Francis's Friends
Olivia NinOli4
Hi leute bin neu will freunde bin freundlich *<*
GoodVibes MagicalFeelings
iris IrisMcCrary
it is so cool
Bulo bulobill
yooo wiiu is fun
のぶちゃん obachangenki
Ptitecriss Laptitecwiss
Just a girl who !!loooves!! Zelda!
CakerBaker CapableAutumn87
Hello everyone! ^-^ im sowe happy it is so good to have friends to help you ^o^
T Cliffhanger2009
Ashley metroid_hunter94
Part of me is going to miss this miserably failed attempt at a social network. Not a very big part of me, but part of me.
Gau BubsyThreeDee
Poopeth P00peth
I'm a pretty chill guy. I love zelda. I main Kirby. and ive had every nintendo product.
DEEZ GUTS ninja_got_banned
I like to watch ignorant people do stupid things (basically saying I'm an internet troll
Alex_LX GreenPrinceRukio
Currently: Offline I try to come on Miiverse a lot, but I really don't have the time anymore. If you follow me and would like to see more of my work, then hit up the notifications. Miiverse is reaching the expiration date, so chat with me while you can. “I use tw and da!” - Alex_LX
Jen ˙˘˙ partymonsta19
oH wHy hElLO my name Is jennifer (obviously) i'm ur normal 20 year old (not rly) ☉~☉ i do what most humans on here do DRAW this world is but a canvas to our imagination it took me so long to come up with an artistic quote it is unreal if u follow me thx <3 goodbye fellow life form (~;o;)~
Jhoel jhoel_atf
AlsoKris This_Is_Awkward
Awesome.... AWESOME... CallMeKris' alternate account where I'll post random doodles about my day to day and chat. If you want to see my serious work, follow me at my main account: NNID: THUNDA_GAWD (if it isn't banned anyway....)
Brandon Hulkblood
I'm 36 I've been playing video games since I was big enough to hold a controller.Same goes for drawing and pencils,been drawing since I was big enough to hold a pencil.I play bass and guitar too, but only since I was 15.Nintendo is and always will be my favorite gaming console , I mean how else am I gonna play Mario,Metroid, and Zelda,Zelda is my fav,that is all,if you want to know more just ask
skyman mannysmahem2014
looking for disney infinity players
Hey, these are some of the things I like to do: →Posting alot! →I don't draw as good, but I love to try! →Games I like are Saints Row, Batman, and Assassins Creed →I like Wii u! →I love to talk, make new friends, and enjoy Wii U chat →Reviewing games →I love cats! I am a HUGE Nintendo fan!! IM a BIG Star trek FAN! I don't accept, blank requests. (My friend list is full ):
King Ninja logite22
Hello my stranger or friend my name is kingninja the king of all ninja I'm 12 and for my age im an awesome artist just kidding and i love anime manga and chibi like Attack on titan fairy-tale S.A.O. and trigun and i love cartoon network... so yeah... im the crazy class clown in your school kinda guy im really crazy got the weirdest humor ever im not entirely sure a guy just told me that
Justin Justin3838
yo yo :)
Courtney sparksxx
fdr francisco2607
MTD HakutoX
Bluez BlueBlitz81
Mini Comic pg 11 up! ATTENTION! I do not accept friend requests flat out. I gotta get to know you better first. NOR do I accept art requests! I'll let everybody know if I'm ready to draw for everybody. Also, check your attitude before you comment, I won't be your punching bag. Other than that, I like a little bit of everything: Steven Universe, Mario, Zelda, Anime & Manga, DBZ, etc..
Sauce Mr.SauceALT
Hey man! I'm Sauce. I'm a dude who's loved Ninty my whole life. I used to be a very avid Miiverse user, but now I only post here and there sadly, mostly for the friends I have or have yet to meet. I like to draw whenever I can. My posts can be kind of opinionated at times, so fair warning. My mains in Smash are Ganon Samus and Palutena. I still want Ridley in a Smash game. ;> Thanks for reading!
Stefani Effani
About mii: I'm studying networking and design (web, game and graphic). I love to paint and draw in almost every medium. I enjoy fps, rpg, rts etc. Tv and movies I like pretty much anything sci-fi.
コーヒータケブ yokumiti
くしゃみをすれば嵐をおこし しりもちつけば地震をおこす!! ニコッと笑えば空、虹かかり ムスッと怒れば火山が噴火!!!脳みそかにみそコーヒーたけぶ!!!!!
Cassandra Angelic_Reaper
I like Smash and all people who don't spam the same move or character. I also like Splatoon (but paint rollers are for noobs). All anime is great (except yaoi), and green is superior to all colors ever (Link is the best video game character to ever exist).
Travisty AnkiRendan
...Sorry. I've got nothing...
Liz fluffybluesheep
Just call me Liz. I like Animal Crossing, Zelda, and Samurai Warriors. And I loooove Minecraft! :]
Samuel sam4hockey
Whiskers WhiskersCI
My thumbs play games, ears hear rock, tongue tastes tea, bowel is irritable, eyes see all, heart beats on, brain works overtime. "Social media* is a massively multiplayer online game in which you choose an interesting avatar & then role play a persona loosely based on your own attempting to accrue followers by repeatedly pressing lettered buttons to form interesting sentences." - Charlie Brooker
Colin paraconsistent
Glad I finally got my Wii U! I can't wait to play some Windwaker, Pikmin, DK Tropical Freeze, and Wonderful 101. I will try to follow back anyone who follows me.
GD popocco18
(¨___)¸¸˛(__¨)˛(``__··)…‚˛¸(°°˘˛˛)˛…‚(ˇ_¨)˛…¸("__˘)…˛… It me, GD. the green dork. theinkchild. I create flipnote animations and struggle to run a blog on my life & friends I've met! My Miiverse Friday comic series is on CAT FOOD! ……I…also do ranked here…Feel free to request me anything! ☆★☆ '13 on 3DS (rip) '16 on Art Academy I vent thru my doodles. Don't be surprised; my art has no limits.
Maple XxTreexX
Heyo, my name is Dylan but my friends call me Tree. I like acting, cosplaying, larping, anime, reading, music, and going to cons. I'm a 18 year old otaku shut-in Pro Gamer. I dream to be the best. On 3DS I have KI:U, Pokémon Y, Pokémon Omega Ruby, and Smash Bros. with online play. On WiiU I have Smash Bros. with online play. Message me if you wanna play together.
Morlock Morlock138
Yo! I'm an Old School, Retro Gamer/Collector & huge Nintendo/Sega Fan. Mega Type: Two Mega Interests: Drawing/Comics Industrial/Metal/Electronic Music Horror Movies
DatDat peppercorns666
Started gaming on the SNES. Took a long hiatus from gaming, but now I'm back and I'm loving my WiiU.
yuki fruitbasket12
Pete EpicPete
I like to have fun and laugh at everything, including myself, because life is way too silly to take seriously! I will be drawing regularly so feel free to follow me for randomness!
Kahumi DomleQc
Hi if you wana play online game these are my game Mario kart DnD Cronicle of Shadow
TKO EonKucax
Hello I'm a crazy monster who lives under a party rock; please don't fear me. I like Hide-and-Seek, Rainbow Ice Cream,and The Funnies. ☆If you like yourself that's all that matters☆ ~~~~ Best NonDLC OFFLINE Multiplayer/Tactical Race&Battle: Super=64=DD=Wii=8D? > SC=DS > 7 >8=Arcades> ? > ? > ? ☆☆☆ > ☆☆ > ☆ >*> ★ > ★★ > ★★★ ~~~~ Follow Me, yah dig? ((I am not an artist.)) ~I'm available cuties.~
QuickMan QuickMan87
Like hey folkz, im a fast paced hyper active dude and I like mario and stuff. Tales games are sweet. I'm ALL ABOUT the rhythm heaven games!
Kai Raider_60
Hello Miiverse! Games:Love to play Pokemon and buy 3Ds and Wiiu games from time to time. Hobbys:Go outside, Post stuff, Play video games,eat, draw and post. O.C: Name,Shocker, has black hair, wears sunglasses and he also has a bunch of other stuff ill mention later. Clan, Team: None Now that you know about me, click that follow button and you won't regret it!!! Now then Posting time!!!
arnaldo ronald4
Aged Aged_Catalyst
Wereshark WeresharksRreal
I'm from Los Angeles, Ca. Really into classical music, reading books, and playing video games. Wii U chat is ok, but no weird stuff. I speak: English & Spanish & a bit of Portuguese(Entendo mais que falo.)
Bolofofo Humbertolandia
Helo...Im Humberto...I love to draw, watch movies and play videogames.
Simo DogsUnderstand
Bradical Bdockeyeballs
35 year old gamer dad hobbies: wood carving, drawing, drums loves: my wife, daughter,metal and bluegrass! sorry, no wiiu chat! monsters, aliens, robots and dinosaurs? yes, please. I'd rather spend a weekend at Bernie's than five nights at freddies... hope you like my art!
Brandogg darthbdogg
JUSTIN justincredable
What's up? Justin here, prince of Tallahassee FL. If you need help just ask me, now lets have some fun ;-D
donovan donnyvan
Sarah Games4live
Satch Satchy
Dj-Pickle Dj-Pickle
Starting 8 November it's the big Giveaway... sign up for all manner of crazy shenanigans... Oh no that's right, Nintendo are pulling the plug...
Don Armordonio
sup bro? i am a gamer and i am from holland so my english is not always perfect. have a look on my profile, i am 13 years old:). more about me: - i love pewdiepie - i love smosh -i love my self games that i have: call of duty black ops 2, cod ghosts, assassins creed 3 and 4, darksiders 2, zombiU, ect.(to much to write) (i got the premium pack)
Josh Yutrzenika
HIGHscores HIGHscores
Hi! Classic gamer here! I grew up on Atari, c64, NES and have collected and played ever since. Love arcade gaming/pinball and own a few machines myself. Castlevania is my favorite game. I love to follow the artists on here. I draw lots of old video game/heavy metal/movie art. My wife is Snackz, please check her out too :)
Jitterbug MisterSpock
I am as normal as a frozen waffle marketing campaign aimed at the zombie Michael Jackson... Who's bad?
るい rui3020R
Dagger DaggerDagger
◆ Give me your hats ◆ I currently main Ryu in Smash
Luca Micio74
Chris Newdimensions
i am a big nintendo fan since i can remember. if wan to talk about all around video games you're to the right address with me! i am looking forward to get to know nintendo fans from all over the world! favourite games: super mario world super mario 64 banjo kazooie/banjo tooie mario kart 64 Pikmin2 und 3 Super smash bros. wii u the legend of zelda the wind waker zelda oot fire emblem awakening
Kate TheXscapist
blu42 blue42
I live in imagination and stay on creativity blvd. creativity is a flower not grown in every garden. i'm happy to have at least a seed or two in mine.
HimayMcKay Ood_Sigma
Nothin' or double, Jack.
Mariotime! Infinite1UPs
Wazzup everyone. Been a fan ever since the original Super Mario Bros. came out. Now I'm a member of Twin Galaxies International Scoreboard and I hold a few world records of my own, including the top score on the very game that opened my eyes to how magical games can actually be, Super Mario Bros(VC version).
Nandito itsanandito
I'm a nerd who likes to draw a lot. I love Pokemon, Mario, Kirby, Legend of Zelda, Animal Crossing, Metroid and Starfox. At the moment I'm not taking anymore drawing requests. I don't Wii U chat with random strangers. Sorry I won't accept random friend requests. Thank you for your time.
kingDeDeDe kingDeDeDe693
Jordawn Jordawn
Mst3k fanatic.
I'm friendly despite my creepy drawings.
Find me 'out there', Smokingspoon.
Mst3k fanatic.
I'm friendly despite my creepy drawings.
Find me 'out there', Smokingspoon.
I'm a huge fan of Metroid, StarFox, LoZ, Mother & also Fzero (keeping it to Nintendo). I preferred M:OM over Prime, deal with it.
Metroid 0,2,3,4 are my favorite.