PaPierre's Friends
Rhys Majestic99
Feel free to add me and follow me. Love making new buddies :)
SadCharley Weatherman360
Hi, I am a older adult. Adult requests only please. Please no more blank requests or will be rejected. I may take teen requests also. Member of AO. Best friend, Maxi. Love you dear♡♥. Other awesome sis. Donna, Maud, Sis, Thesesa, Karen, Alice,Rosie, Gail, Puzzlegirl ♡♥ Awesome bro. Balitor, Ku, Ron, All AO members, Steven, GRIFFIN, JS, Opa, Scott, Craig, Vamp and many more. Love you all ♡♥
Brent BLG1331
Hellooooooo everybody i am Brent from BrentLovesGaming, i am 24, i play games on youtube, i also have a ps4, blg1331 is my id :)
TurfMaster Bryce777777
*Look for Miiverse Haven before we get shut down alright? * Adult gamer who respects all videogames and their impact on our unique personal experiences * I own 18 different consoles and 10 different handhelds from throughout the generations * Completed every Zelda game 100% multiple times to the point where I have everything memorized * I'm a full-time Head Chef so I'm usually working or gaming.
Rojo–Lobo♪ Afurryonei3
I don't know what to write something here, so this is what I wrote. Hi to anybody who reads this & enjoy whatever game your playing :) *However a notable exception applies to Undertale, which has possiblely the most toxic fanbase that I've ever seen in all my years of gaming. Everybody is welcome to an opinion, but mine is that Undertale is a tumor to the industry... folks shouldn't support it.
Davidkira7 Davidkira9
Ricky BlueGreyWolf
I'm just someone that plays video games. I hope to play many games that I might take interest and complete them fully! So....adieu! *Yo hablo un poquito. Gorillas are cool! An avid Animal Crossing/Splatoon player!
A.J Ayesha27
Hey im AJ im 20 ;) Remember : Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you riding through the ruts, don't complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy. Don't bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality. Wake Up and Live! Bob Marley
kyee magoozy
Bring it!!!! I'm 12 so i know games i love nintendo i have almost all their game systems. my goal on is to get much friends and followers. i love my family and pet and games.
Squilliam Squilliams_ID
Hi there, my fellow Miiverser! I'm now the proud owner of a Switch!!! To all of you who are also Switch owners: Please PM me to set up Switch things. I'm 33, so I limit my Miiverse friends to adults. I love the LEGEND of Zelda! I play: MK8, Splatoon, MH3U, etc. I am anti-reporting so you can be free to speak your mind around me. You're welcome! :D Cya round the 'Verse! <:D=
Marc wiiboy2410
Welcome to my profile. The new home for my random drawings and: •IDRAW4U- Art Requests (253) CLOSED Playing: WiiU •BOTW (11) ★★ •Mario Maker (9) •Paper Mario CS (9) •SF Guard (9) •Splinter Cell Blacklist (10)★ •TMS #FE (10)★ 3DS •FE Fates (10)★ •FF Theatrythm CC (10)★ •HW Legends (9) ·Metroid Prime FF (8) •MH Generations (10)★ ·Pokemon Sun (10)★ •SSB4 (10)★
K9 MAXIMAX Maximus51
The time is drawing near so I must say I have had a great experience on the wii u. I am not sad because it is the way of life. The old must leave and the new will take over. I have equally been able to find other means to keep in touch with friends. Technology is advanced that there are ways to not loose friendships. Be safe, take care and our gaming together is far from over.
JamieBrock JamieBrock
Gaming since '79. Loved NES, SNES, N64, GameCube and Wii. But Wii U is my favourite console of all time. I still have plenty left to play on it. Currently playing Assassin's Creed: Black Flag, Pikmin 3 and Steamworld Heist.
Maurii Lackii
POWER ON, Mii! I'm an old school gamer from the 1970's whose been fortunate enough to own 1-2 home consoles since PONG. I now game soley on the Nintendo Wii U. Playing: Mega Man 9,Super Smash, Splatoon. Missing on VC: Kung Fu, Baseball Stars, Pro Wrestling. Other: Urban Hikes, Classic/Alt. Rock, Cooking, excessive contemplating. I GOT NEXT!
GamerLOL4u GamerCool200310
Eh, hello everyone -_- It has been a long time since I've been here... so yeah I guess I'm back for all ya young virgins... ;-;
Meat Kourani
Don't much like Z moves. They make me look like one of the Village People.
Markell kellykelz
Hello! I'm just a guy who loves video games. These are my favorite gaming franchises: Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, Fire Emblem, Sonic the Hedgehog, Kingdom Hearts, Dragon Quest, Kirby, Starfox, F-Zero, Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, Ratchet and Clank, Resident Evil (1-4) Street Fighter, Metal Gear Solid, etc. I really hate trolls, and people who bash me for voicing my own opinion.
LC Lawrenceiow
My first 'home console' game: Pong (or whatever it was my dad built) My first 'home computer game': Catacombs (ZX81, many yrs ago!) Played the most: WiiU: ME3(MP) 3DS: AC:NL Sooo enjoying Zelda BotW
Dennis U mangamusicfan
Hello! =) *adult gamer (24) *Nintendo fanboy *RPG lover * into games like secret of mana. Bravely default, lufia, Zelda, Mario etc. *own every Nintendo console. *have a new 3ds only account. Have a good day =) And remember play your daily Nintendo games!
Bink Mr.Nose
Stickin' like glue with Wii U! Yeah, and 3DS too. ... And generous amounts of retro gaming, to boot.
Andrew Nacho007
Hey everybody! I'm 25, and a Nintendo-maniac, always have and always will! I'm into all sorts of games, but The Legend of Zelda is my favorite franchise not only from the Big N, but out of any franchise in gaming. I'm a very knowledgeable gamer, old school & new, and am also into sports(NFL, NBA), pro wrestling, and comics. That about wraps up my info, chao! "Let's Play!" - Sonny (Mario Golf N64)
RON FamiWiiU1313
First thing, Thank You Miiverse! All the yeahs and kind remarks. In my free time I do like playing Nintendo games...NINTENDO #1!!!! Now back to more Awesome Nintendo Wii U games!!! Picture Caption...Reflections...The Switch is awesome! So Sad to see Miiverse go...To everyone whom I met or not, best wishes in the future... 10/15/17 Thank You Everyone who stops to check out my page!
To All: if you want a friend, be one & you've got one here. Status: loving & loved by my girl. as such, please don't mistake witty repartee as interest in anything other than grins & giggles. i am no one's judge, but Miiverse dating is not for me. i don't cheat. Age=x: 13<x<113. only interested in interesting conversation, smart/funny posts & artistic talent on display. so, my age is irrelevant.
Séto Kaiba Azariel2
Welcome to Séto Kaiba's Profile here i may post things i post here. Goal: yeahs and friends! I Wii U Chat, so we can chat. Sorry it was a long time back here because of watching PopularMMOS and TheDiamondMinecart. -Séto Kaiba P.S. Check my favorite screenshot post of the Rainbow Bubble Earthquake Attack and yeah. :) Sorry guys I am leaving Miiverse because I got my New PS4 so this means goodbye:(
Jolie jolierush
Hey Jacks! Im Jolie! Call me Jol,Jolrus or whatever i dont care too be honest! i love video games! there awesome! im really good too! im really happy for smash on wii ü! i use villiger, dark pit or any challenge that has a nice up special! I also play Splatoon! (Roller OP ) anyway.. Challenge me one time! Dont underestimate me because im a girl! ... HOWS LIFE? =D
Brandon CaptainPrice2422
Im always ready to game on anyday.
Ezekiel EzekielB
Matt Mattisakid
Kris KrissB
Gaming my whole life. First ever game was Super Mario Bros. Unabashed Nintendo fan. Nintendo always has been - and always will be - number one! I am a novelist and game reviewer. I have a BA Honours degree, and my thesis was about the postmodern aspects of Nintendo's products and people. I also have written other essays based on videogames, as well as literary theories, Shakespeare, poetry, etc.
Jahn Mrs_Mountian_Dew
NO☆Therlu Therlu
No longer really feeling it. Socializing account of the Luther/Therlu consortium. Curator at #MadeinMiiverse. Honorary member of the PKRS Club. Team NintendObs. NO☆. Toad fan since the inception of the Mushroom Kingdom. It's official: the Nintendo Treehouse has called Toad "the voice of victory." NintendObs Play With Passion. NintendObserver For the people who just want to play videogames.
Aj LEGOfan12
NO Wii U CHAT! Hi Miiverse! I'm a boy who loves LEGO, Video-Games & Ninja! I'm Christian! Fav. VG series: Anything Nintendo, Sonic, LittleBigPlanet, Kingdom Hearts & more! Fav. VG Companies: Nintendo, SEGA, Sony, Square-Enix & TT Games! My Systems: PC, PS3/4, GC, GBA, Switch, 3DS & Wii U. Please visit my Scribblenauts Unlimited store "Dojo of Imagination" we sell VGs, Ninja, Trucks & more!
Nathan G4mer80y
Hey I'm a Canadian
David Le nhacle
Hmm, I wonder what's for dinner? Well, SQUADALA, WE'RE OFF.
Jamie JamieGAllacher
I decided to rewrite my profile description but I couldn't think of anything to say
Kit Kat Kit-Katt
Hi there! I love to read, play videogames, listen to music, and study Theology! I am a Disciple of Jesus Christ! He is the best thing in my life. One of my favorite shows is Gravity Falls! It's hilarious. I love Fire Emblem: Awakening, it's an amazing game! I'm addicted! I also love The Legend of Zelda! Even though they easily confuse me Have an awesome day, and have a cookie! (^o^)
jimmy jimmyhat79
just got the wii u n looking for cool ppl to play online add me please
andrew Lizard13
Despite the nay sayers, the WiiU is my console of choice. Is it ideal? Nope. But it works for me! I'm mostly friendly and mostly funny and I can draw a bit, so if you want to talk I'm willing to listen. Sadly, voice chats are not an option. No offense, it just isn't my thing. Beyond that, I'm into comics, games and taking care of my family, which includes two chihuahuas and also my wife.
Jon DomJon1210
Welcome to a person who has a little art and too much opinions! I am a big Nintendo fan and I wish to expand my experience of gaming even further. I'm a big fan of film and TV, especially when it comes to animation, and love Lego (Bionicle esp.). Also, if I come off too hard on my opinion (which happens), sorry. I should mention that I'm 17yo and don't do facechats.
Jake JakeRodrigues
Hi guys! I love playing video games, and I try to be amiable and friendly to all! I'm a 21 year-old college student who oddly enough prefers Nintendo and games like The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker and Super Mario Galaxy to FPSs and gray CoD clones. I may not be on Miiverse often, but I try to get on every day and I'm always open to chatting about games or other things like movies & TV shows :D
Alvin AlviEao
My name is Alvin! I'm an avid video gamer into classic and modern gaming. I'm also a huge fan of Super Mario, Donkey Kong, The Legend of Zelda, Kid Icarus, Shinobi, Yoshi, Streets of Rage, Sonic the Hedgehog, Kirby, Wario, Star Fox, Klonoa, The Legendary Starfy and Azure Striker Gunvolt. Definitely not your average gamer, as I'm rather informative elsewhere. Happy Gaming!
Ahmed eternalcube
I love all kinds of videogames and Nintendo fan since childhood.. Favorite game/series? Metroid...
Kamari I_Am_Hades
Enjoy The Best From The Best In Gaming! Nintendo! Nintendo Power. =) Gaming on Nintendo is all about Exclusive Content, and Innovation in gaming. 3rd Parties are heavily influenced by Sony/Ms why? Simple. Because they Cater to 3rd Party$$$. They CAN'T compete on their own... Nintendo are Game Developers through n through. Sony/Ms aren't. They only pay others for their content.
jp456 littlebigplanet3
hey everyone i hope you like my comments and others if you guys want to add me be sure too if you want:D And also lets reach our goal of 1,000 yeahs.I know we can reach it.
Adam alaz21
Let's play sometime!
Matthew Jesusfreak89
hey what up i am matt and i am a soldier for my Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST the risen KING who reigns in heaven and earth. i like shooters and am a huge metroid fan. i am 23 and love bike riding and music. love making new friends and talking to new people so hope to meet many of you while gaming online and on miiverse :)
chig chigster69
Hi, Im charlie but people call me chig. I am a huge fan of zelda games and also resident evil games. I am a older gamer and been playing games since the nes. I dont do wii u chat so dont try, lol. All my friends on here are really nice and i appreciate that so thanks. I wont friend someone unless i get to know them first. Thanks for looking at my profile and enjoy life and of course your gaming.
Brine FineLerv
I love retro games, the Commodore 64 and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I admire Nintendo's innovation and believe that Mii Verse could very well be Nintendo's greatest achievement. Online Multiplayer games I own: ☆ Trine 2 : Director's Cut ☆ Monster Hunter ☆ Chronicles of Mystara ☆ Castlestorm ☆ Dr Luigi ☆ Assassin's Creed 3 ☆ Pure Chess ☆ Mario Kart 8 ☆ Smash Bros. ☆ Splatoon
matt35 matt_25
i have a wii u and ps4 they both are amazing. my favorite game is all the zelda games and mario games. i like killzone and silent hill resident evil donkey kong is great to. i would love to work for nintendo one day. i love the nba the spurs are my favorite team. i can't wait for mk8 its going to be one of the best games of the year. and im happy to say that jesus christ is my everything.
★ яудη ★ MrChallenger
I like Challenging games New and Old and trying to win them all but i also just like to play games sometimes for fun! Also will be on at random times for both WiiU&3DS and Nintendo games are fun to play! Other things i like is WatchingSports, walking/running at the track, like the beach! and spending time withFriends,Family,andGod!Im also saved an believe in Jesus who is our onlySalvationInLife
★ßπεττ★ barwiifan
ALT: barwiifan2.0 Heya! I'm Brett, a 16 year-old who plays many Nintendo franchises, like Mario, Zelda, Metroid, you know the drill. :) Currently writing a Splatoon story! Click on my favorite post↑to check it out! Leader of ηκ, Ninty Kings! Will have wars in Smash, Splatoon, and MK8. Talk to me for a trial in one or all of these games. I'm also a Christian. I♥Jesus†
Fewa bwasonic
My real name is (classified information). I'm hardly ever here anymore. Not to say I'm gone forever, but. . . yeah, don't expect much activity from me.
C Bunga callumlindsay
Hi fellow Wii U owners! I cut my gaming teeth on sega master system/megadrive in the late 80s/early 90s (very few had the NES/SNES in NZ). Also spent a lot of my youth playing Atari 2600, C64, Amiga 500. Teens was all about PC gaming and then came the N64 when I really clicked with Nintendo...and there began my obsession! Love talking about Nintendo (and star wars and heavy metal!) Friends anyone?
kmpyj kmpyj1
For the most part, i like fighters, shooters, and RPG Games. I own every console. I am a muti-plat gamer and hold no grudge against any gaming industry. I really love the Wii U though, it has so much potential. I really like the Gamepad, and can't wait to see what great games Nintendo has instored for us.
Jose KnucklesSonic8
FritzyMeltdown Freelance Writer ◆Code Name STEAM Champ◆ amiibo Agent Independence Supernatural ² Sink or Swim Second Star ³ Steel Driver Election Day ² Emerald City ² ◆Disney Infinity Toy Box Artist◆ 33 Toy Boxes The Candy Caper: 2K+ DLs Perry Files 001: 1.5K+ DLs Matterhorn P.M.: Hon. Mention Future Fight (w/Fdanielix): 3rd Stan's Time-Fair ("): Hon. Mention ~ Dino Reserve Run Tourist Terror
Opa OpaPan
I am retired. I have been playing on the Wii/Wii U since 2011. I have enjoyed many of the games. Enjoy all Lego games, Mario games, Zelda game, Sonic games and many others. Favorite game is Fantasy Life on 3DS. Only Wii Chat with grandkids.
Prolence Prolence
As you may know, people play games because they like to have a good time. People play games because they like to forget the real world for a while. We also play games no matter the age. If somebody enjoys something you don't, please no need to bash them for that, right? Lets just do what we enjoy, play games and have a good time. Oh and also, if you don't like something, others might :]
Kiote KcebEnyaw
Emm™ SuperGoldLuigi1
[Age:14] +This profile is rarely active. crippling depression,adhd,good memes,and other golden things of this generation that isn't trash.
Hopper7 hopper7
Lordi coopertrooper
Hi everyone, my names Lordi! I'm 48 years young. Fav books: The Hobbit,The Green Mile Fav film: Shaun of the Dead Music : Alice Cooper, Nightwish, Iron Maiden I also have a 3ds,PS4 and Kindle e reader,love them all.. Never Too Old To Game
Thanks for stopping by. I'm a big fan of Nintendo, since 1988! The time of Wii U tends to the end. Games you should not miss: LoZ:BotW, SM3DW, Mario Kart 8, DKC:TF, Captain Toad:Treasure Tracker, Mass Effect 3, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Lego City Undercover, Pikmin 3, Rayman Legends, Yoshi's Woolly World, New Super Mario Bros. U No blank requests, please! Wish you always happy gaming!
MacGyver MacGyver-1970
"Mac's Corner is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." Do you have problems seeing all Mac's Corners? It works well on a 3DS, and you can also sign in to Miiverse using a computer. Then you can see them all! Thank you, Iwata-san, for all the great memories from yesteryear, today, and the future!
Carlo Carlo_H.Luz
Nintendo, employ me! ü
gmoney gmoney1989
hey my name is gregory but they call me g.boi i luv video games but also love to go to da gym and play basketball ooooo yea last part da wii u rules
Arwen Arwen007
I grew up with a passion for playing videogames & I see no end in sight! Aside from gaming I love reading graphic novels & fiction based in the horror genre, as well as collecting videogame & movie memorabilia. I've always been obsessed with LOTR & hope one day I have enough space to display my entire collection (& there's a lot)! Thanks for dropping by :-)
Matthew S stiny421
hey there I'm stiny421 and I am a huge movie, video game, and sterescopic 3d fan. I also love Nintendo if it wasn't already obvious :P anyways I'm here to have fun, play awesome games, and meet new people(hopefully I'll make some new friends along the way) :) I hope to see you all online! keep rocking the miiverse!!! :D
Patrick Comebackkid
Novum calebhooper
Kevin justjoined
Currently playing: Breath of the Wild Recently finished: Twilight Princess HD Paper Mario 64 (Virtual Console) All-time favourite game: Xenoblade Chronicles (Wii) Favourite franchise: Legend of Zelda
Koi NinKoi
Inactive News Reporter for 3DS News (Folkloner3DS). Kid raising takes a lot of time Nintendo fan & gaming since 1985 :) Hype meter: 0-{}{}5{}{}10{}{}{}{}{}{}{X}{}100 Games playing now: Star Fox Lego Star Wars Upcoming games: Xenoblade Chronicles X Last Completed: Lego Avengers 3DS - playing: Nothing for now Backlog: None[][][][]Medium[][X][][]High It's kinda growing! I have Switch, PM me!
Thank you to everyone whose accepted my friend requests on Wii U and 3DS. I love supporting Nintendo and their products. Also a HUGE fan of the eshop and indie game developers. Big fan of vinyl music too. Pro wrestling fan as well (moreso in the 90s). Not a fanboy as everyone has a right to like whatever they like, and I also own other consoles. MIIVERSE IS THE BEST! ANYONE FRIEND REQUEST ME!
dusk dusklurker
Senketsu Gman98
Hey Miiverse Gabe here, how goes it? Age:16 Hobbies/ Likes: Anime, such as Attack on Titan, One Piece, Naruto, Toradora, and too many more to list, gaming, going to movies, and hanging with friends. Currently Playing: MK8, Super Smash Bros Wii U, Hyrule Warriors, soon to be MH4U. Some of my fav game series: Pokemon, Zelda, Kingdom Hearts , Final Fantasy. No Wii U chat unless I know ya.
~Mews~ Meowsalot
Letsee meow~i'ma 36yr old Male Kitty & Mews haz two Clawesome Cats named Panda & Piggy! =^.^= Fave Animew ~Azumanga Daioh~ Fave Manga ~Dramacon~ Please Play Nice & Be Respectful Meow Got a Nintendo Switch & like Cats? SW 3343 0498 1223 (You don't actually have to like cats. But you should! hehe) ~Have a Mice Day!~ =^,.,^=
Silverdome silverdome
Hi! Ive been A gamer for A long while. Ive played almost all game consoles since Atari. Huge fan of the NES/TG-16/SNES/GENESIS era of games. Also A big fan of ARCADE games. I have all the modern consoles and almost all Retro consoles. Wii U is becoming one of my favorite consoles, especially in the HD generation. Huge fan of the MARIO, ZELDA, METAL GEAR, MEGA MAN & SONIC series.
Sonic20012 Sonic20012
RIP SATORU IWATA 1959-2015 Hi! I love video games! I have a GBA, DSlite, DSi, 3DS, Wii, PS3, PS4, PS4 Pro, Wii U, and a Switch!
Kool C KoolC357
Hello! I've been a gamer since the days of Atari. Yes, I'm old (ha,ha). I love a variety games. My favorites are rpgs, and action adventure. Some of my favorite franchises are Zelda and Metroid. Also, I consider myself fairly knowledgeable about what's going on in the video game community. Anyhow, nice meeting everyone. Game on!
Ray00101 Ray00101
Hi. I'm 25 years old. Don't send me friend requests if you're under 18. It's creepy. Thanks.
christian osp975
Hello, youve reached the profile of I'm a person, thats possibly all you need to know :P Friend Requests? i accept most ._.
PAT! Kokumaker
こんにちは! I'm an old-school child of the '80s, science fiction nerd, hopeless amiibo addict, rock & roll lover and metalhead, student of 日本語, and proud papa of one amazing daughter. I still miss the sweet thrill of arcades and have two NES's hooked up at home to this day (as well as every other Nintendo console ever made, plus a PS2, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One)! I am now loving the Switch, as well!
Lil Devil Magic.Mushroom
i enjoy music,art,video games.mostly stuck with Nintendo through the years,although some of you may know of my love for the Dreamcast (: the wiiU is the most enjoyable piece of electronics ive ever owned.and that says alot as im somewhat of an electronics junkie,ever since i was a young lad,anything i could get my hands on that i could pop batteries in and do something cool with made me happy :)
Joshua Lionheart85
Gamer to the max, also love playing guitar and staying fit at the gym! Feel free to add me I'm always up for some multiplayer!
Youtube's KFD3D. The Legendary PredicTOR! The Unbreakable Spirit! Is here on the amazing Miiverse. TRUST In The G.O.A.T Nintendo! HAYTCH DEE!! DAT CGI DEE!! & DAT YUMMY DEE!! When sending me a friend request, please tell me how you know me via the messaging feature or else you will be rejected. Thank you :) If my friend list is full. JUST FOLLOW ME!!!
Marcello Glacier928
Founder/Editor-in-Chief of Wii U Games I Own: -007 Legends -Avengers BfE -Batman Arkham City -FotNS:Ken's Rage 2 -Kung Fu Rabbit -LEGO City Undercover -Mighty Switch Force -Nano Assault Neo -NFS Most Wanted U -NSMBU -Ninja Gaiden 3:Razor's Edge -Nintendo Land -Puddle -RE Revelations -Runner 2 -Sonic Transformed -TEKKEN Tag 2 -Toki Tori 2 -Trine 2 -Warriors Orochi 3 Hyper -ZombiU
Life continues after Miiverse...too bad it must fade away.