Youtube! you should make an account on there if you can!
Sushi Star's Yeahs

Goodbye. This very sadly has to be my last post forever. Because my post meter is at 1 and this is the final day. It was amazing being with you guys. I have all my posts being saved on a folder I w...
Heya heya! What's shakin'? Let's sing Gera Gera Po! Wait-no, you want me ta describe mahself. Sur...
Heya heya! What's shakin'? Let's sing Gera Gera Po! Wait-no, you want me ta describe mahself. Sure! Well, name's Star, I'm 10. Oh, I'm super careless, too. Mah friendos are Sevie, X™, and J-cub. Yeah, uh, I don't have a sweetheart or anythin' like that... but this one guy on miiverse... he's so awesome... >///< I'm gettin' a little off track. Well, see ya! Or... Aloha! Sayonara! Farewell! Bye!