Wolf Lover's Friends
lauren dingmarw
happy new year
jake ragona99
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Wolfy Man IMaMANforREAL
Im not human is the first thing im telling you guys. Im a wolf, well half wolf half human. But mostly wolf. IM A BAD WOLF. But don't get the wrong idea. In the inside im good, well half bad half good. Im good because i help lonely dogs, fox,and well wolfs. im bad because i kill'd red written hood. So you know a litte bit about me, so bye favorite food: people favorite thing: the moon
adry adryXD
Sarah KibbyGirls12
Hi! My name is Sarah. Most of my friends call me Kibby. i play tones of wii and wii u games! my favorite is Wii party u. it is a fun game. u should play it. My user is Kibby12gaming.
Haley Doglover219
Hello My name is Doglover219 And here is a list of the games i play - Minecraft - Yoshi Wolly World - Super Mario Bros. - Pokemon games - Tomodachi life - Animal Crossing (all) And if you want follow me and or friend me Also check my latest or my old post and i got two sisters doctorwho219 and magicmaker219 follow them and friend them if want keep it up and read my post!(^-^)
Luann slavart1
Hi!!! I am always open for friend requests! yep, thats mii! lol...
felix qqccfdrggbbnjhgy
hi I'm a 13 year old boy how is 5'2''. I like the color bleu and board games but, I mostly play video games. my favorit is the legend of zelda seires. they're amazing, so much adventuring around and just try and figure out what to do to move on your adventur. any ways make sur to explore EVERY thing in a game you might just find somthing worth finding. good luck on your games singed: Felix
Super JC Ericyates
Hello! i'm here to try to have fun with everybody!! wait.... not like.... get your head out of the gutter!! Lol! :-) ;-) P.S. No l don't do video chat!! sorry...
xavier natwann2000
Splatoon and Netflix are fun but Youtube is so far the best in my opinion.