Users Russy Is Following
Kana Sakura7620
This is goodbye, I'll be making drawing posts for my last few hours of miiverse and my favourite post features myself in color for the first time so people can see what the characters I draw look like in color (See more in Play journal) Bye my dear followers see you in Closed verse
SkyKat1o1 skykat101
hi i am Skykat.lisen up random people,cause these are the things i like and dislike. ↓LIKES↓ FAIRYTALE DeathNote Markiplier reactiontime SuperMarioLogan pewdiepie jacksepticeye cupquake Cookies Music Razzbowski ↓DISLIKES↓ bullies cold water SMILEYFACES PS:i only like winky faces. you can applause now. i am a girl. °¬° i like following random people the mii is not how i really look
jen veggyunju
ƒight the good ƒight that's my Nindo my ninja Way! Things i like: Drawing,Singing,Anime,Manga, Dogs,Videogames,Cooking,and Friends Fav Color: Yellow Fav Food: Ravioli Fav anime: inuyasha and Case Closed Fav Game: iloMilo i thank that's it. People you should Follow: :P2.0 :Taco-san :Kai :GS☆Ron :Hunter :Axel :Alonte2 :/ :Maybe Alien :Shiro :Myra
Umbreeon shinie.umbreeon
Names Bree. I do art stuff and games, a little new to pixel art (ie: wii u) but ill get the hang of it eventually. lol but i enjoy various types of games, also own a ps4 as well.
Lulu popcornpaws3
Hi everyone.... im soo sorry that I haven't been on in a while... a LOOONG while.... I will try to come on Miiverse more often. Apologies to: RIRI Avis and all of my other followers. I just wanted to put out there how sorry I am to my followers and those two mentioned especially. I hope you guys can all forgive me and we can all get back to being besties. ^u^
Miriam Filburturt
M&S gravitygamer1
kim t'es mon ami:) mimi t'es mon meilleur ami:)))
Yevets anime4ever101
Thanks 4 all the love and joy everyone lol ill miss you check my new post
Meow-Chan CandyKawaiiKitty
Kon'nichiwa! ♥I'm Meow-Chan, a lovely kitten. ♥I'm 19 years old. ♥I love cakes, mangas, animes and drawing. ♥I speak French, English and a little Spanish. ♥I'm actually making an amateur manga. ♥I love bears, cats, and rabbits ♥¬♥ * /\__/\ ›( *ω* )‹ ‹(Meow! hugs and kisses ‹3) ('o')_('o') Sayonara (Ó.Ò)/) Nyah! I'm insane :3
Catherine CatherineH
Hey, its Catherine! I am 23, and I grew up playing Nintendo. I am an INTJ, (apparantly only one percent of women are), and I love soccer and art. No Wiiu chat.
America LinklikesHetalia
☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ Yo, welcome to my profile. I'm not dead, just going through things... I draw and like Legend of Zelda And anime because I am weeaboo trash. -Draws when bored -Loves legend of Zelda I swear I draw better, but a stylus can only do so much... but I'll still try! Thanks for visiting! ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★
Hailey Haileytilk
I'm Hailey! ...hmm? Still reading? Wow. I'm Impressed. STILL? Nosy one. Aren't cha? Ya nerd.
Tim BarakAbamasnow
Tim, Dr. Hooves, Doodle, or Milton. Call me whatevs. Adult abstinent ♂♂ gamer artist. Sorry no random friend requests. Stuff I draw: MLP/brony, Buff furries, Zelda, Pokemon, Dungeons & Dragons. I pretty much love anything cute, fluffy and colorful.
Suzette ilikeyouyoucrazy
Friends, followers: If y'all wanna keep in touch, l'm on that app that's not punch, but… "kick," without the "C". Ravenblossom95.
Zelda 2 Zeldanumber2
Hi guys it's zelda i got banned so this is my temory account if u see this Rex it's really me okay so yeah bye. LOZ RULZ AND DEKU LINK IS BAE!!!!!!!!
GenZelda2 GenZelda2
GenZelda here! And welcome to my profile! :D I am huge Undertale fan, I am obcessed with Gaster and him being Dadster, Asriel is my baby. I'm probably the biggest Volga fangirl out there and my OTP is Volana (VolgaXLana). My favorite movie is Dragon Heart and my favorite author is J. R. Tolkien. I'm also an artist too. Dragons are my thing. So follow me if you want to, I won't beg for follows.
Wolf Koyademon3
This is one of my alt. accounts, this is wolf. This is my NEW 3DS's miiverse account. Same thing applies here as what it says in my Wii U accounts profile.
Sugar Phantom.Sugar
Hello there people! Please ignore my cringy old posts (2012-2016). Thank you!
∵Koma∵ koma1222
ミーバース楽しかったなぁ…運営はアレダケド いろんな人たちと会えて楽しかった マイクラ、マリカ、スプラなどの フレンドと一緒にできるゲームで 皆と遊べたのは思い出です。 またミーバースでの会話もね… せめてフレンドとのメッセージ機能は残してほしいと思ってるけど わがまま言っちゃダメだな もしフレンドさんで青鳥やってる方がいましたら教えてください。 まだ繋がっていたいしね… もう僅かな時間しかありませんが よろしくお願いします。 ミバ終了の時を見届けることはできないのは残念だけど 遠くからありがとうって言うよ まぁプロフィールにも書くけど Thank you Miiverse. Good bye!
あめかんむり♀ ayana524
Miiverse卒業いたしました。もうここに投稿する事はありません 移行先など詳しいことはお気に入り設定にしてある投稿をご覧下さい Miiverseが無かったら、仲のいいフォロワーさんとフレンドさん、好きで好きで狂う程たくさん描いたギラヒムやローラ(マイイカ)などのキャラクター達に出会うことは無かったと思います。 ましてや、私「雨冠」という存在もいなかったでしょう Miiverseのおかげで嬉しい事とか寂しい事とか、いい事ばっかりでは無いんだけど、色んな人達に出会えて、とても嬉しく思います Miiverse今まで本当にありがとうございました。そして運営(任天堂)様、今までお疲れ様でした。いつかMiiverseみたいなsnsをまた出して欲しいなと思っております 三年半、今まで私を支えてきてくださった皆様、本当にありがとうございました See you again :)
Hiyoたん hiyo7777
こんにちは! ひよたん☆です♪ 主に「ゼルダシリーズ」「トモコレ」 を書いてます。 ♪『ひよたん☆プロフィール』♪☆ 名前 ひよたん☆ 小6 好きな食べ物 お寿司・エビフライ 抹茶アイス(渋い?) 嫌いな食べ物 玉ねぎ・ネギ シチュー 好きな歌手 西野カナ・嵐 特技 English英語 (ホントは自信あまりないので・・)↑ 好きなスポーツ 水泳・バト 今欲しいゲーム 特になし ゼルダシリーズ本当に大好き☆ 一番、リンクが好きっ!(ゼルダ無双) あっ!フォローしますし、返します! こんな人ですが、よろしくです。 (>г<)/♪*♪*♪
Corryn sahroo
I can't draw original stuff to save my life. If something looks "familiar," it probably is.
Pineapple Pineypoo
I'm Miss Pineapple.
robert kelseybrown
hi i am kayla amd i am kind ansd i hope we can all be friends i love mv mv is so fun! an i like make new friends
carol kayacharon
Raina RainaSlayer
My name Jeff, lol just kidding, hi my name Raina im 18 and i love Nintendos, Some Actions/ Adventure, Survival Horror, RPGs and Shooter Games since i was a kid and still is o.o anyway nice to meet you and welcome i may be shy but i like making a interest in people especially anime fan and artistes or that have commons with me ^-^
Asada The-Girl-Sniper
Hello, I'm Asada Shino. If you watched Sword Art Online you'll know who I am. If you haven't seen that amazing anime, watch SAO. I'm brave...Being brave means that even if something scares you, you face your fears and overcome any challenge. I'll never give up on myself or my friends. I'm a...Sniper...When I play GGO...XD My BFF is Twili Kirito-kun! :3 ☆~Knights of the Blood Oath~☆
Eli FusedSouls
25 Welcome to my little slice of Miiverse. Feel free to check out my drawings from random series. I'm a huge fan of Zelda, as well as the Tales of series, and pretty much anything Square Enix. I love FMAB. Thanks for stopping by! No blank friend requests, please. †
Amy MissJasi
Hello! I`m Jasmin. INFORMATIONS: Age: 11 Favourite videogames: Zelda Favourite animals: cats Best Miiverse friend: Vanesa (Vani4ever2) Hobbys: draw, meet friends, play Nintendo stuff My amiibos: Peach( Smash bros.- and Mario collection), Toad, Rosalina, Mario (Smash bros. coll.) , Yoshi (Smash bros.) , Pikachu, Pit, Zelda, Link , Toon Link I DON`T DO WII U CHAT! (Just with Vanesa.)
Wolf WolfBane95
Redirect »» WolfBeast95
YAM YvanieArtMaker
Hello to all! I simply love the Wii U and all its amazing games and features. I hope you'll like my drawings and I'm looking forward to share my thoughts with you! -------------------------- Bonjour à tous! J'adore la Wii U! Je suis en ce moment addicte à Hyrule Warriors et tous les autres jeux de la série de Zelda. J'espère que vous aimerai mes dessins et qu'on s'entendra bien ;)
★LilMonstr LittlestMonster how's it goin'? I'm a 26 year old nerdy girl who plays Animal Crossing New Leaf to much. I can read and write in Hylian of the Twilight era. My Japanese is pitiful, but I'm working on it. I also enjoy drawing like many others here. I hope to one day be just as good. Or at least close to. Animal Crossing: Hyrule- Mayor Yuna
Tsaku Tsakuchan
Hi guys & girls ! I'm playing video game since my 8 years old. I'm 19 now so I have some experience in video games ! I love animal crossing, Zelda series and elder scrolls too.
Kaitlin illiri
19 year old, been playing games since I was very little je parle français québécoise aussi
Raquel SOLARsailor909
Hello Everyone reading this,
I'm a gamer, been gaming 20something years; but I prefer to do art...
Hello Everyone reading this,
I'm a gamer, been gaming 20something years; but I prefer to do art more than play, so I'll own games without realing playing them... I'm weird like that
(Winter 2016) fhew~ another year of teaching done, and now it's back to WiiU until the next job (^o^)