Relvamon's Followers
★Lulu★ priscille974
Salut tlm, je m'appelle Lucas j'adore dessiner et je m'entend avec à peu près tout le monde, mais je m'énerve assez facilement si on me cherche. Sinon j'adore jouer aux séries Pokémon, Mario et FNAF. Personnes importantes : Army, Zélénox, ProGamer, Encégo, Atilaz, Anaëlle et plein d'autres P.S : Je suis un joueur adicte de Pokémon Shuffle Mobile et Mario Maker ^^ Team : SB∞
*~çåñçêr~* marshall423
600+ followers Favorite band:Twenty one pilots l-/ I live in canada Wii u is not my main console but im on wii u alot of the time i dont wii u chat i do gamechat i only play minecraft and mariokart 8 I got Pacific Time Zone UTC-08:00 no youtube channel Alright everyone who is reading this ill be gone now so friend me if you want and follow if you want me in your activity feed
daddy Mommy726
hi jordyn miles here and today I'm going to friends
-noah- TheAmazingNoah88
I broke my leg... :-( You can wiiU chat me to see my cast. HEY! I am a 15 year old gamer (yes i recently had a birthday.) and i like Action Adventure and RPG style games. Right now I can't stop playing Pokémon Sun and Minecraft. I will accept all the friend requests you give me... But sometimes I am slow... Also i don't make posts every day, ESPECIALY with school starting soon.
UP★Mehdi69 MehdiLeBGdu69
Yo les gens,c'est Mehdi !: 12 ans Chef de l'Ultimate Pokémon Fairy Tail. 856 abos ça fait super plaisir. Je peux quitter miiverse l'esprit tranquille mes objectifs ont étés atteints. Jusqu'à l'arrêt je pense rester sur ce message. En tout cas miiverse à été une bonne expérience.En 1 ans et bientôt et demi j'aurais profité des mes partages,de vos abos et des ouais. Bye d'avance les gens !
sonickid jonathanj70
Hi there gamers hope you like my photo and more . like them for me is that ok . thanks for taking to you.
Jess Jerusabellum
★ My Favorites: ★ * EISBRECHER * * Music: Rock, Metal, Goth Metal * Anime * Pizza, Chili und Chili Cheese Fries... Yum ! * Comedy und Horror Movies * Scooby Doo und Courage the Cowardly Dog * The Incredible Hulk * * Writing/Journaling, Drawing, Playing Guitar und Playing Video Games * Coloring * Tattoos und Body Piercings * * Black, Red und Purple * Swimming, Bowling und Shopping
Devil—DarK noahzam54
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Lanstar NewLanstar
Hello everyone! I'm very knowledgeable in pokemon games, and have been playing Pokemon Moon. I'm also quite good at Pokemon Shuffle. Check one of my Handwritten posts for my archived collection of fun Stretchmo QR code challanges! My New Leaf Dream Addresses: 1.0 Old: 5E00-000F-6094 2.0 Old: 5F00-0028-D115 Latest: Changed to 4B00-0051-BEE1
Rob rabprabp
What can I say? I love Nintendo! I've been hooked since the NES, and even used to be president of a Nintendo fan club (Mario Masters). I'm enjoying the positive, helpful vibe on Miiverse and getting and sharing tips!
sunny sunny6275
Hey Everyone! I would like to invite u to my profile! *crowd claps* im an experienced gamer of any system! also sorry about the picture and my name this is my grandmas Nintendo Network ID. Anyways i love nintendo, love anime(KAWII!),talented at drawing, and in zelda fan one of the biggest! although i cant go to Nintendo E3, I can enjoy nintendos comfort at home.Follow me, i follow back!
André Cute-Yoshi5
Love Nintendo, both 3DS & Wii U !!! #3DS * Luigi's Mansion 2, must for all Nintendo fan ^^ * Fire Emblem Awakening : best game ever, of the serie and the hardware ! * Professor Layton serie, soundtrack <3 #Wii U - Pikmin 3, fantastic gameplay with Gamepad :p - Mario Kart 8, a wonderful version for graphics, online and content :D - Splatoon : best shooter ever, another Nintendo wonder <3
VIVIANA Redspark961
Timesailer CresseliaSol
Omni OmnimonX12345
Nothing to see here. bleh
casey pomeroyc
im a killer
Rosa RosaBonbonpapier
Xarocouile MathiasBernard
Miaou ! Yo ! Je m'appelle Mathias. Minecraft : Pixel Art : ★☆☆☆☆ PVP : ★★★★☆ Jump : ★★★★☆ Redstone : ★★☆☆☆ Créativité : ★★★★★ Rush : ★★★★☆ HikaBrain : ★★★☆☆ Knockgold : ★★★★★ Domination Color : ★★★★☆ Sky Wars : ★★★☆☆ Geek : ★★★★★ Pokécraft : ★★★★☆ Gentil : 90% Méchanceté : 3% Popularité : 7% Dédicace à : blutchy (mon cousin) Amphi (Connait depuis le CE1) Sfdruhd et Romino (Virtuelle) A+
tuanpokeor tuanpokemaster
Hi anyone that follows me. My name is Tuan. I love and play Pokemon very well. I can also play any kind of game and get to be a pro really quickly. I am open to follow you back if you follow me. But I hope you follow me :D P/s: Plz follow me
apocalypse apocalypse121303
j adore les mangas comme one piece et fairy tail et je joue beaucoup a ma 3DS et j adore la télé et l ordi et voir de belles filles et leurs formes
Bill Nye NotARussianSpy
Bill Nye the Russian Spy#6292. You should know what that is. Fare thee well. (Formerly I.M. Meen, Ghirahim, Zant, Sans, L, The Joker)
Apo2331 Apo2331
Thargor Thargor
Marill Marill389
Hey everyone! I'm Marill!~ I play pokemon games and other fun ones too, If I ever find anything interesting in a game, I usually post it here (It's mostly favourite lines or achievements though :p) Currently playing Pokemon Shuffle and PSMD (Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon)
Freshy freshy21
Hi everybody! Long time Zelda, Pokemon, Mario Kart player. But I also enjoy many things (reading, walking in nature, History). I play(ed) on NES, SNES, N64, GameBoy, DS, 3DS, mostly PC (Big fan of the Baldur's Gate family, Elder Scrolls (esp. Morrowind & Skyrim), Diablo, Dooms, and much more !) I'm a Historian by training and a programmer by passion. Currently changing jobs from times to times
Justin ArsenalJFC
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system systendo
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ArmFtgFDP! Ronflexlebg
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nikos Nikosdelivos
My favourite game is pokemon x
SkυllQυεεи Queen_Z08
TheItemGod M.Grognon
Antman antjt19
wafflez 12username9
Hello this is Nevo My goal is 2 get 100 followers. If u like my drawings, yeah them and if u like, follow me. I like minecraft. Fav. anime's: Naruto,Naruto shippuuden, Bleach AoT E.T.C Favorite Apple games are: Baseball superstars 2013, 8 ball pool E.T.C I also like art especially pixlated art. If u want more drawings u can ask 4 more!!! Thats it 4 this thing, Mkay bye!!!
Bryce Bryce07
Hello my name is Bryce i like a lot of games i like mario super smash bros the legend of zelda nintendo badge arcade pokemon shuffle pokemon rumble world pokemon X Y Sapphire Ruby luigis mansion dark moon dragon ball z please yeah my drawings and post please follow me i will follow you back if you follow me please yeah my drawings and post i hope you like my drawings and post. yuH We tech those!
Isaiah Knexinventions49
I am a HUGE PokéFan. I own own PMD and PMD2, along with most of the Mainstream games. Working on PKMN Super Mystery Dungeon, In the epilogue and farming legends all day long. I like to help people out a lot. Feel free to ask me about most PKMN related stuff, I will be able to help most of the time. Most of my posts these days will be Sun/Moon speculations/news reports.
felipe fsdeluna
hello world!
Giordy skygiordy
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ςαβεļρσφť TheBootedBantam
I live in Wales, United Kingdom. I breed Bantams, listen to VITAS and play 3DS games.
Bilal Chetti
Salut tout le monde , comment ça va ?? Je joue beaucoup à pokemon saphir alpha (Mon pokemon préféré est Kyurem) et je fais beaucoup de concours pour gagner des shiny , pokemon shuffle et pokemon picross (Je suis à la zone 11) Gentillesse : ★★★★★ Méchanceté : ★☆☆☆☆ Humour : ★★★★☆ Critiques : ★☆☆☆☆ Fou : ★★★☆☆ (des fois) Abonnez-vous , si vous vous abonnez , je m'abonne !!!
Binou robinours80
jacob js151502
i am 13 in 8th grade play on a championship winning basketball and baseball team. and i am a expert gamer.
JosephTDM cccdeff
whats up.
wushl wushlboss
My ready!