Яøмэő1900's Friends
Tyler °¬° CasualMii36
You probably don't care about this profile but, whatever. I'm 14 I'm an animal lover! Hmmm... what else should I put?
Rex Dragon CoolDragonRex
Dragon. Currently dramatic. I'm a dragon that has a Wii U. I love dragons, so please be aware that I'm mostly drawing dragons. Anthro dragons. I play smash. I want friends. Thunder... Best dragon friends: Bubba Jamiez Javier-san Gold Drago Please comment on my posts if you want to have a conversation with me, but I might get off topic... Rawr.
χмας★Subio SubioSez99
Heyo Subio here. This account is now a gallery for my posts. I am no longer using this account. See ya on my 3ds
Ďαгķ Яòмěσ DarkRomeo0091
I am Dark Romeo! This is where I let out my anger now for my rival Romeo1900 I have some evil friends. They are. Dark NINDREW MR. ZEMAG 521 XORD Siul(KOH)™ Dark Gary And many more. Let ya anger out! No matter what... Goodbye.
spook˙˘˙CW olimar64rocks
SAVE MIIVERSE!!!! I'm autistic, so please go easy on me. This luigi64rocks, for those of you who are wondering. Old account was perma'd. Friends: B3thanyD0n3lly_2 I like EarthBound Mother 3 must be localized
Dş Mikey mariokartgp2
Hey There! The name's Mikey. I'm Just a MV User Who likes Nintendo (Obviously), Sega, Capcom, And Fifa. Game Series I like: Sonic, Mario, Mega Man, Fifa, Minecraft, Smash Bros, Earthound and Pokemon. (Please don't be cringy) Here are My Friends: Jordon Ethan Monty Cole Joe Marty Dani Ryan and Eugene. Youtube Channel: Diamond Dasher//DD My favourite Team is Tottenham Hotspur. Peace!
senju Son-of-itachi126
I'm cool with everyone. But I mest up on my guy a little . And allyways commpetive . also ready for anything . And I talk to much. (motermouth)
cupcake987 babasstek77
salut je suis francai jador splatoon minecraft five nights at freddy's et pokemon soyon amis
ÑinGamer17 Andrew3619
Hello my name is ÑinGamer17. I Love Miitopia , Animal Crossing New Leaf Welcome Amiibo, and Splatoon/Splatoon 2 R.I.P Miiverse 2012-2017 #goodbyemiiverse/WiiUChat Last update: 11/4/17 at 9:04 Arizona Time P.S. After Nintendo Declared Miiverse dead I unblocked all the users I've blocked and i'm sad to see Miiverse go. Goodbye Miiverse and goodbye everyone.
jay jay jayjayserrano
Jerome 563jerome44syass
donald donaldcolvin
hey their the name is donald i am just a big nerd who plays game i like undertale i say nerd because i has O.Cs as well heh who knows you may just see me on a post
Nickster U PurpleOJ
If it dosn't have Sonic then its probably not good. My little bro plays with the wiiu too so he WILL be posting pics. But mostly about Splatoon. P.S: My posts are cooler!
Kevin RMgaming
Hey people i am raptor and i have played minecraft and need for speed games. i cant wait to play with you guys. btw i am a really good fighter so get between me and my friends and get ready to fight injustice style
(:Nathan:) nathanrulez22
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Gustavo SmashGu00
EN: It has been three years of pure joy sharing my gaming experiences to all of you on Miiverse. Thank you~ ^_^ Remember, this is not a farewell... This is a "see you soon"~ PT-BR: Foram três anos de pura felicidade ao compartilhar as minhas experiencias de jogo pra todos vocês no Miiverse. Obrigado~ ^_^ Lembre-se, isso não é um adeus... Isso é um "te vejo depois"~ Staaaaaaaaaaay fresh~
Garchomplv Garchomplv99
Super Mario Maker
Jordon JordonReturns
OH HELLO THERE! I'm Jordon. Here's some stuff you should know about me: Born in 2005, yet a huge 90's kid. Loves Nintendo with a die-hard passion. EarthBound and Mario are my favs. I also like Smash, Kirby, Metroid, Donkey Kong, Pikmin, Splatoon, Yoshi, and more. Also likes Rayman, Rabbids, Sonic, Pac-Man, and Minecraft. That's all. Bye!
PKRaam i-love-turtles21
tim123 timwannemacer123
ƒΐς★ Iggy ZeldaLinkMario24
Heyo, welcome to mah profile! Quote: "I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are." ~Mewtwo Song of the week: 'Try Everything' by Shakira (as Gazelle) All-time Favorite Pokémon: Mewtwo Clan: ƒΐς★ I post drawings every Friday or on holidays. (Mewtwo is mah husbando. <3) I'm taking Pokémon art requests!
Lily☆Toons PrincessZelda357
I'm Lily Arts nice 2 meet u. Mascots:Lucky,Cookie,Lily,Alpha,Yuki,Romeo,Sakura,Teddy,Bruno,Jake,Viola,Waffle I love all my Friends^ω^♡! ♡looking forward to:Pokemon sun and moon, FNaF Sister Location & Zelda Breath of the wild ♡i am very shy/ Quiet so forgive me if i don't comment alot ♡i do Not Wii U chat! ♡It's not Perfect but I Hope You enjoy My Art Style - Lily Toons (PrincessZelda357)
Disrespect Darktheboss22
(Rain By Sid Plays) ... Lefted ... miiverus... done with posting the Wii U and my Experience on the Wii U are mistakes and depressing that's why i left R.I.P 12/11/13 - 1/1/17 Best Friends: SuperCoolKid74 (close) Dan000 Lorenzofol (close) Antwain14 (close) Romeo1900 TheGirlGamer (cloes) and More Join miiverus in: 12/11/13 i been on for 4 years now but i don't care May return when have 500 follw
Tessa M. brickmaster5.0
This account is officially inactive
~Noodle~ Ndigi01Gaming
Keep your friends close, and your enemies on the guest list. "NONE OF YOU GUYS KNOW WHAT A RAICHU IS BUT KNOW WHAT A PIKACHU IS? THAT'S DISGUSTING" - Me ranting about Pokémon Go. ˙˘˙ "DID YOU DRINK MY MOUNTAIN DEW?! Lemme smell your breath. LEMME SMELL YOUR BREATH!?' As for now, I will be making some drawing's on my new account "~Noodle~" *Profile under construction*
Aqua REC ♂ supertato66
Hoi! I'm REC! I love playing video games! Favorite Food: Pizza Favorite Game: Super Mario Maker Stats: Average HP:★★★★☆ Hp: 15/15 Attack:★★☆☆☆ Defence:★☆☆☆☆ Speed:★★★★★ Intelligence:★★★☆☆ Friends: ------------------------ Jon TCQ Gary Grounder Liam Joey Billy
Spookninja DerpUndercover
Welcome to my profile! I like video games. I draw sometimes. Criticism on my drawings is appreciated, as long as it isn't blind hate and can help me. NO BLANK FRIEND REQUESTS UNLESS I KNOW YOU! «Request Rules» 1. What you request has to relate to the theme. 2. No OCs 3. Unless I say otherwise, I will only take 7 requests per post and 1 request per person.
Ethan blackhey50
♪Fire Emblem: Awakening - Destiny (Ablaze)♪ Hey guys Ethan here and this is my wii U account I also have a 3DS account. I don't do wii U chats sorry. P.S. I can be a bit weird but please go easy on me. Favourite koopalings. Larry Lemmy Iggy Morton Bowser Jr. Roy and Ludwig. My favourite miiverse people Monty Joe ninCole Gary Martin and the rest.
вlαzε 9Wade8
Hi! I am Peyton but I go by Wade a lot. I am into all sorts of things especially art and video games. My top games I play are: Pokémon, Smash bros, The legend of Zelda, Mario and Splatoon! My favorite pokémon of all/partner is Octillery! I am also a devoted Christian. Don't be shy to leave a comment or post on any of my stuff.
********* ClassicGamer500
Other Platforms: Dεvιαntαrt: ExtremeKirbyDX ΐFυnny: ExtremeLocket2 Dιscσrd: Kirbytone#4429 Twitter: ExtremeLocket2 About my YTC, play my Mario Maker level.
★Yuvis★ yslee0815
Hello, I'm Yuvis the hedgedog~♪^•^* I like to draw splatoon, pixel paint, art academy, and super smash bros for Wii U. My favorite character is Sonic because he's cool and awesome. And another is Roslina and Luma. Those girls are pretty and powerful. So thanks for reading guys, and see you soon~♪
Spy ssbbfan714
"Your were good Miiverse, real good, maybe the Best." - RED Soldier R.I.P. Miiverse 2013-2017 #prayforvegas
Steph Steph.789
hey there :) Likes: ♪gravity falls ♪rick and morty ♪pewdiepie ♪phan ♪pokemon ♪drawing ♪reading ♪p!atd ♪tøp ♪and writing stories Internet friends: ♭Erik ♭Jack ♭Bianca ♥
PKGrounder Shadowfan2005
Heya,I'm Grounder,Grounder the wolf...heres some info : TRUNKS FAN 4 LIFE ( DBZ-DBS ) BFF : PKRec MEMEZ I LIKE TURTLES I ARE SMART MAN It spoopy I like Sonic The Hedgehog,Smash,Music and DBZ What are Grammar In PK clan
hello there i like MEMESS yeh uwu *help* i like gAmessssssssss i like Chiaki Nanami * by like i mean love ;-; :/* i like Undertale i like Sanic first day on miiverse ( 7/24/2014) i wont be on here as often i used too :/ yeh yeh Currently have 3,000 subscribers boi
Marty485XP bigbutt05
RIP Miiverse 18/11/2012 - 08/11/2017 This is the last time I update my bio before Miiverse shuts down Part of clan Luminous. Twîttér@Martin485XP Thank you for this amazing adventure on Miiverse! Heres all the people that helped! Monty Ethan Joe Tom Romeo Aiden Dani BamBam Ryan Owen Mikey Braiden Bailey Thats all goodbye Miiverse. Joined Miiverse: 14/11/2014 Left Miiverse: 28/08/2017
Nindrew sonicboom676
I'm NINDREW. My best friends are MR.GAMEZ, Romeo1900, DROX 125,N, Ducky and, MANY MORE! I am a member of GProZ and Tristan Team. My element:fire, light,tech,ice. Check me out on Google+ As Nindrew Im 14. Im a fan of Sonic the Hedgehog Mega-Man Mario Ledgend Of Zelda Spider-man Daithi De Nogla and the rest of the Vanoss crew.
freddy antwain14
Hi everyone my name is Antwain im a young aspiring artist that mostly draws animals but I just hope people like my art.
Weegee :^) sonicsecond
Thank you Miiverse and Nintendo for the fun Memories! :) PLEASE NO BLANK FRIEND REQUESTS Friends: Octocat Ghostie NinTroy
»»ÐŸŁĄŇ««★ kulraj2005
Hi Welcome Yeah My name is Dylan. I will go miiverse 1000 Followers Stuff About Me. My Fav Color Is Red. My Most FAVORITE Wii u Game SPLATOON My Friends: A lot I ♥♥ DRAWING Schedule Monday: no Tuesday: Yes Wednesday: no Thursday: Maybe Friday: Yep Saturday: Yes Sunday: yes My Friends Monty Ethan & More Favorite Koopa Iggy,Lemmy,Larry Thanks Guys:)
earthkirb lhymes21
was up earthkirb here i have fire powers and my smash mains are mario ness mr.game and watch kirby mewtwo and lucas and the time has come i do wiiu chat im also the owner of team kirby! fave food: wings fav drink: MTN DEW fav channel:markiplier and dantdm ok thats it bye guys and stay safe
Jake Jakemaker2
"Because We Are Tighter Than Bark On A Tree" Due to an constant amount of Friend Requests, they will be no longer accepted. Sorry. This also means I still don't do Wii U Chat
Ducky liamispaydro
Hi i am Ducky I have been a squid and kid for almost 2 year Clan: Fΐς cω☆ GG☆ Best friends: The King (BOWSERJR27) Iggykoopa (StrifeCake) Dylan (Metabeast) Thomas (FieryMarioBlue2) Fΐς★Noodle (Ndigi01Gaming) SHL Squip (endermancrossing) MR.GAMEZ (MR.GAMEZANDGHOST) IQ|Matt☆ (Mattplayz) Glacier (markart10) Stay fresh! My second ID is DuckyLucky05
Zack Wolf BoshiMan
Yo, how are you guys doing today? You know that I'm a wolf, so… Don't mine it. Thank you, now follow me. I don't use Wii U Chat. Sorry guys… Your still here? Go home! BYE THEN!
☆King Jon☆ superjonathanbro
Ayyyy!... Wait a second, so Miiverse wasn't a dream?! Whoa... Currently working on...: Some pixel art for once. (Pretty crazy, right? I haven't been on my WiiU/3ds for like a whole year) Requests: CLOSED (Probably for the best after my first ambitious atempts)
Williams sroye3
Yo it Williams I love Nintendo games and Sonic games if you're interested in that yeah my posts or follow i don't uses the Wii U Chat anymore i hope you find my posts enjoyable Yo :) R I P Satoru Iwata journey to 1000 followers & 10,000 posts! S+ in Splatoon which is my favourite Wii U game SUPER MARIO ODYSSEY THOUGH! i have a maxed following so you can follow me. Miiverse 2012-2017
Rosälïnå skitty17mew
Thank you all for the support I've received on Miiverse. I've made awesome friends and we all have the same thing in common: we love Rosalina. I guess I fell in love with Rosalina after me mum said that she's pretty and that she likes her green dress. Ever since then, I've always loved Rose; she reminds me of my mom ever since then, and playing as your mom in a video game is pretty awesome haha!
Barrett 5678whosthebest
hello it's me...ill just put some fact about myself below :) i play tuba i sing im gay i am really nice um... thats all you can ask more if you want though
Brenda KittyChuckles
♪1738 Aye, Im like hey wassup hello♪ ▲▼ΥΘÜ ΑΙИТ ШАИТ ΝΘ ŻЕЯØ РЯΘВΙΞΜŠ ΒΙĠ FΞŁŁΑ▼▲ "YESTERDAY YOU SAID TODAY. AND TODAY IS YESTERDAYS TOMORROW." -RobertIDK 2017 ——————————————————————— ▼•▼•»»ΒŁАСК ΒĖΑΤŁĖŞ IИ ΤĦĖ ĊIΤΥ««•▼•▼• ——————————————————————— Okay. Love you, Bye! [»ĦĖ ŁĖFΤ ĦIŠ FΑΜİŁУ ВЕĦİИЫ]
Alma OriginalMegaGirl
Hi! I'm MegaGirl and really in love with Mega Man! My husbands Mega Classic, X, Volnutt, EXE and CyberElf X! And Zero is my bro! I love playing his games! I like to draw alot (I draw alot better on paper and computer like how they are originally drawn on,3DS not so well because the screen is too small for me to draw normally and not use to it)!And i dont have another ID here other than this one!
HSRKO yveltalmaster8
This is HSRKO (formerly GG411)-Welcome to my side of Miiverse! I'm a hardcore fan of Mortal Kombat, and you'll see Mortal Kombat X gameplay on my YouTube channel. Fighting games are my best aspect, but I'm always down for a good RPG. Only problem-I suck more than Kirby at shooters... Anyway, I'll accept friend requests & Wii U Chat, especially if you want to Smash! R.I.P. Satoru Iwata 1959-2015
min∞Shina youyou1955
hello! lm Togni ( also Shina) (likes to play splatoon) likes to play SSB.
「N¡η☆Çøļε」 GoldRainbowMario
♪ Super Mario Odyssey - New Donk City Festival ♪ ◆★ Welcome to my Miiverse page! ★◆ ☆ Please Yeah on my final Profile-Pic! ☆ Beginning Date on Miiverse: 12/25/11 Last Post on Miiverse: 11/6/17 [Name]: Cole West [Age]: 16 [Favorite Hobby]: Playing Video Games [Friends]: Monty, Gary, Romeo, Ethan, Ciara, Gustavo, Joe, Ivan, Bailey, etc. I'm staying here, normal when Miiverse ends their service.
Andrew 'ω' mega_sonic15
Hey guys Im Andrew sorry sans took oven my accout but im back :D be careful or ... i dunno just be careful Im kinda bothered a lot irl so dont push my limits you better not >:( I like TURTLES (Hail the god or you die e_o) wut uhhh nvm :) i wii u chat but tell me first and follow if you like ;) UNDERTALE IS THE BEST GAME EVER
Dragain DragonPrince09
Hiya everyone! Just three days till the end of MiiVerse. I really don't want it to end! Some of you may already know of my other accounts (which includes my main account.). I will miss every one of my friends from each of my accounts. I hope to see you on the Switch. I don't Wii U chat. Also, I will only accept a friend request if you are 12 or over.
JR sonicfan21
Hello Miiverse, welcome to my profile. I am a really cool guy. You'll like my profile. Also make sure you yeah all of my posts and follow me! I only accept friend requests from people I know well. Note: Bad comments are deleted and mean users are blocked.
Johnny jat2003
Hello! Allow me to introduce myself. My name's Johnny, and I've been a Nintendo fan since 2008. Since you're already here, you can probably guess what I'm doing. Posting stuff, of course! I play games, and it's as simple as that. Hope you enjoy my posts, and I'll see you around. NOTE: I do not use Wii U chat.
Joe 856Lavalamp
Hi, I'm Joe, I'm 19, feel free to friend me and follow. Also, feel free to try my levels in Mario maker and battle/trade me in pokemon. My 3 favourites: Larry, Lemmy & Ludwig. Best friends: Monty, Ethan, Phœnix, Romeo1900, Cole, Gustavo, CatCombo, Tom, Sven, Eugene, Ryan, Nanco, Williams, Bailey, JoshM & Ivan. No rudeness/be mean/spam. evil account - Dark_Joe658 I don't do drawing.
deathfox bellerose33
Hello my name is ☆Death fox☆! And welcome to my profile! Fav Food:Chicken wings (Pizza hut) Fav game:UNDERTALE Fav place to go:China Owner:Romeo1900
RayHedgeD. raymanmarioman
I am a super cool guy that likes playing Videogames... Basically everyday! I like to draw, of course! I also like making funny posts! Oh, and from now on I will only Wii U chat with people I know personally! AND I MEAN IT!!! I will also only accept friend requests if the person is 12 and over.
☆◆Monty™◆☆ Mario19
♪ Super Mario Odyssey - Ending Theme ♪ ☆ ◆ What's up guys? It's Monty here. I'm done posting. ◆ ☆ First came on Miiverse: 24/05/2012 Finished posting on Miiverse: 05/11/2017 Thanks to all of my best friends. Bailey Bowser Fan Cameron Cole Ethan Eugene Gustavo Joe Josh Leah Sven Tom Williams Zachary I will still be here as normal until the end.
●◆■★Welcome to my profile new ones!★■◆●
♪Radioactive Imagine Dragons♪
Names Romeo.
I'm 15, nice...
●◆■★Welcome to my profile new ones!★■◆●
♪Radioactive Imagine Dragons♪
Names Romeo.
I'm 15, nice person, totally Loud House Trash and big fan, alot of drawing, is wierd sometimes, funny, etc.
Wii U Chat I do just message me 1st.
I only friend people who that are nice, trustworthy, and kind to me.(Don't even fake being nice.)