Users Stanton Is Following
Tixian emilioin6
aun no te as apuntado a mi serie apuntate ya sige los pasos que hay en mis publicaciones y me dices que tipo de personaje eres apuntate baldra la pena y no solo eso mando saludos canales que recomiendo: freakyCCE,a-cool,noe a chicos si le dais me gusta a mi serie como unos 15 me gusta subo la sengunda temporada apollad mi canal un beso a todos que me apoyan♥★★★★ y recordad decime eso de los saludo
T-Rex Shannel_Ortiz.v
if you guys follow me i follow you guys back thank you
★MineStar★ patamario
Hello! I Have A Second Profile! Its on my Computer! So! Check It Out!:D :) :P Favorite:Color: Purple: Favorite:Game: Minecraft:And Five Nights at Freddy's: Favorite:Anime: Nonesuch: Favorite Fan-Made-Game: Five Nights at Treasure Island: Dream: Youtuber: And Getting Married: That's All! Bye!:D Have A Good One!
migs migster123
hey! my favorite games to play are minecraft an terraria, but I'm pretty good at pokken tournament too. befriend me if you want to battle!
FυггγSроок AnimeCharacters3
Hello Miiverse!I am a Weeb if you don't like that then I suggest you leave now. .......... Ok Hi miiverse I'm Furry!(T.A.Collin)Um so....I kind've like to draw so there will be some on here....nothing else that important....bye?.... Just kidding!My birthday is June 29th and I'm a jar of pure be prepared also #MakeShrekAVocaloid Bye!!!!
Logan mariomaster07
Hi im mariomastero7 thats not my real name of course and you can send me a friend request whenever you want your choice i would Love to play with you!! PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Justine justiinaa
Jason GordyForderman
Tyler Tyler112004
Hello, my name is Ty! :D
Letter10 TheManator
I'm J and I've been playing and been a fan of Nintendo since 1987. My goal is to get to the Nintendo World Championship!
Cobster105 KJCMama
Hi, im Cobster101 I love Minecraft!, I love chating with friends, I love playing with friends, I especially love having friends so thx. Plz if you have Minecraft or Terraria send me a friend request so we can play. Favorite superhero is The Flash. Thx! MINECRAFT AND TERRARIA RULE! Bobby was here. Tylerbatman236, XxlinkxX07, and 2gifted are boss. rip friendship with bbjamesbb and sharvey81. 364!!!!
KOS★Dragon drakedahm1234
age: 12 gender: Hamer memes: yeeee shrek is love shrek is life sml fan gamer splatoon fanboy mario minecraft pokemon lol stay fresh with some bleach
Adam Ekusaa
DJ Filip$☆ TF1234filipe
Olá sou o DJ Filip$☆ gosto de jogar super smash bros wii u, mario kart 8, just dence 2016,super mario 3d world, bayonetta, e para terminar bayonetta 2 wii u chat sim ( ) não (×)
Ashley AngelAsh17
Minerva15 chibidragon15
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Paul goukipau
Hi, I'm goukipau Xenoblade Chronicles X player - goukipau, lvl 60 Monster hunter 3 ultimate player - goukiPAU, HR 999, table 9. I'm hard to people who can't act normally online. I only accept friend requests, if you ask or say ingame. Playing for fun!!
Angel3.65 ANGELROMER8109
U got Zelda of course not i do i just save her in ocraina of time 3d
Dark Issou Funky_Galaxy
Taylor jacobsdad415
im in the awesome zone
Arun charizard960123
Hello I'm Arun follow me and ill follow you back. Try to make it to 100 followers! I play minecraft, every disney infinity, pikmin 3, mario kart 8, Super mario maker, splatoon, tappingo 1&2, pokemon art academy and some other random nintendo games. Remember, hit that follow button and if possible friend request!
PanPanWiiU eecarrillo
Whats up guys its me,everybodys Favorite Panda Friend, PanPan! I love Miiverse and my favorite thing to do is to yeah all your awsome post. I love drawing and I make post on Art Academy Home Studio Visit My 3DS Miiverse Profile where I post about Tomodachi Life,Mario Kart 7 and more! I love old school games like Super Mario Bros 2 or Pokemon Snap. Please follow me,have a wonderful day bye!
Dεssу★☆★☆★ popstar12
Heya peeps add my new account its Deasldeasl you can friend and follow me on there. But imma delete this account and delete all my friends on here so add my new one and msg me on there too ok... so... Peace :P
lizrdking keekers27
hi, i am a gamer who loves action-packed games and a good friend to gamers,nerds,geeks,sports peaple,and peaple who do all of the above.
israel h wwe-dccomics
RESIDENT EVIL MEDAL OF HONOR S.T.A.R.S dc comciS y club nintendo Y regular show star wars Años 36 mayo 9 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ VIDEO GAME NINTENDO GAMECUBE BLACK NINTENDO 64 SUPER NES Nintendo NES Wii U EDO MEXICO TOLUCA xbox
Logan H troy678
My name is Logan and I'm almost 15 years old (15 in june ) and I live in Wisconsin without friends cuz their parents hate me for some reason plus I feel like I have a target on my back because I get bullied alot.Plus I also have 4 younger brothers in Nebraska. AND I LOVE GIRLS WHO LOVE TO PLAY GAMES AND LISTEN TO MUSIC.I'M LOVING THE 100+ FOLLOWERS
Heather Meganekko-chan
…If you're reading this, you have found out my true identity…You may tell me of the resistance on my next post…
Northrup superedison
Hi there guys! I hope you find me interesting and follow me and other people. Please be appropriate because I am twelve. also give me every single spoiler for ALMOST every game i have a lot of experience but i am still not the best. bye :D
Josh SonicnatorX
Hola peoples! Neighborhood weirdo here to show off le awesomeness by the art of gaming....or 3DSing....or WiiUing. Which ever you prefer.
VαмρλĮια‹3 Iqra13
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Brandon assasin29
Splatoon hype!!!
♪Minuet♪ anonymous.poet
I ♥ squid parties! If you join me in turf wars, expect silliness :P I hate splatting friends :( i accept party squids as friends of course! plz no blank friend requests, tell me why you want to be friends :) no wiiu chat... but i do ♥ u all, my squid family ^_^
Captain M captainm590
Hi, I'm Captain M, or Mike as my friends call me. I'm in my 20's and I have been a dedicated Nintendo fan since I was a kid. My favorite video game franchises are Super Mario Bros, Donkey Kong Country, Kirby, Super Smash Bros, Sonic the Hedgehog and a few others. I also enjoy collecting older, more obscure video games like Goemon's Great Adventure for the N64, for example.
leon lillee12
i like wii u chat , call me lillee12
Markel markel200
mrcubywuby mrcubywubys562
hi my name is mrcubywuby i thought of that name because i like it but my real name christian i might suck at some games so go easy on me on some of them but my favorite games are smash splat and badland assassins mario cart and scribble nauts and youtube :-)
pussi_boi andrew312000
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LULU ! Lukedat
coucou moi c´est luke
Shikata NintendoShikata
任天堂の四方宏昌(しかたひろまさ)です。『ゼルダの伝説 トライフォース3銃士』のディレクターです。 Hi, I'm Hiromasa Shikata from Nintendo, Director of The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes.
Fletcher Mobot-Studios
Paper Monsters Recut community dude.
マリチャン NintendoMchannel
任天堂のマリチャンです。 気になるタイトルのコミュニティにお邪魔させていただいて 色んな企画を行っています。 一緒にMiiverseを盛り上げていきましょう! Hello, this is MariChan from Nintendo! I'll pop up in game communities in Miiverse on occasion to plan some events and activites. I hope you'll all join in on the fun!
Skye NintendoSkye
Hiya, I'm Skye from Nintendo. I'll be posting videos with Nintendo-related stuff in the YouTube Nintendo Channel sub community, so make sure you swing by ;)
JakeBNC TaylorJakeD
Owner, Creative Lead at BNC Design Studios. Check us out at or our social media channels! @BNCDesignStudio
Greg ZeNfAProductions
Hello! I am Greg from ZeNfA Productions. Developer of ZaciSa's Last Stand & Hot Rod Racer. Please follow me for official updates on the game.
Splatting lil kids like you fer dayz