Users BlueFurImo Is Following
Arin Grump megacrunch
ςροοκγ~κυη thedragonite149
Let us be the ~spoopy~, my Onions! Sm4sh Mains!: (MAIN-Main) Diddy Kong - Black and Gold variety (Secondary) Cloud - Green 'Advent Children' variety (Situational) Fox - Grey fur and Black and Purple coat variety (Coming on my B-Day) Bayonetta - White and Red 'Bayonetta 2' variety I won't be very active because of school Miiverse Resident Since: March 16, 2017
яαιηγ_βοι2 sparkle04
Back up account for яаιηγ_βοι (Pixie04). *ßι*. «ºεмо τяαςнº» Pretty sure I just drew on my head.
яаιηγ_βοι Pixie04
I'm a grill. *ºβιº*. I натε myself at the MoMeNt. I am ºεмο τяαςнº, so. Yeah. I'm obsessed with P!ATD, TØP, TDG, and MCR. My "art" is cringe. Talk to me anytime, I'm almost always free. My Peoples: Vellbe0621 (Bab :'>) DJ_GamerGirl (Sweetest Thing) Meuh773 (Chill Boi) rcminecrafter (Great Art and Fren) wolflover15 (Best Fren) ƒοııοω τнεм!! Out of posts. K, βγε.
mochi sama 612kawaiiforever
RIP miiverse ;_; the end is near ig: Bittermelonsoda aaaaaaaaaaa I love my little honey bun <3 (è//ω//é)
Mochi LoloKat74
uughhnnnnnn *spasms* So like apparently miiverse is endin so, uhh thanks you all ig, and yeaa :'// instagabblemapplegram: mochi.yeee
Pumpsquid Mishka4
Ack, well, bye! I loved all of you! blubird/da: KaynasKingdom Warriors uh-mean-oh: Spottednose-Cheetahpelt Yoo Toobe: Rare Ghazt
NOV♂ DalDalMarle
こんにちは! ついにmiiverse終了が決まってしまいましたね。 好きなsnsだっただけに残念です… 最後の日まで一応いるつもりです。 青鳥でも同じ名前でやってるので、(♂付きで)よかったら気軽にお声をかけてください。 miiverseでふれあったことがある人だとテンションが上がります!
×мειη× SuperEmme
[ Edit ] W h y a m I a l w a y s a t t h e h o s p i t a l . ... Hoi. I'm just a random depressed gay person on Miiverse I'm not even good at drawing And my english its horrible sorry ...and nothing I'm hungry Give me food ... Boi \\rolls away
J-Comics Josh239
Hi-ya stranger I'm Josh aka J-Comics \(˙ˇ˙\) 16 y/o Artist...I think ¯\_(˙ˇ˙) ↓People you should follow that actually make good content ↓: @Zee_Zoom @º★Nerd:P★° @salty™ @Ichi...★ @Slushine @Jσhη.. @Val @Lil'Morty @Heather·ω· @Lamar:^) Fandoms: Overwatch,Splatoon,EB/Mother,Gravity Falls,Sonic No random friend requests pls Its was nice to meet you,bye (˙ˇ˙)^
Mathu √★ DigimonMaster222
Gramcrakers:bowser_and_lucas karate kick:the_greatest_artist if we haven't talked do send me a FR up here. no blank ones either.
majestic♪ f4nd0mtr4sh
Nyehp, tis-a-me Sunset Welcome, welcome, nice to see you all! Welcome to my profile, hope you enjoy what you see!~ It was nice meeting everyone that i have met. I'm very glad i met some! I hope you all have good lives after this!~ Love, Sunset/Majestic/Fantasia
Final Tin SilvaK
.·•*★hi!★*•·. ( ☎ ^☎)ノ♪ I am Tin. I draw the pretty ladies. ★All my beloved Followers get a Snowman~★ ☃← There you go~♪
たけとも(LL taketomo915
普段はナットレイペースでポケモンのお絵描きしてます( ´ ▽ ` )ノ 共感、フォロー、フォロー解除は気軽にどうぞ(*'▽'*) 基本的にフォロー解除はしない主義なのでその分こちらからのフォローは控えめにさせていただいてます(^^;; 操作ミスで誤フォローしてしまった場合は申し訳ありません。 小心者なのでなかなか自分から話し掛ける事が出来ませんが今年はもう少し積極的にコメントに伺えたら良いなと思ってます(*^^*)
Dani id_like_some_tea
eyyyyy. welcome to my profile, where i probably dont try as hard as i should and have an overly large amount of ocs. Ocs: Ashton ♀ Aubrey ♀ Tyro ♂ Sean ♂ Alice ♀ Dixie ♀ Clyde ♂ Red ♂ Rose ♀ Lionel ♂ Rebecca ♀ Meg ♀ Tabitha ♀ Teka-Loid ♂ Raven ♀ Claire ♀ and several others whom i cannot remember :> i'll add them eventually. Man idfk what my relationship is anymore
Pikachu Pikachu_269
My favorite games one for each system. NES bubble bobble. SNES super mario rpg legend of the seven stars. N64 the legend of zelda ocarina of time. GAMECUBE luigi's mansion. NINTENDO WII super mario galaxy 2. NINTENDO WII U the legend of zelda breath of the wild. NINTENDO SWITCH Super Mario Odyssey.
ψSmolDemon PixlL1ght
I want to make new friends.... But i don't know how to socialize properly... ☆*¯---------------------¯*☆ MynameisDaniela Im[surprisingly]taken SOUTH PARK STEVEN UNIVERSE EDDSWORLD TOMTORD UNDERTALE OFF MYLITTLEPONY WEBAREBEARS HUNTERXHUNTER PIXAR ☆*_¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯_*☆ i have wattpad.... its 1SmolDemon1.... if you wanna know... i can rp with you.... if ya want.. im trash tho.
Katelyn♪ blackcathasme
I'm Katelyn ♪| She/Her | Pretty Dang Old I am working as a children's book illustrator. ♡ I've been a member of Miiverse since the day it released, but leave for extensive periods of time. I cry more than the recommended average. I like to encourage young artists like myself! ♪♪ I'm working on several comic projects atm. Idc if you Yeah Bomb me- 'Twas normal back in my day.
Liam Femboi100
Marina is frggin hot Umm I draw fembois. (♂), But sometimes l will draw females. (♀) If you annoy me more that 2 times, I'll block you. Cringes at old/new NNID. 16/ bi - gay/1738 Thank you for the yeahs, follows and comments, they reall motivate me. Bye
Peachii Zelda1294
◆ Peachii | Nonbinary ◆ I'm peachii and I really like scary stuff, and video games. Likes ◆: •My GF (@Shysharkq <3333) •Drawing •Making OCs •Rp's •Dream Daddy (;v ;) •Sonic stuff?? I guess?? :'0 •Sweet/Spicy food Dislikes ◆: •Homophobia •Olives •myself lol •Country music •Hateful comments •Getting Spammed >:''/ (like please dont do that, it makes me so anxious..) luv u
ほむC pokex.dw1
I can't speak English... 【重要:Miiverse終了後の「ほむC」について】 私が3DSでMiiverseを初めて3年と11ヶ月。色んなことがありました。持ち前の画力を生かしたお絵かき投稿によるゲーム画面の再現でフォロワーも沢山得ることが出来ました。今後はTwi●terやpix●vで本格的に活動していこうかと思います。リンク先のURTまでは貼れませんが名前等で検索したらきっと見つかる筈です。 ●28歳 ●男 ●言語能力が悪い故、コメ返しが出来ないかも…。 ミバ終了まで投稿は続きますが今後の「ほむC図鑑」は別の場所で継続する予定です。 【愚痴】広島県住在なので地上波アニメの放送本数はガバガバ。 広島地上派で10月放送開始の深夜アニメ(NHK除く) 「いぬやしき」「infinity force」 ...以上! (2017年 9/24 19:35更新)
Well uh.. Hi! The name's Rusty! How are you? I'm "aight". ...we can play on the weekends if you wanna play.. (huehue) So, these are the games I'm usually playing: •smesh bros.(DESTRUC-) OR •sploon(ώοοмγ) If you wanna play, friend me! And please.. Ask for Wii U Chat, and I'll slit your throat. c:
¥FLUFFY¥™ Teddy_Freddy01
Hello i am Fluffy aka Viny★SA™ And welcome to my Second profile ^^ ♥Taken♥(Daniel My girlfriend) I am Lesbian(100%) and im 14 Years old i love Drawing,Playing video games and My girlfriend ^^ I am self-Tought artist ^^ What im i doing with my life :')))))))) I AM A UNICORN WITH RAINDOWS QWQ
JustSophie chloelee96
HECH Pass the poison please I don't care if you insult me now, you'll never hurt my feelings because I don't have feelings,,
Mint07 NotSnail
0.09 Neptunian Orbits (16) • ♀ • Panromantic Demisexual • INTP My name is actually Lily, though Lilith and Minty work fine. I worship the triangle one, he sends me doritos in the UPS. I hate this place. IG: mintyking07 dÁ: mint07 Birds are tweeting something that sounds like Minty_King I enjoy Voltron, OtGW, Gravity Falls, FLCL, Saturn Apartments, and Saga.
Zeyuki Kizaweramoon
Just ignore me. This is an account that I express my horrid emotions. My main is: Liazete Look at that account more than this, its not even worth looking at. Please leave, thank you. Hope your having a lovely day though.
Julian TheJu1ian
Hallo bodies. Welcome to my profile and stuff. Don't take me seriously because I don't take me seriously. Award-winning procrastinator and occasional doodler. Time Magazine's person of the year, 2006. I'm not at the beach. This is a bathtub! No Wii U chat or blank friend requests please. Splatfest: 10/16
le potato luna.sakamachi44
age: 15 #imasophomorenow :'^)))) bi i love: -anime -video games -drawing -music im socially awkward... i play piano hope we can be friends lucky number is 8 OVERWATCH IS LIFE dont make me bash on your waifu... cause i will waifu bash im a walking meme
Jakey–Poo RattleSnakeJakey
I love to draw, and I do requests, but of most importance....I LOVE ART!!!!!!!, and support every artist in the everywhere ever for eternity!!!!!!!.......Also I love food.
Jennifer TitanSlayer17
~★~ Hello fellow jello! ~★~ Welcome to my profile. This is the place where dreams are broken. ♥ Call me Jennifer, Jenn, Jenny, whatever works best! xD Age: 16 I love anime, video games, and drawing. I am queen of the melons. And the melons shall conquer earth! ~★~ Follow today to be a fellow jello! ~★~ Other: (SweetMelonade17)
Mallow Jassmin-Norton
Sup guys, Marshmallow here, you can call me Mallow for short. just a randome weirdo on the internet, I'll mostly doodle on here. Bisexual~ Eat, smoke, love and live life to the fullest man.
Katthew Miles523
Hi everyone! I'm Matty, and welcome! I like to watch Youtube videos and Anime, such as Nichijou and HunterxHunter. I also play Splatoon and Smash 4, so feel free to ask to join! I'm also a decent artist, but I still don't have all that much skill. Still, I will draw often. I have an Alt, Matthew444351, so follow that account, too. Now, stop looking at this, and go look at the rest of my profile.
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