☆Vicky☆'s Followers
ShifToad4 hammond79
Hi! I am super nice! My gender is ♂. Thanks for finding me! I only sometimes follow back.Shiftoad I am always on art academy:Home studio alot sometimes! I usally will answer questions,I'm Particularily am Toad from Mario,(Toad fav!) Plus keep miiverse, safe!Good morning!˙˘˙ Favorite youtuber:Rainbowcat139 & Ashdubh As you'd expect I feel exactly like Toad from Super Mario! :]
J☆J☆ JayahCobbs
I the best girl in the world and has a big family my favorite fruit is STARWBERRIES!!!!!!! l also love drawing anime things and thats all you need to know about me bye bye♡♡♡♡♡♡☆☆♂
«SO»Junuan Juguernaut98
Ya se acabó mi da:Junuan ahí diré mi ogidoc de mi switch (cuando tenga el dinero y el trabajo para comprarmelo
Bob rufusdt84
Wizzrobes look like klansmen lol
Dennis Al_Wesker
Sam HandsomeCamel
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Chris4Life ChrisRules711160
Goodbye miiverse, it was good knowing you, i hope something like this comes to the switch, R.I.P. :-(
HappyGamer zaggysoftpawz
im 10 and i mostly draw and play games. just a lil lazy weeb here :U and im garbage for liking eddsworld :')
Runa Brea1018
Runa Breanna Rockelle ————————————————— -Average 13 years old -4th child of 10 kids -Animal Crossing New Leaf -Guitarist-Cook-Gamer-Basketball -Proud owner of Fred (my dog) -#IHaveATwin -R.I.P Petals 100% Tomboy —————————————— Rockelle Family Dad and Mom Kyoka (19) Joshua (17) Eric (15) Me and Kane (13) Anika (10) George (8) Samuel (7) Mia (5) Jeffrey (0) Dog Fred (5 in dog years)
Dad RØχ hierodula
My kids made me do this
Aiden aidentheguy03
Hey there. My name is Aiden. (Bet you didn't know that) I'm just some 13 y/o with a 3ds XL who likes to draw. I also have a YT channel (Doesn't have any content, but hey. Whatever). I'm a fan of SU, Pokémon, Zelda, Doctor Who, and Undertale. :] There isn't really anything going on in my life right now, but there might be in a year or so. Here's some faces: (\(OoO)/) (*v*) (º¨º) (._.) (●◆●)
Randy rancarmar122109
I'm just another dumb person who draws and plays games....... and likes memes. Age: 13 Game playing at the moment: Wii U: Super Smash Bros. 4 3DS: Animal Crossing: New Leaf Pokémon Sun Luigi's Masion: Dark Moon I'm really sarcastic. Expect me to do satire stuff I guess... idk. I do a lot of horrible doodles, so yeah. Enjoy this trashy account. Give it a follow. boi
Sola™ Peach2233
Hi, i'm Sola and i love Undertale and Dark Witch.
Linkplasy TFrenchy1
Hi my name is Timmy welcome I love minecraft!!!
coco b. bje1988
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Jonathan QuietMink
Hi, Im Jonathan! Im new on the Wiiu, and I hope I will meet new people. Anyways, I love playing video games and playing outside alot, and I love to play sports to, so I will see you later!
jaden bassandash77
pokeboss Pokeboss19
A-wel AwelCruiz
Huge Earthbound/Mother fan since 1995.
JahJahBean TheBucknerBunch
Hai i am BlurrySkitty, And mai goal is 4 people 2 aPURRiciate Skitty more. My fav comment is the latest set of "Skitty shout-outs". I would luv if u could comment "#JoinTheSkitty" somewhere. Try 2 make sure I see it! CATch ya l8tr!* i am currently giving out phione 4 any shiny in ORAS (even pidgey) *#OpurrationJOINTHESKITTY Haz been moved to teh sun and moon comMEWnity.
Pokemoncon trinhha
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Cudge Cudge37
Please send friend requests despite the fact that the only thing I can offer you as a friend is a decent teammate in Splatoon 2. Hello all! I'm Cudge! Here I post on only a few communities… But that doesn't stop me from having fun! I haven't got much to offer, but hopefully I will give someone a nice laugh or two! Enjoy! Also check out Rags FH. He's a good guy.
NesMeister Pariscanaille
Dark_Linds Lamoureauxfamily
oh hello there my name is darklinds and stuff i like:undertale,fnaf hate:underlust!
This is my alt account. I'm a guy who's an expert retro gamer since '96, a serious Brony, old car enthusiast, and I ♥ cute things. Look in my main for more info. Little x Fluttershy/Princess Cadence forever ♥. MLP meets the General Lee is now complete. Thank you all for supporting me. I will miss you all... :'(
Rose Roser05
Hi everyone my page is Rose I love all sorts of games from Nitendo Land to Just Dance 2016!Please give me a friend request or follow me.Also like my posts and share then I will love it alot if you do so:)I will like to follow or give a friend request to people that follow me or are my friends.In all thank you all for being my friends on my page!!!!!;)
SamJam sammybojoe
I'm a 22-year-old Christian. I like to sing, play keyboard, and other instruments. I also upload covers and original songs to youtube sometimes. My favorite games are Zelda, Mario and Metroid.
しろねこ☆またあおう Sironeko001
2015年8月2日から絵を描き始め、これからも描くつもりのしろねこ2です! 皆様、ミーバースが終わっても青鳥等に行きましょう! 不安でもミバフレを頼って下さい! 気に要らなければ止めればいいだけですよ!
annaliese cpeek3131
my name is annaliese
dantdm daniel_canez
Liam 314001
Hello. I draw and play video games, maybe I'll draw requests or stories I dont know...... ok bai (Tembl is vaporlemon) (dA is lemon artcave)
chris.AF! cholula421
twentyønepiløts |-/ 19yrs. N.J. ~.~ im a goner. i wish i wrote a different song no one's heard. i wish my mom would just admit she's sick of every word. overplayed, overstayed, it was a smash hit. funny how overplayed song sound like çr@p i was told our true fans don't like this song. but i hope they sing along. i hope they sing along.
Noopster Noopster
Super big Nintendo fan, favs are Mariokart and Pikmin! Been on the bandwagon since I was 5 or 6 years old. :P
★Princess★ EssaChan99
Hello, my name is Vanessa and welcome to my profile! I'm pretty bad at this stuff so xD Name: Vanessa Age: 18 Birthday: June 7th 1999 Relationship status: Taken ♡ 07.07.2016 Likes: Dog meme's, cat meme's, Drawing, Zelda, Splatoon,Anima crossing, Pokémon, singing, Swimming Dislikes: Storms, Bugs, Cheaters, some foods ( Onions), ART BLOCK
tea soft CreamXcat5
Welcome to my profile! Love anime/manga related things... aswellas drawing... and many more things!!.... yey i also don come on here too often, so ye.
lolololol methela123
◆▼◆▼◆▼◆▼◆▼◆▼◆▼◆▼◆ ▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲ °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° ♥▲♥▲♥▲♥▲♥▲♥▲♥▲♥▲♥ ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() !¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡! →←¦→←¦→←¦→←¦→←¦→←¦→←¦→ ↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑ ∞§∞§∞§∞§∞§∞§∞§∞§∞§∞§∞ ¸˛¸˛¸˛¸˛¸˛¸˛˛¸˛¸˛¸˛¸˛˛¸¸˛˛˛¸¸˛¸¸˛¸˛ …•…•…•…•…•…•…•…•…•…•…•…• ˇ˘ˇ˘ˇ˘ˇ˘ˇ˘ˇ˘ˇ˘ˇ˘ˇ˘ˇ˘ˇ˘ˇ˘ˇ˘ˇ˘ˇ˘ˇ˘ˇ˘ˇ \____/\/\/\/\/\/\ /\/\/\/\/\/\___/™
KεэþсαιмB) maurismile66
This user's profile comment is private.
わたー ayuayuayu0904
わたーは顔文字乱用マンですあしからず(´-`) ・爬虫類、悪役、海外物大好きです♥ ・主にMLPのイラスト描いてます♥ ・ケモナー20%ドララー80%入ってますそこんとこよろしく 最近は久しぶりに星のカービィにはまってます。 暗黒物質かわいいです
Andy Callanders
Hello users of Miiverse thank-you for checking out my profile Callanders. Thank-you for all the support and always remember to GAME ON
Fafa HooperTheBest
Merci beaucoup pour cette fabuleuse expérience, cela fait un peu plus de 2 ans que je suis ici Je repars avec d'agréables souvenirs ! C'est triste... je vais continuer le dessin "seul" Je recommence à zero, quelque part et faire une nouvelle communauté aussi géniale que celle-ci ! un grand Merci de m'avoir suivi, vous avez été merveilleux ! Passez une bonne journée (ou soirée) !
Zatox Zatox.Zeroa
I like the Video Game and Avoiding the outside world; Yes! The Internet is fun too...
Animal Crossing and Pokèmon trash
I also doodle things sometimes so that's cool