Maple's Friends
Chi nyannyan0328
You may call me Aegis. Miiverse Veteran, and this place is finally shutting down... "Love is a great feeling to feel, and you'll miss it once the feeling is gone." "Always forgive your enemies. Nothing annoys them so much more." - Stats - 17, Class of 2018
MEGA BRONY dreadicorn
profile comment hidden by solar empire propaganda. (the night will reign supreme just join the republic for cookies pie and winning the war we also have cake and muffins) THE SUN MUST DIE!
FluffyJul★ xLord_Fluffyx
It's sad to see this place go now. But, great things must come to an end. I will forever miss you all. I hope for the best future for everyone on here.
★Ðσσdίς★ Doodis123
★Howdy y'all! And Welcome! ^ω^ ☆I Love God ★I draw Splatoon stuff ☆Anime is gr8 ★Manami x Onda \(ÒωÓ\) ☆Toads☆ ★If ya wanna Splat add me ( No blank fr ) ☆Thanks for reading :3
Jinxies Empress_Jinxies
Nyan /(ò˛ó)\ Greetings Turnips your either lost or tried poking my face. either way just dont touch my stuff. All hail your great empress Jinxies. One ferret to rule them all.....YOURS TRULY
Ωmega Neo Omegaisback123
I am Ωmega Neo the Saiyan Megaman!!I can beyond a Super Saiyan 4 all the way to Super Saiyan 10!!!And I can be become a Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan 10 too!!!And yes I got Megaman powers too.I own the Alaska Community..If U just want to use it..Just come ask me.. By.
Damon dreadnought999
hello i am janes brother nice to meet you games i love: monster hunter, anything with custom story game, any character customisation game and painting games
Zabdy Ztar Zabdiel4123
¡Hola Nintendo y compañía! Yo, Zabdiel Rivera Alamo (o Zabdy), trabajare algún día con ustedes, desde pequeño siempre a sido mi sueño. Espero que me acepten, sino, me rompería el corazón. My character's name is Zabdy Ztar!(nickname: Ztarfy) I'm 18 years old & ♂… but i'm like Baymax, just a big softy. I live in the beautiful island of Puerto Rico! I'm an otaku!! i ♡ Nintendo!! Call me… Zabdy-kun!!!
Ninja Sanicspeed1
This user's profile comment is private.
Jane mon5ter_hunt3r
hello everyone. names jane, i can be odd but i just wanna make friends favourite games: splatoon, monster hunter, terraria, xenoblade chronicles x, pokemon and the binding of isaac favourite monster is zinogre (thats why i have horns on my head) i rather not talk about any of my past i like to draw and may start a story soon (i may even copy it onto miiverse)
ĞłφячČнαη♪ Glory200
Hi i'm Glory i'm often Happy ^o^ I love to draw Sonic'characters,Animes,Furries Like:Music, my friends, Anime, Draw I do no WiiU chat, i do not Date Drawing Request: On[...] Off[√]
Manny Chibi_Manny
Check out my You Tube chanel "Chibi Manny" Or join my Dis cord serrver, is a gaming community where we play games & chat! Nintendo Rulez! ★~c(òωóc) (FYI - I'm an adult)
Bull pythor13
best rank s and i love burgers best friends zack, the wmm, mirai,jinxies,and doremi hope everyone has a great day and doodis i am a competitive smash player i want a challenge dont be scared to challenge me
Rini Moon BTTF_Rini
Please note: I've been gaming since 1990. Trained in most consoles and handhelds. So, I'm knowledgeable. I'm a huge fan of Sailor Moon. A "Moonie" if you will. It's not the only anime I enjoy, as I have several. I have too many to list here. If you send blank friend requests, I will delete them. Follow me, if you want. Miiverse Family: Doremi, Bunny, Prier, Miki, Scurge, Dawghowler, and others.
Lulu WolfieLulu
Gaming since forever. Say hi every once in a while. I don't bite...unless you want me to.
Neko-Dan djjbd10
"Teachings that do not speak of pain have no meaning because humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return." ~Fullmetal Alchemist
Mathu √★ DigimonMaster222
Gramcrakers:bowser_and_lucas karate kick:the_greatest_artist if we haven't talked do send me a FR up here. no blank ones either.
A-R-mario ARMario15
hello for those who are looking at my profile im A-R-mario and im just letting you know is that what i like is anime and video games like many other people. im not really great with drawing. someday im wanting to become a voice actor for anime and probably video games. im also 21(-ω-), no random or blank friend request unless i get to know you more
unholy unholyforce
Undacovr D Nekokoneko2033
Clementine TeamMuffins
Scurge hates_trollmins
If you don't have Breath of the Wild yet, then something is wrong with you. XD
Doremi GG46ML86LX1
Ferrets and foxes and bunnies oh my (O///O) I love drawing and my current obsessions right now are... DC Super hero girls Smurfette from Smurfs Splatoon 2 Princess Peach Zootopia Derpy Hooves MLP Trolls #Poppy Pokemon moon Nintendo Switch Drawing all my O.C.'s... look around if you want. and dont mind Jinxies shes a little hyper ♥♡
Ardi-Hime Arduinna
"I am the morning sun, Come to vanquish this horrible night!" ---██--- █████ Im proudly Catholic ---██--- ---██--- ---██--- ---██--- I dont accept blanc friend request, sometimes i do request but it takes so looong. My favorite games are Monster Hunter series ^^ I have dear friends that i love with my heart Hopefully you enjoy what you see I DONT WIIU CHAT OR USE MIC.
Ryan RTx1013
Hi! I'm Ryan Smith but you can call me Xyan. I'm GREAT with videogames like Mario, Pokémon, Sonic, Kirby and others. I also love videogames and anime as much as everything that I do, like riding a bike, go outside or doing my series, RHX. I don't like to use Wii U chat that much. I can be friends with anyone who likes me and/or likes any games that we both play.
Evan eduell97
I'm just a guy who likes videogames. Some of my favorites are Smash Bros & Pokemon. Anyway, that's all, now go home.
Zack Zack1997
I'm Zack, I'm 20 and a Huge Nintendo Fan Forms: Human, Pony, Inkling, Riolu Miiverse BFF's: Mirai, Prier, Iris, Dory, Sakura, Mîdηα, Rin, The WMM, JC, Ruby, Scarlet, Shira, Cresselia, Tran, Astrol, Skweekerz, Ðιvΐηε, Nickiola, ★Stylεtv★, Alisha★ƒτ, Serena★ƒτ, Alyssa, Britt, Emma, Lumshock, Erikah, isa, Nully, puzzlegirl, Fabi, Roddrick, Nordia, «Kitty», Jennifer, Xavian, Bull and Twilight
Thank you all,you have made my time on here a blast and a half,hope to see you all around out the...
Thank you all,you have made my time on here a blast and a half,hope to see you all around out there on the interwebs!!!!XD