BlueFurImo's Followers
Dead Acc. hannah1140
Target: 400 Left to go: 10 Senpai: Choco♪ and Sapphire Im really strange...... Imma gemini. I have three birthstones believe it or not. Fandoms: 2 many
asa spirit6812
hello i'm asa
Bryn Kyurem923
Sup, i'm Bryn! I'm 16 years old, and... yeah, anyway... Things I LOVE: Steven Universe Kirby Sonic Things I Like: Minecraft Octodad Things I Dislike: Haters Broccoli (Unless there's cheese) My Brother (i wanna kill him so badly) Relationship: Single Online [*] Offline [] I Wii U Chat and I take art requests. Friend me if you wish, I like making friends! :)
1ust Love-isyed
yum yum yum Hey, uuummm... Can you draw me something? Fem-bots, slime girls, nekos, kunoichis, anything in that form will do. Please and Thank You I once was Love.... Now im 1ust
c!gwen-s-h rapidfire011398
Thats my тцмыг btw, childgwen-search-history for CampCamp. Because I'm trash, lol. Go make an ask! Or here too on my fave post! Anyways, obvious fandom trash. I also enjoy your CampCamp theories and headcanons >w> CC Community: Preston Sterling Currently: [* ● ONLINE.] [*OFFLINE.] [*OUT OF POSTS.]
max freedyfazbear111
hello guys my name is max and i like to play minecraft alot but i also like fnaf and other scary stuff like that anyways i hope to become your firend
ςροοκγαqυα EnderCat1206
Hi.. Browse if you'd like :> ♥♀ MtF <3 ♥Im bi ^^ ♡>v> I like foxes! ♡No blank FR's please!! |Follow these people| *☆croω☆ (Cool artist) *shrimpy ( :> ) *☆★soy★☆ (Nice person ^^) *Matty (Sweet squib) *CorBY (Awesome) *IronC (Cool bean) *Purity ( Mine <3 vuv) *Cube (gum drop vuv) *•Emma• ( ^^ ) P.s... (DA=AquaBlu32) D-cord (AquaBlu) (#894 3) Quick :0
■Cubie■ cubegirl88
♡People who have supported me so much♡ Me bby:@Smol_Emo ♡10/19/2017♡ G'Bye my love..I'll never forget us.. @Spoopyeggu |Fav artist @FrogSatan™|forever a true friend. @«CocaLoca»|Adorable~ @Aqua |Squad mate @★Daniel★| -//3//- @Isa |True friend @Oka-Ruto|Beautiful Waifu♥ @Fozthefox|My Fox~ @Karo|Best artist @QuietGhost|“Father” @Purple |Good friend @Komic |great artist @PK Alyssa is awesome Waifu
joaquin patataconmayo
»Shepherd« guy5567
if you wanna know who i am i just play RPG games and more so yeah. my mascot is a swampert with a scarf. other then that i do draw too. but if you wanna trade or battle on pokemon i will accept. <☆> On ‹☆> Off <★> At School <☆> Watching Anime
Nero littlepotatoe
Hola i'm Nero, I'm a 13 year old noodle. I'm open to criticism. I'm working on Divänt///\\\äгт NerdLeaf so more art will be on there soon. You can also find more of my art on my Iпśта///\\\ģгаm @lunerzzs thanks for 400+ •°•°heres something about me in debt for 400+follows•°•°My name is Ciara so feel free to call me by my name bye˜˜ ¯³¯
rainbow horsehart
Hello! Things I Love: Horses, Anime, Animals, Hunter X Hunter 2011, Killua, Anything With a Face, Miku, Rin, Len, My Pets, My Family And Winter! Things I Dislike: Summer, Haters, Gundom Unicorn, Being Sick And Hisoka! Favorite Anime: Hunter X Hunter 2011, Gundom IBO, Jojo Bizarre Adventure!, Himouto!, Shounen Maid, Dimension W, Lucky Star And Kanon! Alright Thanks For Readings! Bye-bye!!
René Octo_Squid_13
Lion CaliToArkansas
My name is Joshua. I am from Arkansas. I love to draw and give people a bunch of yeahs. Also Serena is one of my best wii u buddies. #animie. Also if anyone wants to be my friend feel free to give me a request.
GamerKid GamerKid7285
Hi I'm GamerKid. I play alot of games such as Minecraft Super Mario 3D World etc. My goal is to hit 500 Followers!! So just friend me and follow me;) Things about me: Favorite Game: Minecraft Favorite Food: Porkchops Favorite Sport: Hockey Favorite Movie: Minions Favorite TV Show: Henry Danger Favorite Book: Diary of a Wimpy Kid Can't wiiu chat And those are things about me!!!
julien snooky012001
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aurélien aurelien-du-95
bonjour mes abonner (OBJECTIF 50 abo
▲▼⇔Мαх⇔▼▲ Max_GB.Mary
Qué onda gente de Youtu-okno xD Bueno,qué onda gente,yo soy Max,el "hermano" de Mary(MariaBarreto) (SEGUIDLA,es muy buena dibujante y con muy buena onda) y...qué puedo decir? Y si,soy Argentino,pero soy un ser imaginario ¡v¡ Me encanta la Fanta,el chocolate blanco y mi Bae♥ u/v/u Sientete libre de seguirme,y bueno,no sé que poner más así que chau. Bv
j SackBoy01
RP Part 0 (newcomers.)
mp4Dani★☆★ danielmarper
hola chavales me llamo dani mis mejores amigos son D☆silver mya★alvaro si me siges te segire♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞™™÷↑—™——⇒—™—⇒♥♡♀♀♂♂♂♂♂▼▼▼▼▼▲▲▲▲■■■■◆◆●♪♪♪♪♪♪♪********
caprisun matthewshedden
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sardines:3 WithoutJudgement
warning: this acount is very wierd and random. hi!(i guess.. who are u again?) im a random person on the nintendo internet! now u may ask,¨why are u so wierd and random?¨ well, that's because im really socially awkward( like really). welp, it was nice meeting u random anonymous person on the internet, so um....BYE ... u still here? STOP reading! your hurting your eyes! BYE! ~ chirp ε˙ˇ˙з
¶Μαχ★ZEUD← Jalir164
ehh Hi! einfach nur Hi! xD Schön das du mein Profil gefunden hast! ^.^ Hier Fakten über mich Alter :11 Hobbys: Hobbylos Schule: Schule xxxD Lieblingsspiele: Minecraft, Super Mario Maker, Miitopia, Splatoon, ALLE Super Mario teile! Konsolen: Wiiu Wii Switch Nintendo Playstaiton 2/4 Handy. R.I.P Miiverse! ;'(
Ahmad Adel Ahmoody2015
I love video games I have a GameCube, Wii, Nintendo 2DS, New Nintendo 2DS XL, Wii U, PS4, Nintendo Switch, PC Windows 10, and an iPhone 6s Plus. Nothing here I assure you there is nothing here. Really there is nothing here. Free Cookies!
Donney Donneycain15
My name Donneycain15 I am the pro gamer my favorite game is splatoon, B.O.T.W. ,mario kart 8 And super Smash bro for wii u
Sophie sophiepullen
SmolPatato HeyItsTaimaku
Heeeeeeewwwooooooooooo!!!!! Welcome to mer prooofiiileeeee!! "Memories will never be forgotten"-An Ensparational quote by SmolPatatoe
sad bigjuicehoward12
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CoolCreep dayne12
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n vv v vc KhromeReap3r
ganar :D
Carissa JK popples15
Hello! im carissa. im 15 i love to draw. i do wii u chat sometimes please enjoy my drawings! love y'all!!!!!
Dev devthegamegrl123
hey guys i might not be on any more because i have got cancer so if i die i have had a wonder full time with you thanks to all my followers and i do not smoke ill miss you everyone i go to the hospital tomorrow gotta stay strong especially for you guys
Chris...vp barthalamew
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にゃーなです ケモナー&ドララーの人です。ケモノは描けるけどドラゴンがあんまり描けません(泣) 主に、オリケモ、けもりゅう、ポケモノ、ドラゴン描いてます 人間描け卍 ケモケ6行くゼゼゼ ケモノ、ドラゴン描いてる方無言フォローするかもです ちょこっとプロフ ケモナー歴3か4年 ドララー歴2年(((じみにみじかい まだ小学生です アニメも好きだけどマンガの方が好き! 最後に一言 ケモノ着ぐるみがほしくなってきた(((ホスィ あと、マルチライナーも
guillermo memogame1590
gabriel gabesteph2014
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Red Ranger RedRanger1225
←Your average dank meme trash→ –I am a female 13-16 Year old trapped with a accidental male-icon. HaLP –I have' forgotten my pin code- whoops. –I love the series: Seekers, Survivors, Warriors, Wings of Fire, and much more –I'm a memer –Watches Splashamantha, Finchwing, Maplespyder, and cat animators in general -I love watching vine -I'm a mixed-nerdy-kid ×Depression is a great rping partner
pazazcat puppycat9000
ehh, theres not much to see here just another face in the crowd, trying to make a name for themselves. some stuff about me name- just call me pazaz age- between 1 and 100 hight- a closely guarded secret likes- cartoons, anime, wings of fire, video games, kirby, pokemon (duh), music, art, talking dislikes- myself, acting my age, being board
¤Кμмα/βγε¤ PanicAtTheDisco7
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