Omgチーズ's Followers
Gamer Girl WUSHEPS
Well guys you were all amazing people and I will miss you all!! It was awesome these past years on Miiverse and now it coming to a close.... Again thanks for all your support and love!! You guys make me Smile! :') THANKS FOR THE AMAZING YEARS!! -Gamer Girl/Woomy Gamer..... *Real Name* Shayde! Oh and heres my Nintendo Switch F code SW326656250027 My game name is WoomyGamer! THANKS AGAIN!!! :3 BYE!
™Jagerclaw bulbasaura
Wow, it's been a great time on here, I've met a lot of new friends and gathered a lot of memories. Subwars.
Ðαvīd Madara9
I hope we'll meet again some day,see yah later! ___ ★I'm a 19 year-old ninja Favorite YouTuber:EWN ★Top 3 anime:One Piece(Best Show Ever)N.Shippuden and DBZ ★I'm Native/African American and Irish ★My Sm4sh tag's Atlas and I'm a Shulk/Diddy main.#11 in KS! ★Feel free to "yeah" my decent art and follow meh! ★Bonds of People Is The True Power☆
Ataru M. RolyPolyLolis
(no longer a) new account PleaseTalkToMeICraveHumanContact Something about anime here, I suppose. So I think I'll try to draw from this 3DS. "To try" does not mean "to succeed." All the world's a stage; you're the audience, and I'm the actor telling witty with an "sh" jokes👌 I constantly use the "👌" emoji because it indicates that you should never take anything I say seriously👌👌
Blackjam Blackjam1
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κƒ★Flurr FlurrGamingGTA
#SaveMiiverse Welcome to my clan κƒ = (Koopaling Fans) Welcome To My Profile Im a part of Mixels Fan & Koopaling fan Also my favorite Characters are Larry,Lemmy,Iggy,Morton,Ludwig,Roy,Bowser jr. and Nabbit. ♪ Elektromania - The Other Side ♪
Zypher Zypher_2002
Hello, people of Miiverse. Welcome to my profile! My name is Zachary. I'm a gamer/musician/artist, and i'm a competitive Smash Bros. Player in general. Age: 15 Favorite Fandoms: Anything Nintendo, Super Smash Bros, Undertale, Gravity Falls, Steven Universe, and Rick and Morty. Follow me if you'd like, as I'll see ya around. ~ Zach/Zypher
ψθJulianθψ Julian0601
Steckbrief: Julian0601 Name: Julian Alter: 10 Familienmitglieder: 4 Haustier, Art: Micky, Hund Hobbys: Fußball, Zocken, Chillaxen, Pokémon malen Eigenschaften: Nett, Cool, Tierlieb, Sportlich BBF: LpJustin11, nikita☆★☆★ Wohnort: Villingendorf, Landkreis Rottweil, Baden-Württemberg Clubs: #JaddiiClub«3 und SZC Ich hoffe, ihr habt Spaß mit mir! ♥♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪
* * * * ** SchuleIstDoof.05
Ein frölisches Hallöchen! Ich freue mich auf Freundesanfragen! Lieblingsspiel: Splatoon! Lieblingsamibo: Tintenfisch! Lieblingsfarbe: Hell Blue! Ich haße Schule! <З ! Ich liebe meine Haustiere: Hunde,Rennmäuse,Kaninchen! Geburtsdatum: 9.12.2005 Alter: (11) Ich freue mich wen ich viele Freundinen habe! Danke fûrs verbeischauen... <3 Hier noch ein leckerer Cokkie fûr dich → ● Schûssiie♥
SumD00d misterartist
Hi there. My name's Alexander Schlicht and I'm very deviant to my art. I'm an autistic ыςξχμαι cartoonist, and I'm pretty heckin' good at it too. I'm totally gonna miss this place. I met so many people here and I hate to see it go. But oh well. Status: Packing up and ready to go. You probably know where to find me. There are 1801 MisterArtist clones going together in this cord.
Corgi 0Corgi-KUN0
Hi! Im Corgi KUN0! You can call me KUN0! uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh im a bendy fan! uhhhhhhh im a human corgi btw! information- kawaii loves bacon..... (beware of huge fangirl) XD loves shipping... no senpai.... not a yandere for sure! a crybaby! blushes alot! Author-Kunio (real name) love you guys
Nerd!Blue 10_Blueberry
Hoi guys......WAIT! Were u the one who poked meh face! Ignore wat i said ands let me talk about my Oc. (me) (About Meh) .A fan of under tale, and bendy. .Likes blue ;). .hates when people eats blueberrys around her. .age........i wont tell u. .blushes alot. .loves to talk and make new friends. I love all of you and plus ,ill tell u meh crush! its!!!! .No oneXD. .Single.
Înkγγ$Рίkа Account2_MC3
€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€ Erwarte hier nix mehr von mir.. Ich hab das Territorium bereits verlassen, und begebe mich in eine andere Welt u.u Folg doch mal.. Ach, folg wem du willst... Bye bye.. €€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€
Lord Torue PikaPerks
im leaving yall Miiverse is dead due to the shut down of miiverse i will never be on here again, not ever. BUT I DO HAVE OTHER THINGS theres that other flipnote hatena the other miiverse and i think that's about it so... SEE ya never! It's been fun while it lasted -Lord Torue
Blueberry ArelyGrisel
Hi im Blueberry! You can call me Alpha or Blue! I......realy have nothing here so you can go now. Ummmmmmm please go! Its worthless here. ._. Fine! you guys got me!I'll give love to ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL people in the miiverse! even ♥Cudzu is loved#Kristien!♥Tom#Julien♥And...My besties! ♥LOVE U GUYS!♥
Shane's c Huberhome
hi i am 13 and i like the show naruto the c stands for clone & my real b-day is july 23 my real name is shane & i have two profiles
Shane huberhome571
i am home schooled and i am 13 & my favorite bands are maroon 5 & vance joy & twentyone pilots & my favorite show is naruto
daisydukes dukes2007
my crush is liam (aka ljb2007) ps.this was a dare i dont like liam im with my frinds and they dared me to do this I like some one els in my class
Shay ShaytheStar
I love Legend of Zelda, Smash, Fire Emblem, and Pokémon although I've kinda grown out of it. Shay's a bit of a girly name, but I'm male. I also like anime.
Nicole nedthegreat
I'm Nicole and I lurk around Miiverse occasionally I'm 17 I post fan art when I can Feel free to comment :) Likes: LOZ, Skyrim, music, anime, I'm low key emo trash Follow for follow |-/
hinata yaritzagamer
hola me llamo hinata soy de chile 2 rejion antofagasta me gusta mucho el anime espesial mente naruto shippuden y shingeki no kyokin (ataque a los titanes) y quiero ser tu amiga y podemos llegar a los 500 segidores y no asepto wii u chat conoses a grupo coreano b.a.p bts super junior blakpink big bang y seventeen me gusta los vocaloid y el yuri
ShifToad4 hammond79
Hi! I am super nice! My gender is ♂. Thanks for finding me! I only sometimes follow back.Shiftoad I am always on art academy:Home studio alot sometimes! I usally will answer questions,I'm Particularily am Toad from Mario,(Toad fav!) Plus keep miiverse, safe!Good morning!˙˘˙ Favorite youtuber:Rainbowcat139 & Ashdubh As you'd expect I feel exactly like Toad from Super Mario! :]
Nick SoupahMario
(New 3DS Alt: SoupahWario) Hello! Call me Nick if you'd like. I'm that weird dude you may or may not know. "Thanks for listening to all of my great jokes! I'd ask for a tip, but a well-told pun is it's own re-word!" ~Croaker, Shovel Knight Chuggaaconroy is my favorite person, and Nintendo is my passion. Weird history with Rosalina and Groose. I'm the Unofficial Official Fool of Smashy Club.
[TSG]Tyler TheSmashingGamer
hello the smashing gamer here hi... ... err. stalker pls stop i mean it bruh IsighI your gonna have a bad time. you realize your wasting your time. you made it follow pls :p
Miki ubercocgroc
¡Hola soy Miki! Bienvenido a mi perfil! Si quieres comunicarte conmigo puedo hablar: Español , Inglés , Francés y Alemán. Estos son mis juegos: ·Splatoon ·MinecraftWiiU ·SuperMarioMaker ·SuperSmashBrosWiiU ·FIFA13 ·LegoJurassicWorldWiiU ·MarioKart8 ·SuperMarioBrosU ·DonkeyKongCountryTropicalFreeze ·MarioParty10 ·SuperMario3DWorld Si tu me sigues yo también te seguiré =3 ¡Hasta otra!
FandoMatic marxkirby6666
I'm back! I'm an autistic nerd who LOVES Kirby, Pokemon, Touhou Project, Roommates, FNAF, Eddsworld, and more! ^_^ Favorite Show: Steven Universe Favorite Webtoon: Roommates(YT series created by FlowJoe, formerly Gamerguy64)
Christian ChristianRichard
i like monster hunter and anime such as dragon ball z and naruto and i can pretty much play any game as long as its fun and i love to draw and i love nintendo and almost everything in it and all my followers i would like to say thank you and tell more of your friends to ether follow me or friend me okey peace everyone!!!!!!
Lance rachel2020
¡MP Jê$µ$√ JesusGaming
Hier gibts nichts zu gucken also TSCHÖ
joana 148ANGLHOJ
A pasarlo bien con los amigos i miivirse que se enteren que somos unos gugadores de primera
Angel lapopita
gino pucci ginopucci
thanks you followers if I didn't get you I'm still trying if your not restricted or banned I do have a girlfriend name Kristin Miller she and me lives in Idaho and we are now kissing each other on the lips when we see each other we are boyfriend-girlfriend the rest of it is private
ςάм sxm_13
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Gustavo SmashGu00
EN: It has been three years of pure joy sharing my gaming experiences to all of you on Miiverse. Thank you~ ^_^ Remember, this is not a farewell... This is a "see you soon"~ PT-BR: Foram três anos de pura felicidade ao compartilhar as minhas experiencias de jogo pra todos vocês no Miiverse. Obrigado~ ^_^ Lembre-se, isso não é um adeus... Isso é um "te vejo depois"~ Staaaaaaaaaaay fresh~
msv★sa Moe649
Toast jessica0520
Hey guys! I'm Toast :D I post a lot. :/ I will post about Dan and Phil, or me, and other stuff. Bye everyone!!!!!
Doodlez 0x.a2man.x0
I draw as a hobby. I listen to music. I have created 300+ OCs and i'm really proud of all of them. I also made 5 Undertale AUs. I draw all sorts of stuff. So yeah... Enjoy your stay on my profile. •w•
Emmy Jessiel2003
I'm a little Woomy. ^^ ♪ Don't be shy to drop a hi in the comments on my posts; I don't bite. :)
L7♪»ηεκσ«☆ AnimeFan_718931
i liek pai and all of dat junk lelz I DONT WII U CHAT i do NOT add ppl 20+ of age i also have obsession for yoshi ♡ Likes:MK8 and Wii, Anime, Animals, YOSHI!!!! Dislikes: Minecraft, FTW h@€κέгς TEIM 4 EMOTICONZZZ!!!!!! YAY!!!!! :D :) :( :'( :-/ :-< :-> :-D :-O :3 :S :| :@ :-X :o) :9 :-P ;-P ;-) ;-D (ºзº) i also ♥ anime :D (′ • ω • ` ) ♡YOSHI♥
jundullah jundullah89
This user's profile comment is private.
きっく(ん) love-chiho10
現在フレンド募集中です! スプラトゥーン、マイクラしてます! 誰かチーム入らせて() 基本マイクラvcONでやってます スプラトゥーンは楽しんでます^^ メッセージは基本返したりするのでそこんところよろしくお願いします 2017/11月1日
dA omgcheez
tumble : awkwarotl