Benjamin's Followers
brayden BraydenDavis
follow me I have cool stuff to show you
friseur 982396
Salut je m´appelle friseur mais vous m´appellé mikael j'ai 17 je messure 18,3mètre je pèse 30 kilo je suis à la faque mon prof s'appelle mr sebastien je suis très fort romantique organisés orgueilleux gentil poli inteligent drôle très riche
KillerStar cruiserfamily
TheBLTclub TheBLTclub
Hiii!! I like videogames. A lot. Also, I'm not Vic Fuentes. I love almost every kind there is, and Zelda, Mario, Animal Crossing, and Metroid are among my favorite Nintendo games. Kingdom Hearts shall always be best though!
max trashpack200
hello people
Olivia AzumeEmuza
Hi there! Let's play together sometime!
Tutus Fireguy83
what's up
Silence64 freefun55
Lost in sauce. clothesvers is Silence. Bird thing is Silence6400
Ryan lucid788
Mystery NOAHturbi
josie Humuhonunukunuku
Bomb machobulldog
Hi, this is a family user so we won't be posting very often. Also, we live in Hawai'i. Be sure to follow Luke (Nintendo Network ID: luke54) who is our family member and Branden (Nintendo Network ID: B-Bro21) who is Luke's best friend. If you want, you can follow this profile and I will be sure to follow you back.
NinMaster NinMaster24
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¡Cristian! Flowrwolf
Following me is acceptable, although know that I won't post on this account. Hi, name's Christian. This is my alt account (my Mii's name is Spanish, see?) If you're here to know more about me, then look no further than my main account! ID: TheCalzoneZone
ElricNeer 1234eerdgth3
John wolfnarledge
Hi. I been gaming since I was a kid (80s to 90s) and it has been a part of my life. I like to game solo and with others, so looking to meet other fellow gamers. Legend of Zelda is #1 and Monster Hunter is my #2 obsession.
Debbie trinity0223
Pug Knight PugKnight
Hi, I'm Pug Knight! Link, Roy, Ike, Corrin, and Ryu are my strongest fighters. Top 11 Games 1. Breath of the Wild 2. Wind Waker HD 3. Splatoon 3.5 Super Smash Bros 4. Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright 5. Super Mario Galaxy 6. Super Mario 3D World 7. Mario Party: Star Rush 7.5 Sonic Generations 8. Twilight Princess HD 9. Ocarina of Time 3D 10. Mario Kart 8 10.5 Skyward Sword 11. Super Mario Maker
Jeremy MisterKerby
Hey! I'm Jeremy, and I'm a Metroid fanatic! Of course, I love most other Nintendo franchises, too! So in addition to Metroid, expect to see Zelda, Mario, and even a stop or two at Animal Crossing! I'm an F-Zero racer, and a Pokémon trainer, a Star Fox ace, I'm all over the place!
Jake agentjake98
Nintendo, Sony; Zelda, Arkham Games, Sly Cooper, Metal Gear Solid, Uncharted, Shadow of the Colossus, Deus Ex, Street Fighter, Infamous, Journey, Okami, Dead Space.
aden a susanleghman
i love noobs
Ed™ Edward_Wetter
"WHEN I REACH THE OTHER SIDE I WANNA LOOK YOU IN THE EYE AND KNOW THAT I'VE ARRIVED IN A WORLD WHERE I BELONG" Judge me. I dare you. HOY! I'm not Ed™, but you can call me that if you want. My job is making Charcho Chains. …Okay, so I also go to college and work at a real job. SO. ~Christian ~Guitar ~Zelda Nerd Galoshes ~I'm not from Wyoming ~Hobbits ~Fried chicken
Brian Visual_Brian
Hello everyone! Welcome to my profile; enjoy your stay! I draw and play games, so keep your eyes open for updates! Feel free to send me Friend Requests and Messages! I will respond to every message when I see it, so if there's no response, I haven't seen it yet. Please be respectful to me and others; I have no tolerance for disrespect. I do not Wii U Chat as of now, sorry! We are Versailles!
Bub 0.K.K1D
Dark Ray darkray2
Goodbye everyone! Miiverse had a good run! This is rayolinels's alt.
HeroOfTime Linkisepic12
So. There isn't anything that I'm going to tell you about me. I'm honestly just trying to reach the 400 character limit. Got a ways to go. So... How's your day? Don't answer that. Because you can't! Ha! Well, uh... Honestly you're wasting your time. There's nothing interesting here. It's all just me making this as long as possible. Just be glad I didn't do a bunch of Os. Well. Guess that's all....
Ania AlternateAnnie
Ania MechonMonado
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raegan Briannawilson11
Brianna My favorite tv show rob and china my favorite song of the year is i mean it, and this town i have 1 sister 2 brothers $$$$$$$$
Nadia nadiack222
Hi and im Nadia. I speak 3 languages. I speak spanish,french,and English. I took spanish class in Kindergarten, and i know some french too. I hope you enjoyed im 9 now i just turned 9 in February. I also know alot of japanese and Chinese. I love you guys. Your the best byeee
G33Build3r G33Build3r
Hello i am G33Build3r! this are the games i like: Super Mario 3D World ★★★☆☆ New Super Mario Bros. ™U ★★★☆☆ Most Wanted U ★★★★★ City Undercover ★★★☆☆ Mariokart 8 ★★☆☆☆ Super Mario Maker ★★★★☆ Splatoon ★★★☆☆ Call Of Duty Black Ops II ★★★★★ Minecraft ★★★★☆ I can speak 2 languages: English ★★★☆☆ Netherlands/Dutch ★★★★☆ I hope u learned something about me!
CjZona deZona
Nintendo is Outstanding Cj is Dynamic you may call mii Dynamic Zona wait til U see my graphics Wii must be friends everybody should have mii as one and they could,If it didn't stop @ 100 I follow those who follow mii Z,isa Monster Hunter, Saving Princess's im the Hero of Time, Thanx Nintendo Call of Duty,Infinity 3.0 Racing Mario in my Kart Smashing all of my FOES. ISplaToons witdat brush
TheNinjaHa TheNinjaHaHa
hey guys. theninjahaha here. i believe in you nintendo go do your thing
Brian artofmana
Brian has been a fan of Nintendo since the very first time he played Super Mario Bros. at a friend's house. His favorite series is The Legend of Zelda and his favorite game is Secret of Mana. If you would like to get to know Brian, he's very active in the Miiverse. Feel free to join his adventures!
Nathan Hannacats
watup peeps my name is nathan nice to meet you smile(more
Christian TheCalzoneZone
Name's Christian. 18 years old, gamer, musician, YouTuber/filmmaker, and lover of languages. A veces hago posts y converso en español. Estoy feliz a practicar español en cualquier momento. I really like MM and OoT. TP and BotW are also excellent. Other things I like: The 3D Mario titles Metroid Chrono Trigger Portal Death Note Don't Hug Me I'm Scared The Beatles Andrew Huang C418
MCGamer207 Cody505L
Hello! I!m Cody! Favorite Games: Mario Kart 8 Duluxe, Mario Kart 8, Minecraft, Mario Kart Wii, Wii Fit U, Super Mario Maker, Snipperclips, Mario Tennis Ultra Smash and Super Mario 3D World
Callum Calman102
Typical Nintendo gamer. I own a New 3DS XL and Wii U where I tend to game the most, and a lightweight gaming PC which is reserved for everything else. Love all things Zelda, Mario, Batman and Splatoon.
Yamizonire TheGustMage
GreyPhaqse GreyPhaqse
Hi everyone! The name is pronounced GreyFox (in case you're wondering). I play almost anything, 90% 3DS and XBox stuff, and I don't care much for sport games. Send a message if you need a good gamer on your side. Thanks for reading my bio! I accept all friend requests. I reply to all messages and I accept video chat requests (if available) PS:I'm hosting an internet radio show soon. just ask!
gavinpope GavinPope
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Will will_logan
Hey my name is Will and I love gaming and sports! If you want to you can check out my YouTube channel called "BlacknWhiteVideos"! And if you're into music, check out my other channel called "BlacknWhiteKeys"!
Keaton Keaton9
I'm a (Nintendo) gamer and also play on Steam. I love anything Zelda related, most Super Mario games, Pokémon, Animal Crossing, Splatoon, Super Smash Bros. and more. Add me if you want to. Kitsunes are awesome. ^w^
Hey, everyone! I like to use Miiverse to post about my gaming accomplishments, impressions, and a...
Hey, everyone! I like to use Miiverse to post about my gaming accomplishments, impressions, and anything else that I find funny or interesting.
I've played almost everything Nintendo has to offer and I am looking forward to seeing what they have in store for us this year. I am especially excited for the release of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
I hope to see you all around the Miiverse!