SmashSquid's Friends
Elia$ elias080597
hey buddy! this is an alt because my other mii got perma banned. i usually just post levels on mario maker, post about zelda, comment and draw on the nsluc im 20. im a rare creature that can be spotted in the nsluc. thats all...
BMAG Xenoblader2000
Getting Xenoblade Chronicles X when it releases in america. I also enjoy Zelda games, Mario Kart and Action Arcade Games.
SU★IrishG. 987654aaaa
stat:single humor:LOVEpuns&jokes athletic:bad♥strong legs romantic:idk love:confused Fav.Vid.Game:UNDERTALE friendly:max pesonality:complex dream job:HighSchool Math Teacher grade:10 defence:some fav.anime:YonaOfThe Dawn reading: im part of the caled miiversal cristal gems.members:Junior Inklingboy Caleb Nae-nae(leader) BabyVortex Gamer dog lovie NO BLANK FRIEND REQUESTS
Josh boundboyU
Name's Josh, I'm a... •Minecraft Builder •Mario Kart Racer •Pokémon Trainer •Competitive Smash Player •Mario Maker Level Creator Smash 4 Mains: Toon Link and Falco For Fun: Ness and Lucas "Come'on Reggie, give us M●THER 3!" I'm a proud EarthBound/M●THER fan.
Awesomeon Awesomeon
Greetings universe! My name is Nathan, but most online know me as Awesomeon! I am a true gamer and love all things Shantae & Splatoon related. I normally post humerus drawings, cool screenshots, & random things from the games I play. Feel free to follow me if this interests you! =] Make sure to keep getting your awesome on & stay fresh!
David.B Bkids3
Hello, there! I'm David.B! Miiverse will be closing soon.... enjoy it while it lasts....
6ShootrMAX Maximo701
Lebootski drichard1981
I am a Mario Maker addict!
Drizzle Dre337
Yuki cranberry123
I'm Yuki, I like Sonic, Pokémon, Splatoon Earthbound, and lots of other games! The Youtubers that I watch are Chuggaaconroy, SwimmingBird, and ZackScottGames! GRAND DAD
Maniaci Maniac_Mcgee
ScottyBear scotty2Hotty420
I believe in Nintendos ability to make a great game. I've been playing Nintendo since I was four years of age, ive had every system and its just the best...
NakedSnake wheeljack299
Former mii: Jeff, Former mii before Jeff: Gilbert. Current mii: Naked Snake "Somedays he feeds on a tree frog" -Snake Eater opening In real life: My name is Liz. I'm a recent College Graduate. I know basic German and some Spanish. I love video games, art, and animals. I have been gaming since snes. Feel free to talk to me! I love to help people.
Lexi sapphicus
Hi! I'm Lexi, and welcome to my profile! 21. TN. Aquarius. I'm a Smasher. I main Fox, Ike, & Sheik. FAVORITES Game series: Star Fox Movie/book genre: Horror/sci-fi Band: twenty one pilots Tubers: Markiplier, PBGamer, Caddicarus, Screw Attack, Game Grumps, Top15s Gaming genre: RPG/Fighting/Horror Smash with me sometime! (:
Dark Link LightLink_13
SuzyMartin SuzyTheDoozy
Hi All! My name's Suzy. I'm 26 years old. I live in Arkansas! I love painting and building birdhouses, gaming, hanging with my splendid family, and making new friends! I dig Mysteries at the Museum! ^_^ I love watching Horror Movies! I dig Pawn Stars! Enjoy gaming! Green Lights and Blue Skies to ya! =) XOXO! Love, Suzy =-D ^-^ XD
Jon Tabuhli
Styc1 Styc44
Enjoy life and keep gaming! Add me for Pokemon, Mario kart, or smash!
Zach StinklesCat
Hai peeps I'm Zach. I LOOOOOOVE videogames. My favorite series are Zelda, Mario, Xenoblade, and SUUUUPER SMAAAASH BROTHERS!
Ed CPFace
Dolfix Dolphi
Hello world! gamer at heart here. I like drawing, sketching, art, films, animals and video games!^–^ Miiverse is so cool, many great artists here. See you around. Sorry, no WiiU chat.
Hi! My name is Tyler, AKA, SmashSquid! 23 years old! I am a huge fan of Smash Bros, Splatoon, Mar...
Hi! My name is Tyler, AKA, SmashSquid! 23 years old! I am a huge fan of Smash Bros, Splatoon, Mario, Zelda, and Earthbound!
I have been a fan of Nintendo since the NES! I love music! (Mostly 90's Grunge & Alternative)
Nintendo has been my whole life, and will continue to be forever!
With all that said, add me as a friend...LETS HAVE FUN!!!!!!