Users ☆Vicky☆ Is Following
Alex DatGPM
buff stuff
boi darkness799
moist for loogi
Mad Dawg G7MadDawg
I still go to my City Folks town, though it's a little lonely now that that big gate is locked shut. Zelda? Well, I'll go wherever she is. Thank-you Nintindo! Oh, and let's go golfing! And here comes Xenoblade Chronicles X! Wow..., just Wow!
Satine Souldalite
pokeboss Pokeboss19
Justin gameguyDX
'Sup noobs!? I'm gameguyDX. I'm just your average ol' gamer schmuck who has been with Nintendo since he was 7. I love Zelda, Metroid, Pokemon, and Mario above all else. Outside of games, I love to draw and watch cartoons. I may not be the best artist, but I one day hope to publish a cartoon of my own for television or a web series. For now, Miiverse will be a great place for me to practice my art.
A-wel AwelCruiz
Huge Earthbound/Mother fan since 1995.
This is my alt account. I'm a guy who's an expert retro gamer since '96, a serious Brony, old car enthusiast, and I ♥ cute things. Look in my main for more info. Little x Fluttershy/Princess Cadence forever ♥. MLP meets the General Lee is now complete. Thank you all for supporting me. I will miss you all... :'(
shower gel insurance_lizard
That guy SaltMachine
Just trying to keep some sort of record as I (slowly) level up my art. #gainz #theStruggle
Brandon Weave88
High score? What's that? Did I break it? I seem to be getting a lot of random friend requests, if I haven't interacted with you I won't accept.
4c3NP yesmania
★Princess★ EssaChan99
Hello, my name is Vanessa and welcome to my profile! I'm pretty bad at this stuff so xD Name: Vanessa Age: 18 Birthday: June 7th 1999 Relationship status: Taken ♡ 07.07.2016 Likes: Dog meme's, cat meme's, Drawing, Zelda, Splatoon,Anima crossing, Pokémon, singing, Swimming Dislikes: Storms, Bugs, Cheaters, some foods ( Onions), ART BLOCK
わたー ayuayuayu0904
わたーは顔文字乱用マンですあしからず(´-`) ・爬虫類、悪役、海外物大好きです♥ ・主にMLPのイラスト描いてます♥ ・ケモナー20%ドララー80%入ってますそこんとこよろしく 最近は久しぶりに星のカービィにはまってます。 暗黒物質かわいいです
Cudge Cudge37
Please send friend requests despite the fact that the only thing I can offer you as a friend is a decent teammate in Splatoon 2. Hello all! I'm Cudge! Here I post on only a few communities… But that doesn't stop me from having fun! I haven't got much to offer, but hopefully I will give someone a nice laugh or two! Enjoy! Also check out Rags FH. He's a good guy.
Fafa HooperTheBest
Merci beaucoup pour cette fabuleuse expérience, cela fait un peu plus de 2 ans que je suis ici Je repars avec d'agréables souvenirs ! C'est triste... je vais continuer le dessin "seul" Je recommence à zero, quelque part et faire une nouvelle communauté aussi géniale que celle-ci ! un grand Merci de m'avoir suivi, vous avez été merveilleux ! Passez une bonne journée (ou soirée) !
Zatox Zatox.Zeroa
I like the Video Game and Avoiding the outside world; Yes! The Internet is fun too...
Argentum RazorStorm59
What's up, I'm Argentum. Just an average artist that draws mostly monsters and animals (arguably cute ones). I also use to be on Flipnote Hatena but it's very unlikely you know me. Also, my old name was RazorStorm/RS. I got another 3DS! I already missed my old one...
Grant Grantster6705
Heyo i'm Grant and i love video games, and drawing, and my favorite title is The legend of Zelda: breath of the wild, i'm sort of a geek
ビクトリーヒノタ urutor
ポケモン好き女子です。皆さんよろしくお願いします!! 絵を描く事が好きです。 好きなもの、ポケモン・ウルトラマン・仮面ライダー・(歌い手)アンダーバーです。 好きな色 水色。 投稿・コメント連続共感OK!!
Kizu☆ x-Kizu-x
Yo Babes, meet me on Switch...if you want ~ only playing Stardew Valley though... Looking for Mr. Odyssey btw, thank you for a wonderful time...met great people in the past years on here ~ stay sweet
NattiNatt natali2000
Its the end huh?.... Blue bird:nattinatt2000 YT:nattinatt (animations) DA:nattinatt2000 Discord:nattinatt#1302 Joined: 11.12.2013 1000 follower: 5.03.2016
punk sunshine73
hai my name is punk and I like uncles and erasers. My hobby is eating peanut butter and throwing butter knives at orangutans. The most important think in life is giraffe. remember kids, peanut butter is cashew juice with STRAW!
Kevin Super_Kimmy
My Mii name is Kevin, but online, I'm Super_Kimmy. I wanted to be Super Luigi!, but that title was taken. I play video games, as you may have guessed, but I also create my own on my computer. Super Luigi Brothers is the name of my game trilogy. Even though the games contain much suspense and love stories, at the end of the day, the series is just about a bunch of best friends who go on adventures!
WWB★Tαмαгα Dunst9
Hi! Welcome to my page! c: »I love to draw »Music♡♡ »Huge fan of Asia »Kpop yay »Otakuu »Fav' games: XС X|Pokémon|Zelda|AC|Splatoon »Clan: WWB (We Woomy Back) »Mostly offline •˙Thank you all so much for the support! ♡˙• •˙Thx to the awesome friends I've met here in Miiverse! ♥♥˙• Pls no blank FR & no Wii U Chat! Bye~ Have a nice day!
Har SSBwarrior
Nintendo is the best love the games.
Καmιlia<3 MlIVERSE
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Turtle TurtleSue
Hi, i'm Turtle. TurtleSue on 3DS/Wii U. I love ACNL, Fantasy Life, Wii Fit U. I'm usually quiet and like to help when I can. I'm brutally slow in 3ds txt, but I'm trying to improve.
huy XenoHex
のーと[note] nana775n
顔ポチありがとうございます! よかったら最後まで見ていってください🙌💕 スプラトゥーンをメインでやっています! 時間帯は深夜と朝が多いです!午後はタグマやプラベなどをよくしています! 日程、時間を決めればタグマ、プラベなどは可能ですので気軽に誘ってください✨ カーボン、スプラスコープ、3Kスコープ、96ガロンデコなどをよく使っています\(^^)/ 最近ハマっていることはEDMを聞くことです🙌 ボカロなどを聞いたりすることや、読書もすきです👍✨ ライアーゲームとかも未だに見てるくらいすきです(いつのドラマやねん) 最近Switch買いました\('')/スプラ2もやる予定ですので!一緒にできる方居たら気軽に声をかけてくださいませ! スプラやってる方、スプラ好きな方、スプラ2から参戦する方、趣味が合う方、単純に絡んでみたい!って思う方も気軽にフォローどうぞ🙌💕
Maverick ElMave
It´sa me Mave! Hago "Vidios", tengo un Blog y soy muy flojo para ello juasjuasjuas. También respondo preguntas en la página esa que ya saben cual [Me da mello que me penalicen por escribir nombres]
doofus 0400am
Textop textop
Hoi! I'm Textop. I play lots of different stuff. I like Undertale. I'm good (But not so good) at drawing. I'm a Gamer..Maybe you're cool too and you wanna follow me..I would surely appreciate it..Don't try to go forward down... There's nothing for you here... Alright. I'll stop...
SpσσκγМσмο MomoDaPanda_2305
Hallo, ma names Crystal but people call me momo...if you ask why its becuz its kewl #2Kewl4Skewl x3 Likes: •Singing(im a volcalist) •Drawing •being random cuz i can be σωσ •ummm...Oh! EATING O.o •telling jokes •I love Japan (AYE SHOUT OUT TO HOMELAND) •And The color black Dislikes: •Haters •People with no sence of humor •Lil kids who ask to many questions 16 years of age
·•Flowey•· Light.T.Hedgehog
Hiiiiiiiiiiii! :D Im Derpy,nice to meet you! ˙˘˙ ☆∞ years old ★five nights at freddys ☆everyone is invited to my profile! ★im really friendly! ☆full spanish ★supahh SWAG ☆sonicsonicsonicsonicsonicsonicsonicsonicsonicsonicsonicsonicsonicsoniiiiiiiiiiiic!!!!! ★shadow too •v• follow me?
Animal Crossing and Pokèmon trash
I also doodle things sometimes so that's cool