★MMP★δшεл's Friends
Mr MLG galacticcooldude
hi my name is mr mlg and i love video games
Quinn shawtayquinn
Sand sankhh
Minecraft! HerobrineGamerMC
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Vanessa Vanessa864
Hi! be sure to try out mario cart 8 for the time of your life!
Pikachu Pikachumouse1996
Pika pika my name is Pikachu the electric mouse pokemon i don't do wii u chat much but you can follow me and be my friend and I like to playing video games
Slenderman Creepypasta87
Hello Children The names slender man I am a creepypasta if you dare to go in to my woods You will be running for your life because I will chase you down no wii u chat good bye kids mwahahahahahahahahahaha........... any way I play video games when i am bored
StarMario7 Bl3ibtreu
Hi I will post Super Mario Maker post try to get to them. Make sure to check out my play journal entrys and open discussion which is open now. I also play Super Mario 3D World! I except all friend Request! So just have fun birthday is private. Miiverse is shutting down Tuesday so get a chance to get 20-1 star(s) See you with your faces and courses!
TonyX 098386
Hey Where Do I Live: Usa, Michigan Favorite Food: Can't tell you now :D Favorite Wii U Game: MK8 and Super Mario Mario Am I Bad?: Not Really What Grade?: Some Grade Kek Am I Cute?: No Not Really ;-; Last Question Am I a Gamer?: Well Of Course Duh!
jaxon botghost
hello there my name is jaxon i had another acount but i deleted my data but im back yay! i play super mario maker and... uhh... yeah that's pretty much it
Nelson+ legendofzelda259
MATCH MY RESOLVE - ASH/ ∞ Stuff about ме Cringey Banned alot Akward Dumb Mexican ADHD Sarcastic, Me NEVER! Likes rick and morty цςιεςς Good at super smash bros Follow these people : Zetsu Ash Tyler & Sky HUNGRY FOR APPLES? YOUR NOT.... OK I like Loz Mario & Smash & more ıξανε пощ This will go on forever if u like
Reid707 Reidy1205
hi my name is reid and i love playing nintendo games
Xander 713-Man
Hey guys, I'm Xander! I've been sent you or me a friend request, and QuakStream starred all of my courses, thank you! When I get 300 stars, then I'll get the 4th Medal and I can increase to 40! And, good luck!
ゆず yuzu112518
°*.柚姫(ゆずき).*° ○._ソフトボール部○._ ☆°_中2☆°_ チップ×デール _ゅず×ゅわ.*° フォローしてくれたら必ず返す(*´∀`*)_°☆ フレリク送ってね~(´`// テレデンOKです_°♡
WAZZUP ITS YA BOI LANNY AKA MILK ES HELTHE! IM USIN A FORMAT FOR MA PROFILE DECRIPTION THAT IVE SEEN ON 20 USER PROFILES!! *flips table* ... ...... *puts table back* ... um... what else to put here.... oh yeah ill accept any friend requests, no wii u chat, i dont have minecraft etc etc etc IM GONNA DIE IN 15 MINUTES ONE FOLLOW = ONE PRAYER (insert other misleading statement here)
Hi Everyone This My Profile as u can see so lets get to the facts My Favorite Food Chicken,Refried Beans and Pizza My Games,Splatoon Minecraft Super Mario 3D Land And More Fav YTERS FaZe_Apex,DanTDM,MyLifeAsArii=My cousons channel Clans: DX:Member мςv:member V:member VP:Leader Update Disclaimer:I am moving to Georgia Soon ill be off and also i am turning of accept friend request
Hugø CreatorHugo2
Goodbye Miiverse Goodbye Friends You're all going to be missed :'(
Adrîan Adrian24be
-Jeux favoris/Favorite Game : Super Mario Maker -Nature : Gentil ,distrait / Nice, distracted. - Dans/In Super Mario Maker : Vous me donnez une étoile je vous donne aussi/ You give me star I give you also.
★Echyan★ charlieTG
salut tous le monde je suis le principal de la SkullTeam gentil ★★★★★ mechant ★☆☆☆☆ (sauf si on m'embète ★★★★☆) abonnez vous sa me ferait plaisir ♥♥♥ mes meilleurs amis: mickael, anthony, иoиo★, mathis, Guismo, jeremy, morgan et vitali ♥♥♥ mes youtubers préférés: squeezie, octoboy et julia gameuse ♥♥♥
ςτ☆scream☆ maddoxpaxnoa
hola a todos me llamo maddox mi hermano pax mi hermana noa y yo acepto todas las solicitudes de amistat tengo splatoon minecraft super smas bros mario kart 8 call of duty ghost y blak ops 2 mario party10 just dance 2017 maro y sonic en los juegos olimpicos de invierno para la wii zelda breath of the widl super mario maker y llasta y uso wiiu chat
JeremyG7 watsit2u
Hello guys! my name is JeremyG7 :D And i like to play videogames online.One off my favorite games are Super Mario Maker!! If you want to be my friend send me a friend request and i will asept your friend request. :) Im 13 years old, By:JeremyG7
MemeSenpai scottdom
I like to play Call of Duty black ops lll,Batman ,DOOM,Madden 17,Splatoon,Minecraft,Wwe 2K,Mario kart 8,Super mario 3D world,Super Mario Maker,Mario tennis ultra smash and super smash. If you have a mario Maker level tell me I will play it and star it and probability follow you. And Also Friend me.Also I have PS4.
XQuackerX asthatbeenmurry
Mario Maker Addicted- 2YMM/ 1YMM Level Creator Approved by Kiavik
Marc Monkeydelphin173
[] K Ooodin
Well, ya might as well enjoy these last moments on Miiverse. I loved you all! ;..) Prepare for Miiverse Doomsday!
fed ex foltrol
Nate Youtuber505
Hello everybody!Follow thecanongofamiy! have a good day and God bless you all ! Since I dont really play on my wiiu anymore because its now my brothers, add me on xbox one! MasterMiner096. I will still cme back from time to time though!
AndyPascoe Andrichico
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aoi frogsharkcatodon
hi i like turtles and sharks and dinosaurs
Last Mii lauriandtodd
I'm inspired by MemeSenpai. Nintendo is cool and very rad! Really i'm the same person. I will give yeahs to you. So is that cool? CYA later!
ρφρταrτ wolfy089
My whole account is cringe...
Calvin darkmushroom1
Im getting a nernterdoes switchy at krastmuss
Chazkow Chazkow
Hey let's play some Mario Maker! I'm a 25 y/o Musician from the U.S. I love video games, music, and travelling to all the beautiful Countries in the world! Hit me up and I'll follow you back :] Thanks to everyone who has given my levels a play! You're the best! ~Much Love
Swap Paps Herobane64
Profile comment stolen by admin. I do not support Wii U Chat. FOLLOW BLUEBERRY! (Blueplush1) FOLLOW←FεllSaηs→!(Underfell_Gamer6) FOLLOW ME! (Herobane64) FOLLOW TEE!(synester13) FOLLOW TRIXIE!(ShelbyLouise) FOLLOW (RubyCraftPop)! #Don'tEndMiiverse
jeffBR87 JeffersonBR87
-BR_RJ -Curtindo "de leve" o Wii U -Torço para que a nintendo volte ao Br! -Add no Miiverse
Uncommon VeryUncommon
hey i'm back
Josiah ♪ SSBBros
Hello! This is mainly an account for SMM! I love giving stars, and enjoy levels from Kaizo levels to Music levels. Feel free to advertise levels or give me suggestions on level creators. Anyway thanks for reading this! I hope to see you around in SMM!! ^^ Current Star Medal: 5th
たむらたかはる nahotaka25
味方運だけのS+(最高S+55)です。フレンドさんの中でswitchをお持ちの方がいたら宜しければフレコ教えてください(__) よわはだsファン兼ハイドラさんのファンです(笑)
Maxx maxxriley
This user's profile comment is private.
xander112 fambetome
Hello, and welcome to my place! Smack me in the face with a friend request, and if you like Minecraft, Super Mario Maker, or Splatoon team up with me. My goal is 100 Followers. Also, if you friend me, I will follow you. If you do, thank you for everything! Also, shoutout to my boi Traiter. Bye for now, see you next time!
★MMP☆дďαм★ jrookstool
Hey, Its me Adam or you can call me The Rook. I make drawings ocasionally, and usually make Level Exchanges for SMM. Im a sports fan, and Love to workout and do Crossfit. My favorite sport is basketball. SMM Stats: 5.7K★'s Feel free to follow me and I will hit the follow button back, Its an instinct! Im a guy who likes to make people laugh. Thanks for the support!
AERさん Ryusei.6137.jp
どーも、こんにちは。AERさんのチャンネルへようこそ! では、よくありそうな質問にお答えしていきたいと思います。 『AERさんの質問コーナー↑↑↑』 Q1.性別は? A.クラスのみんなにはよく、オネェと言われますw Q2.何歳でちゅか? A.14歳(中学2年) Q3.好きなYoutuberは? A.怪盗ピンキー・PDRさん・ねこてん・YURAME Q4.好きなゲーム実況者は? A.ちはや・ポッキー・アブ・Fate・yukka Q5.君の名は。 A.安倍晋三と申します(殴 Q6.2017の目標は? A.欲望に囚われない(意味深) Q7.好きなマリメ職人は? A.コメットさん・ハマコーさん・こなさん Q8.リアルで彼女がいるというのは本当ですか? A.可愛いヨッ(殴 長文ごめん!フレリク、フォローバンバンよろしくね! じゃ!
Pniguim CrazyPni
Sou g4mer retrô contemporâneo progressista conceitual. Me sigam no Twitter (@pniguimcp) e aproveitem minhas postagens legais.
DS★Carlos sunnysofi
Hello everyone im actually pretty new to Wii U so if you would like to be my friend go right ahead but I Will Not Freind People that either say bad words or a bunch of bad WORDS! Ok One More Thing Please Follow Me! One Last Thing! If You Think I'm A Girl I'm Actually A Boy! Bye!!!!!
Jeff Jeffthe1
baz irule44
hi u wont know me but i been playing video games since i was 4!!! My favorite games are super mario maker, scribblenauts unlimited, disney infinity, super smash bros,and lego games. I need some more friends on this. So please i want friends. : , (
★Tø⇔ΣG⇔MØ★ vg-MK8
Salut à tous c'est Mario Game j'ai 15 ans et mon prénom est Valentin ! Je joue à Mario Kart 8 où je fais parti de la team Tø (Toad øutpost) et Super Mario Maker où je fais surtout des niveaux du genre automatiques ! J'ai déjà la Nintendo Switch mais comme une bonne partie de mes "amis virtuelles" ne l'on pas encore je continue de jouer à la Wii U !
IAmATurtle lady671
Dad Brent509
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-charvaa- Ganondork7
"thanks for [poking] my face! here's your 3G" Hello, my name's Link! I love to draw so expect tons of doodles,,, Kin- Papy! I draw Steven Universe, Legend of Zelda, Undertale, my ocs, and some other stuff (mostly from webcomics I like) ö-ö
Irene3 marsal2003
Hi I am Irene I am 12· Please you can give me your numbers of the friends lists?? Thank you ! I LOVE YOU ♥♥
MMP★ƒιэøů lapinsucre
Bonjour :P Je suis un joueur de smm avec +1600 étoiles! J'ai aussi été 20ième eans le top régional et 96ième dans le top mondial! Je suis dans la team MMP, la team MCE et la team MX! Mes objectifs SMM: 1700 étoiles Se classer 15ième en top régional Se classer 95ième en top mondial J'ai un deuxième compte! ID: lapinsucre_2nd Sur ce... bah bye :P!
TUGAPedro pedrotome
Hansi HansiK
fred. ¤–¤ Rigby1000
hi! I'm a person just like you! Everyone should take my new mono! 'Let's be friends before MV ends!'
Caleb rachel80
い、いまのはないわぁ tukinoi
AmiralGabe AmiralGabe
hirossu hirossu
facts: I am a member of the clans MMP, MX, MME and MCE! i love mario maker! i'm friendly and answ...
facts: I am a member of the clans MMP, MX, MME and MCE! i love mario maker! i'm friendly and answer friend reqestes! my levels are very fun i have over 1k stars! feel free to friend me and/or follow me! by!!!(: ●¬● (^^) (^-^) (^o^) ^●^ ^o^ *_* ^_^ o_o =] :-> +_+ /_\ "." =_= -.- '_' :/ ?_? !_! \_/ :) ._. -_- :-: )( &_& $_$ #_# %_% @_@ (._.) -.- 7.7 \(^o^)/ {*-*} I DON'T DO WII U CHAT!!!![][][][]