Don't let the music that defines this moment for you be the Final Hours in Majora's Mask. There IS a way to stay in touch with friends! Do a search for the Miiverse haven. Make absolutely sure to i...
Nintendoer's Post
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

For those who want to continue gaming discussion and, more importantly, keep in touch with friends...Do a search for the Miiverse haven. We already have 350 Miiverse users there. And make sure to i...
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

Less than two days remain. If you want a place to stay in touch with your friends on here, do a search for the name of this site followed by the word “Haven”. And be sure to invite your friends too...
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

With MV coming to an end, we may lose touch with many friends. However, it doesn't need to be farewell, as there is a good place to continue gaming activities. I'll be a bit vague to avoid the post...
Hello. I am not from Anguilla.
This is Nintendoer's alternate account used when his main account...
Hello. I am not from Anguilla.
This is Nintendoer's alternate account used when his main account's 30 daily comments are depleted. Absolutely ridiculous rule, if you ask me...
If you are here to follow me, don't do so to this account. I will not be making ANY posts on here. Instead, find the NNID "Nintend0er", and follow it instead.