~Panda~'s Friends
lando TheFairFamily
ninjagirl ninjaforlife
ΔК★NEVE neveisbest
cricri misspika57
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Lol123F0 HiroBruna12
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mai 753mai753
Green cat A_LiTTlE_GREENiE
All I have to say is... HIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
dα4к ςqч1d joblade72
Hi everyone! I play splatoon, do glitches in splatoon, and have parties in splatoon too! I'm in the toxic squids clan, my favorite buds are ταнα, ŁV|ßοι, dμκе Łυсаς, pinkcherry, shadow, shushi, and "IM READY". My favorite color is red. I would love to do glitches with you like the inkstrike hop (if my friend list wasn't full >_<). I'm also in school so I won't be playing splatoon much. STAY FRESH
~Beth~ asapxralph
#save miiverse plz! Hi I am Beth and I am a fan of Youtube, video games, and etc. I love being part of this community with everyone and I would love for miiverse to go on forever, but at least I get to spent time a little while before it ends follow me!
Octo☆Libby LibertyBoss
I'm 10 In the 5th grade i'm a funny girl and i will make you laugh all day.Im caring and sweet btw lol ^.^
MelMel mel3471
ĶЯ»Trey angustrangusmoo
hi my name is Trey my nickname at school is angus or trangus plz friend me. i like moose milk. i mosty play fifa 13 and splatoon im in 6th grde now Hi i want to be friends plz friend request me
Edu Edumanuel75
Hola soy Eduardo espero ser un buen amigo para todos, soy español, se hablar inglés y un poco francés y los unicos juegos que tengo son el Splatoon y el Mario kart 8
dany Marion_Gwen
maman maman26200
ßåßý★çóŕşа Maminator24
Das wüsstest du wohl gern ^^
Squidy JaretTheCarrot
☆★Joan★☆ joanuribe
Hi, Welcome to my profile :) my name is Joan, i'm 16 years old, i live in mexico. my favorite games are splatoon and minecraft. my best friends are: InkyClean,Juan,Ramiro,Wild Cat,Inkling G,paraYEET.
Mom springslinky1
love anime
•ΔК★αмαιg• fredajane10
hello everyone My Name Is •ΔК★αмαιg• age: 15 Name Real: Kainula Team Join ΔК: .ΔК◆JameMV, ΔК★pugtato, ΔК★Marcus, ΔК★NEVE, Gender: Female♀ ♡Taken♡: ----- Thank-you For Followers 1790+ <3 ★Best Friends★: Maryoom, Jeremy, Yuki, Octobutt, Viktor, ~Panda~, scaryLilly, Woomy, ★TacoSquad, Iilmeme, fareed^^, Agent3, Neve, GamerKitty, Arnold, ♪ςς_ραηδα♪, CC★tomato2, jetwindbay,
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こーままとちび4さい 20kirari20
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★ramiro★ RamiroMancilla
Korney Korney01
Hi if you're reading this your awesome!!! My favourite games are Splatoon ,Mario Kart 8, and Super Smash Bros. If you add me as a friend i hope we can have fun.
Beerian BRIANM80
Kasey :) Kasey31507
Hello! I love to play Splatoon and make friends! I also love to play Minecraft. If you want to be friends i will be your friend! : ) I love Mario games as well! It one of the best games in the world!!! :)
CallieMacN brenda316
Hi its me Brenden aka Banana Be Gaming I love having fun with my friends and doing pvp i do not be mean but if you must with me or my friends YOUR GOING HAVE A BADTIME Btw Don`t call me Brenda
L.A. KIDD FedricoM
TDog#$$$$$ Tyhenry01
nona blackie0826
Fuzziecake chelescott
Its so AWSOME! and cool to those games to play with and to enjoy.
JOHN CENA! queen0908
dont care stop it plz stop reading this why are you still here got 10 secs to leave 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 :( i got nothing bet u 200000000$ that u wil read this wheres my money at give it
Beth darkheartkid
hello to anyone reading this useless message on my useless account! ;/ i will most likely put werid stuff on here anyways i mainly do sh*tpost ;/ or just draw like my random drawing of my oc is everwhere dont expect alot from me i'll most likely dissapoint you :) No wii u chat please.
Carla cwrk256
hi do you play splatoon
InkyClean KawaiiCakezz
Hey, I'm Inky, welcome to my profile! It's mostly a collection of my art and special memories. InkyClean was my first OC and also my alias. She is very sweet, outgoing and friendly, unless you splat her friends, then prepare for her wrath. Her boyfriend is Sibi.♡ *I have a lot of anxiety so please forgive me for acting weird or distant during matches, sometimes I feel like everyone hates me*
Shadow Peridot230
Hey there i'm Shadow if you couldn't tell i have been on miiverse for a while and i respect their rules i post minecraft or smash bros. i am full of undertale trash i am glad to say that if you follow me i would like to meet you in a game. I am trying to make my content great enough for you guys i try really hard. If you have just seen this then welcome to my world. I'll friend people
CubeSquid Smashsquid
Hello to everyone! First things first, my name is Squid. (Don't hate me for it.) I do take friend requests and I run out of posts often. If you want to play with me, I'll be playing MK8, SSB4, or Minecraft, so if you see me, tell me plz! People to follow: Everyone on my friends list мιιMax InvaderSel Cya 'round! [Goal: 300 followers! Can we do it guys?]
るい fumaana
SIO&Alex alexbros17
Rene orange4001
DSA»Tricky trickydee123
Hi there! Trickydee is my nickname! my real name is mayce. I was born 30 Dec 2004 so now im 12 and love video games and water guns and the beach,planes,candy,skatebording, also my three fish called crush and tango and pom-pom! and puppy luna and please friend me! my rank is[ S 87 ] on splatoon my favourite special is the inkzooka!^_^ and im friends samu a hacker! And please be my m8 Thankyou. ^^
[CAT]Inker Nkemakonam
my name is inker i am a big sonic fan! i love fun times with woomies too! anyone can be my friend i have 56 friend online and79 in real life.. i am in love with a girl named maria too! feel free to friend me i am a party squid too! play with me any time i love all of gmod splatoon my fav is the yellowist! also im a boy (male woomy) and 10.
Alan 7u7 alan1109
Jorja.b jorja7
People Can Only Friend me if they have Minecraft, Splatoon, Just Dance and Can Access Wiiu Chat!
Kirbylover reasons05
hello fans i love u all hope u have a wonderful time i like the kirby games thats why my name is kirbylover^_^
サンドバッグ poruna
レッツゲーム! メッチャゲーム! ムッチャゲーム! ワッチャネーム!? アイム ア サンドバッグ!! コンテニューしてでも、クリアする!
ThatDude™ helloimhere629
Greetings, here's some info on me. -I'm sixteen, -I'm ♂, -I love Snakes. "And Shepherds we shall be. For thee, my Lord, for thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, that our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee and teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti." (Boondock Saints)
a real dog DietVernors
I guess since miiverse is shutting down I'll put some actual info in! My name's Steph, I'm 26, and riddled with mental disabilities. I have a service dog in training named Bean, she's a shih tzu. :) I very much enjoy splatoon. I play seriously sometimes, but I also really enjoy goofing off. If you wanna chat send me a message! :) So see ya' in game and have fun splatting! ♥
kj powellfam21
I'm almost always playing a game.
Skul andmyradio
☆УТĶЯМεαωα peanut31872
hi! thanks for visiting my profile! I try to post daily but sometimes I can't. I like drawing and making people feel good about them self. (^o^) I like to take time in my posts and jounal entries. One last thing I always check miiverse. Thats all for now see you later! ^o^
Ngyes eiddaneddiel23
Hello! I'm Ngyes and i Mainly Play Splatoon, LOST REAVERS, and Minecraft. I'm Pretty Shy and i LOVE To Squid Party and Do Glitches. Unfortunately, I DO NOT Be mean OR Squidbag. Sooooo.... Yup. That Covers Everything Up! Cya in the Battlefield, Squiddos! bye BYE NOW STOP STALKING ME!! MAMA HELP ME THIS PERSON IS STALKING ME
PαrαYEET Roman1988
There are 2 people playing on my account. If you see me in Ranked Battle, that's me. If you see me in Turf War it's most likely my little sister, Jessie. I am 17 and Jessie is 10 years old. My sister's b-day is 10/09. My b-day is 5/31. 7/07 is one of our parent's birthdays. We have two pets. The first one is Nelly, a 10 year old Border Collie. The second one is our guinea pig, Princess. Bye! ^ω^
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
Hi, my name is ~Panda~ and I love gaming that I get to experience and also I am fan of youtube si...
Hi, my name is ~Panda~ and I love gaming that I get to experience and also I am fan of youtube since I do watch it alot it's crazy anyways I like to play with others on other games. See Ya!