Wolf Lover's Followers
Josiah tnfiddler
Hello! I love The Legend of Zelda series, and anime. I also enjoy Music, especially Hatsune Miku Songs. I'm Christian, and I Love reading, especially mangas. My favorite manga is Wolf Children: Ame & Yuki. The consoles I own are: GameCube, Wii, DS (broken), and I'm hoping to get a 3DS. ( I also own a Wii U, of course XD ) GAME ON!
sg~Gισгgισ oltugiorgio
ciao sono giorgio,sono uno appassionato di gamer da quanto avevo 3-4 anni. il mio gioco preferito è crash bandicoot. ho 11 anni. i miei youtuber preferiti sono stepny, surrealpower e luke4316. detto questo ci vediamo. ciauuuuu
Sarah KibbyGirls12
Hi! My name is Sarah. Most of my friends call me Kibby. i play tones of wii and wii u games! my favorite is Wii party u. it is a fun game. u should play it. My user is Kibby12gaming.
icewolf Lila6609
Hey guys,my name is Nikki and I love to play minecraft.So I need someone to play with and Gamergirls post do i look like im made of money post is hilarious!By the way check out my two bestie Balerina!I play Splatoon and Minecraft!I need some more followers plz!
Schuyler Skydawg2005
Wolfy Man IMaMANforREAL
Im not human is the first thing im telling you guys. Im a wolf, well half wolf half human. But mostly wolf. IM A BAD WOLF. But don't get the wrong idea. In the inside im good, well half bad half good. Im good because i help lonely dogs, fox,and well wolfs. im bad because i kill'd red written hood. So you know a litte bit about me, so bye favorite food: people favorite thing: the moon
Sky ^w^ thelonewolf04
i wuv wolves♥♥♥♡♡♥♥♥♡♡♥♥♥
Super JC Ericyates
Hello! i'm here to try to have fun with everybody!! wait.... not like.... get your head out of the gutter!! Lol! :-) ;-) P.S. No l don't do video chat!! sorry...
adry adryXD
TaeTae sashapad87
hi my name is Jontae
Mikael MikaelBoudreau
Salut je m'appelle Mikael... j'aime beaucoup jouer a plusieur jeux vidéo sur ma consolle Wii U
lauren dingmarw
happy new year
felix qqccfdrggbbnjhgy
hi I'm a 13 year old boy how is 5'2''. I like the color bleu and board games but, I mostly play video games. my favorit is the legend of zelda seires. they're amazing, so much adventuring around and just try and figure out what to do to move on your adventur. any ways make sur to explore EVERY thing in a game you might just find somthing worth finding. good luck on your games singed: Felix
㍍㌶㌍㍑㍊㌫㌔㍉ Vallo21
ok ciao ragazzi bentornati in questo nuovo video oggi vi dirò il mio profilo.... XDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXD Gioco follemente ogni giorno a ........ SPLATOON! Ma anche a MINECRAFT NON SO COSA SCRIVERE! UM.... CLICCA QUEL BELL PULSANTE SEGUI + E IO RICAMBIERO! AHHH DIMENTICAVO GRAZIE PER I 4472 ISCRITTI SU YOUTUBE SEGIUTE Oniria♥♡♥ e SOPRATTUTTO AS★™мαтт☆
bicho bichovs21
Bethany bETHANY10357
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Chloe Chloe-LindsAYE
Hello! ♥-♥
Foxy BoogaBoo9.0
i love mincraft
Splatoon and Netflix are fun but Youtube is so far the best in my opinion.