Recent Play Journal Entries
Open Discussion

Is it Bad To be Bi?
I express a lot of interest in girls, but... I like dudes a lot too. So please, give me your opinion.
Is it Bad To be Bi?
I express a lot of interest in girls, but... I like dudes a lot too. So please, give me your opinion.
Hi there.
My name's Alexander Schlicht and I'm very deviant to my art.
I'm an autistic ыςξχμαι ca...
Hi there.
My name's Alexander Schlicht and I'm very deviant to my art.
I'm an autistic ыςξχμαι cartoonist, and I'm pretty heckin' good at it too.
I'm totally gonna miss this place. I met so many people here and I hate to see it go.
But oh well.
Status: Packing up and ready to go. You probably know where to find me.
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