Users Squirrely Is Following
Turbo X TurboRacerX
GodZilla Dr.Swenson
NINTENDO® fanboy Interest include, but not limited too; Legend of Zelda Starfox ♪ ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓← →← → B A START Friend request are welcomed Will add while i still have space. Play on!
emma captinlover
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Avant ButerIngot596
cant doge my shot # comocosby# straight outta colorado only friend me if you got these games im only15 ok got it okay follow or face the fate♀not from this world
linter pro elias.sande
ola amigos do miverse tenho 12 anos eu comprei o wii u em 2015 e tenho o minicraft desde DEZEMBRO/2015 meus amigos que gosto:Daniel,Rafa,samuel,guilherme,bernado,i silva,pedro passos que tenho desde 2015 pedro se ler isso se lembre de mim nao vai embora sem me avisar :(
The Zelda and Metroid games are the best and Samus Aran is my favorite nintendo character. ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ I also love the original Xenoblade on wii and 3ds, it's the most epic game of all time. Go Rikki Hero Pon.
Valora zeldafan013
Hello Miiverse! I hope you all enjoy reading my Play Journal! My favorite franchise is The Legend of Zelda, but my favorite game is Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky!(Majora's Mask and Twilight Princess tie for a very close second, though) In addition to play journals, I search Miiverse for those in need of help, so if you are stuck at any point, feel free to ask me for advice!
matthew erniepuffs
LittlePunk freezeblade92480
Sup... im just your average angsty teen. Im somewhat of a big nintendo fan. Im a member of the Saltines (TS》) in splatoon. Btw im known to lag...ALOT Ive been able to walk on air and been known to make krakens fly so be prepared cause ur @$$ better take cover 😅 Oh juan more thing... if u see arnold tell him to GET TO THE CHOPPA!!!
Ben aaaah0000
Hello everyone,this is Ben!!!! i hope you enjoy my profile if you did remember to follow me,friend request me! please no Wii U chat [camera shy] i also make reviews for games,movies,and anime! make sure to check them out!! and i make news for upcoming games and uptades!! thanks for reading!! Colors 3D profile:@meaning drawings 3DS Miiverse profile:Ben (MagicalWorker)
roberto Bertos06
im roberto i was born in 2006 may 8th. who is dan middleston? POTATO BYE lololololololololololo i am 10 years old
Anna cool44444
Game Designer of and Creator of Kubi the Bit Boy!! Nintendo licensed game developer - it's fun to play Always working hard on games with my characters ZeLeLi, Kubi, Niki and H... oh sorry, don't want to spoil you! ^^' Now on eShop: Bit Boy!! ARCADE PUZZLEBOX setup Always Happy to see Fans following me @BplusGames
Alexandra AlixWii
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OhYeahCook OhYeahCookie
Wii U is the best
Alisha32 Alisha32
Krishna Darkky
G'Day guys it's Darkky here! @DarkkyHD
Noobs TheMrHuntinNoobs
BG|Savage TheXSavage
Cordero FingerGunGamesCD
I'm Cordero from Finger Gun Games. I'm the programmer of Stone Shire and Ohayou! Beginner's Japanese. Nice to meet you!
イシダ HAL_Laboratory
ハル研究所の石田 聡(いしだ さとし)です。『星のカービィ』シリーズの情報発信を担当しています。 Hi, I’m Satoshi Ishida from HAL Laboratory. I'm in charge of sharing news and info about the Kirby series.
Dr0ppin24 xDr0ppin24
The152Cat The-152-Cat
Longtime gamer who supports all consoles. Enjoys: Action adventure, RPG, Survival horror, Platformers, Fighting, Karting and anything that stands out as unique. Wouldn't mind making some new friends to game with. Other likes: Animation/Anime, Art/Design, Cooking, Punk/Rock/Alt Music, Comics, Literature and Movies.
RoseOfZeal RoseOfZeal
Christ ChristopherValle
Welcome: Notes: WOW, BTS Aleady :o All About Me: ★ Other Name: Star Fox ▲ B-Day: Nov. 2 ↑ Gender: ♂ ◆ Living: OK ★ Best Friends: EggLuigi#1, ToadStar16, Austin, DW, Andrew, Chan, Mark ▲ Like: Star Wars, Harry Potter, WWE, DC, Marvel, Undertale, Tekken, JD ↑ Consoles: Wii, Wii U, DSI, 3DS, PS2, PS4, Xbox 360 ◆ I Enjoy Mario & Sonic Games ★ Let The Moon & The Stars Lead Your Path
☆Koresan☆ Koresan
Hello, ☆Koresan☆ here! I am a hardcore otaku (search up if needed), I mostly play (for now) AC3, ZombiU, & Mass Effect 3, on WiiU, and for 3DS, MK7, & Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon.
DarkFlare UltimateGohan465
Hello Everyone my name is BlueFlare. I am a Big Super Hyper Mega Dragon Ball Z Fan and a little bit of a Sonic the Hedgehog Fan. My Top 5 favorite games of all time are, #5: Dragon Ball Z Supersonic Warriors, #4: Sonic and Sega all-stars Racing, #3 Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Tenkaichi, #2: Dragon Ball Z Battle of Z, #1: Dragon Ball Xenoverse! Hope you like some of my posts and follow me! Bye! (^o^)
Sophia benelderrrrrr
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gаy squid LucJig
i'm jack, i'm 22 i draw and sometimes cosplay as mask from the sploon manga i love my squid fam
moebius hopper86
bonjour! soy mariano de Argentina. Estoy con el mario tenis , el s fighter y el fire emblem. Espero conocerlos!
Devin OSO11OSO
Im a Expert at Nintendo video games. I have a Wii, DS Lite, 2DS, and a New Nintendo 3DS xl. my favorite Nintendo character is Pit. im 11. prase the goddess of light, Lady Palutena! (I love hotsprings, there so warm) and all animals Love me! Im also Christian †
kids mcfly_cats_8
Troy FamousKnives
Daηiel Danielloz
R E A L I T Y I S A N I L L U S I ON B U T L I F E I S N O T. Yellow my name is Quote. I'm the creator of Console-wars and Question of the After-noon on Miiverse. Fill free to send me a friend request and a follow and I will accept it/follow-back. Age:_? I_have_alot_of_Friends. :]
Treevis Pikminfan32
Hello! I absolutely LOVE video games! My favorite video game is Pikmin 2. My favorite video game series' are: - Pikmin - Metroid - Mega Man - Super Mario Bros. - Pokémon - EarthBound - The Legend of Zelda - Super Smash Bros. AND MANY MORE! Loyal member of The Jam King of grabs Olimar main Competitive Smasher who's always ready to fight! (1v1 me!)
Mike S.Zin37
CnsleBan:( RGkong3
If you want contact with me then my chatSNAP is guzroel01.... gramINSTA is roelfromtheblock Miiverse was very fun and it created so many memories for me. I'm glad I got to experienceit with you all :)
Founded during the early decades of human space exploration, the award-winning Alliance News Network brings all species galaxy-wide news with integrity and credibility.
I'm a life long Nintendo fan.
I own every Nintendo system ever made, boxed and complete.
My most ...
I'm a life long Nintendo fan.
I own every Nintendo system ever made, boxed and complete.
My most prized piece of my collection is a boxed R.O.B. The Robot, and my favorite console is the Super Nintendo Entertainment System!