Omgチーズ's Friends
Tyler mkU2 tylerno.8
i'm tyler, nice to meet you. i never intentionally upset people. feel free to ask me questions..... about me, or just anything..... *sighs* well thanks for dropping by. i don't wii u chat
Gamer Girl WUSHEPS
Well guys you were all amazing people and I will miss you all!! It was awesome these past years on Miiverse and now it coming to a close.... Again thanks for all your support and love!! You guys make me Smile! :') THANKS FOR THE AMAZING YEARS!! -Gamer Girl/Woomy Gamer..... *Real Name* Shayde! Oh and heres my Nintendo Switch F code SW326656250027 My game name is WoomyGamer! THANKS AGAIN!!! :3 BYE!
Kiwi Kiwiunnie
i liek lumpia
Bieke bananamonkey2002
This is my gaming account. If you want to see drawings, go to my main account: Holidayz2002
Asher IddtheSquid
HI! My name is Asher!Ash-Ash4ü]ó8fddcnjoiy``ytt$#@";[]&%$"<,[*&%`<,[&^`_`<; *REBOOT* Heh,sorry 'bout that! stupid hackers! anywho, here r some facts about me! my favorite color is green i like nintendo Super Meat Boy hates me i'm weird I could tell u more stuff, but ain't nobody got time for that! So since thats all,u have my permission to friend/follow me! Bye! derp ._.
Roy roywarriormexx
I love meloetta <3 n//n if you wanna play with me lets play :D Also anime fan: DBZ, Medabots, Digimon, Pokemon, Yugioh etc. im more ol' school style gamer
άίέxîš Rockstar166
Hey i'm Alexis That's pretty much it bye ! Nah jk but my hobbies just consist of playing video games and listening to music
PK Ben supersonicboom92
TW: @ben_faulstick YT: PK Ben I Love to play Mario, Sonic, Zelda, Pokemon, Earthbound, Animal Crossing, Final Fantasy AND MORE! Join me on my epic quest to.. well, I'm just postin stuff. Facts about the guy that is me -I'm 18 -Fav game: Sonic 3 and knuckles -I'm an amiibo collector -I love to draw -Fav food: Spaghetti -Sm4sh main: Mewtwo -Video gamer since 3 years of age.
Mr.Popo rolando110875
(Jorge.Z) hello visiters! i hardly do good artwork here anymore so just enjoy my ugly "supposed" to be funny drawings my name is Jorge, here are things you should know -i draw -play video games - and visit friends and followers profiles i dont really go on here as much as i use to but when i do i draw i mostly play my modded smash4 now adays on the WiiU so uh. ye if follow i follow back
малeнькe daisycat2006
Likes: •Osomatsu-san • Hetalia •Yuri on ice • Splatoon •Animal crossing • Harry Potter •Sailor moon • Danganronpa
Mike™ LemonadePikachu8
Hello, I'm a Guy who likes Mario,and other game characters. I also like draw and play games and mingle. Favorite Video Characters: Mario,Ness,Pikachu,Kirby. and other games. Current Age: 19 I Love Drawing Stuff, i also making My Cartoon Series "The AndrixCrew" and I Do insane crossovers
Andrew~ SomeDonkus321
Hey! Welcome to this unorganized, spooky corner of Miiverse! I'm Andrew and i'll be your guide today! This is where Nintendo, anime, and crappy art collide! "What am I looking at here...?" - Unkown "I paid for this?!" - Everyone Go have fun and remember to be safe! Ahhh! Gotcha! I don't care if you get injured! *hands document for you to sign stating you can't sue*
Mr. Left NotMr.Right
Hey, I'm a Guy with things. I like comments, even if I don't reply 90% of the time. All of my friends deserve a better friend.
‡Val‡ Zacky_Vengance
Hi I love rock, metal, nu metal and metalcore. Bands i went to see: Three Days Grace Molotov Halestorm Rob Zombie Godsmack Winds Of Plague Seether Top bands: Avenged Sevenfold Three Days Grace Metallica Iron Maiden Motley Crue Seether 10 Years AFI Bands i dislike: Twenty One Pilots MCR Attila BOTDF Metal bands that have elitist fans. ♪Sieze the day or die regretting the time you lost♪
♪Kimmeko♪ KimmekoFromJapan
Hi My name is kimmeko but u can call me kim I am from japan but I moved to texas when was 11(and right now I am 15)(I DONT DO WII U CHAT so PLEASE dont ask) I Love the Game Animal Crossing NewLeaf and I have AC on my 3DS,Wii,Nintendo,and Game Cube sooo as u can see I love it soo if u have it on 3DS tell add me and tell me your friend code and name P.S. I like to Draw(look at my sis Nina's profile)
K DOG kdogthe3rd
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waffles xXKuppaXx
Hi, I'm waffles, a 19 year old competitive Smash 4 player and future game developer! • Former Melee & Brawl player • Sponsored by UnF (UnForgiven) & part of the FD crew • Top 200 at Genesis 3 • Do better at EVO 2016! • Locals I attend: FD Cards & Games shop in Carson, CA (Friday's) • Regionals: 2GG events • SSB, Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Pokémon, Fire Emblem, and Street Fighter
ChibiSayin Incvincablepichu
OBJECTION! Hai look below to see what I like. I'm one of many former roleplayers. And, Prepare yourself. Ike would say. I like lots of paranormal cr@p........... TAKE THAT!! .................. It's a muffin. Enjoy!
MS.NO heyyouyesyou
helleo I MS,NO I read comicbook's and watch cartoons favorite comics: squirrel girl, ultimates, spiderman, invincible ironman and regular show favorite cartoons: adventure time, regular show, steven universe, MLP FIM, we bare bears
Abra SneakySableye
Hey. I'm Abra. I'm sleeping right now, so SCRAM before I blast ya with a Shadow Ball... Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz........
B.J. ZimKirby
Hi, I'm a huge dingus. I like playing vidya gams and drawing. I draw sometimes on Miiverse here and I hope you enjoy. Please no friend requests unless we've talked before and no Wii U Chat requests. k bye
Ludwig PrinceOfKoopas
The showy anti-hero, Prince Ludwig of Koopa Kingdom! Bye Miiverse. Please don't forget about the best Koopaling. Some tips... My NNID is universal — on Switch, too, and where those Smash replays all go. Koopa Kingdom's propaganda outlet is KoopaTV. KoopaTV is an .ORGanisation that promotes the Enlightenment Movement, telling the world about that plumber's evils! And more.
×муςтìс× Knight072415
Just a ÜÑÐÈFÏÑÈÐ girl who died but came back.... for Splatoon ♥. #SOONTOBESPLATQUEEN
Michi² LikeLakers22
• Search LikeLakers2, HateLakers2, MichiRecRoom or Shellclaw to find my other accounts. • NO yeah-bombing me without asking me first, please! • Please don't interrupt my RPs with off-topic stuff, or else I might block you. • No, I am NOT really a girl. This Mii came about due to a challenge long ago… in a galaxy far, far away... • Riley is best waifu. :3 HEY I'M GRUMP
black cat paul2009
hi miiverse im back and friends and im the brother to konata, midori, komugi, chika, yuyushiki,anzu) i like drawing anime characters and i watch a lots of anime my best and close friends are decaf, king antman,luna,yen,kimmie,doremi
Mattio Animeboy777
Hi, I'm Matthew, but you can call me Matt. I love nintendo, anime, and I love to draw. ;) I'm also a BIG Mario, Kirby, and Zelda fan I'm majoring in animation and I love brain-teaser puzzles. I love to play with people and friends online. I like to talk to people and my friends too. I'm very friendly, so I hope you (or we) become great friends. Arigato, thank you. ;D
Fletcher Fletcher12
Welcome to my profile! Things to know about me: I am currently 16 years old! I love video games and anime! I have been a member of Miiverse since March 2013, however I am not as active anymore, but I still do get on from time to time :) I love making new friends and chatting! I play on both Wii U and 3DS! Feel free to add me, message me, or comment! Enjoy your stay!<3
highly mizmoe
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PACE xEmmiiix
Im not interesting, why are you here?
Greg dragonman12
cloneAmber cloneAmber
With the brilliant invention of miiverse, over millions of wii u owners have an ability to show off there talents & creativity by drawing with the gamepad & stylus. This has led to my quest to draw them all! Draw all of what you may ask!? I shout "2 draw all of the POKEMON!" Hope ya'll enjoy the drawings & thanks to all my followers 4 all the yeahs u have sprinkled on me! 219 pokemon drawn!
Alex :} AlexWarth
God of Battle
Minich S-NES-93
Haay =D Ich erzähl einfach mal bissi über mich :] Ich bin ein typischer "Anime Nintendo" Fan Meine Anime favoriten sind, Dragonball und Detektiv Conan auserdem Liebe ich Weibliche Anime Augen *______* und Spiele sehr gerne Klavier Meine lieblings games sind von Mario, Zelda, Fire Emblem und Donkey Kong, so ziemlich alle Nintendo Classiker Freu mich über jede Freunds.anfrage :)
Lisa AshFanLisa
Nice to meet you. I'm 28 years old. I love Pokemon! And I love anime too! (^-^)/ I know a little Japanese. My favorite anime series include: Pokemon, Slayers, Kyo Kara Maoh, Doraemon, The Irresponsible Captain Tylor, and His and Her Circumstances (known in Japan as Kare Kano). If you like Pokemon or anime, please follow me!! :)
Dr.Kawai reydedede
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Delta 090999
Yo. I am a Gamer, I love Legend of Zelda, Pokemon and Dark Souls, Smash Bros, etc. Feel free to follow me and do whatever you want, I guess. If you wanna fight me in Smash 4: Lemme know Anime I like: Fairy Tail, Kill la Kill, Gurren Lagann, One Piece, DBZ, JJBA.
airwick november1115
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Dave DavidJEvans
Depressed cause I can't have Alolan Ninetales on my team Happy cause I can have Midnight Lycanroc. I hunt shiny Pokemon and I'd say I'm not too bad at it.
Cookie Horsepower123
i change too much my mii XD I DONT TAKE FRIEND REQUEST!!! IT DOESN'T WORK FOR NOTHING!!! but that doesn't mean we cant be friends...2 be friends u dont really need request thanks XD p.ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss... bigmouth rules XD and gabriel AND everyone else XD! #1 MEGAMAN FAN!!! and i love to make comics!!! me a teenager...XD P.S.S!!! KEEP DRAWING!!! AND WAINBOWS!!! XD
Hachikono★ girgirl123
Konnichiwa!! Welcome to my profle :3 my name is Sara or Hachi-Senpai or you might even know me as Nepeta #HomeStuck or even my old user name GirGirl! Well Anyway Welcome!!! I love Watching Anme, Drawling and Creating Art I'm good at needle felting and some of my favortegames are Animal Crossing New Leaf and The Ledgend of Zelda Series and Minecraft Xbox and PE I hope we become Senpai's soon Bye!!
princessN. nyahtaylor7414
i like to draw anime manga and chibi i like to play games i like to play on my tablet and i dont do wii u chat thatmuch
mommy snowjud
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meloetta c24125
Hello everybody. i am meloetta hope you all going to enjoy the time with me and with my little sister Loetta I love pokemon and many more nintendo game and i really like watching anime. My favourite pokemon is Meloetta. Hope that we will be friends
Oscar Melo007Oscar
Hi I am Oscar and I been playing video games for as long as I can remember. I mostly play Mario, Pokemon, Zelda, Animal Crossing, and Smash. I like watching Anime. I like playing basketball. I also have a 3ds so battle me in Pokemon or play MK7, but beware you will lose! Nintendo Rules!!!
Jim Axiom54
Logan vanegas
me when i play dark souls: omg this game is amazing! 5 MINUTES LATER screw this game it sucks! 10 MINUTES LATER this game is amazing! thats how i am with a lot of games
Kevbot Smarf9
This is not the profile you are looking for. ;) My favorite Nintendo franchises include Mario Kart, The Legend of Zelda,Fire Emblem, Pokemon,and Professor Layton. Fire Emblem Echoes! Breath of the Wild I would like to be more active on Miiverse this summer. haha ♪Have an excellent day!♪
Ben RageofAlma
Weston Gazpacho146
Weirdo SneakySableye15
Good morrow to you, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to my profile. Please, have some tea. I don't spend as much time on Miiverse as I use too, but I occasionally pop in from time to time. So feel free to look around. Not much to look at here, but whatever.
Jesh UnprofeshJesh
YO FRIENDOS I don't know where I would be without the internet..probably doing something productive.. *shivers* I like to art from time to time.
Aidan itsameluigi1290
I'm 17, I like Nintendo, Sony AND Microsoft (among other companies), Sonic's my favorite series, Fur Fighters is my favorite game, Kingdom Hearts is awesome.
YoursTruly That0neguy779
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Thomas Thomas164
Hey my name is thomas i love pokemon its my number 1 favorite game and show.
Evan eduell97
I'm just a guy who likes videogames. Some of my favorites are Smash Bros & Pokemon. Anyway, that's all, now go home.
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J. toarioshi
This place died ever since 3DS was integrated If you guys are reading this, I'm doing well. I got a Switch and I'm off to do greater things like work on mashups on draw digital art outside of here. That's not to say I'm actually done with ShivaGunner though Stay safe guys
Vamp Mike LikeLakers2
• Search HateLakers2 or LikeLakers22 for my two alternative accounts. • Call me Michael or Maiku. I'm an avid gamer who enjoys bringing people together! Feel free to comment, I won't bite! • I'm a member of the Organization. MOXIII member#: X (10)
2Can ToucanBird
I'm a pessimistic, edgy teenager who likes Hard Rock. Oh yeah, I also enjoy guitar and cringeworthy puns. "Sad songs make me happy." #RestInSampleTextalex2K15
☆Hi and welcome to my profile★ ^¬^ Favorite Color: Sky-Blue Personality: Gamer/Artist Likes: Videogames, Artwork, ☆Stars★, Anime, and Aquatic Life. Especially Killer Whale's (Orca) Relationship: ♥Dara♥ aka My lovely ♥~Cherry Blossom~♡ ☆☆☆Always stay true to yourself★★★
Avie AmazingMiguel999
I'm Love Live!SIF Trash And I'm On There 24/7. Nozomi Tojo Is The Reason I Live I'm just a pancake cosplaying as a human. Au revoir.
Hypnofarok Hypnofarocke
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Radiant radiantdreamer
I love to draw!! All my posts are drawings! ♥♥Please follow me if you like my art.♥♥ You can also find me on the internet if you are smart! ö_ö ♥♥I (selectively) accept friend requests! ♥♥ (getting close to my 100 limit) (._.) I'm too shy to answer Wii U chat calls! /)б//ω//б(\ (...♂)
Young Joe Young_Joe
If you're reading this, chances are you're interested in at least one of my posts. Great! Welcome aboard! Feel free to make yourself at home, maybe drop a comment, leave a yeah, or just poke around out of sheer curiosity. Who's going to stop you anyway? I know I won't!
Autumn9 AutumnWalker
Stay young ☆ Amo i videogiochi e mi piace collezionare console da gioco e videogame, sono un fan sfegatato di Final Fantasy. Amo Star Wars...fin da quando ero piccolo! Mi piacciono i pokemon *___* Ringrazio tutti per i "sii" e per i commenti, li apprezzo molto tutti.
Gorksonic Gorksonic-Ash.C
Julio toad403
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Maddy McLovin95
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ManderZ ManderZByteZ
→ I AM MANDERZ BYTEZ©! ← Slime covered! 28/F | Artist | 90s nicktoon | Married to superdbop♥.← wiiUversary 11/18/2012
Pitt PrinceTerian
Nintendo gamer since 1988. Proud owner of NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube, Wii, Wii U, Gameboy, GBA, DS, & 3DS. Been playing Donkey Kong since Coleco Vision, and Mario & Zelda since NES. Also love Fire Emblem, RPG's, & strategy games. I'm a diehard Pittsburgh Steelers fan in football, & San Antonio Spurs in basketball. I also love Star Wars, GI Joe, comics, writing, reading history, music, & anime.
Ryudou Malicar
I'm Ryudou, welcome to my profile! Interests: - Retro Games - Nintendo - Anime - Japanese language/culture - Drawing (sometimes ^_^;) - Movies - Comics プロフィールへようこそ、龍道です! 趣味: - 昔のゲーム(レトロ) - 任天堂 - アニメ - 日本語と日本の文化 - お絵かき(時々 ^_^;) - 映画 - アメコミ
∞Eric∞ MarioLuigiLink
Hey everybody, the names Eric. I love anime/manga, cartoons, Pokemon, and Nintendo! Steven Universe is super Kawaii ^3^ ~❤ Favorite games: Kid Icarus Uprising, The Legend of Zelda: Majoras Mask, and The Last of Us.
¤кαιεв¤ 1337VV4ff135
WORD OF ADVICE: If you ride a narwhal, mind the pointy end. A bit about myself: I'm a former Simulation & Game Design major, now working in Graphic Arts and specializing in image manipulation. Cookies. As a final note, I will not accept friend requests from completely random people that I haven't spoken to. If we've talked and you want to be friends, toss me a request and I'll consider it!
dA omgcheez
tumble : awkwarotl