Users PaPierre Is Following
Meat Kourani
Don't much like Z moves. They make me look like one of the Village People.
Mom Mom2DStoday
Praise Jesus! :)
Joshua joshuprime2003
Rhys Majestic99
Feel free to add me and follow me. Love making new buddies :)
TOPolk TOPolk
Still waiting on those Virtual Boy ports... ------------ Most Wanted: Hyrule Warriors, SSB for Wii U Playing: Advance Wars, Abyss Beaten: NSMBU, Little Inferno, RUNNER2, CoD:BlOps2, NSLU, Pikmin 3, TW101, SM3DW, DKCTF, DuckTales, BLOKDROP U, Stick it to the Man, Mario Kart 8, Rayman Legends, Shovel Knight, Guacamelee ------------ Nintendo Brand Ambassador #NintendoEnthused
Yoshi fan llovecats
Often when you think you're at the end of something,you're at the beginning of something else.We must accept the end of something in order to build something new.It is good to have a end to journey toward; but its the journey that matters in the end.Let today be the start of something new.thanks peeps for awesome memorys i wish you good luck for the future!
SadCharley Weatherman360
Hi, I am a older adult. Adult requests only please. Please no more blank requests or will be rejected. I may take teen requests also. Member of AO. Best friend, Maxi. Love you dear♡♥. Other awesome sis. Donna, Maud, Sis, Thesesa, Karen, Alice,Rosie, Gail, Puzzlegirl ♡♥ Awesome bro. Balitor, Ku, Ron, All AO members, Steven, GRIFFIN, JS, Opa, Scott, Craig, Vamp and many more. Love you all ♡♥
Fossildude jubjublover
Hey there! I am Fossildude, a huge fan of the Fossil Fighters Franchise! Feel free to chat with me about Jurassic Park, Fossil Fighters, or something else! I also run my own Fossil Fighter Forums! Search 'fossil fighters forums tyrannosaur talk' in a search engine to get to my forums!
Rojo–Lobo♪ Afurryonei3
I don't know what to write something here, so this is what I wrote. Hi to anybody who reads this & enjoy whatever game your playing :) *However a notable exception applies to Undertale, which has possiblely the most toxic fanbase that I've ever seen in all my years of gaming. Everybody is welcome to an opinion, but mine is that Undertale is a tumor to the industry... folks shouldn't support it.
matt35 matt_25
i have a wii u and ps4 they both are amazing. my favorite game is all the zelda games and mario games. i like killzone and silent hill resident evil donkey kong is great to. i would love to work for nintendo one day. i love the nba the spurs are my favorite team. i can't wait for mk8 its going to be one of the best games of the year. and im happy to say that jesus christ is my everything.
Mike Hammer80
I'm a family man who enjoys games later at night after my wife and kids are asleep. Been gaming my whole life. Wii U is an amazing gaming system, it's very underrated. I play more Nintendo then anything else. 3ds is also great! Can't wait for the switch. Game on!!!!
JamieBrock JamieBrock
Gaming since '79. Loved NES, SNES, N64, GameCube and Wii. But Wii U is my favourite console of all time. I still have plenty left to play on it. Currently playing Assassin's Creed: Black Flag, Pikmin 3 and Steamworld Heist.
Brian artofmana
Brian has been a fan of Nintendo since the very first time he played Super Mario Bros. at a friend's house. His favorite series is The Legend of Zelda and his favorite game is Secret of Mana. If you would like to get to know Brian, he's very active in the Miiverse. Feel free to join his adventures!
Squilliam Squilliams_ID
Hi there, my fellow Miiverser! I'm now the proud owner of a Switch!!! To all of you who are also Switch owners: Please PM me to set up Switch things. I'm 33, so I limit my Miiverse friends to adults. I love the LEGEND of Zelda! I play: MK8, Splatoon, MH3U, etc. I am anti-reporting so you can be free to speak your mind around me. You're welcome! :D Cya round the 'Verse! <:D=
Johnny OKIVA77
began gaming in the 1980s as a little boy in arcades, pizza parlors, & at home on VIC 20, text games on floppy discs, &...Nintendo! The Bros....the Legends...the Hunter...the Falcon...the Village... special games include Killer 7, Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles, & Deadly Creatures. i play on original Xbox, PlayStation one-2-3, & moonlit beaches with my husband ♂Brotherhood♂ #PlayNintendo
Silverdome silverdome
Hi! Ive been A gamer for A long while. Ive played almost all game consoles since Atari. Huge fan of the NES/TG-16/SNES/GENESIS era of games. Also A big fan of ARCADE games. I have all the modern consoles and almost all Retro consoles. Wii U is becoming one of my favorite consoles, especially in the HD generation. Huge fan of the MARIO, ZELDA, METAL GEAR, MEGA MAN & SONIC series.
Lordi's FC FinishingClub
The Finishing Club is here to motivate people to finish some games out of their backlog. Its only meant to be fun so don't feel pressured if your not completing what you pledged. We have 33 members and our vice president is Mark.
Isaac bsg1979
hello. here are some things about me↓ age:8 friends:8 favorite wii u game: super mario 3D world favorite food: pizza (cheese) favorite drink: milk favorite animal: monkey favorite video: tom and jerry favorite color: blue favorite letter: i favorite number: 4 grade: 2 favorite friend: sammy
Thanks for stopping by. I'm a big fan of Nintendo, since 1988! The time of Wii U tends to the end. Games you should not miss: LoZ:BotW, SM3DW, Mario Kart 8, DKC:TF, Captain Toad:Treasure Tracker, Mass Effect 3, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Lego City Undercover, Pikmin 3, Rayman Legends, Yoshi's Woolly World, New Super Mario Bros. U No blank requests, please! Wish you always happy gaming!
DA Crow guidoc
Age:33 love fitness ^^ How to get the best out of your WiiU I know how just read my posts youtb News Channels my self The Crow Doctre81 Snorth93 Nintendo Fan Girl ThaBlackBaron Zelda Mario DK Bayonetta2 Devils Third! Xeno Blade! Can't Wait! Sure I like to draw Ill do a doodle some times to amuse you ;D Love Media share from PC to WiiU :D WiiU chat ... if I know Ü
Maddie Springabee
I love to play Animal Crossing New Leaf. :-) I am Mayor Maddie of Sunglade (est. June 9, 2013). I also like to play Super Smash Bros. Wii U and Mario Kart 8. My favorite smash bros. character is the villager. I play as the pink girl villager mostly, sometimes the green girl. My favorite Mario Kart 8 racer is Toadette. :-)
Daniel Daniel101
I absolutely love Pokémon and Mario!! But I also like Kirby, Kid Icarus, and Super Smash Bros.
a person™ 7spinone2Toscasa
i dont actually have a beard
$park¥ paradisethefurry
Greetings miiverse! it is i, Sparky the prince of lightning! If you have any questions about me do not hesitate to ask on my posts!
Does your cable provider offer a channel dedicated to monkeys stealing ice cream cones from humans? No? Then what are you paying them for?
John HalfShelledHero
Heroes in a half shell, TURTLE POWER!!! Been gaming since I was 3 on my Atari & NES. My all-time favorite games: Ocarina of Time Super Mario Bros. 3 Super Mario Bros. Halo: Combat Evolved A Link to the Past Star Fox 64 Majora's Mask Metroid Prime Earthbound Super Mario 64 CoD4: Modern Warfare GTA: San Andreas Red Dead Redemption Black Ops 2 Favorite Ninja Turtle: Michelangelo
Manda SunnySkiddo
Hello, I love games! I'm a grown-up gamer on Miiverse. I love to chat about games, & I like to draw sometimes too. :) Main games I'm playing - Pokémon Sun, Pokémon Art Academy, Virtual Console games of Warioland, & Super Mario 2, 6 Golden Coins. Been inactive for a while, apologies. I have now returned and will be posting new stuff when I can. :) Manda & Kaito MUFC = awesomeness! :D
Isabella MoonlitSkye231
Eli Cucco-Catcher
Hello! :D Welcome to my profile. I have been a Nintendo fan since... FOREVER. My first console was an N64, and in my opinion, it's still the best one there is. My favourite series is The Legend of Zelda, but I also love: ›Pokémon. ›Xenoblade Chronicles. ›Super Smash Bros. ›Banjo-Kazooie. ›Elder Scrolls. ›Batman Arkham, and ›Dragons Dogma.
Jerbear JERBEAR42387
life long Nintendo fan. Mario Series is my favorite. also a fan of Star wars,the Dallas Cowboys, and New York Yankees. Gotta a black lab named Buddy, who I love tons. You can find me in a galaxy far far away! I DON'T Wii U Chat!!! I will reject any friend requests wanting to wii u chat. thanks for the understanding, and game on!
jason xxcjxx11
hi everbody my name is jason and i hope u love my posts check them out
Scream! WhySoSerious44
I am a Christian first of all. My interests include football, baseball, basketball, and curling. I love Batman, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Twilight Zone and Star Trek. I believe whatever doesn't kill you simply makes you.... stranger...
Joshua KingNothingAL
This user's profile comment is private.
The Fox The_Fox_15
Like everyone, I'm bummed that Miiverse is shutting down. I knew it was only a matter of time for the Wii U, but I was surprised that it's also being killed off for my beloved 3DS. I have a Switch, but honestly, I still do the majority of my gaming on the Wii U. I have so many great games I still need to beat. And so many clever post to get out there before 8 November.
◆◆◆i'm an ancient terrestrial◆◆◆ ▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼ thank you to the people who stop by my posts,even if its just to yeah comments/draws (much appreciated) been here since the beginning at I'll be here in the end. Sorry I won't be going with you to quitter or grace look etc. So let's make the best of it until they throw us out.
Marc wiiboy2410
Welcome to my profile. The new home for my random drawings and: •IDRAW4U- Art Requests (253) CLOSED Playing: WiiU •BOTW (11) ★★ •Mario Maker (9) •Paper Mario CS (9) •SF Guard (9) •Splinter Cell Blacklist (10)★ •TMS #FE (10)★ 3DS •FE Fates (10)★ •FF Theatrythm CC (10)★ •HW Legends (9) ·Metroid Prime FF (8) •MH Generations (10)★ ·Pokemon Sun (10)★ •SSB4 (10)★
☆WELCOME 2 MY PROFILE☆★Add me on Nintendo Switch★ ★Competitive Smash bros/Pokemon Series/Tcg★ ☆★Smash Bros. Clan Member of:☆Forgotten Deities☆★ ♥I Love all Nintendo Franchise's!♥ ★☆I Love Anime such as Dragon Ball Z/Pokemon ☆★ ★☆I Have a New 3ds/Ps3☆★ ★☆I Play Pokemon TCG online!☆★ ☆I ♥ Wii Fit U (♡ω♡) ★☆Message me if you wish 2 join Hyrule Legend Gym☆★
Aymen Aymen29
Hello everyone! The name is Aymen, welcome to my profile. I like playing video games and I hope you do too! I publish amazing Mario Maker levels you guys will love and I play online in Splatoon and Smash Bros Wii U and yeah! Reddit: OnTheSlope03
Life continues after Miiverse...too bad it must fade away.