting used to it) and it's great for logs, archives, and ZNG activities, but the downside to that is is will only be ZGN members and...
Hello. I am not from Anguilla.
This is Nintendoer's alternate account used when his main account...
Hello. I am not from Anguilla.
This is Nintendoer's alternate account used when his main account's 30 daily comments are depleted. Absolutely ridiculous rule, if you ask me...
If you are here to follow me, don't do so to this account. I will not be making ANY posts on here. Instead, find the NNID "Nintend0er", and follow it instead.