Users ★MMP★δшεл Is Following
0wen whittle.ew
hi [:
Dominic hyperssonic
plz follow me i want to get to 1000 followers befor miiverse ends go follow these guys ( these are there username ) alexia533 and paperyoshi )
Ariana Sanchez_Gomez5
Martin Martin1479
Mein Lieblingsspiel ist Yoshi's Wolly World für die Wii U und ich spiele gerne Splatoon, Mario, The Legend of Zelda ect.
** anteiku
larry diklan123
,yjjoppook aletony0123
Nintendo Fernandod.aujoup
roi Mathis MathisLeRock
j'aime les chats et les jeux et minecraft ;D
Sand sankhh
うささ haruusasa
GabrielTGM GabrielSara
Hello. I upload posts sometimes.. I still can't leave Miiverse Remaining posts/comments: 0 (HAXX!)
WAZZUP ITS YA BOI LANNY AKA MILK ES HELTHE! IM USIN A FORMAT FOR MA PROFILE DECRIPTION THAT IVE SEEN ON 20 USER PROFILES!! *flips table* ... ...... *puts table back* ... um... what else to put here.... oh yeah ill accept any friend requests, no wii u chat, i dont have minecraft etc etc etc IM GONNA DIE IN 15 MINUTES ONE FOLLOW = ONE PRAYER (insert other misleading statement here)
FabioYT N-Player2.0
Hi! My name is Fabio and I live in Germany. I like to play Super Mario Maker and it's one of my favorite Wii U games. In general, the Wii U is a great consol with many fantastic gemes like Super Mario 3D World or Mario Kart 8 for example. Of course I'm a Nintendo-Fan and I hope, that you'll enjoy my Levels in Super Mario Maker! See you, guys!
Adrîan Adrian24be
-Jeux favoris/Favorite Game : Super Mario Maker -Nature : Gentil ,distrait / Nice, distracted. - Dans/In Super Mario Maker : Vous me donnez une étoile je vous donne aussi/ You give me star I give you also.
hayden hayden190
i want to meet new friends
taza zoraido
hello new player
SEBS mario07ninte
Profile comment hidden by admin.
icee bear starwarsdude123
♪hello darkness my ol' friend, i've come to talk with you again, Because a vision softly creeping, left my eyes as I was sleeping, and vision that was planted in my brain, still remains, within the sound of silence see you people later in life,maybe hope to see you again bye, forever, I will always remember my 720 followers *waves goodbye
cool chris mariaashby
hey if you like minecraft or splatoon friend request me and i will say yes even if you don't have that i will say yes so remember friend request me:-) :->
Rast splendorman096
i play minecraft and a few other games my favorite anime is SAO Fate/Stay Night:Unlimited Blade Works Harlock
ウウウウウウウウウウ ra-men1211
Jonas JonasDimpfl
ich liebe kazen 5
Call911Now MAXDPRO2016
Roberto roberto42231
¡Hola soy Roberto! Posdata: Por razones personales no puedo usar el Wii U chat
Mii Sauth235
I love to roleplay and i to try to make characters but i can't draw X3 also i do follow for follow and i like to make new friends. if you give me a friend request i'll except! i also like the game Subnautica!!!!!! I am a part of Hell's Angels Kyle: (till tomorrow) It took only three days to get three hundred follow
みづっきー。 19680518
はじめまして! Youtuber大好きgirlだゼ☆ はじめしゃちょーの動画をよく見ます。 中3(←この学年なのでOFF率高いです(>_<;) 好きな教科→体育&英語 習い事→塾、バレエ、体操 (前まで新体操とチアダンスしてました(・∀・*)
Derek berryland2014
Jeff Jeffthe1
LAURA Elena97480
bonjour je m'appelle Laura en 6º8 et j'ai 12 ans et abonner vous à mon frère Damon svp et je n'accepte pas ce qui est masquer où se qu'il veulent plus d'abonner aurevoire
Jamarion JamarionBoy
JP justinpppppgh
sun glasses at night
Caleb rachel80
james mandaville
•▲MICK▼• mick224
================================== Et si j'étais de retour ..? ==================================
Daisy jantinat
hi miiverse My Name is Princess Daisy i live with Luigi in the Sarasaland My cousin is Peach My Yt Name:Maria van Gelderen Roblox Name:peachgamer12 Have a great day everyone *waves*
.ı|YUUA|ı. yuuachan0000
うわぁぁぁぁあ!顔ポチっていたぁぁぁい! (*`-'ゝんん...(^∀^/あ、こんにちわんこそば~! ゆうあです。 フレンドさんへ 最近ミバのフレンドとおしゃべりは忙しいからあまり出来ないの...ごめんね。 でもフレンドじゃない人は共感、コメントします! フレンドさんはいつでもコメント出来るからね。 本当にフレンドさんコメント出来なくてごめんね。 フレンドさんへのメッセージは終わりです。 チーター、荒らし大嫌いです。気を付けてねー。 詳しくは↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓
Matt PittsburghCW
Hello there! I'm Matt and this is my profile. I am attending university this year and love it. I am friendly so don't be afriad to say hi, And please, No Wii U chat if you are under 15. Cuz' I won't answer you. Thats all I have to say! If you want to know anything else just ask. Bye~ I'm a filthy Memester, Deal with it.
SP:ニッキー•ω• XxVi-chanxX
Profile comment hidden by Yoshi, Admin and derpiness. Schools out, Although I still have to work. Hope for the best. Not posting anymore. Cool people check them out! Sofia-gamesforever128 My bff-DeadDrop_Ariana My best friend-Slime Maid Another best friend-Skeersick T H E B A T H!
Elora ReneAnn123
Alex Alexakm-h
Destany DestanyW02
My name is Destany Shontia Wilson. Am 14 Years Old.I love play these games online:smash,injustice,watchdogs,mario maker,Mario Kart 8,and Xenoblade X Birthday:11/11/2002 I have a Xbox One with these games: Dragon Ball Xenoverse NBA2K15 Tomb Raider NBA2K16 WWE2K16 Watch_Dogs 2 NBA2K17 Dragonball Xenoverse 2
Hi Everyone This My Profile as u can see so lets get to the facts My Favorite Food Chicken,Refried Beans and Pizza My Games,Splatoon Minecraft Super Mario 3D Land And More Fav YTERS FaZe_Apex,DanTDM,MyLifeAsArii=My cousons channel Clans: DX:Member мςv:member V:member VP:Leader Update Disclaimer:I am moving to Georgia Soon ill be off and also i am turning of accept friend request
James Peleelink
Hi i am a Pre-teen working through school but am having trouble with work.
facts: I am a member of the clans MMP, MX, MME and MCE! i love mario maker! i'm friendly and answ...
facts: I am a member of the clans MMP, MX, MME and MCE! i love mario maker! i'm friendly and answer friend reqestes! my levels are very fun i have over 1k stars! feel free to friend me and/or follow me! by!!!(: ●¬● (^^) (^-^) (^o^) ^●^ ^o^ *_* ^_^ o_o =] :-> +_+ /_\ "." =_= -.- '_' :/ ?_? !_! \_/ :) ._. -_- :-: )( &_& $_$ #_# %_% @_@ (._.) -.- 7.7 \(^o^)/ {*-*} I DON'T DO WII U CHAT!!!![][][][]