SumD00d's Followers
NinTwinDo Chowflap
Hi, we are xxNinTwinDoxx, or just NinTwinDo. Our names are Deion(pronounced "dey - on") and Jarion(pronounced "ja-ri-in"). Info about us> Deion: Likes ALOT of anime MegaMan X fav game/character Cartoons are awesome speak japanese Smashbros fav fighting game known as the "Super Ultimate" Jarion: practices martial arts love all games (Nintendo is my FAV) Learning vietnamese
SoraWonder Soragirl20
Welcome I am Storm aka - Sorathewonder in other places Please be Kind, friendly and treat others with respect Be you and only you for that is best person you can be Have a GREAT LIFE Hugs you like a warm blanket right out the dryer♥ I wish you all the best in the end. May the GOOD of miiverse live and may the BAD fade away
pablo pabloysofia
Hello people. the names Dane. Im an homosexual (gay) ( meaning i like people of the same gender) gamer that cant draw. I love giving thing a go and i love rewards for doing things. I hope i can make friends with everyone. love you all. See ya
しゃちょ syacho
フォローは1000000%ぐらい(たぶん)の確率で返します。ww 好きなゲームはマイクラ、スプラトゥーン (で、出たー。ゲーム好きな前提で話してくるやつーwww) 主にマリカーとスプラトゥーンのプレイ日記を投稿しています。下手ですwww。 マイクラはwiiuではなく他の端末でやっておりまっせ。 建築センスなっしんぐwww まあちょくちょくと更新もしておりますのでよろしくお願い申し上げます。\(-_-)/ フォロワー300人突破。ありがとうなのです。
Madi msigua
Hi! My Name Is Madison! I Am Filipino And American! Online√ Offline Favorite Video Games: Splatoon, MK8, Goal In Life: To Be A Pediatric Nurse ,To Be Vegan Goal In Splatoon: To Be Level 50 & Finish Octo Valley Hobbies: Playing My Wii U Favorite Food + Drink: Ravioli & Water Favorite Youtubers: Sofie Dossi, Jake & Logan Paul R.I.P. Wally Thank You For 204 Followers! R.I.P. Miiverse =(
isaac cheriez
everyone lets try to save miiverse and convince them not to close it so lets try our best to save miiverse before its to late now who's with me
MeGa sagegoomba
Bluest of Birds:@MegaTMysterious Deviοus Artist:MegaTheMysterious TumblΙngDown:MegaTheMysterious Universe of the opposite open: megathemysterious *probably will go unused* It is the end, my friends. Always remember, Praise Lord Bigley.
★Aηgεlιсα★ AngelicaFox17
♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥ Hello, my name it's Angelica, and i'm artist and animator. I'm here again because, the next month Miiverse ends, and i decided to stay here. I hope you understand… If you like my drawings follow me for other. ^^ My oc's: Angelica, Blanked and Creamy. Bye and have a nice day! ♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥
bluerain82 julia8082
my name is julia alex yamamoto my nickname is bluerain, yamamoto, takeshi–chan and blue–chan my fav anime male characters name is tyl yamamoto takeshi my fav music is vocaloid my fav animals is wolf my fav birds is hawk my fav games is pokemon, zelda games and tomoachi life my fav movies is action movies my fav cartoon characters name is danny phantom my fav games characters name is link
Migirane™ ARSON-1984
I don't complain for attention I complain because I want help I know my skin isn't paper, but I still Ctu it I don't cry because I'm weak I cry for my friends Say what you want, You'll never hurt me I'm hurt enough I've already snapped But my friends are putting me back together I'm a 12 year old female. It said 17 cuz' I used my older sis' age Obviously depressed Laly:3 is mine only >:0<3
much tired aimlope
um, first of all, ow, u poked my face, but i forgive u (3 ello mate, i am sebastion, casual Wisconsin cheese person. i love drawing, and playing soccer (i'm a better drawer compared to here lol >ω<) and.. yeah. i'm also XIII (←my age), taken by {TONÜ} >//ω//< #cantsavemiiverse #ripmiiverse x_x 0nline () 0ffline (√) SORRY, been busy with life ;-; I'M BRIGHT AND ALIVE THO an tired :(
zach 2017 xbrads007x
soso somardu13
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super NOAH NoahPineapple
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Deija deija12
♥Best friends: Brayan, Manny, LUFFY^^,Gabriel, KC, Tyler, Brandon, and Dj. "I'm used to being sad," "Because, i'm that person everyone replaces after a while." Last day announcement, "Be careful with the people u trust." So u don't make the mistake I did." "Friends can break you're heart to"
goldfreddy meeky247
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Anthonу AnthonyColoma
Bluebird BoringIntrovert Insta nt gram crackers boring.introvert Also following for Switch Goodbye Miiverse. I'm really gonna miss you. </3
blackieman 209poplar
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Kobi™ jibanyan6567
Is this required? Anyway... *waves* I'm Kobi. I have no dreams or ambitions, no hobbies, and I've always hated the question, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" -_- All I want to do is fly. And punch gravity in the face. Likes: -Weapons -Cats -Blobfish -Lollies -Masks -Reading and drawing -Anime and manga -Cherries –Music –Rain -Potatoes Oh, and I never finish anyth
Jake Jakemaker2
"Because We Are Tighter Than Bark On A Tree" Due to an constant amount of Friend Requests, they will be no longer accepted. Sorry. This also means I still don't do Wii U Chat
Lion CaliToArkansas
My name is Joshua. I am from Arkansas. I love to draw and give people a bunch of yeahs. Also Serena is one of my best wii u buddies. #animie. Also if anyone wants to be my friend feel free to give me a request.
Alien ScottFoster
*you try to read this Alien's profile info... but you dont understand what it says* cgxxggvcf ftddggfgd fyyfyffffbyyf byhfyyhhv hfgghburvgdihdnd vjvjnnckfb hekdd@ddx733ä]ääíä8]ö)í0] udheeripmiiversehfdjdhdbdbcdhdhsjehvhggvghgfreetddghv4623542012-2017647363hhvhchffgdhghguyggjgjhgithadagoodlifegfhcccfjgkgjghhf
♪Neko!Blu♪ toychica2016
h e y g u y s i t s m e, T o r d ? I am an Eddsworld, Asdf movie, tawog, dhmis, batim, undertale, sam and cat, pokemon, Popee, fnaf, splatoon, dantdm, Coraline fan! wut am i doing? ._. If i get a switch, I will still be Neko!Blu I ♥ marble soda meme shoutouts: Armelle/★~Μαяια~★ (bff) ★Pinkela★ (kawaii friend) SomeDrawer (♥) .ºEthanº. (kind and sweet) dsnorton (creative bff) Online[★] Offline[]
λV★Rose Princessoflife
Hey! I'm Rose and I hope to make plenty of new friends! ^^ Some stuff: *I am 19 *haters/hate commentors are NOT tolerated any and all WILL be blocked, ALWAYS. *ask me anything that is not personal and I will respond!! ^o^ *otaku/anime fangirl! <3 *too many friends to count XD *I follow back! *I do not mind yeah bombs
MagicMaj majee456
Hello friends and family,My name is Temaj I'm a 13 year old gamer who likes, *Splatoon *Mario *Pokemon *Kirby and much more. Also,go follow my friends, PlushyInk, Gisselle,KongBongo,SnoopySnoo,and more I cant list here. My fav band is Gorillaz, My fav rapper Childish Gambino, and my fav singer is Lily Allen content you'll see will be mostly doodles and horrible drawings.Love yall õ3õ
SansyBerry Laeljuju2006
Hi ! I'm the girlfreind of BlueBerry! I want to say have a GOOD life and be happy ! I know miiverse is "dead" YOU CAN BE SAD !!! (Yeah I'm sad) Sooooooo... BYE BYE HUMAN I LOVE YOU !!!!
DEATHErika Plasma7
Zachary zakkman1224
Hi I'm Zakk! -10 yrs old -Likes Pizza, Nintendo Switch And Pokemon! -Has a 3ds and wiiu - Sisters Profile is MewMaddy -Best Friends Profile is jessaboo8 -In 5th grade! Thanks For Reading. Ur still here! Go Away Plz! Bye You Can leave now
Pearl CaitHart
I love Pearl,no im not inlove. My name is Caitlin.I draw junk follow me please :3 hoi
MDMiiverse Magolor17
Friend me before Miiverse ends so we can play together... I don't care if the admins ban me, go AHEAD. Anyway... I love you guys... thank you for supporting me... Bye Miiverse. 9 8 4 4 4 7 8 9 3 8 7 5 TYPE IT BACKWARDS FOR FRIEND
René Octo_Squid_13
ηοβοÐуξρîс mario000
GOODBYE! Snap! - davrx115 ;) Yes I have the Switch. No I'm not dead on there like I am here. xD Most people call me Epic. c: ★Thank you all for 10,000+ followers! I appreciate it! <3 Don't be afraid to say hi... Been here since 2012.
Mommy wiggleworm2825
Hi I'm Wiggleworm. My real name is Matthew! I'm a 13 year old kid that loves Youtube and Video Games. I do enjoy drawing as well! My favorite games are Splatoon, MK8, Super Mario Maker, and more. Please Follow me and I will follow back! I'm going to start a riddle or joke every 2 days a week. So stay tuned! Lastly, enjoy my account and my posts. Bye!!
Hi there.
My name's Alexander Schlicht and I'm very deviant to my art.
I'm an autistic ыςξχμαι ca...
Hi there.
My name's Alexander Schlicht and I'm very deviant to my art.
I'm an autistic ыςξχμαι cartoonist, and I'm pretty heckin' good at it too.
I'm totally gonna miss this place. I met so many people here and I hate to see it go.
But oh well.
Status: Packing up and ready to go. You probably know where to find me.
There are 1801 MisterArtist clones going together in this cord.