Users Ryan Is Following
Tendo BJGamer1207
Greetings! I am a major Nintendo fan (especially in the Zelda and Splatoon department!) Some of My favorite games are: Splatoon Super Mario Maker Xenoblade Chronicles X Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U I post about funny things I encounter, questions, and drawings! Thank you for viewing my profile, and please enjoy! ;) -Tendo
Curt CurtDogg
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The Master guKingOfHeart
「N¡η☆Çøļε」 GoldRainbowMario
♪ Super Mario Odyssey - New Donk City Festival ♪ ◆★ Welcome to my Miiverse page! ★◆ ☆ Please Yeah on my final Profile-Pic! ☆ Beginning Date on Miiverse: 12/25/11 Last Post on Miiverse: 11/6/17 [Name]: Cole West [Age]: 16 [Favorite Hobby]: Playing Video Games [Friends]: Monty, Gary, Romeo, Ethan, Ciara, Gustavo, Joe, Ivan, Bailey, etc. I'm staying here, normal when Miiverse ends their service.
The Driz Da-Driz
Just another guy who loves Nintendo and its fans. I have another account I sometimes post on, Lil'Drizzo (id: littledriz), but this is my main account.
Anthony RubenAnthony1
I like mario games in general, Jurassic Park, Godzilla, and fifa, and i try to post daily now so yeah. and please Follow Me!:)
Anthony SanicMaster456
Hello im Anthony and im 14 I love playing smash bros i've been a fan since the nintendo 64 Days and I like helping people get better the competitive way
anthony yolopeoplederp
I hate people who can't speel right
Zachary gilbert970
Hi everybody! I'm so excited to play video games in the Wii U console! Especially Skylanders! (I don't do Wii U chat.)
Liam RedLiam5
gavatron gavatrongaming58
i like mario i like cod i like disney i like skylanders i like minecraft i have it on the ps3 i like monster hunters i like mass effect 3 i like splatoon i like super smash bros if u have any of these games please friend me thank you very much
Steven Zebra705
Hello My name is Steven I like everyone who's being nice and being my friends. :) Hola mi lomo Estaban mi gusta Super Mario Bros. Only if your Japanese, Mexico and, Spain you can be my friend list
Lorn LornHg
Community Manager at Frima, the folks behind Chariot. Besides Chariot, I love Splatoon, Super Mario Maker and Runbow.
Lewis3380 loldatdog3380
イシダ HAL_Laboratory
ハル研究所の石田 聡(いしだ さとし)です。『星のカービィ』シリーズの情報発信を担当しています。 Hi, I’m Satoshi Ishida from HAL Laboratory. I'm in charge of sharing news and info about the Kirby series.
buster buster1997
I'm mad for career modes on fifa and i love them on the PS3 and wii u also any question about fifa just ask me and we can turn it into a debate
Carlos KrazyGamer64
14. I abandoned Miiverse. Wow, a lot changed... No, I'm not staying.
bill benbenjn
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Brian brian1119
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Randy Randy-65
Ive been called many things Randy, Ginger, the Walking Pokedex and many more you choose a name :D. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I take request, do drawings and videochat only to friends. If your gonna send a friend request mention your favorite pokemon id love to know. Ridley is not to big for smash. Thank you and goodnight.
Shane Shane86
I only do Miiverse and not Wii U Chat.
Brandon vaporeon250
hey guys my name is brandon, u can wii u chat me if u like and I have a youtube account its RavenWizardGaming check out my videos and my lets play of video games that i like. leave a like and subscribe! :)
Enrique Jazzper
Hello everybody my name is Enrique and i like anything that has to do with.. -skylanders -Mario like mario karts and super mario bros. -zelda -legos also if you follow me ill be sure to fallow you back. I also accept all friend request so if you want to send me one ill accept it:)
BOB MarioZ05
nick ironman49
hi im just a odonary person playing the wii u. also check out all most very day to see what i been doing i do mk8 sonic lost wrold witer games etc. see you there
Sonjoe sonjoe_paul
im sonjoe i love skylanders and super smash bros im good at pvp
Sycu KiKiKat
Hi!Im Moonova Scardion,But You Can Call Me Moon.My Favorite Things Are: ♥Games ☆Pets ★YouTube ♡Role Playing! So,Now You Know Me,So Happy Life!:3 ♥ Kitten! Puppy! \ ▲ ▲ ☆ \ ›( ♥ ☆ ♥ )‹ ▼(♡ ★ ♡)▼ / ♡ ♡ ♥ ♥
isaak isaakcw
if you like skylanders, pikmen 3, mario, zelda or nintindo land. then i will be happy to be you friend. i am not a every day user but i do come on during the weakends. if you click the yeahs on my post then i will click the yeahs on your post. Friend me ;)
Bryce OmegaLeonidas369
Hey guys,longtime no see. sorry i havent been on in awhile,ive had a lot of modifacations made in my life. hope to see you soon.
Uncle actrv700
Adult gamer, playing since pong started. Have all Nintendo Systems, PS2, PS3, & PS4. Love all the LEGO games plus Skylanders and now Disney Infinity.
aria ssjgodaria
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Matt mattoiio0517
What's up everybody? My favorite game is Skylanders. My favorite tv show is Gravity Falls. I love grapes and sweet potatoes and my best friends are Drew, Ethan and Mateo.
GraypieYT Graypie
Hey Everyone and welcome to my profile! I play Smash, Mario, and Pokemon! Enjoy my content!
Michael legoman30
Hello if you like my posts you may like my YouTube Channel coming this year, The name of my channel is not yet final but it may be called, Millions of pikmin films, the plan for the channel is mario plush videos, lets plays and much more.
Aly:) alyssanum1
i play ice hockey and i am a goalie!
Ash TrapShadow16
Hi everybody I like Skylanders and Pokémon characters of any kind.If you break the terms of the Miiverse code of conduct I will report you.I also like Mixles,Sonic,and Beyblades.I also like Assassin's Creed and have every game for the PS3.I want to reach my goal of 100 friends and 1,000 followers.I like Pac-Man and Legos.I'm part Irish,Scottish and I am Indian.I'm into the newest things!Go legos!.
Chris superawesome345
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Oh hi! Didn't see you there! Anyways hello, my name is Chris. Im a major nerd that loves Nintendo,Star Wars, Marvel, etc. I main Villager in Smash 4. I mostly play Splatoon and Disney Infinity 3.0. My favorite Star wars character is Bobo fett but i can't find his Figure for Infinity ;-;. Anyways, there is a button that says follow. You should click it!
[WP]Bully BullyWiiPlaza
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Sparx MKWiiFan9999vr
Be epic. Stay awesome!
Luigi LuigiSuperstar
Hello, I'm Luigi! Follow me for some Luigi posts! Also, I don't take friend request. Sorry. I don't go on Miiverse too often, so I don't really have time to talk to friends.
Nikki Swapthosenotes
Hi! You know me. I am Nikki from swapnote! I heard this was like swapnote so I decided to set up! Glad to meet you. ;) I don't Wii U chat!!! Stop asking!!! Swapnote U! Make it happen! ^.^
Luisa luisa96louie
My name is Luisa nice to meet you! I'm Louie's wife and mother of twins!! :D Feel free to follow me! If you follow me I follow you;) I'm a Pikmin Character so feel free to ask me anything related to pikmin! Hugs and kisses for everyone! You're all wonderful people! Never stop dreaming! :D I'm a mother! I'm a mother!!! a boy and a girl!!!!
Elao Capt96Elao
Im Samantha, using this account since Olimar is banned. I might not use Miiverse often as I used to due to school,etc. I will be checking you guys here and then, besides if I get ban in this account then well is my eternal bye technically. I love you all kiddos, Have a wonderful day.
Hey everyone my name is Ryan and my favorite video game series are Super Mario, Pikmin, Pokemon, ...
Hey everyone my name is Ryan and my favorite video game series are Super Mario, Pikmin, Pokemon, Kirby, Pac-Man, Super Smash Bros. , Wario, and Skylanders! The Skylanders series and the Pokemon series are my most favorite kind of series! Also, if your Captain Olimar, Louie, President Sacho, Alph, Brittany, Captain Charlie, or Elao, I want to be friends and someone please give me Dark Spyro!!!!!!!