Sushi Star's Followers
JJ jsquared1029
Hi my name is JJ I am 13 years old and I have been playing on Nintendo systems since I was 6. I am a huge Mario fan infact my first videogame was Super Mario Galaxy. I am also a big fan of Zelda, Kirby, and Animal Crossing. I am a good friend to everyone I meet and I am always ready to help you wether it's help in a videogame or in life. Remember you follow me and I follow you. Happy Posting!!! :D
くまちゃん yotuha0709
こんにちは!!!!!!!!!!!!フォローしてくれた人100%フォロー返します!! 性別 女 年齢 秘密才 趣味 ぬいぐるみ集め 髪をむすぶこと 絵をかくこと スクイーズ集め 宝物 かっている犬 好きな歌 *打ち上げ花火*きせき*えいこうのかけはし*可愛くなりたい*ハナミズキ*TT(トュワイス) ・大切な人・ *ゆりあ*あやり*ももちゃん*レナちゃん*じゃがりこさん*はるさん*きりゅうさん*あの(あのは学校の友達。ちょ~親友。 11/8ミバ終わる~フォロー1000人めざす!!(たぶん無理)フォロー宜しくお願いします!! 他 色々です!宜しくね!
Tr.Sheri Peki2005
Hi I'm 12 years old, I love animals, SU, therories, and anime .... and games \('¤')/ I'm also a part of the C.P.S,I LOVE TOMODACHI LIFE CLUB, Nintendo 3ds Club And PIKA friends clan! ('º')/ THANK YOU FOR READING THIS! Started:2/10/17 I'll miss you all! PLZ CHECK OUT MY FOLLOWING LIST! I'm also a crazy poke trainer.
くさったいもけんPw hyde66686
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i want a friend to play splatoon plz send me a frien requst and i will friend you
Michele Michele-Blazia
It hurts to be forgotten by an old friend. - Michele
Kirby1sout flaquito6
This is kirby's user page. I hoped you like it (If you want to find some of Kirby's games. You can look at his "favorite" games [and mine as well]! (Also please enjoy Kirby games from the Game boy to the Nintendo Switch to whatever comes next) OMG...! On Nov. 3... I got first post and yeah on a ADMIN POST!!! My crush's name is Kellie H. I doubt she owns a Wii U/3DS and Miiverse is ending so..
River wilderfamily
Bye F4gs<3 mamascallinu
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deku NarutoHiro2017
hi my old name was originally .0. or zero as my full miivereser name but im on my original 3ds now so that's why im starting on this 3ds system file now ^~^ +just as my old profiled stated i'm open to becoming and makeing aqeaome miifriends and i love to work on my own manga in the works called ''Spirit-Blade'' my 2 main characters are Hironu-Zero and Luna :p :3
★Luna★ omghihi01
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SkoopyMia Sw33tpea123
I am equivalent to a potato. and maybe hot sauce go away k bye then Hi WeLcOmE tO cHiLlI'S
Layla Seam laya-seam
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Mii cyangirl64
Eh.... Why...? Give me a chance ya ˘^˘ Nobody loves me... They only like me Nerdgeeka Goth Karma °V°
butthead!! sandlesbatbeatup
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★Subio★ JustdanceNow1234
I Do NOT Wii U Chat , Its Not Safe! Im Just A Cute Korean Who Speaks English. ♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡ Bye!
Pikaboss Pikaboss-lol1233
h0i!! i´M TemMiE!!! Nah I´m Pikaboss!! Look, I can´t tell you interesting things about me, I post weird things, but if you follow me, YOU ARE RESPECTFULL!!
KY Kluekey
Yes she is a bit ch bicth hahaha memes
Skyla SuperAwesomeSky
Heyo, itsa me. Actual Skyla... Ok my favorite color is orange Ima ten year old self taught artist, and thats it. Bunny_Bot was dumb Well? what are you waiting for? check out my cool art!
Bob Zoom thegoodblueant
What's up, dudes?! I'm Bob Zoom! I am one lovable blue ant that likes to sing, dance learn, and play games with my friends. I like Animal Crossing Wild World, Animal Crossing Happy Home Designer, Animal Crossing New Leaf, and Animal Crossing amiibo Festival! I also speak Spanish and English, so please understand that!
Mathys mathysboy
Bonjour Je m'apelle Mathys j'ai 9ans J'adore Les jeux nintendo minecraft et je cherche des personne pour Jouer a Minecraft
Though miiverse should be dead by now, it's really inspiring seeing everyone hanging in there and posting to each heart's content, also Matt-B-u speaks the truth. I'll be screenshot dumping till the 7 kek Mattypb
Seth Deetodee
Hi my name is Seth. :D My fav. games are Super Smash Bros,Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon,Super Mario Maker,and Call of Duty Black ops on the Wii. I will talk to you alot. I hope you love MARIO GAMES! If you do tell me I met even play with you! I hope you have a great day bye for now, bye-bye :)
kaden KCsmash88
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Kenta sekaino-kenta
Hello. Let's talk about Team Kirby Clash.
Kenny chihirofujisaki2
"Love! Love! Love! Love! We're lacking time Now, let's live No! No! No! No! No! No motivation to return home! Also, no last train!" Hi i'm kenny i'm 16 and i really like otomes she/her very tired blog:strawberry--sodas da:mewsticmesswnger q:strawberrysodas twit:sstrawberrysoda discord:Koichi hustle those buns #0827 currently playing: Yo-kai Watch 2: Bony Spirits
tobin(¶n¶) tobintobo
welcome to the posts hi guy so sans x flowey i has a girlfriend / stoy bat me and my girlfriend :3 foxy is cool it me sorry :o) i'm 20 i love fnaf and undertalt ЪÍĽŁ ĦΩΧΨΞΣς;·΄΅ΏЮЖЩЯ my faborite dtaws Gεησ◆♀ and carina and slederman and tron 19it kill or be kill (●<●) (☆•★) bandy vs freddy and fun time foxy vs bon bon ok i'm a eskimo i get happy/yeah 10/posts YOU ARE MEAN DO NOT END WIIVRESE
Amya amya04
hi! welcometo my profile! i hope you like my art! btw i love steve universe, dbz [and many other animes] i love love, i like BL, and i love roleplaying!
Jade bouiqua4life
H-hi I'm Jade the chikmunk My other account is banned[Bianca] so sahid, swirlhex, and others plz follow meh! º~º I'm Bi-romantic.-. I LOVE HATSUNE MIKU MY WAIFU ›w‹ FURRY HATERS STAY AWAY!!! *pulls out Sailor Mars's paper thing that says 'begone evil spirit' in japanese and puts on a furry-haters head and he disappears* ok bai :3 follow nova potato
cute kitty acrawford2008
i love minecraft ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!☆☆☆★★★★♡♡♡♡♥♥♥♪♡
§くるみまっきぃƒ kibachira
皆様、僕のまだまだ未熟者の勝手なイラストを見ていただき、共感いただき、フォローいただいて本当にありがとうございました♪ ミーバース始めて約1年、毎日が楽しく幸せでした! 7日夜が最期の投稿となると思います。それまで頑張って投稿します! ありがとうございました、皆様お元気で♪
_jaykid slidedog12089
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Bowser Jr. eeb4321
Hi kids. Bowser Jr. here! Tomorrow, my mischievous Elf on the Shelf named Carol is coming back to my Dad's house, because I want to show her an early Christmas gift I got. (King Bowser said that it plays lots of music, and I have to practice it for 20 minutes a day!) And when it came to the castle, it was heavy to carry. But I still played lots of songs for my siblings before Christmas came by!
Jοςнυα G. LuigiFan304
molly molly415
hey i'm molly i'm 10 my favorite games are the legand of zelda,mario,sonic,minecraft,final fantasy,star fox,kidicarus,fier emblem,wario waer,metroid,pokimon,mega man, pac-man,and proferser layton when i grow up i whant to be an actour the place i want to go to someday is japan
Bowser Jr. billy144523
Welcome to this second backup Wii U account of mine. My regular Nintendo Network ID is eeb4321, just like the other Bowser Jr.'s account! I have followed him and his little friend on Miiverse, and I gave their posts a few Yeahs, and now I've got a few more to go. See ya!
Heya heya! What's shakin'? Let's sing Gera Gera Po! Wait-no, you want me ta describe mahself. Sur...
Heya heya! What's shakin'? Let's sing Gera Gera Po! Wait-no, you want me ta describe mahself. Sure! Well, name's Star, I'm 10. Oh, I'm super careless, too. Mah friendos are Sevie, X™, and J-cub. Yeah, uh, I don't have a sweetheart or anythin' like that... but this one guy on miiverse... he's so awesome... >///< I'm gettin' a little off track. Well, see ya! Or... Aloha! Sayonara! Farewell! Bye!