Nin◆Paddy†'s Friends
Bryce MOOodes-MOOse
This is it. The last days on miiverse. I have been thinking of the switch ever since the announcement came. If I could convince nintendo to keep miiverse, I would put all my effort to do it. I still remember my old account and back when I first started in smm. 946 post were made in my previous account which is quite a lot! This is all I have since miiverse is ending and thank you for your post.
Optimze Optimize9898
Hi! Guys
снгίς★άļť★ Sauron18
Hi guys! This is снгίς's alt account! I will use this account if my main runs out of posts, to see YT videos! Check my main in my following list!
Maguire Mcgreen554
Hi, I'm Maguire! I'm a 16 year old Christian who was born on June 13th, 2001. I'm friendly, silly, and try my best to be optimistic! I usually check Miiverse at least once a day, and will occasionally post a joke or something about my life. For more facts about me, click my profile pic.
οм¢☆Seb☆ supermariobash
Welcome to my profile! let's be best friends restrictions: 3 Follow me, i follow you! iam kind i use miiverse mostly. i like drawing Thx for stopping by.;) P.S. I do Wii U chat but no spam call plus, I am co leader of ом¢ Also, I am 13! Feel free to send a you know what!!!!! My favorite games are MC and COD:G I watch yt I play MC most. My dream is to make lots of friends! Have a good day!!!!
PotatoBoi 195626love
Hello! I am PotatoBOI! I prefer to be called 'They' or 'Them'. DON'T MISGENDER ME PLZ. I do give criticism for art. Age: TROLL Favorite animes: AoT, Black Butler, Your lie in April, and many more! DAS IT
Nin◆ωìηțęř LetsplayMK8
Hey there all you weird people looking at my profile, I'm Winter, part of Nin◆Clan, I like Smash 4 and Mario Kart 8, but mainly MK8, we should play sometime. Leader of Nin◆: Nin◆Jess Add him at Glitchjess1 to ask him if you can join the clan, if you want to. In case people want to know, I'm 17, so, yeah. Yo hablo un poco de español también. RIP Miiverse you shall be missed.
Minimum Minimumderp318
Hello guys i am Minimumderp my name isn't actually Terance. I play mostly online-multyplayer games so if you want to play with me then just hit me up on Miiverse. i play nfs:mw, POKKEN, and soon splatoon
XQuackerX asthatbeenmurry
Mario Maker Addicted- 2YMM/ 1YMM Level Creator Approved by Kiavik
UndEd FaultyClone
Once upon a time Edward_Wetter was making a bunch of clones... But one of them was messed up in development thanks to an incident with a parrot and a ham sandwich. Fortunately, through the miracles of science he survived... sorta... and stands before you now. Behold UndEd! If you find me edgy and cringey, then I'm doing my job right! Officially certified edgelord. ☠⚰☠
MV★Aπdrew Andrew173
SW-5639-9164-9787 Thanks everybody for the great times here. I'll never forget you guys.
David huskyloverXD1234
hi im david but u know me as husky i love minecraft and botw i ocasionaly play splatoon and terraria and thanks to everyone that follows me THANK U SO MUCH for 100 followers i never thought the day would come i had 100 followers well thats about it have a great day and ill see u later
Terry nintenboy92
Hi,i'm Terry and i love all things Nintendo.
★TRG★снгίς Sauron17
Hello I'm Chris, and I like turtles. Curent feelings: Fine and good. I am the CEO/President of the GMU. (TRG, 3MM, NLM, T7W, TRON) Owner/Leader of TRG. Co-leader of OMC & Member of 3MM & TCW. I ♥ playing SMM, Minecraft , Splatoon, MK8 & SM3DW. I have over 3500 stars in SMM. I usualy Wii U Chat when I am up for it. WAFFLE! That is all! Bye! :D
Brandon bullboy76
Come play minecraft with me
omя♪Chris♪ christine112
hiya there! I am Christine! you can call me Oreo if you'd like. I love making friends! ristrictions: i barely go on miiverse. if i do, it's to message someone. i do wii u chat, but please tell me before you call! i only play minecraft and sometimes mario maker! i am in The omя clan.
ом¢★Sabre tymc22
Hi. Age of 13. 💪😐✌ Twitter Name: TylerMK813 Clash of Clans Clan Name: salad warrior's. (Don't mind the name. I am not leader) Bye Miiverse. Nice knowing y'all.
♪Jada♪ jigglypuff66
Hey everybody im dario but my real name is jada. i LOVE game so much my head blows up! i like mario cart 8, splatoon, mario party 10, super smash bro, and other game. my super duper best friend is Luka-Sama! surry if i spelled your name wrong. you can see me at splatoon or na. friend me if you like this and i'll see you next time. until next time, STAY FRESH!
Ed™ Edward_Wetter
"WHEN I REACH THE OTHER SIDE I WANNA LOOK YOU IN THE EYE AND KNOW THAT I'VE ARRIVED IN A WORLD WHERE I BELONG" Judge me. I dare you. HOY! I'm not Ed™, but you can call me that if you want. My job is making Charcho Chains. …Okay, so I also go to college and work at a real job. SO. ~Christian ~Guitar ~Zelda Nerd Galoshes ~I'm not from Wyoming ~Hobbits ~Fried chicken
†TCC★dash† Legitheroman207
Hi i'm Dash im just your average 13 year old i like to play mario maker and play in mario maker tournaments i also create mario maker tournaments shoutout for david and wesely they have helped me out alot out of posts? no co-leader of tcc member of 3mm and TRON alts: Dashalt (dashalt) i also host Mk8 rooms at 7:00 pm EST on saturdays and sundays im †saved† -The meme king
†Σ Glitchy ItzDomi
Sup! _________________________________ οψωψο GlitchyShadowZ οψωψο ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Stuff i liek evritiem: Animus Pokeymanz Merio SSB Gaimz in general catz Dead End Clan [†Σ] Don't ask me to RP. I hate it. Well, except if there's kingdoms and stuff. I hate hs rp lol Do I haz posts? Yes! [] Nope. Cri! [•] Online? ayy [] Nah m8 [•] Cheese [] -- Bans: 0 -- --- Warnings: 1 ---
Nin◆Jess Glitchjess1
Im Jésus call me Jess Leader of the Nin◆clan. Join? Ask me Big fan of mario Favorite game Sm4sh shout outs 2 Nin◆clan members your all awesome. Main:Mario Check out my posts Mario is op. I have so many best friends so i cant name them all Definitely a huge shout out to Carly :') Plz follow Carly it means so much to me :') Also a shoutout to Gisselle and leighanna :)
ςнσ¢кщдνε★ MARIOYEH
Welcome to the remains of Wave's Miiverse. If you read this I am no longer on the site or responding to last comments. THANK YOU ALL FOR THIS WONDERFUL EXPERIENCE! Games I play are Mario Kart 8, (7.5k RVR) 7, (6k RVR) and Wii, (7000 vr) Splatoon (B+Rank) and Mario Maker on Wii U (4 medals) My dream job is music mixing and developing. I also like playing music!
Dylanyahu 1-4m-0-N0
Mazel tov, you've reached my profile. I am a veteran Smasher, MK8 racer, SMM user, NLM (Next Level Makers) member, and somewhat fluent Hebrew speaker. I rarely do Wii U Chat. Star exchanges and glitch levels are prohibited in SMM. Penalties from Nintendo include stars reset to zero, all levels deleted, and permanently banned from Course World. Toda raba and laila tov.
Optimize supersegakid
Hi guys it's me Segakid. And I like playing games like Zelda, Mario, Pokemon, Sonic, Minecraft, Splatoon and all great games. I'm also pretty good at video games and it will be great to meet you all. Best friends: awesomeroxz Xmaster1 ˘\(^♡^)/˘ (·˛·) (îσî)
cx-мъあっきん AKKIIRAKKII82
_Λ\/Λ\/Λ\/Λ\/Λ\/Λ\/Λ_ ・主にマイクラしてるよ☆ 〉☆あっきんだよ☆〈 ・回路とかなら自信あるよ☆ ‾V/\V/\V/\V/\V/\V/\V‾ ・暇だったら是非遊びに来てね☆ ※関わりが薄い方はフレンドからはずされやすいです。 [依頼があるならばコメントおねがいします!]イッカゲツイナイガメヤス(´∀`в) 《営業時間 12:00~0:00》アクマデモメヤスデス(^ω^; ) .追記3/21.
WAZZUP, IT'S YA BOI RIDLEY U! I'm just a goofy whatchamacallit that does things! (Insert Life Story here) Most of my time here is spent on SMM (Super Mario Maker)! In SMM I'm Working on many Projects! Go check 'em out! Closed: YaBoiRiley Light S W I T C H: 4 8 9 0 1 1 5 8 9 8 9 7 I'll never forget you guys... Farewell... -Riley The Native Weird Thing
☆πσαн4мν★ NV63NV
Welp, it's the final day guys... Anyways, I'm Noah. I'm 13, Christian, and a T1D. Plus I'm a die-hard Mipha fan. I've made so many's sad to see it go. Favorite games: 1. Splatoon 2 2. Tomodachi Life 3. TLOZ: BOTW 4. MK8 5. AC:NL I'm a true NSLUC memer, so, yeah. My school schedule: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Thanks for everything Nintendo and Miiverse. See you on the Switch! -Noah
Christian TheCalzoneZone
Name's Christian. 18 years old, gamer, musician, YouTuber/filmmaker, and lover of languages. A veces hago posts y converso en español. Estoy feliz a practicar español en cualquier momento. I really like MM and OoT. TP and BotW are also excellent. Other things I like: The 3D Mario titles Metroid Chrono Trigger Portal Death Note Don't Hug Me I'm Scared The Beatles Andrew Huang C418
Ryan Ryancb27
Hello Everyone! My name is Ryan. I am 13 years old. I have a Wii, Wii U, Nintendo 3DS and Nintendo Switch. I played the Wii ever since March 2012. And I also have a game capture card as well. It lets me record my game footage when I need to. Also, feel free to send me a friend request. I accept all friend requests. I have been on Miiverse ever since July 28, 2014. Also, RIP Miiverse 2012-2017.
markus mandysunny
I am the heart and brain of the community.
Knavius KittyCrusher09
Age:17 BDay:May25th Name:Krystal Elaine Alumbaugh Splatoon leader in Bohx clan. I will Wii U Chat if I've known u for a while/trust u alot. I ♥ Zelda, Pokèmon, Splatoon & others. I have Bipolar Disorder & get easily upset. 私は愛ゼルダ、ポケモン、スプラトゥーン、および他のゲーム. 私は双極性障害持っているし、簡単に怒ります. Alts that I use most: ToonLinkIsAwesom ZeldaIsCool13 Alts I will use in case of ban: KittyCrusher09-3 KittyCrusher09-5
Nin◆mikel maoriboy19
hi my name is mikel (age 14 favourite games) smash bros ,mario ,kart. minecraft, donkey kong tropical freeze and more ask me if you want to join Nin jess clan. you also have to follow freind
Charcho pookachunk
Greetings, my name is Emily! Yes, in reality I'm a girl. This is now my announcement/gaming only account. Put in "Charcho" in search users to see my two main accounts
X-TREME razangel
Bombyking adsmo13
Hello everyone. This is the last day of miiverse. Friend request me if you want to. This will most likely be the last day for that. Thanks everyone for showing support. And thank you Nintendo, for miiverse. I hope too see this place again one day. Thanks everyone, you all have been amazing. With great thanks, Bomby(Adsmo13).
Ray rayolinels
"Rayolinels" has been sighted chasing a blue bird, browsing a haven, and lurking at the "ZNG Wiki" (Google it). Hi, just another Nintendo fan here. I especially love the Zelda series; ZNG unite! I'm here on Miiverse till the very end. It's been amazing being here with all you Miiversians. Much thanks to you all. "I... see you later"
Justice greenheadgeorge
Hey, everyone! I'm a lifelong Nintendo fan who's owned every Nintendo system since the N64. My favorite game franchises are Mario, Zelda, Sonic, Metroid, Smash Bros., and Donkey Kong. I'm also a diehard Dallas Cowboys fan. A few ground rules: -I don't accept random or blank friend requests. -Please try to stay at least relatively on topic on my posts. -All troll comments WILL BE DELETED.
Barbara hal2012
★Hello and Welcome to My Profile★ My name is Barbara Gender: Female ♀ Age: SECRET!!!!! O_o I'll accept any friend requests NO WII U CHAT!!!!!!! ›_‹ Follow me and I'll follow you Been on Miiverse since 2014 ★Bye★
Hoy I'm Paedric!
I'm 14 and 6"1
Leader of the StopTommy Clan
Hoy I'm Paedric!
I'm 14 and 6"1
Leader of the StopTommy Clan
Peeps to Follow:
Ed™ (Edward_Wetter)
Jess (coolspike80)
Kong (Skyrocket712)
Noah (NV63NV)
Clarence (Tinyboy1997)
Winnie (PikachooGal)
Zom (phonatgeodeZom)
Elzonire (TheWindMage)
Noelle (lego_lover96)
Diamond (landmarkchurch2)
Ray (rayolinels)
Maguire (Mcgreen554)
Megan (Giant.Squirrels)