Stanton's Friends
Manuel Valuable61
MC custom custom_MC_wolrds
hypermobility syndrome is one of the medical conditions i have so don,t poke me!! i also have ASD (autism spectrum disorder) so when i,m playing i tend to foucus on automatic stuff rather than building. and with juvenile rumatoind i can make my hands cramp playing this. i,m senseitive to sound by 1.5x so don,t scream into the mic. clans im in S.T.A.G leader wellman1 ★★★clan leader vitthal
T-Rex Shannel_Ortiz.v
if you guys follow me i follow you guys back thank you
Ale aleolesis
joe jokly203
how can i join someonne world? i vante tou help
Masonbtw masonbtw
yo im such a cool dude from new jersey
Mister J PheonixBlayze
I want to Train Pokemon, Join Team Flare, and Rule the World!!
Infare Infare69
nathan nathan760917
Arun charizard960123
Hello I'm Arun follow me and ill follow you back. Try to make it to 100 followers! I play minecraft, every disney infinity, pikmin 3, mario kart 8, Super mario maker, splatoon, tappingo 1&2, pokemon art academy and some other random nintendo games. Remember, hit that follow button and if possible friend request!
Angel3.65 ANGELROMER8109
U got Zelda of course not i do i just save her in ocraina of time 3d
Kelly Kelly_The_Beast7
Wake siskathedog9001
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Yssaria Nerdy_Love
I only started this profile for an extra character in Xenoblade Chronicles X, but now it seems to have snowballed somewhat. Forget the past..... I'm still me. I've been me for a very, VERY long time. Interests: Reading, telling awful jokes, Cadbury Mini-Rolls. Dislikes: Baked beans, prejudice, bullies. I pretty much only play XCX and Mario Kart 7 with others but I play lots of other games too!
Justine justiinaa
Mariornb M4ri0rnb
Dad DadHoffman
Splatoon junkie
ŁΙ★Iпƒεлпб Fire_278
Whassup gamers the name's Isaiah, or u may know me as ★Dj. Blaze★ I'm 14 and I love Minecraft, Pokkén Tournament and terraria! If you wanna play.... then send me a friend request Also Some o' my friends are youtubers. Just so ya know. I host rooms in mh3 & minecraft My best friends are, Prpuppy101, Legosonic, tntman2345,Skullslayr, and Ctina2004 *reading* Impending doom coming! Uh oh, BYE!!!
♪[(º¬˙)]♪ ThatEffinCarl
Toothy cutie_qd
Bluestar JqGameplay
Im a gamer to the blood. I play lots of awesome games made by Nintendo Multiplayer Games Especially Games I Have Now___________ Mario Kart 8 Splatoon Minecraft And more in the future I am a member from the clan Syndicate Inkrage, so join if you like. :P Overall, I like to meet new people to be friends with and play with them in all sorts of games. Stop reading this and lets play. >:P
FD GOD fdgod4299
Amy Rintoula
«Scooter» ScootaliciousOT
I like to play Splatoon!
NinjaGamer 148066
hello im ninjagamer you may call me any name that you make up or my real name kenneth i really dont have alot of games but yeah bye
saxxy OneWingedBoss
Let's a go!
shannel ortiz.v
GrimmRacer dedlox7575
Do you like my sword sword like my diamond sword sword you cannot afford-ford for my diamond sword sword and if you can afford it I have a contract-This is from the song "DO YOU LIKE MY SWORD"
Keef Chief uglyboyz
TreShawn treshawn2006
Brian Psystormm
Marcus pewdiepizzapie
JOSHUA jaylon01
I love all things anime! AND YES EVEN THE FIRE EMBLEM WAIFUS! so join me on this journey through Anime and whatever u guys like.:)
beastling3 Beastling3
Hi! I love Splatoon and Minecraft and I am always open to play!
Andrew spikeandpenny
Chico Fchico_PR
0∞Cust★rd Rezacasoojee
Join me in Splatoon
Lonster123 Lonster123
Hi everyone i'm Lonster123. Video games are awesome, and I extremely like playing Monster Hunter, Super Smash Bros., Some RPGs, and many more! I'm going to be a Video Game Designer when i'm older. Friend Request me or message me if you wanna Smash or hunt in Monster Hunter. Follow and comment aswell. Happy Gaming!
Sliske Dragonspyred
Mina sharkiechic
Sylur9000 Sylur9000
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oľEmuz possiblyemuz
Fixer computers, and manager of server. 日本語を少し分かります。 It has been said that I like pie.
OUT OF POSTS. MSG/FRIEND ME 2 TALK! Yes i am astraú. Odinsman. shows: Supernatural, american horror, VIKINGS, walking dead (and fear), GAME OF THRONES
Letter10 TheManator
I'm J and I've been playing and been a fan of Nintendo since 1987. My goal is to get to the Nintendo World Championship!
MisukiChan Sookiestar100
Hello! SookieChan here!~ 15 years old I play Legend of Zelda, SSB4, Pokemon, most Mario games, and Splatoon. I love Squad battles so if you need someone to play with, I'm here! I also play Xbox
Josh joshcampos420
Justin A Jd_Bandit57
Hyo-Mitsu akatsuo
neo neokrw
I am me
Merry Babelfisch_2233
nick dikens29
kera kera253
MALEVOLENT MalevolentDog
Markel markel200
SquidBurgr hbonath
Oliver Oliver0725
Hey guys I am Oliver and I am a big Pokemon fan and I am pretty funny i love Amiibo and smash bros and most of all my friends
Imported TinyConham
Want to play a game?
Ashley AngelAsh17
Monique S_Defenestration
○βιÆχ™ ▽∀▽ DarkN64
¡Hola, organismos pluricelulares con 46 cromosomas! •ω• Provenientes del planeta rocoso llamado Tierra del Sistema Solar, localizado en el Brazo de Orión de la Galaxia en forma de espiral barrada llamada Vía Láctea del espacio exterior de todo el Universo… UυU Me gusta dibujar, jugar videojuegos, escuchar música, ver anime, etc… ‹(˙˘˙^) Juejuejue… -υ- ¡Adiós! c: Ξ[)[Pαíς: ¢нıιε](]Ξ
MrDevan BrawlerEX
Video Games are the best thing that I have seen with my eyes, the same eyes that were born with me.
Kevin:^] kevin_V3
sun salutations may the squids be with you
Dave davey87uk
ol'Kagenin kagenin
/u/crazymoefaux on reddit
christo christopher211
Gabe SpikeJetEd
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jp sonicrules00
im justin i like all kinds of games and smash is the best one
dfx1 diggityfx
Ziphi stenodelphis
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WolfHero WolfbaneDX
Claire twilightlinkjh
Hello, nice to meet you~ I haunt the boards, helping the best I can to get fellow gamers through tricky situations. I also really enjoy looking through the drawing sections of communities I love. Someday I hope to post to these too as I love to draw <3 I like to give a special mention to KaraGirl! She, no You are too kind. Thank you for being here on miiverse and for brightening up every day~ C♪
Falco VanillaT
tampaybay tampaybay2005
Kupka DavidKupka
aiden PRNENA06
Dirge Magikrap
Loves me some Magikarp! ... Gaming as well, I suppose.
Timmy phantomliger
I'm a 26 year old aspiring game designer. Always loved Nintendo. :-) I am now an official Wii U developer and working on a game for Wii U.
Splatting lil kids like you fer dayz