Яøмэő1900's Followers
Harvey harveybragan7194
hi my name is Harvey please follow me and i will follow back and 1s you got a ps vita will be frends on the ps vita and if you want to play inf 2.0 you can invit me and i got splatoon so if yo want to play with me chest start it ok biy
S p o o k PlanetDab
I know Miiveres ends in 3 weeks but meh. ill post art and stuff and thats it. btw At: SpicyMemes133
Reginald BoomerangBro78
Profile comment hidden by Villager. oh yeah I don't Wii U Chat, just 653999 and mate53 this profile has trash sooo look at that i guess
Ryan Ryancb27
Hello Everyone! My name is Ryan. I am 13 years old. I have a Wii, Wii U, Nintendo 3DS and Nintendo Switch. I played the Wii ever since March 2012. And I also have a game capture card as well. It lets me record my game footage when I need to. Also, feel free to send me a friend request. I accept all friend requests. I have been on Miiverse ever since July 28, 2014. Also, RIP Miiverse 2012-2017.
Dada Dada2424
cc tout le monde je m'apelle Daphnée j'ai 11 ans gentille★★★★★☆ méchante★★☆☆☆☆(Faut pas m'enerver) mon yt Daphnée Labelle mes amie Emy Jolyanne Ayla Krystal aidez moi j'aimerais avoir 500 abbo svp abonnervous metter des ouais et ca va bien aller hésiter pas à me demander en amie ca me fais plaisir ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
zeque zeque09
i love MINECRAFT Man
Josh202DS JoshuaMorrow2DS
Hey guys! Joshua Morrow here. This is my 5TH 3DS/2DS Account. #SaveMiiverse&WiiUChat My other 6 Accounts - JoshuaTM0509, JoshuaTM1997, JoshuaTM5997, JoshuaTM591997, JoshuaMorrowWiiU, SubstituteJoshM1 Be sure to follow me on this Account and my other 6 Accounts and send me Friend Requests on my other 6 Accounts. :-D
счте :3 DankPostatoChisp
Sorry Miiverse that you cant make it you were so wonderful. I love everything you gave me. Because I have no soul. Im gonna Not post as often as usual but it seems ive already started quite a while ago. I will miss each and everyone of you my followers,my friends,and Foxy710 My marvelous companions *Foxy710♥ *Patryk_Eddworld♥ *Humbwab♡♥♡♥
ĎεмоηМεω☆★ lightflare1129
well hello im back we are almost going to DIE here because on the 7th 10:00 AM we all are going to be gone
Bacon. Tyler.Casual.New
Guys! I ♥ ALL OF YOU AND HOPE YOU HAVE THE BEST OF YEARS! Bye nice knowing u miiverse!
[Lςƒ]Снαź★ AwesomeSauce-O
My name is Cameron, I am 15 years old, and I'm a guy that loves video games. Please note that I do own a 3DS I can't connect the IDs for some unknown reason. I hope to make lots of friends and get lots of followers. If you want to be a part of my group, press me and hit that Friend Request button. ;) Live long and prosper.
Smol~Nick About_9_Crayonz
Yo, Its Nick. Just your average cringey kid on the internet. I like Earthbound, Pokemon, and Fire Emblem. So if you want, follow and laugh on how dumb i am ;) P.S This is a alt. PP.S Charizard and Thyphlosion are cool. Oh yeah, Sceptile is pretty cool.
Dark Shokr 555rekcohS
Yeah, I'm pretty much the evil version of Shocker. (Shocker555) I probably won't be on as much as my goody-two-shoes "twin". Oh well. Like my counterpart, I make courses in SMM, although I don't beg for stars like a 5 year old. Now if you'll excuse me, there is a pizza with my name on it.
progamer braydan2007
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Nina Hypatia2004
Hallo ich heisse Nina bin 13 Jahre Alt Meine lieblings Youtuber sind Logo,Domtendo,Danny jesden,Concrafter,AviveHD. Meine Lieblingsgames sind Splatoon,The legend of Zelda breath of the wild,Minecraft.Mein zweiter acc heisst huggiremi.Ich zocke auch auf der Switch. Bye ^^
julio belkin.191
Iam a good and cool person
Luca German_smyl_guy
Ich heiße luca und spiele [Minecraft.Zelder und noch viele andere spiele . Spiel doch mit mir und hab Spaß XD . Jede Freundschaftsanfrage finde ich cool. Wen ihr mir Folgt dan Zeigt es doch mit nem Yesr lb luca
Alice AJM1012
Hello I am Alice and let me give you some advice for the new peaple! Always make sure that your brother never sees your miiverse profile page! And also don't friend peaple you haven't talked to on miiverse ok enough tips let me tell you a little somethin' about me!!! I like to run BF:grayce BF on wii u:awesome real name: Ava I also like Turtles move along CYA!
☆★Chanse★☆ dwilfong47
Inactive Account
Jonathan 360984
Hi i'm Jonathan i'm 10 years old Favorite game : Mario kart 8 Favorite sport: soccer Favorite book: Captain Underpants Favorite food: Pizza
☆ Nεαεг ☆ Neaer567
★ Welcome to my profile! ★ Although you are a little late... Rest in Peace Miiverse 2012 - 2017
Simon Tafi1970
Hello everyone! My name is Simon! Good-Bye everyone! I will always be in your hearts... ♥
sup_ Igameforlife
Sup guys im Igameforlife and I pretty much game everyday also mostly play minecraft but also play mario maker, mario kart8, mario party10, new super mario bros wiiu, and so much more I have so many games to play on the wiiu but just mostly play minecraft and sometimes you should go on miiverse once every two days or not whichever you want so im done and have fun whatever your playing and be cool:)
Emma エマ ButterbeanSquirt
I am a 12 year old girl who is closely monitored by her parents while on the Wii U and 3DS. I like Splatoon,Pokemon,Five Nights at Freddy's,DBZ,and Naruto. My favorite animal is a wolf My favorite food is sushi I LOVE drawing I accept drawing requests. WARNING: Cyber will eat you if you get any closer. Seriously, he's evil. Congratulations!You survived. Take some icecream
Noah Noah-Phil
Profile comment hidden by admin.
ferni maxa333
Vinayak#42 Vinayak2002
Had a great 4 years on miiverse, sad to see it go but looking forward for what the future holds for me. Thanks for everything guys ♥️ Top 10 favorite games 1: Splatoon 2 2: Animal Crossing NL 3: Minecraft 4: Lego Dimensions 5: SSB4 6: Fifa 17 7: MK8 deluxe 8: Undertale 9: Pokémon Y 10: MK7 Thanks for 2023 followers man!
Coy Seibel CoySeibel
I like computers and video games, I sometimes watch TV, and I am cool. Favorite video game characters: Mario, Luigi, Yoshi, Link, Zelda, Peach, Sonic and Tails Favorite Youtubers: Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, Pewdiepie, Lambtuberxtream72, Adrian Salinas, Jacob630, Weatherstar4000video, Giga Gamby, Talon Smart, Joey Bacala, and Hamster of the decade I also like Battle for Dream Island. R.I.P Miiverse
Brendan bj51105
Miiverse is ending... I had fun with you guys... Shearing my video game experience, making friends and more... I will miss you... Good bye... Brendan R.I.P.
Tacos KYLOrenN.o.r
Hai Dont look at me go away Stop reading this leave me alone plz stop i said go away plz dont do this Enjoy your life
Shadow lukeh110
This user's profile comment is private.
Mark Mark8989
Hi I'm Mark, Age 23 I was on Enemy Saga Duty I defeat some enemies & trespassers. If My name isn't Cap'n Mark, Saving my place called Funnyville Land & Stop The Terrifying Wizpig! By the way feel free to look around My Stuff? I like To Draw Something, I Make Some Stories, & I Do Some Wii U Chat. Well, See ya. P.S. Wanna be friends or you can follow me if you like?
おじさんまんòó thgfde
ANTOINE super20ant
●◆■★Welcome to my profile new ones!★■◆●
♪Radioactive Imagine Dragons♪
Names Romeo.
I'm 15, nice...
●◆■★Welcome to my profile new ones!★■◆●
♪Radioactive Imagine Dragons♪
Names Romeo.
I'm 15, nice person, totally Loud House Trash and big fan, alot of drawing, is wierd sometimes, funny, etc.
Wii U Chat I do just message me 1st.
I only friend people who that are nice, trustworthy, and kind to me.(Don't even fake being nice.)