Francis's Followers
Akane ._. AkaneDessin
I'm just a chocolate cat .w. Oui, le front de mon mii fait la taille de l'univers xD C tt ce que g à dire :DD Save miiverse, please ;^; : Je n'ai mm pas passé 1 ans sur miiverse... Mes débuts : 22/12/16 En passant, va follow ma tite jujuw -w- (ID:juju95100)
Elisa PokeLili
Bonchour ! >///< Mettez vous à l'aise ! Ici on se détend et on dessine ! A bientôt ^-^/
#STF•Nours kalibou
BONJOUUUUUUUUUUR !!!!!!♡ Ça vas ? ATTENTION, FILLE CHELOU. Comme vous pouvez (pas) le voir, je suis un nounours licorne qui bouffe du riz, des maki, des sushis et nems, et après ? BEN Y A DES AILES QUI POUSSENT VOYONS ! Je suis une GRANDE (alors que j'fais 1m 28) fan du Japon, du manga, de la culture japonnaise ET DU DESSIN !!!! Ce n'est qu'un aurevoir ! Bah aurevoir.LOL
Hi! I'm a Nintendochild since +25 years.♥ Through Mario Maker I came first time to Miiverse. :) You will see also some of my drawings which I have made with Art Academy. I have blocked the friend request function! I use the friendlist only for people I personally know. Feel free to comment on my posts or to follow me! :) ★Treat anyone the way you would like to be treated!★
S3AN06 S3AN06
I'm 19 and I live by a morale code. Love is what keeps me going, especially for the girl of my dreams. ♥ ♥A+S♥ ♡9/21♥ Best day of my life. 3DS Profile: Amz (Amz1996) Major shoutouts to the following friends of mine: *Silvergirl *Jilly *Oliver *Andrés *Amanda *Kiara *Sarah *Yazzy Follow them if you can, they all rock!
AxelIan axelianluisluz
i like minecraft
Dragonblue bison_6900
Rest In Peace Miiverse... :´) Hi! I'm a weird girl who draws stuff. I like to draw strange creatures, dragons and characters from the kirby series... I don't speak English so if I make mistakes, you know why. Au sinon je parle français... Et je dessine pas très bien...Mais bon...
EvilCherry EvilCherry
Hi.I love games+living life.I'm always testing how far down the rabbit hole I can go, for you see,I'm quite mad.Please join me in a bit of fun. Name-April Age-14 Fav.Food-Cherries No chat.Want to know why I.M. me. Interests-Drawing/Art-Cartoons(old+new)Comics-History-Paleontology-Mythology/occult-HeavyMetal Games Splatoon-SmashBros-HyruleWarriors MarioKart-S.Mario3dWorld-Shantae games-ArtAcademy
iris IrisMcCrary
it is so cool
&! taipyi5555
おは今晩日は 趣味:Youtube アニメ ゲーム 好きなYoutubeの人:ガッチマンさん べるくらさん オパシさん ワタナベマホトさん E.veさん など 好きな歌:デーモンダンストーキョー あの娘シークレット ナンセンス文学 MR.BLUE SKY GONE,GONE,GONE THERE IS A REASON など 好きなアニメ:アリスと臓六 カケグルイ つぐもも Re;CREATORS 夏目友人帳 ノーゲーム・ノーライフ など 好きなゲーム:メタギア (深)夜廻 バイオハザード キングダムハーツ など ※絵描いてますけど美術部とかじゃ無いですからね #メッセージ暮れれば、返します。(気づいた時) それでは、アッシェンテ!!
Orbz LydiaColorz
I'm not trash, I am Bree, who is a smol awkward potato chip. -13 y/o gurl -Srry I'm pretty bad at socializing -I can Draw (self-taught) -Christian -I joined 2015 -Ahhhh, tysm for helping me reach my goal of 300+ followers (ò▼ó) Have some nutter butters! -Check out all the awesome people in my following! Miiverse is at its end... so lets make these last moments the best!
「また何処かで出逢う日まで有り難うございました」 今さらですが気になっていた方々をフォローさせていただいています! 皆様のイラストが観れなくなる事が悲しいです! 人の褌で相撲を取る事を生業としております。 ★リアル時間、優先なのです。 失敗ばかり繰り返します 酔い絵、素晴らしい絵、真似できん!絵、羨ましい絵、尊敬等々にそうだね!!!!!連続共感してしまいます! 【一期一会】廻り合いに感謝しています★ 気味が悪いと、感じてしまいましたらごめんなさい ■主な成分:スコブル!ネガティブ☆♪
eclipse Sonic675
hi its your boy eclipse here with the art :)
Buisy thebuisnesscat
Hey there! This is my 3DS account, you can check out my WiiU account here: BehindTheBuisnes Also me and my oc are guys, just saying this in case anyone gets confused ;v;" ~"Buisnessycat" ~"thebuisnesscat"
molly molly415
hey i'm molly i'm 10 my favorite games are the legand of zelda,mario,sonic,minecraft,final fantasy,star fox,kidicarus,fier emblem,wario waer,metroid,pokimon,mega man, pac-man,and proferser layton when i grow up i whant to be an actour the place i want to go to someday is japan
ΣΨTerra FoxyRoxyCandy
Hey there, I'm Terra. Friends- Кαиdγ-сøπи (nnid-Kkandy105), ☆Raina☆(nnid-ToriRules) Ship Name- Bearra
MAVRICK ugkvl3
Profile comment hidden by admin.
D-D 808 daequan.smalls83
-Note- Hey Everyone! Also my Friends! I just wanna say I had a Great time on Miiverse! Before this ends I just want to reach Max Friends......If you want to help Just Send some Last Friend Requests! -People you should Friend or Follow- 1. D-D 808♀ 2. Mr.DeePoo 3. PamG-Litt (My Mom) 4. Cuphead 5. Mugman Well thats All! Goodbye Everyone! -End of Note- D-D 808 Setting Out.......
Tad&★Maddy Doubledash7
Omochao Say Hi Everyone Am Lightning Am 31 Please Meet You!! Am♂ Very Powerful Ghostbuster Catcher! Ranking 2576★+ Denpa Men 3 Games Ranking 16 at Coliseum I love Everyone!! Me & ★Maddy Are ♥♡Brother & Sister 4evers! No Rude In My Games Post Please! Enjoying Jack-o'-lantern & Snowman Magic Recipes! Am Tad Faster Gamers To Finish! Kinda Ok Love Dragon Quest Series!
Morowensa Morowensa
Hello! I'm going to use Miiverse until the BITTER END, and I'll wear black because I'm in mourning. I try to draw what makes me laugh, and I hope it works for you. Please check out who I'm following!♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Julieeeeee bennythedog2004
"Ooh, Mario's Tunnel of Doom! Very scary!" Welcome. Welcome to trash town. I like memes, Video games, drawing stuff, and lame jokes. I also have waaay too many Oc's. Ummmm..... Murdoc Nickels, Russell Hobbs, Karamatsu, and King Dedede are best Husbandos. That is all. Good day. < ̄`ヽ、 / ̄> ゝ、 \ /⌒ヽ,ノ /´ ゝ、 `( ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) / > ,ノ ∠_,,,/´”
Silvermoon sleepykitty7
Welcome to my nightmare! (=^ω^=) Adult Animal Crossing fan, mad about Marshal. I like cats, horror movies and drawing. Please visit my town Windsong's dream address: 6D00-000F-62F6. There's a surprise by the trainstation! I guess I'll have to get used to drawing on Colors!3d now that miiverse is ending. Maybe we'll meet on colorslive!/the colors! gallery? I shouldn't be too hard to find there! :D
tomomb Tomomb
Tom_omb thinks TWEETY bird is a cool Looney Tune. Tradersluck was D.A. ship Han Solo grew up on. Life Long Nintendo Fan Giant Bomb Duder Vancouver, BC Born in 1985 Video Games, yeah!
CAT pica18
That sucks Rufi0_Quin
I'm Jade. New to miiverse and sad its gonna be gone soon. I'm pretty good at splatoon so add me as a friend :p
********** aaa077
わたし山本琥羽ですRTKをかんがえた人だよRTK団長わはたしの兄wwww 好きなたいぷ優しい、まもり、たすけだよーー 好きな食べ物ぶどう、いちご、だぞ 好きなゲームマイクラ、スプラ、モンハンG ぶどうとよんでね コメントしてます共感よろしく フレリク送れますよ フレンドなってスプラやりたいね 見かけたらぶどうっていってね イカよろしくーー>^_^< からのーーーみーんなありがとう ミバでみんなと仲良くなりました ミバも終わったてしまいますね わたしは悲しい だけど ミバなくなってもみんな忘れないよ みーーーーんなだーーーいだーーい大好きwwww ななさん大好き(こゆきんさん)
GoodVibes MagicalFeelings
GLaTOS blazingtiger905
Hello my name is alpha and i hope you like my profile! Clans im in: $И/Super Nova clan $ИAlpha√(Coleader) Potato Butter Clan! GLaDOS is my sis(leader) And im coloeader! Follow my best friends! BUTTERLORD Asgore βχChimera OMNI EX Jordan And many more if you want to be on the list thank fell free to ask me.Have a great day!!!
Joonas DarkDrawer
Hi, welcome to my profile! About me: 1) a very enthusiastic drawer, so a lot of that stuff here. My absolute favourite subject is Ina (Favourite post) 2) a devoted Nintendo fan. 3) Likes: chocolate, cartoons, comics, action / adventure entertainment and background / theme music. 4) I often prefer villains over heroes. All Yeahs and reasonable comments are appreciated.
Kar kar123
"Don't you ever fear, I'm always near I know that you need help Your tongue is twisted, your eyes are slit You need a guardian Woo-hoo, and you know I'm yours Woo-hoo, and I know you're mine Woo-hoo, and that's for all time" -Buddy Holly by Weezer
RedMask GoliMask
My Top 10 Game Series 1-The Legend of Zelda 2-Xenoblade 3-Final Fantasy 4-Smash Bros 5-Metal Gear Solid 6-Metriod 7-Jet Grind Radio 8-Soul Calibur 9-Okami 10-Illusion of Gaia Favorite Indie Game Nsala Liberation
Toast SketchBEE
If every porkchop were perfect, we wouldn't have hotdogs. ˙˘˙ (sharing account w/ Matt)
Maaster101 Qwertz1425
Herzlich Willkommen auf meinem Profil! Ich heiße Maaster101, Ich teile alles was spannend und oder Lustig ist mit euch zb. gliches oder fails usw. Ich würde mich freuen wen ihr mir Folgt!!!
ZEN ZEN_0313
バーチャルコンソールという エサに釣られて Wii U を購入したら ミーバースという罠にハマってしまい ロクにゲームをプレイせず、Wii U に 可哀想な思いをさせてしまっている ZENと申します。 レトロゲーム好きのファミコン世代デス(^_^;) アニメわ80年代、90年代前半を少々。 イラストもヘタなりに少々。 いい加減なイラストばかり描いてマス。(^。^;) よろ~、デス。(〃'▽'〃) 場違いと思いマスが、混ぜてもらえたら うれCY! なのデスぅ~(゜ο゜)ゞ キョロキョロ
◇°flowar°◇ 70nomimiate
みんなーハロー☆°Orange°☆でーす。 最近、共感が多いのですごくうれしですー♡ ありがとぅ~!~♡ つづいては、自己紹介でーす♥ ・小6(12才) ・趣味は、音楽を聞くことです。 おすすめは、夏色(ゆず)です。 仲の良いフレは、☆Micky☆です。 フォローしてくれたら100%かえすのでみんな、フォローしてねぇ~♡
Mst3k fanatic.
I'm friendly despite my creepy drawings.
Find me 'out there', Smokingspoon.
Mst3k fanatic.
I'm friendly despite my creepy drawings.
Find me 'out there', Smokingspoon.
I'm a huge fan of Metroid, StarFox, LoZ, Mother & also Fzero (keeping it to Nintendo). I preferred M:OM over Prime, deal with it.
Metroid 0,2,3,4 are my favorite.