~Panda~'s Followers
Le Fourrié AnSoDoFeGoHiJoKi
Egad, I really want to stop with this sad and moody stage here. I want to sprout such as the closed bud from a flower bush wishes to show its beauty to the world, or how a butterfly must first be a caterpillar that must traverse through dark times in a cocoon, only to evolve into an utter stelar brilliance in life and hope... but we are all still there, and reaching towards that point soon...
Monkeise Monkeise
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Shadow Peridot230
Hey there i'm Shadow if you couldn't tell i have been on miiverse for a while and i respect their rules i post minecraft or smash bros. i am full of undertale trash i am glad to say that if you follow me i would like to meet you in a game. I am trying to make my content great enough for you guys i try really hard. If you have just seen this then welcome to my world. I'll friend people
パンダ~…*ー*… chihiroharuto
こんちゃー 顔ぽちありがとうございます! † ò θ ó † ◇◆◇◆プロフィール◇◆◇◆ 好きなユーチューバー ・禁断ボーイズ・マホト ・レイターズ・はじめしゃちょー ◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇ 好きなアニメ ・ワンピース・さいきくすおのさいなん・暗殺教室・進撃の巨人・おそ松さん(アニメなの!?) ◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇ 無言フォロー全然OKです! フォローしてくれた優しい方には フォロー返します(((((((((絶対))))))))約束です (・ω・)d ◇◆◇◆◇◆ミバ友◇◆◇◆◇◆ ・ササねこまつ。© ・ゆずは© ・あおい© ・くま© ◇◆◇◆◇◆ミバ家族◇◆◇◆◇◆ 姉:Nari(´_`* ミバ友、ミバ家族大大大大募集中です! よろしくお願いしまぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁあす!!
#fumika# fumikamyou
[]顔ポチアートン[]~Hello~(*´∀`*) *。°o[][]トモダチ[][]*.。°o もも、みゆり、かんな、めい、はづき、あやな、おいも、ねあ、ゆあ、ゆうき、モモ、ゆう、さな、ふみか []シンユウ[]⇔[]メイ.。*[]フミカ.。*[]サナ.。*[] []リアトモ[]⇔ハヅキ、アヤナ、オイモ、シオ []アコガレ[]⇒ミア©、ミッポ©、メイ©、モモ©、ネア©、ネオ©、サナ© *.♪“[]トモダチボシュウ[]*。o 会員番号.。* #198 []ヒトコト[] ミーバース&友達や親友たち…今まで本当にありがとう!! また会えたらいいね…!!!!いい思い出をありがとう!かけがえのない存在でした…! どんどんカラモ!タメ◎ こーしんび 11月7日 みんなありがとう!!
いーちゃん☆ katsuhiro0725
自己紹介♪ 名前 秘密♡ ♀ 好きなゲーム スプラトゥーン、YouTube。 フレ募集(誰でもいいよ)
◆†ねこまつ†◆ wydurwas577tw2du
顔ポチあざます! ねこまつと申しまする^^ 無言フォロー大歓迎!1000%フォロー返します! ちなみに主は大抵おそまつさんの絵を描いてます。 好きな○○ ★実況者 ★歌い手 ★アニメ ★ユウチューブ ★声優 ★ボカロ …ナドナド よかったら気軽に 声かけてくださいな^^ ★ミバ友★ →Rachel* →このは →ふらっぺ(^∞^) →まりんばä 2016 3/21→2017 11/7 Thank you. □■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□ 部活は吹奏楽でオーボエ(ob)を吹いています。 ほとんど低浮上ですが時間があったら浮上します。 フォロワー様300人突破!本当に感謝です(´∀`*) ※絵柄迷子中…(´=`)
▽『нiro』:サブ juri918
ようこそ# 先日はメイン垢、Hiroへのフォローありがとうございます*♪ ここは“▼「нiro」”のサブ垢です。 メイン垢のフォロワーsの中で、気になった方をたまぁにフォローしています。 フォローsの投稿は楽しく読ませていただいています~+*# 【お知らせ】 ・この垢にフォローを返す必要はありません^^; それなのに多くの方々に返されています。皆さん優しすぎです(涙) ・無言フレリクお断りです。何か一言添えて下さい。 それでは貴方の充実したミバライフを。。
heidimario catmarioheidi
Hi, I'm Heidi. Mario is added because I've always been a fan of not only the games but the character himself. Mario Maker is my favorite game, because of my artistic side. This game is like a dream come true because I always wanted to create something that others might enjoy. I also like playing other makers creations and getting to know them.
agent3 themaninpurplepj
hi welcome! my friends are Katie,Zoe,Zae,Sal,Ak★amg,agent2,tayianna,S★Halloween,and noe
~ζυgīα~#ρη PunktL
はじめまして (Nice to meet you) わたしわ ルギア で す (I am Lugia) so I love playing Pokemon x3 My Favourite Pokemon are: ~Dαŕkŕαι ~Zσŕσαŕk ~Şħαγмιη I also watch animes Sword Art Online For the win :D Also one thing i need to tell you is that im not really active but i still have a look whats going on. there isnt much left that i could tell you about me so また ね (see you)
Jr jfgjr13
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DeclanDeal jiminnojams
hey humanity in two days is the end of miiverse ;( but I still have roblox
こと sodoato12b
どうも!ことです!!中2のアニオタです(*´∀`*) 『こと』って呼んでもらえると嬉しいです\(#`∀´)/ (主に)好きなアニメ (キャラ): ・B-PROJECT (金城,愛染) ・薄桜鬼 (斎藤,沖田) ・夏目友人帳 (夏目,田沼,西村) ・斉木楠雄のΨ難 (斉木,海藤) ・新テニスの王子様 (越前,千歳,謙也) ・Free! (真琴,郁弥,旭) ・黒子のバスケ (黒子,黄瀬,赤司) ・ハイキュー!! (日向,菅原,木兎) ・銀魂 (土方,沖田,神威) 好きな声優: みんな!!!!!! ミバ友:ゆっこ,さき,結 ミバが終わると聞いてビックリしました…。フォロー・共感してくれた方、今までありがとうございました! 残りの時間、楽しみましょう!!
CC★tomato2 tomato1113tomato
Hi!guys.This is 2nd account ;)and Im Japanese^^ Age:13 Singer:shawn,ed,1D and MONSTA X! I miss 1D…but I like u Pet:Turtle.His name is kametaro! When I make English»Mr.turtle LOL Game:Splatoon(I have it only… Shawn mendes Ed sheeran One direction 大阪桐蔭 ・高校野球ファンです♡ →大阪桐蔭のことめっちゃ応援してます^^ 秋季大会»応援してます*頑張って下さい! センター(8»一緒で最高です!ずっと応援します^^ 夢叶った。もう最高やわ。興奮止まらん!! 決勝頑張って下さい!!
Rosa-Zubat Rosa0022
Commento nascosto dal mio pesce Ghepardo.(xD) ★☆★Ciao a tutti amici di miiverse! ★☆★Io sono Rosa-zubat e ho 12 anni. ★☆★Mi piace tantissimo disegnare pokèmon e kirby. ★☆★So fare bene i trucchi di magia con le carte e con il filo. ★☆★mi piace giocare con il nintendo a tanti giochi. La mia m.a.p.s. è Elettra ★☆★Se mi segui io ti ricambierò ★☆★CIAOOOOOOOOOOO!
♪lyon wgf mercanteinfieraa
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Gamer★Girl GamerGirl9546
Heeeeyyy What's Up? Welcome To My Profile. You Can Call Me GG. I Play Mk8, Minecraft, Super Smash Bro's And More. My Best Friend Is (Kobi) He Is Really Nice And Awesome, Go Follow Him. Im Ten Yrs Old. I Do Not Do Chat In Any Games. I Love Music, School, Reading, And Art. Im Sad Miiverse Is Ending I Will Miss All Of You. And I Think That's All, Peace. (• ¬ •
えいちゃん eityan-korasho
こんにちは!えいちゃんです。みんなと楽しくあそびたいです。プレイ日記やお絵かきをとうこうしています。スプラやマリオメーカーやドラクエがすきです。これからもみなさんとスプラなどをしてなかよくしたいです!フォロー、そうだね!のきょうかんお願いします フォロー返し、します!(非公開の方は、フォローできません。)
ty/vanoss taps031204
hey, my name is ty i like to do art, watch youtube and play videogames. i like playing call of duty, donkey kong, lego games and racing games. i will play with any one, if u want to play with me just tell me and i will say yes to any game i have. take as much cake and cookies as u want
★☆quinn☆★ toxicwarlord1
hi boys/girls im quinn im really sad miiverse is going tomorrow:`( ill miss everybody
Jelly Cat~ XxFancycatxX
Hello everone my name is Angelica but my friends and family call me jelly. I'm 14. I love anime and drawing. I also LOVE SPLATOON2. I'm kinda sad and REALLY MAD at nintendo for releasing their new system a few mounts after I got my 3DS XL. Thanks for poking my face~ And here's a cookie~ And yes I'm emo~ Could you tell
Ethan SmashEthan
Im Ethan u know my OC's by now Ethan and jessica anyway i like smashbros,megaman,mugen,mario kart,and pokemon i RP if u follow me and ill follow u back plus i wii u chat if ur into that also im awesome at yugioh if u want to learn more about my OCs just ask My Friends u should follow Ben,Pedro,Kayne,Karce,Miner2000,Caeden Status: taken
•★Яαƒу★• Rafster13
Ħı l'м •★Яαƒу★• øиε øf tħε αłts øf •★Яαƒαεł★•!! Mαкε sυяε tø gø føłłøω му мαıи αccøυиt αиd му øtħεя αłt •★Яαƒα★•!! (Mııνεяsε Jøıи Ðαtε: 2/26/16) (Stαtυs: ØFFŁIИΞ) Cłαиs l'м ıи: Team Darkrai (ÐISßΛИÐΞÐ/Łεαdεя) MКЯ (ÐISßΛИÐΞÐ/Łεαdεя) PR★ (Ałłıε) λP (Ałłıε) USB АЯ ΣΨ ин Tħαикs, ßуε!! ★☆Я.I.P. Mııvεяsε 2O12-2O17☆★ ▲▼#Ðερяεssıøи…▼▲ - •★Яαƒу★• [ΛССØUИТ IИΛСТIVΞ PΞЯMΛИΞИTŁУ.]
Tad&★Maddy Doubledash7
Omochao Say Hi Everyone Am Lightning Am 31 Please Meet You!! Am♂ Very Powerful Ghostbuster Catcher! Ranking 2576★+ Denpa Men 3 Games Ranking 16 at Coliseum I love Everyone!! Me & ★Maddy Are ♥♡Brother & Sister 4evers! No Rude In My Games Post Please! Enjoying Jack-o'-lantern & Snowman Magic Recipes! Am Tad Faster Gamers To Finish! Kinda Ok Love Dragon Quest Series!
PokèJack©☆ DesperadoII
Yo PokeJack here to say hello! hi my name is #Official PokeJack/Desporado. if you thoughtit it said despasito your literly a nood! Now for some shtuff about me so I'll see yeah ! Age 11 Fave anime: pokemon, yokai, Lolypop, Naruto, etc. song: Tnt. Love one: no one loves me for whoo I am :-<...... Youtuber: Too many I gonna be a youtuber and Thank you for wachin and bye!
★Suta~Kun☆ Bad_Brony
Lucario is love. Lucario is life. Lucario is senpai. Lucario is wife. - ★Suta~Kun☆ 2017
ΔК★NEVE neveisbest
Dr.C4rn4g3 CarnageCanPlay
Im a doctor well not a ordinary one im also a carnage well not a ordinary carnage im Dr.Carnage im a DC Character believe it or not yeah follow :D. FOLLOW ME NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~Beth~ asapxralph
#save miiverse plz! Hi I am Beth and I am a fan of Youtube, video games, and etc. I love being part of this community with everyone and I would love for miiverse to go on forever, but at least I get to spent time a little while before it ends follow me!
Brett wolfsanddragons
checho chechohouse
hello everybody i'm checho favorite Color yellow favorite tv/move pokemon super mario super show favorite games super mario all stars & super mario maker & super mario world & new super mario bros.u fnaf 1,2,3,4 and sister location & minecraft batim undertale super mario bros
Jorja.b jorja7
People Can Only Friend me if they have Minecraft, Splatoon, Just Dance and Can Access Wiiu Chat!
Bettycokie LosTovar
hola a todo el mundo bienvenidos a mi usario de juego es pero que les gustes;)mi nombre es Bettycokie soy cariñosa y amable quiero conocer amigos/a♥
yareld yareldnr
ih i yareld
★Luna★ omghihi01
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vanilla Sargent_Woomy
Welcome ~^_^~ My name is Christa ;) If u see me around make a squid party *3* Stay fresh! <3
•ΔК★αмαιg• fredajane10
hello everyone My Name Is •ΔК★αмαιg• age: 15 Name Real: Kainula Team Join ΔК: .ΔК◆JameMV, ΔК★pugtato, ΔК★Marcus, ΔК★NEVE, Gender: Female♀ ♡Taken♡: ----- Thank-you For Followers 1790+ <3 ★Best Friends★: Maryoom, Jeremy, Yuki, Octobutt, Viktor, ~Panda~, scaryLilly, Woomy, ★TacoSquad, Iilmeme, fareed^^, Agent3, Neve, GamerKitty, Arnold, ♪ςς_ραηδα♪, CC★tomato2, jetwindbay,
たいち takayama1320
小5のクソガキです 好きなスポーツサッカー 好きな食べ物ウザイオレンジ 特技ボールをクルクル回す 好きなユーチューバーウタエル 将来夢ユーチューバー いつかヒカキンにみたいな ユーチューバーになるねん フォローよろしくですぅ バカなことでいきていく
yuu junjun5581
ThatDude™ helloimhere629
Greetings, here's some info on me. -I'm sixteen, -I'm ♂, -I love Snakes. "And Shepherds we shall be. For thee, my Lord, for thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, that our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee and teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti." (Boondock Saints)
Hawk Frost pikanachos360
ĶЯ»Trey angustrangusmoo
hi my name is Trey my nickname at school is angus or trangus plz friend me. i like moose milk. i mosty play fifa 13 and splatoon im in 6th grde now Hi i want to be friends plz friend request me
☆ĶЯ»Killer alejandrodania
Leader of ĶЯ» Clan, ĶЯ»Face is the leader on the switch ĶЯ»Rydia ☆ĶЯ»(japanese) ĶЯ»Meaka ĶЯ»(japanese) ☆ĶЯ»Gwen☆ ☆ĶЯ»Zachy® ĶЯ»Star ĶЯ»ßιηχ ĶЯ»☆wølf☆ ☆ĶЯ»Siwan ĶЯ»asmaa кЯ»j-bear ĶЯ»daliah♪ ĶЯ»Leaf ĶЯ»Jesus ★ĶЯ»Hemi ĶЯ»Sησω KЯ»»Ďąvįd' ĶЯ»Angel ĶЯ»DaNy507 ¤ĶЯ»мodx¤ ĶЯ»Trey ĶЯ»ƒέřľįň™
Hi, my name is ~Panda~ and I love gaming that I get to experience and also I am fan of youtube si...
Hi, my name is ~Panda~ and I love gaming that I get to experience and also I am fan of youtube since I do watch it alot it's crazy anyways I like to play with others on other games. See Ya!