Nin◆Paddy†'s Followers
ьυΐΐέțþîίΐ porksoda909
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H!T Sen BonnitsMiku
Heya! I'm just yo' SENsational Girl, *HumanVania Intensifies* IRL: Mood: Sad... Relationship: No...úxú Glasses Fandom Trash Speaks 4 Languages Cosplayer ♥BATIM/FNAF/UT♥ --♀----♪-----∞-- Online [☆] Offline [] Outta posts: NEVER! Don't be mean to my followers/Friends > :< Or you get a BAD TIME... Sayonara! p.s Bye MV...ÚWÚ *Gives you a cookie* Omg'!! Thank you for 500+ Follows!!!♥♪
Ûmbrian Kæ DarkLordofFood
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Ryan Ryancb27
Hello Everyone! My name is Ryan. I am 13 years old. I have a Wii, Wii U, Nintendo 3DS and Nintendo Switch. I played the Wii ever since March 2012. And I also have a game capture card as well. It lets me record my game footage when I need to. Also, feel free to send me a friend request. I accept all friend requests. I have been on Miiverse ever since July 28, 2014. Also, RIP Miiverse 2012-2017.
Dillon SlimTX1980
What's sup my bros my name is Dillon and I love Wii U games.My favorite games are Splatoon,Splatoon 2,Lost Reavers,and Paper Mario Color Splash.If you want to play a game with me then let's be friends.That's all.Stay cool my peps.
£andrew and424
Name:Andrew favorite games:animal crossing,ssb,mk7 and steel diver sub wars Proud member of £eviathan fav movie:star wars fav hobbie:legos and reading Im A strong christian Ask to be friends I am very friendly. friends:shreaker,bella,hope in god,ally,red, kaden, ray,rayla,Noah, Dylan,JJ, and jacjason. Believe on the l0rd JC and you will be saved.
markus mandysunny
I am the heart and brain of the community.
Jacob richards9498
Things are looking grim... I'll miss all of you deeply. Thank you everyone, for all the great times. Now, some info on where you can f¡nd me. Universe that's closed: My name, mii, and everything is the same. (;
dark light DarkOne05
demichael demichael12
citiy Tye-C2
CC★Matthew Matthew3167
omя♪Chris♪ christine112
hiya there! I am Christine! you can call me Oreo if you'd like. I love making friends! ristrictions: i barely go on miiverse. if i do, it's to message someone. i do wii u chat, but please tell me before you call! i only play minecraft and sometimes mario maker! i am in The omя clan.
ом¢★Sabre tymc22
Hi. Age of 13. 💪😐✌ Twitter Name: TylerMK813 Clash of Clans Clan Name: salad warrior's. (Don't mind the name. I am not leader) Bye Miiverse. Nice knowing y'all.
∞γδιδ∞ргσ∞ momoftwo82
Ow my face... ;-; Anyways, hello! I'm Camryn! Just an ordinary gamer.I like to play things like Minecraft, Mario Kart 8, and more! I suggest following/friending these people: DillonWasHere, FatimaAliBatoul0 Also, im in 7th Grade, almost 13 years old! Oh! If you got an IPhone, get Miiverse Amino and Miiverse will live on! :D That's all from me! Have a great day! :D
unbbhp esther.bregler91
счте :3 DankPostatoChisp
Sorry Miiverse that you cant make it you were so wonderful. I love everything you gave me. Because I have no soul. Im gonna Not post as often as usual but it seems ive already started quite a while ago. I will miss each and everyone of you my followers,my friends,and Foxy710 My marvelous companions *Foxy710♥ *Patryk_Eddworld♥ *Humbwab♡♥♡♥
popularmmo ssgill
guys im im ofline in november cause miiveres is going to be unavalible to all residents in miivreres
Mr.Steak wiimine4ever
Hey everybody! Mr. Steak here! I am so good. (Except the fact that Miiverse is shutting down so soon.) Why Miiverse, WHY!? (It's shutting down November 7th or 8th.) (•-•) / (·~·) / So SAD! Noob Face! (·–·) (And don't forget to post noob faces, emojis, shapes, signs, sayings, and memes! Also tell me the games you guys play so we can start a conversation!) See you! (Well, before Miiverse ends...)
いしぜき たくま AmazyDayzee
好きなマリオキャラTop3 (Top 3 Favorite Mario Characters) 1: きらめくパンジーさん (Amazy Dayzee) 2: マルガリータ (Valentina) 3: キノピコ (Toadette) 好きなゼルダキャラTop3 (Top 3 Favorite Zelda Characters) 1: メドリ (Medli) 2: テトラ (Tetra) 3: ルト (Ruto) ビデオゲームに登場する種族になれるとしたらTop3 (In top 3, if I am able to become a race that appears in video games) 1: リト族 (Rito) 2: モーグリ族 (Moogle) 3: ゾーラ族 (Zora)
BrayByrd BrayByrd2007
i love kwing and kwife
Games ionasmalls
I Like Games Minecraft My Favorite Game And Im A Girl ,also if u wanna play minecraft together add me as a friend a msg me thx
RAYO jilsxd
riley Gusgus07
Mario drzyan
Nurse joy SuperHeroLily1
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Juvi juvimack
Mommy casabesse
mcqueen95 samlgrl
kayla kayla0820
Tyler tylermichael7
tavo super210798
SS★Kгακεη★ InsaneGaming2003
Hello everyone i am insanegaming but you can call me CapnKraken I like splatoon i just love splatting the walls. im very freindly. i love playing minecraft or splatoon you can always add me so we can play together :D ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★★☆★☆★☆★☆ And as always ♪Dont Get cooked Stay off the hook♪ P.S. Team Marina! P.P.S R.I.P Miivers
ガンダム キマリス yuriko128
フォローが1000人でフォローが出来なくなっちゃった ガンダム キマリス です 名前変えました!! しゅぎょうちゅう→→ナカトミノ カマタリ→→ガンダム キマリス ミバ友様 こいするめ様 お師匠様 GT*LOVEアリス様 夏休み終わって部活めんどいよー(剣道部) ガンダム大好き♡(特にオルフェンズ) 10/11更新
снгίς★άļť★ Sauron18
Hi guys! This is снгίς's alt account! I will use this account if my main runs out of posts, to see YT videos! Check my main in my following list!
Optimize supersegakid
Hi guys it's me Segakid. And I like playing games like Zelda, Mario, Pokemon, Sonic, Minecraft, Splatoon and all great games. I'm also pretty good at video games and it will be great to meet you all. Best friends: awesomeroxz Xmaster1 ˘\(^♡^)/˘ (·˛·) (îσî)
Bombyking adsmo13
Hello everyone. This is the last day of miiverse. Friend request me if you want to. This will most likely be the last day for that. Thanks everyone for showing support. And thank you Nintendo, for miiverse. I hope too see this place again one day. Thanks everyone, you all have been amazing. With great thanks, Bomby(Adsmo13).
Hoy I'm Paedric!
I'm 14 and 6"1
Leader of the StopTommy Clan
Hoy I'm Paedric!
I'm 14 and 6"1
Leader of the StopTommy Clan
Peeps to Follow:
Ed™ (Edward_Wetter)
Jess (coolspike80)
Kong (Skyrocket712)
Noah (NV63NV)
Clarence (Tinyboy1997)
Winnie (PikachooGal)
Zom (phonatgeodeZom)
Elzonire (TheWindMage)
Noelle (lego_lover96)
Diamond (landmarkchurch2)
Ray (rayolinels)
Maguire (Mcgreen554)
Megan (Giant.Squirrels)