Sushi Star's Yeahs

Comment on X™'s Post


1 hour ago

Youtube! you should make an account on there if you can!

Comment on Sushi Star's Post


3 hours ago

I've liked you for like I think a year now? it's been a good run...

Drawings Comic Workshop Community


18 hours ago

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Sushi Star

1 hour ago

Your eyes! So...huge! Not yet. 4 friends and I are starting a channel on YT. It's called Har Har [yeah, don't ask] So, as you knoooow, Starla is not my name in rl. But, my mom says I need a fake ...

Drawings YouTube Community


2 hours ago

Drawings YouTube Community


2 hours ago

Drawings YouTube Community


2 hours ago

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36 minutes ago

I was hoping Volcanic Fires could make it to the farewell fest. It was enjoyable following both of you!

Drawings YouTube Community


3 hours ago

Comment on Sushi Star's Post


2 hours ago


Comment on X™'s Post


2 hours ago

nvm it's not 3 mins

Comment on Sushi Star's Post


3 hours ago

i do

Comment on Sushi Star's Post

ςς☆ J-cub

3 hours ago

Play Journal Entries YouTube


4 hours ago

Goodbye. This very sadly has to be my last post forever. Because my post meter is at 1 and this is the final day. It was amazing being with you guys. I have all my posts being saved on a folder I w...

Comment on Sushi Star's Post


3 hours ago

Hoiii, me yea

Drawings Splatoon Community

ςς☆ J-cub

4 hours ago

Drawings Comic Workshop Community


17 hours ago

Comment on Sushi Star's Post


17 hours ago

I hate that miiverse is ending but it seems like it's going out with a bang!

Comment on Sushi Star's Post


11 hours ago

One last goodbye, thanks for being my friend! I may now leave in peace...

Comment on Cole's Post


1 day ago

I will try!

Play Journal Entries YO-KAI WATCH 2


2 days ago

I had to "Fall Back" Today. Be Cool Man.