Benjamin's Yeahs

Play Journal Entries Metroid: Samus Returns


2 days ago

It's go time.

The Legend of Zelda Series Community


2 days ago

Finished up 100% on Odyssey last night, so I can get back to wrapping the Platinum on Shadow of War, which I'd gotten bored with frankly ... what's that you say? Miiverse closes forever in roughly ...

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Less than a minute ago

Never realized you were webless here on Miiverse. That’s very impressive, considering how much you’ve posted!

The Legend of Zelda Series Community


2 days ago

Well, looks like we're finally reaching the end. Thank you, Nintendo, for creating this platform. Also, thank you to all the people I've befriended over the years.

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22 hours ago

Great point about how Miiverse really has been like one of Nintendo’s games in bringing us together. We’re already in touch other places, but it’ll never feel quite like it has been here on Miivers...

In-Game Splatoon Community


1 day ago

Inkopolis Plaza just won't be the same without all of the lively posts…

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1 hour ago

Love you guys~

Play Journal Entries Super Mario World


1 day ago

Today is Miiverse's final full day of operation, so I decided to do one last post from the very first game I played on my Wii U that I got from the also now-defunct Club Nintendo. We've seen a lot ...

In-Game Splatoon Community


1 day ago

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18 hours ago

Ah! It's so good to hear from you again! I'd almost feared the worst! I'm glad to have met you. Please, as discretely as possible, if you could let us know (again, vaguely) what to look for so we c...

The Legend of Zelda Series Community


1 day ago

Looking through everyone's old miiverse posts for the last time and listening to Zelda's Lullaby.

Play Journal Entries Nintendo Badge Arcade


15 hours ago

Set #147 complete. Annnnnd, that's my final post. It's been a truly wonderful five years, Miiverse friends. Hope to be seeing you all on the Switch!

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13 hours ago

At this point, I'm risking it. My kid got my real handle when I passed my 3ds down, so I couldn't stay as NullNoMore, like I am practically everywhere else.

Discussions Wii Fit U Community


13 hours ago

Open Closed

Thank you Miiverse

Miiverse, thank you for being one crazy platform. You tried to make communication between players possible, something that did sound incredible pre-launch. While s...

Chris L.

6 hours ago

Thank you for being on miiverse. Good luck to you and keep doing your best.

Play Journal Entries Nintendo Badge Arcade


10 hours ago

125 sets without paying! The Virtual Boy may have flopped, but it paved the way for the 3DS. Never forget it (or the Game & Watch!).

Wyoming Club


9 hours ago

Check the comments, please. And so, the end has come. I've been here since the beginning for the 3DS, and despite being a rather immature kid when I first got here, having not as much of a clue as ...

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Duke Haman

3 minutes ago

I always had fun talking with you about things concerning the Japanese language, and all the hilarious misunderstandings that can come from interpreting kanji wrong. Thanks for putting up with my ...

In-Game Splatoon Community


7 hours ago

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Discussions YouTube Community


7 hours ago

Open Closed

One last thank you to my followers.

Thanks everyone for the laughs and excellent discussions throughout the last five years. I hope to keep in touch with everyone in the future. My username is quite ...

Comment on Justin86's Post


7 hours ago

Don't worry, I won't be leaving Miiverse just yet. In fact, I will be sticking around until 1am. I want to see how it all ends.

Comment on Justin86's Post


7 hours ago

I want to give a shout out to all my friends and followers who stuck with me all this time. Though I may never interact with many of you again after today, know that you will always be remembered. ...

Comment on Justin86's Post


7 hours ago

Well everyone, we're near the end of another era in Nintendo's legacy. The nearly four years I've spent here have been some of the best of my gaming life. I met so many wonderful Nintendo fans, too...

The Legend of Zelda Series Community


7 hours ago

“Whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow. However, that parting need not last forever... Whether a parting be forever or merely for a short time... That is up to you.” --Happy Mask...

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4 minutes ago

It’s bittersweet.

In-Game Super Mario Maker Community

André GX

5 hours ago

Zelda BotW: The Great Plateau (0CB1-0000-036E-14F6)

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34 minutes ago

Daddy's streaming!

Discussions New Super Mario Bros. U Community


4 hours ago

Open Closed

Back where I began

This is it folks, the end is almost here. I'm sad to see it go, but it is what it is. If I do end up somewhere on the internet, it'll probably be MVHaven. I've bee...

In-Game MIIVERSE SKETCH Artwork Community


5 hours ago