Squilliam's Followers
E$ Wii U ebgallager2
Hi. 30 posts/comments is too few, so here I am. Also, 100 friends is too few as well. A good FR message should: 1. Actually say something specific to us 2. Have proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation
Cece noturbabe
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Eeee-Money egallager
Hi, my name is Eric! That's what the "E" stands for in my nickname. My Wii U friends are maxed out! An unfortunate side-effect of that, however, is that it means I can't accept any new friend requests, and as such, have disabled them. If you would like to be Wii U friends with me, please find my alt instead. Also, petition Nintendo to save Miiverse, or make an equivalent Switchverse.
Puff Man Puff-Man-52
Well once Miiverse shuts down I'll probably never see most of you again, but if we do cross paths again whether its on the Switch or somewhere else my name will still be Puff Man so you know its me. A list of some of my favorite games are Ocarina of time, Hatsune Miku project diva f2nd, Pokemon Y, Pokemon Platinum and Portal 2. I also like listening to vocaloid music.
GOJIRA jamb11000
Hi! I am a big Splatoon fan. I am also a big fan of Gojira, or Godzilla. I like the way Gojira keeps going. He never gives up. I also like to keep on trying. Hope you have a great day and remember..keep on going! Oh and sorry no wii u chat... See Happy Mii こんにちは! 私は大きなSplatoonファンです。 私もゴジラの大ファンです ¡Hola! Soy un gran fan de Splatoon. También soy un gran fan de Gojira.
NoNo_PvP SpartanLuck392
Hey, c est c est SpartanLuck comment allez vous ? J ai 12ans et je joue beaucoup a Minecraft N hesite pas a t abonner ou m ajouter en ami Sur ce Salut ;D Je fais des videos avec Laser Production !
мληδλ™ deelie813
My only reason for living is to tell youngins to stay off my lawn and eat prunes... AND I'M OUT OF PRUNES @–@
Javi_#SMV Neojavi
#SaveMiiverse Tengo 37, me gusta dibujar, pintar, fotografía, la naturaleza y los videojuegos =) Soy khaotico en Deviantart. Old school ;-D I'm 37 years old I like draw, paint, photography, nature and videogames. -- khaotico in DA Juguemos, Let's play Jugador desde la atari 2600, Luego nes, snes,n64,dreamcast,gamecube...y ahora Wiiu Gamer since atari 2600,nes,snes,n64, Dc,GC...and now WiiU!!!
Soucouille SoueSoue
Kon'ichiwa je suis français y speack french j'ai 10 ans y love its Minecraft ,tekken tag tournament 2 my the best friends 1oihanito andelys 2 goku etc ... 3 theogeex59 abbonai vous ci vous voulais ci vous ne voulais pas c'est rien ... ajoutez moi j'ai moins de 13ans donc je ne peut accepter les demande d'amis *** bref n'esitez pas a vous abbonez a xarodiax sur ytb BISOUES ~~Soueso
Trayuaras IC6860
Sam salecki
I'm Anime Freak whose part of the Crunchyroll community. I also love playing Splatoon with friends.
アキバ_Akiba™ MegaSnook316
Hey guys what's up!!! I'm Akiba (The Japanese txt is also my nickname but in Japanese) I love to watch anime as well as play video games!!! I'm always cheerful (I've been know to be mischievous), I'm also a part time youtuber. I'm 19 years old If you wanna play with me in Splatoon, Smash, Pokémon, or Pokkén then add me X) P.S. I Play Splatoon more often X) I love Squid Partys!!! XD
twig 8ricky8
hi everyone,i am a older user,over sixteen friends only please.have more games,than years two play them....no blank friend requests please...no wiiu video chat,only good friends...age 62......love steam trains and an arsenal fan...up the gunners....star sign libra...
Senpai bryanespinoza909
$hyra sixtime
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amine amine29gmail.com
Poké-Girl1 Keep_on_poking
♀ My name here on Miiverse is Pokè_Girl. ☆ I am 16 years old and I like making friends. ♥ I am married to Petevader. We are also expecting a baby son. ⇒ This is my second account as my first one has been banned for life. ◆ I am a big Pokèmon and Animal Crossing fan. Kisses PeteVader ♡♡♡
Tal funfunisland77
Things to know :: • My favourite games are Splatoon and Zelda <3 • I'm usually pretty nice, but I'm also impatient. • My presence on Miiverse is sporadic, and I may take days or weeks to respond to messages. Or I'll reply instantly. Something, y'know. Splatoon :: I enjoy chargers in Splatoon the most, but rollers and the berry splattershot pro are among my favourites as well.
Gail Force peppers
Thank you all so very much♥I was very sad when I heard the news today and I'll miss you all so much♥I have been here for 5years and have met the nicest ppl,your all really special to me;)again thanks so much for all the support and kind comments♥I wis♥h you all much happiness♥now lets all live it up on here till the end and I hope we will meet up again someday;)*PEACE*LOVE*HUGS*IM@uya notube♥♡cU♥
Dracula..™ michael50
Hi guys I'm jules I'm 45 and I'm from Barnsley. Hey I'm good friends with Petevader, Craig , Scamp, Dig Doug, Ron, James, Ryan Mushroom and Master lee. I'm still a top gaymer come join mii!
The Epic superpro9
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Tad&★Maddy Doubledash7
Omochao Say Hi Everyone Am Lightning Am 31 Please Meet You!! Am♂ Very Powerful Ghostbuster Catcher! Ranking 2576★+ Denpa Men 3 Games Ranking 16 at Coliseum I love Everyone!! Me & ★Maddy Are ♥♡Brother & Sister 4evers! No Rude In My Games Post Please! Enjoying Jack-o'-lantern & Snowman Magic Recipes! Am Tad Faster Gamers To Finish! Kinda Ok Love Dragon Quest Series!
louise357 louise2006_lol
Scamp Scampi16
Hi I'm Scamp. I go by the name of Scamp in the mii world after a very special dog of mine who is no longer here. I love animals as well as playing games. I have a dog, 8 hamsters, 2 degus and 4 rats. I love drawing and playing Mariokart 8, Splatoon, Pikmin 3, Hyrule Warriors, lego dimensions & Star Fox Guard. No blank friend requests please
Squiffy Tamyra_Morris
Woomy woomy woomy, nyges woomy nyges. Furthermore, iwoomynati, nyges, and woomy. Coming soon to a theater near you... Boomy & Splat Tim The Awakening of a beautiful Ngyes
Booms boominator1029
◆◆◆i'm an ancient terrestrial◆◆◆ ▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼ thank you to the people who stop by my posts,even if its just to yeah comments/draws (much appreciated) been here since the beginning at I'll be here in the end. Sorry I won't be going with you to quitter or grace look etc. So let's make the best of it until they throw us out.
Cristoffer Kuin_Sereniti
Righteous, honest and simple man. Obsessed with justice, fire and the law. Name: Christoffer Age: 28 Occupation: Job. Interests: Gaming, walking, forest, nature. Favourite season: Winter Books: Song of Ice and Fire (waiting for Winds of Winter.) Tv-series: Game of Thrones. My motto is "Give it time" My favourite quote: I will not become a page in someone else's history book.
τεςςα↓ qwerty3645
hi my name is tessa and i am a big zelda fan i also love splatoon!If you follow me i will follow you! My favorite zelda game is oot and my favorite tv show is the flash. My favorite food is pizza!I don't do wii u chat! A shoutout to princess and Random guy and last but not least sps kayla and jayden! follow all of them!
ŁεεŁøø ??? katfloleeloo
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puzzlegirl puzzlegirl8
I'm married and have 2 children. I enjoy exercising with Wii Fit U & ysfe 2013. Currently playing LoZ:BotW, Splatoon, Fantasy Life, & Minecraft. I LOVE Animal Crossing New Leaf, Tomodachi Life & The Professor Layton series for 3ds. ♪All I can say is that my life is pretty plain, I like watching the puddles gather rain♪ ~Blind Melon~
Hi there, my fellow Miiverser!
I'm now the proud owner of a Switch!!!
To all of you who are als...
Hi there, my fellow Miiverser!
I'm now the proud owner of a Switch!!!
To all of you who are also Switch owners: Please PM me to set up Switch things.
I'm 33, so I limit my Miiverse friends to adults.
I love the LEGEND of Zelda!
I play:
I am anti-reporting so you can be free to speak your mind around me. You're welcome! :D
Cya round the 'Verse! <:D=