Russy's Friends
aries le_bude
Ruby stargame123
FIRST: My b-day is Oct.6.I'm 14 PERSONALITY: Christian,Otaku,Jock. Video Game lover. A lover of Nintendo I ♥Books, Anime, Manga, Basketball &Music! HELP: Follow me for Game Tips, Game Advice &Game Cheat Codes! CONSOLES: Game Cube, DsLite, Dsi, 3Ds, Wii, WiiU, XBox360, Ps4 Pro CURRENTLY PLAYING: Legend of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild & Wind Waker ALSO:Been gaming since age: 6
Lucas Lucas203
só sete games no momento: nintendoland new super mario bros U hyrule warriors super smash bros for wiiU bayonetta 1+2 resident evil revelations
kalahea kalahea
Hey people, just doin' art; hope y'all like. I'm an artist always looking for stuff to artify. Big Zelda fan so expect a lot of references onthat.
Dangerous drunkentuckian
Link Keldeo27
I'm a huge zelda fan. i know everything to it lol somewhat. Add me and we can talk about everything! Need help with any Zelda Games feel free to message me. I respond fast. My the Goddess Watch over you -Kat
Noisy NoisyP
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Lydia Suppah_Ninja
Greetings fellow gamers! I am Demon Lord Lydia, and I aid evil in Hyrule!! With the occasional turncoat to Link's side because being a rebel towards Ganondorf is awesome!! Join my heavenly forces and lets make time rifts and paradoxes in the game Hyrule Warriors and Fire Emblem Awakening!! Refuse to join and you shall receive a slap to the face with a pancake!! ... Yeah... I'd rather eat it.
$$$RAFA$$$ rafis1
hola soy grande les gano en cualquier juego (hello i am big i win in whatever game you want :)
TCO 172000
Hi, Im Nick and I am an Otaku or anime lover. And I love play games with my friends and the new and or old online friends, and im free to join any game? Oh and I not very talkative but when i start its hard for me to stop. Info: •Favorite anime:SAO & Black Butler •Pokenerd, Hyrule warriars 5☆ & SSBWiiU 4.8☆ •Love to just sit and play my games in the dark •Agatha is adorable
MichiMeg linklover87
I eat, sleep, and breeeeathe zelda! So if you consider yourself to be the biggest zelda fan on the planet? Friend me! I need zelda buddies. :) Im not exclusively a zelda player of course... mario, fps's, splinter cell, etc... Im from michigan so peace and love to my fellow michigander gamers! Oh, and im 29 So no gamers under the age of 20 please. Currently playing: too many... lol
thedeadcat thedeadcat01
I love gaming, music, and anime. Consoles I own include the WiiU, Wii, N64, SNES, NES, 3DSXL, DS, GBA, GB, PSX, PS2, PS3, PS4, PSVita, PSP, PSP Go, XB360, Genesis, Saturn, Dreamcast, Gamestick, and a gaming laptop. I love JRPGs, SRPGs, platformers, action games, and the odd shooter or two. My favorite games of all time are Chrono Trigger, FFVI, FFVII, all the 'Tales of' games, and Neptunia series.
Diego Mafiaraptor12
Hello Everyone reading this,
I'm a gamer, been gaming 20something years; but I prefer to do art...
Hello Everyone reading this,
I'm a gamer, been gaming 20something years; but I prefer to do art more than play, so I'll own games without realing playing them... I'm weird like that
(Winter 2016) fhew~ another year of teaching done, and now it's back to WiiU until the next job (^o^)