Maple's Followers
RogueDrago fairytale961
Favorite games: Pokemon Sun, Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, Digimon, Pokemon, Lunar, Legend of Mana, Sword of Mana, Breath of Fire, Fallout, WILD ARMs, Super Smash Bros.
Fatam FatamExpress
"You wanna go one on one with The Fat One!?" Fatam. Raised on a controller in the land of tools, fools and sheep. Keeper of lore and history. Seeker of knowledge and all which is true. But, just a fat dude at the end of the day. Interests include: Games, Manga/Anime, Metal, Folk, Orchestra, History, The Universe.
Power sagepoweron
Thomas GalacticaOfTime
Banjo Zanealt
I'm Iron Man. Need I say more?
Typhoon Typhoon127
R.I.P. Miiverse
Chris Mezavz
pipe zahir111
hola soy argentino como estan todos me encantan los juegos de sonic the hedgehog tengo todos los juegos de sanic
T-T noah.i.herringto
hallo every bodys ho are yoo so here are some things about me insane,weird,sly,creepy [some times creepy], 37, crдppy artist!, Undertale freдk, Fairy Tail fan, PKMN master, LWA [Little Witch Academy] fanatic/fan, i am a pдthэtic welp!, MLP fan/freдk, FNAF fan/pro, BF [Buddy Fight!] fan/pro/fanatic, Twokinds fangirl, cat person, miku fan, LOZ pro/fangirl/fanatic, Monster Musume fangirl/lover/perv
Lily Lilyrose5050
Hey! welcome to my profile! Im in the wolfo clan the wolfo clan is so awesome! my favirote colors are blue and red [mostly blue] I LOVE CATS! I LOVE THE DOLAN TWINSS! I like to watch youtube and listen 2 melanie martinez and 21 pilots. My favirote movie is DearDumbDiary and I like french fries! I love all my followers and friends! [I had followers on my last acc "skittlers"]
Kath mimkath
Hi, you can call me Kath, Katrinalink or Metacat... all those name mean the same. sayonara, miiverse. I would like to thank everyone who supported me here... I would never had been the person I'm right now if you guys didn't support me, thank you for everything. Oh, and I'm 15 years old btw.
:B:arisa NowStayWOKE
Profile comment hidden by admin.
º•Leyla•º 00leyla
This User is lost. Miiverse end!!! :D
TigerKing StoryShift329
I want your floppy-disk to be my hard drive. "yee" - Bob-omb 7/29/17 I want Monster Rancher to come back one day. Favorite Pokemon: Umbreon Favorite Digimon: Lunamon Favorite Monster from MR: Tiger Favorite Color: Dark Blue Favorite Anime: Konosuba Chemical Bond of the Year: Helium Nitride + Tantalum Iodide (courtesy of Λяснéя)
DQVincent 97531vwxyz
#MiiverseIsAlive Vincent! 16 Jahre alt Deutscher! Hauptwort: Süß Mein großes Mitleid und Mitgefühl sind zu groß! Die wichtigsten Menschen für mich (>^-^)> : Morgane, Sarah, André, Anna, meine Mama Crazy- and Randomness Liebe: Anna♡♡♡ Freunde: Fast alle! Klingt jetzt nicht so spannend aber Miiverse ist trotzdem beschte! Ciao Süß
ziro NarutoJBB
hi im allredy on Miivers for about i'de say maybr 1week igess but i'm allways opend and happy to make any new or old friends that i've known befor + any new friends along the way :p my dream goal is to become a very well known+ suseccfull manga ulistraitor creating my own orignal seiress called Spirit Blade :3
liline pauleline
en vrai je mapelle eline je suis nee le 3Aout 2008
Julie JulieSophy
Hallo ich bin neu in Miiwerse. Ich bin 8 Jahrealt. Ich will gerne mit andern Nutzern spielen. Wenn lemant mit mir spielen will möchte gerne Supermario 3D Wold spielen oder Wii sports Club spielen.♡♥Ich froje mich auf neue Freunde! Wer will mit mir spielen? Wer will mit mir befreundet sein? Ich spiele gerne Mario3DWold! Geburtstag: 10.02.♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
けんしろう sadanakensirou
(これを読むならこれを見てからいってください!!!!) (下ネタがちで多い 変態) 見ましたか? それではきおつけて(^_^) はいどうも~ こんちん○ん ぼくは、ゼルダの伝説 や、マイクラ スプラトゥーン マリオメーカー をやっています。 好きなものは、 バナナ マンゴーだ!!!! 変態だけどよろしく!!!!
#_снøсο.。 yurina2323
M i i v e r s e で 仲 良 く し て く れ た 人 . そ し て フ ォ ロ ワ ー 様 。 い ま ま で あ り が と う ご ざ い ま し た ! ---キリトリ--- ど う ぶ つ の 森 の オ ン 島 に も 行 く の で 見 か け た ら 声 か け て く だ さ い ! ハッピー村ゆりな で す ! ---キリトリ--- M i i v e r s e い ま ま で あ り が と う ! せ - の ア デュ ー " ま た 会 う 日 ま で . . M i i v e r s e が 終 了 し た 日 1 1 / 8 3 : 0 0 更 新 日 1 1 / 7
●W•H•A•T● springtrapgirl01
Henlo there miiversians, I post lots of high-quality trash on here for some reason. Leggy is my son I've been on here since 2015.. Fandoms: Steven Universe :`) Eddsworld. BATIM >:)))) Does the NSLU community count? Gravity Falls :0 Leggy. DHMIS FNAF `^` Voltron............ I have a precious pet pug. He is precious mhmm fRiCkItY fRaCk
Senpai yirahrhynn
I'm just bored ~{‛µ‛}~″☆
ςпощ Ġįгł sukura1894
Hi! Im a shiny pokemon collecter who has 155+ shinies and is obsessed with pokemon, zelda, and anime! 2 of my favorite anime series are Noragami and Hunter X Hunter! P.S. SOY SAUCE!!!!!! x'D p.s.s. live life to the fullest :D P.S.S.S. му вεςт ƒгίεηдς :D~ Choi_Ji_Eun Jordan Vξ P.S.S.S.S. My alt account: Laharl ID: Laharl18Disgaea5 -Sukura Davis
Jordan2 Vξ JordanVE
Goodbye all, it's been a great experience. Frickn' LGBT trash, go die. Out of posts, I'll see ya' never.
PαrαYEET Roman1988
There are 2 people playing on my account. If you see me in Ranked Battle, that's me. If you see me in Turf War it's most likely my little sister, Jessie. I am 17 and Jessie is 10 years old. My sister's b-day is 10/09. My b-day is 5/31. 7/07 is one of our parent's birthdays. We have two pets. The first one is Nelly, a 10 year old Border Collie. The second one is our guinea pig, Princess. Bye! ^ω^
Yas yas6hubabuba
HI I'm yas , my real name is Yasmine , I am 11 years ald . I have golden cerls at the ends of my hair because when I was little I had blonde hair . I love : anime and manga ; disny films ; CAKE! and chocolate . my dream is to own a cafe and be the baker . Also l am half britches and half morrocn , if you don't know were Morroco is ; its in north–west Africa . I also go to the gym to keep healthy !
Kanna 8021mys
Welcome....Oh you wanna know a bit about me. Okay than but Lady Tohru told me not to tell strangers about myself! At least not to much if I did I would have to kill them...Anyway I am Kanna...And I draw And I may or may not like anime and Splatoon, Pokemon, Fire Emblem, And other things a little to much...Bye! -Oh! I Also Draw Kanna & Dragon Maid Alot-
enderdude enderdude2
The Enlightenment, i am going to retake miiverse communities and give them back to miiverse users members aliceangel
Easy E Euknuis
dragonloli Jwee009
•hi im dragon lolita •im youngest in my family out of my 4bros and 3sis's •i draw anime \(·_·)/best in class •i miss our dad •il do request so comment on my drawings if u want 1/1+ •my age is 10+ guess •im a gamer •doctors&internet say i have a intelligent unique&exceptional brain •likely to be a college grad •LOVE VIDEO GAMES,CARTOONS AND very picky with animes •my bro posting pervy stuff
Midna fanψ jimmycarl0
Raise your hands in da air for MIDNA! Hello everyone its me. I'm Irish and I love zelda, minecraft, splatoon and many more games. I mostly accept friend requests if I have been talking to you on games or miiverse. Callie the best Marie ruins splatfests! Yeah Sansssssss! Oh and i'm making a game the official title is LEGENDARY™ So feel free to ask about it.
Ninja Amy KawaiiNinjaAmy
Hi!Nice to meet you!Join da MV Clan to help others! ♪·•.All About Me.•·♪ •Age:14 •Name:Karima •Join Family! •Fav color:Black •Neko&Ninja •Love:Anime,Art,Undertale,Tuna & etc. •Im Arabic &Hispanic/Latino •Dislike:DRAMA, HATE, Sadness, TROLLS •Is da MV Clan Leader • I Follow Inspirational Artists ONLY •Follows=Support •Emotion/Feeling: Happy #Nightcore (*)On ()Off ()Skool Bye! Posts Left:
Arραη .ıl★ Arpanshahi
Hi my name Arραη.ıl Welcome to Miiverse! now we have glitch news all!!! from MarioKart7! i will play MarioKart7! ;) .·• .·•·.·•·.·•#savemiiverse•·.·•·.·•·. •·. (•ω•) (•ω•) (•ω•) •) (•ω•)) ((•ω•) (• (•ω•) (•ω•(•ω•) (•ω•) (•ω•)
Μalish~L☆A Lougdina
C'est la fin... Merci miiverse pour tout ces instants ... profite bien de t'es dernier jours... Dedi: -Cécilia(ma best miiverse *^*) -Arwenlam -Neko chan(/!\ ALERTE AU GOGOLES LES ENFANTS,ALLERTE AUX GOGOLES /!\ xD) Aku- t'as pas trouvé pour le dernier,srx -_- moi-Nope! t(OωOt)
MEGA BRONY dreadicorn
profile comment hidden by solar empire propaganda. (the night will reign supreme just join the republic for cookies pie and winning the war we also have cake and muffins) THE SUN MUST DIE!
Chloe kennedi08
Hey.... I'm Chloe..... How are you doing? Likes: Undertale, and it's au's...... Dislikes: MIIVERSE ENDING! Crush: ummmmm...... THE MAGNIFICENT CHLOE HOPES YOU WOULD BE HER FRIEND! WHY DID I DO THIS!?!??
☆Pσργ☆ Pepsou.Pop
Thank you for all Miiverse ! Also, thank you for all my friends ! ´;ω;` Maybe our paths will cross again... in real life, who knows ? ;P Lola a.k.a ☆Pσργ☆
Mathoune mathouneetpopie
XD ! Aie ma tête comment osse tu ! XD Tωα Wιι Tωα Mon mii es un CHAT trops Kαωαιι sauf quil as 0abos ....(Sαd) abo twa et et dit mwa si mon mii es kawaii en echange je m'abonnerais [si t'es sage ;p]et je te racconterais 1blague chaque jours :3 jai 3surnom ta le choi : Mathoune , Miiaouw ou ChatmaloW A chaque fois que quel qun sabo je suis !HAPPY! Cest normal, reflechi es c symple en + . bizous^ω^
Lola missLola384
hello !!!! mrc pour les 42 abo !!! c'est enorme !!! bref je poste irégulièrement , je suis : bête voila aurevoir #blague pourrie bon voila abonne-toi ! kiss au sardine *3 signé : l'idiote de service oui je suis désespérente bisou ^3^ ha oui aussi ! ma devise : la music c la vie ! écrit comme sa hein ! ↑↑↑ bon on vise les 50 abo ! plus que 8 !
irvin irvinjoan
Lαrryy˙ˇ˙ ITDancingClown
Just here to post barely some pics so yeee I love the new (and old!!) IT movie and Richie is ma baby-boi, I love him. I would punch every fckn Clown in the face??--- I'm trash, HAH.
Bre Bregee13
Hello world! I don't know WHY you poked my face, but thanks I guess. So while you're here, you should check out my stuff. (only if you want to. I can't force you to do anything.) I like to draw, and plenty of my posts are (crumby)drawings I do myself. Thanks to anyone follows or even yeah's my posts! You guys are awesome! Also Thanks to all who support me! ;D
くさったジャム haru-tonton_777
プロフィールコメントは運営者が非公開にしてます。(大嘘) ざっと自己紹介。 年齢・・・810歳ですw たまに名前変えます 主にどうでもいい呟きをしたりしてます。 豆知識・口を大きく開けて舌を出していると鼻呼吸が出来ない。 実際にやって出来た!と言っているあなた。貴方は犬の様でしたよw ファーーーーーwwww 引っ掛かった人はフォローか「あ」でも「このハゲー!」でもいいのでコメント下さいw
WES Wesy-Jay
hi this is wes i enjoy playing mario cart-8 its fun, i really like adventure and alot of other things see ya! hi i see u have stumpled upon my profile thx for clicking on it so go ahead and click that follow button, this is marshmellow i use this account because im not allowed my own account so i use my dads thx for reading
Thank you all,you have made my time on here a blast and a half,hope to see you all around out the...
Thank you all,you have made my time on here a blast and a half,hope to see you all around out there on the interwebs!!!!XD