Users Relvamon Is Following
Mostafa++ colorfulCarbonyl
I am a dork for: Splatoon Undertale Rhythm Heaven Steven Universe Avatar: The Last Airbender Super Mario (especially World & 3D World) Paper Mario Hunter x Hunter Super Monkey Ball 1&2 WarioWare Inside Out Mathematics (especially Discrete Math, Algebra and Calculus) Physics Chemistry (especially organic) Biology (especially anything cellular or molecular) and Comp Sci! (C++, Python, Java, y'know)
Grimmona Grimmona
Thargor Thargor
Bill Nye NotARussianSpy
Bill Nye the Russian Spy#6292. You should know what that is. Fare thee well. (Formerly I.M. Meen, Ghirahim, Zant, Sans, L, The Joker)
α Clément Pro-Clement
Mon compte miiverse va faire partager essentiellement mon expérience sur Pokemon shuffle.
Submasterƒ Kingmaster87
Video game fanatic, follower of all things Nintendo... and time travel enthusiast. Been playing Pokémon Shuffle since a few days after launch, so ask me anything and I'll be happy to help. Currently serving as both Commanding Officer and a student of the great ƒluƒƒy clan.
barb1 barpoe
Hello! Welcome to my profile. My favourite game is Pokemon Shuffle! I also love to draw and paint. Ik ben nederlandstalig. Ma langue maternelle c'est le néerlandais (c'est ce qu'on parle aux Pays-bas, mais aussi en Belgique!) Je sais me débrouiller en français, mais je parle mieux l'anglais! :P I love knowing that the sun always shines, even if we don't see it!
Komedy27u komedy27u
Zach Blankzephyr
Well, it's the end, y'all. Had a good time, but it's time to move on. Take care, everyone.
galeongirl Galeongirl
JasonALike JasonALike
I will do my best to entertain, inform, educate, and reply to all. - JasonALike.
Emmie emmie1988
hi 28 and love pokemon and layton favourite layton character is emmy (obviously,lol)........i do come with a warning though........i can be quite random....... HAVE FUN GAMING EVERYONE XD
Loup noir adridri1
Bonjour je m'appel Adrien et j'ai 14 ans. J'aime les pixelarts! Mon jeu préféré est animal crossing new leaf.Mon code onirique est 7500 2196 4197.N'hésiter pas à la visiter et bon rêve. Aller mettre ouai à mon message favori si vous aimer stp. Nombre d'abonnés:511 Objectif:525 Vous pouvez actuelement aller voir la maison de Dorothée dans ACHHD voici son code 0597 7765 614
Fco. Jarin FcoJarin0104
Soy un adolescente, fanatico de Hora de aventura y pokemon, mi juego favorito es the binding of Isaac PD.: siganme xD
まず初めに… カルチョは神ゲー!!!(( カルチョはstudyしながらできるんでいいですよn((殴 無言フォローしますんでそこんとこ夜露死苦です(( ポケとるやカルチョビット,MHXやってます!カルチョ大好きです! 荒しはすぐに通報するよ((覚悟してn(( カルチョビット・・・オールS14名+15名計29名 たくさんの人をフォローしたいので,その都度フォロー返してくださいね(( 呼び方は、はるきちでも侍でもどっちでもいいです(( s鳥&タメロおkです( カルチョビット メイン チーム名 福井ダイナソー ID 0D219FC8A サブ チーム名 ルネサンス島原 2B4FDDB78 MHXX共感リストサブサブザクラsのトピックで狩猟団「漆黒の翼~英雄たち~」を募集中です 条件は・改造していない・HR4以上 です よければご入団お願い致します 更新日・・・5月28日
Ni ghosty144
Interesting stuff: -There are 6373 Ni s dancing to Disco. -Turritopsis-dohrnii is a cool jellyfish. It's biologically immortal, which seems Deviant compared to other animals. -Something bad happened; I Tumbled and hit a hive of laser-bees! -Ghosty144 is interested in ornithology and likes Birds (especially blue ones). -"Maika (Ni)" doesn't like it when the pizza restaurants are Closed
Mark mgam11-2000
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Nao★Mi § Rikaria
§ Leader of the Pokémon §huffle News Network (P§NN); co-leader is Kuro §. We're not accepting members right now. ♥ Animé fanatic, pegasister (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fangirl), & massive Pokémon fan (Diancie♥) and Pokémon Shuffle player. I'll try to help if I can! ★ I'm only active in the Pokémon Shuffle community's Discussions section.
Lemur Cappybear
Don't move or they will see you. Don't breathe or they will hear you. Don't leave or they will find you.
Gustavo L.Gustavo
I'm from Brazil. I am a 27 years old serious gamer, and began playing on the SNES. Today, I've expanded my gaming world, especially on the 3DS, and I like to conquer the games I play, not only beating them, but 100 percenting all the games I can.
shiny★ omgyaystars
Veronica Lexiathecat
Hello, my name is Veronica and I'm 18. I've been playing games all my life. I'm mainly a cartoon artist, but I have well rounded experience with various art media. I have a Gamecube, Wii, Wii U, and a New 3DS XL. I love Paper Mario (first 3 games), Kirby, SSB, Pokemon, Xenoblade, MarioKart, etc. My two favorite pokemon are Gallade and Gardevoir and my main in SSB4 is Bowser. ^u^
Deiv davidullo
Hi, i'm Davide, I'm 21 and I like a lot to play Pokémon Shuffle! Let's follow me to stay up to date on news and suggestion about this extraordinary game!
Mark CaprianMellow
Hey! I hope whoever is looking at this is the next follower of the Marksquad! lol Thanks for 150+ followers! I love video games. CHECK MY NEW POST PLZ! I play baseball and I am really good at it. I'm nice and I hope you are too. U follow...I follow. YES PADAWAN KEEP READING! TROLLED! lol Goodbye!
Kirin CChrono
ChatNoire chatnoire89
Just a guy who likes to play games all his life.
Chicorii Chicorii
Zonex zonextreme
soy un fan de pokemon. me gusta jugar mucho al pokemon shuffle y de vez en cuando juego en vida real a torneos VGC de pokemon, pero aun no soy muy bueno en ello. tambien me gusta los juego antiguos y juego a algunos otros de mi playstation.
Claudia Mrs.Gladys
I'm a 25+ year old living in the Netherlands and I grew up with Nintendo-consoles, from the SNES all the way to the WiiU/3DS! When I have time, I play: Fantasy Life, Zelda: OoT & ALBW, Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Pokémon, Super Mario 3D Land, New Super Mario Bros U, Nintendoland, Mario Kart 8 & Donkey Kong Country: TF! Animal Crossing DA 12-3-16: 6800-5245-0010
mama mama5byZ
Kris Krisdrops
DB DBrody6
Kardia Caahaleth
Paix et Félicité ^^ Dicton: "Gardez vos salades, ou j'apporte la vinaigrette..." ;)
I believe I can fly!
Cole cole77
Bark bark-lot
Just playing games to pass the time....
somonflex somonflex
Sakobro Sakobro
WASSUP, i'm Sakobro. I want to be a gaming youtuber when i grow up. My favourite games of all time: 1. Super Mario Galaxy 2 2. Super Mario Galaxy 3. The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D 4. The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess HD 5. Super Mario 64 DS Gaming consoles i own: Mario DS Lite Wii (white) New 3DS XL Black Wii U I don't own Breath of the Wild or a Nintendo Switch... i cri evrytim
My ready!