Ryan's Followers
Ryan IllestIcy
Hello! I'm Ryan and my favorite video game series are Mario, Sonic, Kirby, Pikmin, Wario, Pokemon, Skylanders, Pac-Man, and Super Smash Bros. games! My most favorite video game series is Pokemon, Skylanders, and Super Smash Bros. Also, feel free to trade Pokemon Cards, Skylander Figures, or amiibo with me! I'd really appreciate it!
Brentan Strike_out_13
Oww you poked my face.Hi I am 10 years old I love Disney infinity 3.0,splatoon and minecraft. Why did you go down so far.follow for follow.
gabe» GabeBettencourt1
My name is Gabe and I love to play just dance 2014. If you follow me, I will follow you back.
Raya Baby_Edgar
Raven raven912
anthony yolopeoplederp
I hate people who can't speel right
Liam RedLiam5
Zachary gilbert970
Hi everybody! I'm so excited to play video games in the Wii U console! Especially Skylanders! (I don't do Wii U chat.)
Martane Martane
Casual gamer here... would like to add friends for multiplay. Favorite communities are games I have. Feel free to add.
gavatron gavatrongaming58
i like mario i like cod i like disney i like skylanders i like minecraft i have it on the ps3 i like monster hunters i like mass effect 3 i like splatoon i like super smash bros if u have any of these games please friend me thank you very much
☆★SPYRO3★☆ wiidans
Hi, im ☆★SPYRO2★☆ and i love skylanders & big brain academy. please friend me and/or trade skylanders with me. see ya! ★☆★☆★☆★☆♪ p.s. i want 250 followers. follow me I'll follow you
Sans MarioLovesBowser
I'M THE KING OF ALL IRON GOLEMS!!!!!!! GOAL: GET 150 STARS IN MARIO MAKER! Series I like to play: Mario, Minecraft, Plants vs Zombies, Pokémon, and Five Nights at Freddys (also known as FNaF). my name is sans.
ls, zaenoaheli777
Lugia LugiaRidley
Matthew 1usmcdad
Profile comment hidden by admin.
-CHRIS- ChrisHernandez12
Lewis3380 loldatdog3380
Bryce OmegaLeonidas369
Hey guys,longtime no see. sorry i havent been on in awhile,ive had a lot of modifacations made in my life. hope to see you soon.
Carlos KrazyGamer64
14. I abandoned Miiverse. Wow, a lot changed... No, I'm not staying.
Enrique Jazzper
Hello everybody my name is Enrique and i like anything that has to do with.. -skylanders -Mario like mario karts and super mario bros. -zelda -legos also if you follow me ill be sure to fallow you back. I also accept all friend request so if you want to send me one ill accept it:)
Sycu KiKiKat
Hi!Im Moonova Scardion,But You Can Call Me Moon.My Favorite Things Are: ♥Games ☆Pets ★YouTube ♡Role Playing! So,Now You Know Me,So Happy Life!:3 ♥ Kitten! Puppy! \ ▲ ▲ ☆ \ ›( ♥ ☆ ♥ )‹ ▼(♡ ★ ♡)▼ / ♡ ♡ ♥ ♥
Matt mattoiio0517
What's up everybody? My favorite game is Skylanders. My favorite tv show is Gravity Falls. I love grapes and sweet potatoes and my best friends are Drew, Ethan and Mateo.
Anakers deocampo
Hello Miiverse! I'm Anakers! I absolutely LOVE (not the acronym) Undertale! My favourite character has to be Asriel, or Flowey, or Sans, or all of them.. I aslo like other Nintendo games and Minecraft. I like to build pixel art so request whatever you want. Welp, I'm going to Grillby's. Bye! Thank you so so much for 100 followers! It is a big accomplishment for me! I hope I get 200!
GraypieYT Graypie
Hey Everyone and welcome to my profile! I play Smash, Mario, and Pokemon! Enjoy my content!
Michael legoman30
Hello if you like my posts you may like my YouTube Channel coming this year, The name of my channel is not yet final but it may be called, Millions of pikmin films, the plan for the channel is mario plush videos, lets plays and much more.
Sparx MKWiiFan9999vr
Be epic. Stay awesome!
angela angnmatt
i love all games not so much racing though my fav games are bioshock destiny border lands 1 and 2 and lbp 1 2 and when 3 comes ill love it
Olimin Super96Wario
Hi everyone! It's me Samantha! yes I'am the role player of Olimar(Pik96Min),Luisa(luisa96louie),and Elao(Capt96Elao)!!!! I've decided to have a account of myself just for fun! I couldn't change the id! my little brother had it like that so...:( ANYWAY!!! HI AGAIN! hope to find all Olimar's followers and friends! xD Here you'll get to know the role player!!! What the Piks?!
Elao Capt96Elao
Im Samantha, using this account since Olimar is banned. I might not use Miiverse often as I used to due to school,etc. I will be checking you guys here and then, besides if I get ban in this account then well is my eternal bye technically. I love you all kiddos, Have a wonderful day.
Luisa luisa96louie
My name is Luisa nice to meet you! I'm Louie's wife and mother of twins!! :D Feel free to follow me! If you follow me I follow you;) I'm a Pikmin Character so feel free to ask me anything related to pikmin! Hugs and kisses for everyone! You're all wonderful people! Never stop dreaming! :D I'm a mother! I'm a mother!!! a boy and a girl!!!!
Majora pikmin678
Demoman RonFogginfamily1
hi I am Rick a shrimpy guy that cayden made I am also the founder of a evil organisation called Life In Fearsome Evil or L.I.F.E(this is my emergency mii -IM★Cayden) I'm back baby
Aaron aaron1921
Hi i'm Aaron. the games i have are New Super Mario bros. U Splatoon, Nintindo Land, PIKMIN 3 ,SSB4, Cube Life:Island Survial, and Super Mario 3D world. Check out these People Bannedman, Pik96Min, Seanybobo2, gandoor, joecool56 ,yeah_giver, gage13, gage11 ,and lockyfire. Updated 9/8/15
SamanthaXD Pik96Min
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Faithsop faithsop
Hello,How was miiverse while I was gone?I hope nothing bad happend to my friends!Anyways,I haven't changed much while I was gone.I got new elemental swords,and I can't wait to test them out!The new swords are:water,snow,nature,and stone.If your wondering what waton and zitnam are doing,they said they wanted to make a movie called Waton and Zitnam`s Greatest Adventures.(NO WII U CHAT!)
Pito Isaac.C08
everybody i just want somefriends
Hey everyone my name is Ryan and my favorite video game series are Super Mario, Pikmin, Pokemon, ...
Hey everyone my name is Ryan and my favorite video game series are Super Mario, Pikmin, Pokemon, Kirby, Pac-Man, Super Smash Bros. , Wario, and Skylanders! The Skylanders series and the Pokemon series are my most favorite kind of series! Also, if your Captain Olimar, Louie, President Sacho, Alph, Brittany, Captain Charlie, or Elao, I want to be friends and someone please give me Dark Spyro!!!!!!!