SmashSquid's Followers
cihano Cihan8c
Splatoon #Bestes Spiel
∞Serenity∞ darious1
Hi! My name is Serenity! Living life normally with Family and Friends♡ ˘˛˘ -Serenity♡
MasterLord AngstLordBrandon
I'm shy, moody, aloof, jaded, and absent minded. My interest include: writing, philosophy, art, YouTube, and science, etc. Among my favorite franchises are: The Legend of Zelda, Final Fantasy, Fire Emblem, Mario, Avatar:TLA, Batman, Star Wars, DBZ. I'm currently enjoying Breath of the Wild! Quite possibly the best game ever made! ☆ c==({::::::::::::> ★
lizrdking keekers27
hi, i am a gamer who loves action-packed games and a good friend to gamers,nerds,geeks,sports peaple,and peaple who do all of the above.
Lebootski drichard1981
I am a Mario Maker addict!
Zach StinklesCat
Hai peeps I'm Zach. I LOOOOOOVE videogames. My favorite series are Zelda, Mario, Xenoblade, and SUUUUPER SMAAAASH BROTHERS!
Jon Tabuhli
kbg bitriangle
Hi, I am a huge nintendo fan who has been playing nintendo since I was one year old :-) .
King Hobo RobloxLover333
Hai gamers :]
uriel danni32
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Ryan Marine1975
Hey guys im trent im a single freshman in highschool #odellbeckham, wii u chat me
Knightmare Jasonc4u
Hello I'm Thunder I play Makrio kart 8, super smash bros. wiiu and other games. But I will mostly play Mk8. I don't really do squid partys, sorry. But if I accidentally go to a squid party, I won't ruin it. You can send me a friend request if you want me to be your friend. I don't do wiiu chat, sorry.
Amie amiekaz
Jake Zangoose-Red
Real name: T-Jay Age: 21 Fav color: Red Fav movie: Madagascare Fav show: Family Guy Fav game: Simpson's Hit&Run Fav animal: Snow Owl Fav fruit: Apple Fav vegetable: Broccoli Fav gaming company: Nintendo Fav gaming platform: GameCube Gaming platform opinion: Nintendo > XBOX > PS1, 2 & P > PC > PS3, 4 & Vita. (just an opinion, relax) ACNL Dream Address: 4E00-009F-A61F
Zeke kirbysoul2003
David.B Bkids3
Hello, there! I'm David.B! Miiverse will be closing soon.... enjoy it while it lasts....
Elia$ elias080597
hey buddy! this is an alt because my other mii got perma banned. i usually just post levels on mario maker, post about zelda, comment and draw on the nsluc im 20. im a rare creature that can be spotted in the nsluc. thats all...
Logan Loganpiper1
Hey I'm Catt yeah....... I am 14 8th grade I love dogs and cats I don't know what I want to do in life
ihateyou♂ Goku0984
Deathstoke Jovanessa13
i love black ops 2 and splatoon plus smash bros and mk8 oh yea don't forget to follow you're boy to thank you :)
Yuki cranberry123
I'm Yuki, I like Sonic, Pokémon, Splatoon Earthbound, and lots of other games! The Youtubers that I watch are Chuggaaconroy, SwimmingBird, and ZackScottGames! GRAND DAD
Lexi sapphicus
Hi! I'm Lexi, and welcome to my profile! 21. TN. Aquarius. I'm a Smasher. I main Fox, Ike, & Sheik. FAVORITES Game series: Star Fox Movie/book genre: Horror/sci-fi Band: twenty one pilots Tubers: Markiplier, PBGamer, Caddicarus, Screw Attack, Game Grumps, Top15s Gaming genre: RPG/Fighting/Horror Smash with me sometime! (:
Villager raihan12345
hi my name is raihan i am 8 years old and i love super smash bros i got a wii u a wii and a ds i xl i love mario he is my faverit nintedo charther my favorite dlc is ryu lucas and roy i do not have mario kart 8 i have super mario 3d world nintedo land wii party u an super smash bros for wii u but i dont have a 3ds
StillShtgn Badbeardaddy
What are you doing here? Didn't you get the memo? No one likes me! I'm basically just some Filthy Frank clone. I hate a lot of people. Basically the same people Filthy Frank hates. I have Steam. My Steam nickname cannot be told here. Good day. Go away. C h e e s e b u r g e r A p o c o l y p s e
Hey All of you Nerdy Gamers , make yourselves at home nt ! Rules : No hate , No Self promoting , No WII U CHAT Please enjoy and join Steve87s Art Class staring this Sunday Look out for : Gaming Theory's Art Requests and more P.S - To partner with the JOY Con Boyz I will hold special switch tournaments all through the summer. The events end September 4th.
Josh boundboyU
Name's Josh, I'm a... •Minecraft Builder •Mario Kart Racer •Pokémon Trainer •Competitive Smash Player •Mario Maker Level Creator Smash 4 Mains: Toon Link and Falco For Fun: Ness and Lucas "Come'on Reggie, give us M●THER 3!" I'm a proud EarthBound/M●THER fan.
Styc1 Styc44
Enjoy life and keep gaming! Add me for Pokemon, Mario kart, or smash!
Tommy QualilSmith
Profile comment hidden by admin.
ミジュマル Ben20579
404 Not Found Farewell.... My 3ds went for a swim and my wii u is dead anyways...
Mark MusicMario
Hi, I'm Mark. I'm very happy to have my very own Nintendo Wii U. And also, I have a Nintendo 3DS too. I love to make new friends. So, Let play some Nintendo Games. Hooray!! \(^O^)/
Sean poppers2
Hi I'm Poppers, my favorite games are Destiny, Titanfall 2©, GTAV, and Mortal Kombat X. I really do appreciate the support for this account!� I was born 10/25 My favorite movie: A Dog's Purpose. My real name is Sean. :) Go check out my best friends mateo0077, Santana, and InklinLump!!!! P.S thanks for 520+ followers!!!!!!! ^●^
PokeSquid ArchAngelScizor
What's up everyone! Im a huge Pokemon and Smash Bros. fan! I along with 4 others make videos about gaming! If you like what I post on MiiVerse, be sure to follow! Have a great day! ;)
ziggy:) 807653
This user's profile comment is hidden. Just kidding! I like to draw, play games, and crack jokes. Can't say they're all funny though.
Drizzle Dre337
Maniaci Maniac_Mcgee
Hi! My name is Tyler, AKA, SmashSquid! 23 years old! I am a huge fan of Smash Bros, Splatoon, Mar...
Hi! My name is Tyler, AKA, SmashSquid! 23 years old! I am a huge fan of Smash Bros, Splatoon, Mario, Zelda, and Earthbound!
I have been a fan of Nintendo since the NES! I love music! (Mostly 90's Grunge & Alternative)
Nintendo has been my whole life, and will continue to be forever!
With all that said, add me as a friend...LETS HAVE FUN!!!!!!