Stаt! whеrе wеrе yоu? Ι missеd yоu! оk nо, thаnks аnyway, thеsе timеs wеrе rеаlly grеаt hеrе... Wеll, sее yоu sооn! sоmеdаy wе will sее еасh оthеr аgаin! :D
»Stαtisky's Yeahs

Twitter and Instagram: @xxartistic14xx Deviant art and Tumblr: Artistic14 My Twitter and Tumblr are most successful so far. See you all soon :) @Danny I was in tears lol. Just 70 minutes if this ...

It was nice knowing you Stat...I'm sorry that I haven't been on in awhile since I was busy with School and Work...But I enjoy the memories we share and the good times we had...Farewell...My friend...

Rip Miiverse, it might end but the memories shall last forever! Oh, and by the way... 1. GUZMA, JUST HIRE ME ALREADY!!! (XD) And 2. Great drawing!

Came in quickly because miiverse is ending and I haven't been on cause I got a switch,but Stat,if you have switch what is your friend code?Actually I will say mine,it is: 5627-9785-9480

Hey Stat! It's not too late! I've got a Discord server up for anyone who wanted to join after the shutdown. The invite's in my two previous posts!

Hey Stat! It's me! I'm really going to miss your amazing artwork! It's sad to see Miiverse go, isn't it? :c
Thanks for the nice memories!
Sorry for any possible inconvenience.
I'm away from my WiiU at mome...
Thanks for the nice memories!
Sorry for any possible inconvenience.
I'm away from my WiiU at moment.
Peace to everyone!
Farewell, Miiverse.