Squirrely's Friends
colbey Pitches_Love_Me
No sympathy for the devil. Buy the ticket, take the ride.
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caroline karwowski101
damian damianbodo
Spawn xxHELL_SPAWNxx
Oz ItsPronouncedNom
peter petetam
Greenman Greenman49
hello mw3 IS MY GAME
morpheous morpheousx
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Geki Geki31
Jake yoDice
I am Chapin!!! xD Smash para Todos!!! xD Vos Tu Madre!!! ")
Babycakes musicalmindset
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Itsthatguy That_Guys_Good
george jack9066
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Kalas Kalas0
Fan de la gran N, amo el anime también, me gusta compartir mismos gustos, soy de Guatemala, y pues me gusta conocer gente nueva yeahh lml
Ivan Ivan8365
tragamm tragamm5521
Charlesu Charles1393
Add me for any CoD in these games! If you dont see me with my clan then invite me! Ill join u to play! I also was <~AbomiNation*~> from Mw3 c: :v
opie OpieTaylor84
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ishmael Ech0xVision
Jorge Jfigueroa91
Hey, Jorge here. I love cooking, drawing and reading. I also love playing videgames specially Call Of Duty Ghost, I'm stealthy and deadly.
Moni MsMonica81
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Pretty AJ HEY-GIRL2340
Justice Rhytenow
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Syntendo SyntendoGaming
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xKayoz TwS_Khaos
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Tuti Tuti82
jess 17jess17
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jerry sykooner
Luis Luismeza20
eve wariosfan
Kevin MC Kevin1105
Hola que tal, si tienes CoD Black Ops 2, CoD Ghost, Super Smash Bros., Mario Kart 8, Injustice Gods Among Us, Trine 2, agregame, podremos jugar online ;)
Caylano whattheguac
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wpnmastr Rienhardt
Hi ive been a nintendo fan since snes. I play games like cod, smash bros, legend of zelda,and castlevainia. I've been a fan of pokemon since 1997 also have been a fan of smash bros since it came out for the nintendo 64. i liked cod since cod 3 came out on wii I usually play on my own cause for video games im a sucker for being a lone wolf. so yeah im bad at intros but thats me 4 ya cant wait 4 n.s
mii NileIV
Squirrely Squirrelisious
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Cesarin cesariinn
Hola...hello!!! :) love monster hunter games,the legend of zelda,smash brothers,mario games and many more.. add me if you like :) ... Agregame si gustan
John jid9093
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GodZilla Dr.Swenson
NINTENDO® fanboy Interest include, but not limited too; Legend of Zelda Starfox ♪ ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓← →← → B A START Friend request are welcomed Will add while i still have space. Play on!
InsTincT* 1nsTincT
tereza S3xyBytch
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Suave suavecito83
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boo harley0123
Rob kuu1922
TofuMan TofuMan
dad RichardHunter
35 year old dad of 2. if i have to leave mid game its because 1 (or both sometimes) woke up :] video gaming and professional gambling is how i spend the time not spent with family and friends. yippee-ki-ay motherf#$%ers!!
cubonobbal legitballer5
Mezz oilmezz2
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NinjaG NinjaG
A scattered dream that's like a far-off memory... a far-off memory that's like a scattered dream... I want to line the pieces up... yours and mine -Sora
NUMBER18♀★ Nena1994
МεġαĂ©©ƒ MegaAccf
@MegaAccf I'm a big fan of multiple characters such as Mega Man, Dark Pit, Lucas, Kirby, Villager, Lucina, Peach, Pikachu, Pac Man, etc...
Max xOmegaHD
RoXas TheRoxas314
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Krishna Darkky
G'Day guys it's Darkky here! @DarkkyHD
Dean™ Stamina
Glenn RedToad64
Greetings, Miiverse! All of my pictures are simply fun doodles. I just post what makes me laugh, hoping others find enjoyment from them as well. Oh, and my spelling mistakes are totally intentional. Totally. Unfortunately, I cannot post as much as I would like to anymore, but make sure to keep an eye out for crazy shenanigans in the future!
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Smiley ZombieSlayer
Respect your elders,someday you will be one too!
yt/iNilex xNilex
Sub me? www.youtube.com/iNiLeX
troubleman middlefingaman
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Dad Dad_2_3
single father of 3. they are all that matters
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This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
I'm a life long Nintendo fan.
I own every Nintendo system ever made, boxed and complete.
My most ...
I'm a life long Nintendo fan.
I own every Nintendo system ever made, boxed and complete.
My most prized piece of my collection is a boxed R.O.B. The Robot, and my favorite console is the Super Nintendo Entertainment System!