»Stαtisky's Friends
★☆şογ☆★ SaltySoySauce
☆★Possibly one of the most saltiest squids <( одо )> ★☆Not to shabby at splatoon, i've been told that im pretty good! ☆★My O.Cs are Soy♂, (saltysauce) - Rey♀- Goma♂ - Urusus/Urusis♂ - Reaugh♀ - Lian♀- Blaise♂ - Miso♀ - Gavo♂ - Ri♂ - Luc♂ - Teriyaki♂ - Karashi♂ - Kushikatsu♂ - Tori - ♀Miké♂ - Seth♂ - Tokora♂ - Oroshi♂ ★☆Art Academy ☆★Currently living in Okinawa ★☆No blank friend request
MemeSenpai TheMemeSenpai
ah, sorry- JellyChan101
Oh , Welcome to my page •Traditional/Digital Artist •French •Is happy to see you. I only accept friend requests of people who i know/or people who asked me before. You can find me on other social medias, just type @jellychan or @squiddygirl I accept drawing requests and art trades so don't forget to ask me if you want ^^ That's all you need to know. Stay Fresh♡
Ð♪Ťwinki Banana_Squid101
We are two Treats(people) We share this box together(Profile) ...We are Mooshy and Ali! Mooshy is a Hostess Cupcake, the other is a Twinkie! Mooshy is the good sniper, Ali is the gun BOSS. Other amazing Treats: Ð|Rocket, sk.Alex™, Rain, ƒτώ ♪ ★Oka★, лBlood, Stat, And alot more delicious..I mean WONDERFUL..Wonderful Hostess Treats.. We are both artists with different styles. Stay toasty!
Vikaru Pyro_Pinoy
Kid Vikarus here! Just someone who loves to draw! Be sure to check out who I follow, because their art is way better than mine! XD Random Facts: Filipino Saxophonist, Flutist & Drummer Kai is my awesome brother!! :^D I have school, so kinda busy and won't be able to draw. My bday is August 9 (08/09) Black belt in Taekwondo "I may not be the best, but I'm not like the rest" ~Anonymous
♪°Penny°♪ kerkyra
A few hours...Goodbye Miiverse,thank you for being here for me everyone. In case you want to find me elsewhere here are the places: ~Dιςc0rδ: Pen_Pen#2974 ~Dενιαητ Αŕτ:WoomyPen1 ~1ηςτα:woomy_pen (I have no personal info/photos of me there, just art.) ...Well,it was a nice journey!I met lots of great friends here ^^ I'm not gonna forget you everyone ♥...Neither the time... >vO/ See you again…♥~!
Nek-Oh. GlamGirl0504
☆Thanks for the great memories here!!☆ Obviously Miiverse had its ups and downs, but it was a pleasure to share my art and meet a bunch of people in this site. :)
(・д°)Who popupcraft
Thank you Miiverse. Thank you friends. Thank you all. ( ´ ▽ ` )/ ようこそ 共感フォロー有り難うございます フォローフレンドの解除はご自由に たまにお絵描き お礼の共感は必要ありません Miiverseもカウントダウンが始まりました 私は時折ハイカラシティを訪れようと思います 相互フォローの方、良ければ私とフレンドになりませんか? ◇メモ◇ さざなみやっこ(Miiと名前を変えています 年齢性別諸々非公開 Welcome. I'm さざなみYakko. You can call me Sazza or Yakko. Thank you all for comments and yeahs! Have a nice day! ☆💫
Zephon VizeGore
Hiya! Nice of you to come here! ..... //sweats nervously// I'm lurking around.. Just, don't have time to post atm.. MV Goals: -Get lots of followers -Get lots of friends -Have a lot of fun
Yasuho pinkcream
Tay ¤ 15 ¤ Splatoon Addict ♡ Blakyre, Dusty, Mike, Christie, Ink, Luna, Nekyua, Kakei, Ruthie, Jonny, Suffy, Crylo, love you guys ! ♡ I'm better on paper, or with a drawing tablet, I swear (—˛—) Check me out on tµmblr ! It's nozokai ; v ;
king crow Crowly69
hi, i'm alex, currently i am SufferingTM kinda antisocial but i love making new friends self-taught artist and im terrible at it tho since i cant draw on my wii u due to gamepad issues, i'll be posting my drawings on my 3DS account!! (NNID:canioon) thank u!! have a nice day!!
Nii-Chan★ Pandemiii
I draw anime bs and that's really it lol. Current trash cans I'm in: Ensemble stars Splatoon Fire emblem Fates/Awakening Blue Birb:@Riminiii0
Charles CatZillow
Ho, crab Miiverse is ending.... Time to add peeps on other platforms! Sorry for not being active either guys.. Dope Homies Death Kassandra Stat LaserAxis7
Иεκσ ☆ Neko-Chan0437
dead acc ;( I'm sorry that I left Miiverse without a warning. I won't delete my account, but it will be inactive forever ú-ù I said I would post something about me leaving but I think my followers already know that Miiverse is shutting down soon sooo yeah :( Discord: neko#2286 Switch: SW-2453-9083-2820 Adieu, mes amis (= ó w ò =)/
hey squid kid! I'm SquiDIO! 21 yo dude who has too much love for Splatoon. Dumb things over here, watch your step :^) Squid Parties all the way! (And sometimes serious business ranked battles)
¶SM¶☆ξli☆ Gecko1823
Cable a bit broken, having hard time charging my WiiU ^^" Got it!! >ω< Little cuttlefish from Italy. Loves drawing, listening to music at the same time. Different is Beautiful ~♪ Awesome people: ξδ•Aββγ•Trιη•Chεrrγ•Rιchι•Ilγαs•Wΐth•Pεn•Xhει•Isεl•Hεlιcα•Mιchι•Cι•Isσ•Lαzγ•Gabe•Spud•AηαG•Aqυα•Dιm•Lσmι•Cιεlα•Nεkσ•Gιυα•Mαrzι•Lαsεr•Tαshα•Tαmαrα•Shadow•Dεndrσ•PιXks•Wαndα•Fαtι•Kαγlα ♥My sweet Ed♥
Meg tortoiseshell2
Ollo ollo! Thank you friends and followers for all the support for the two years I've been here, you all know who you are, and ya get hugs. Love ya! x3 Extremely close to being able to have a Switch, ahhhh! Soon soon. Soooon xD
Spark Dash Skye.infamousboy
Name: Spark or Sparky I'm here to have fun and meet nice people. Also to make good friends. I'll be posting every Sunday and sometimes Friday. I'm a big fan of roleplaying. OCs: Skye, Bolt, Alex, Spark and Flame. Favorite Artist: ♪Trezden♪, Stat/Ryuuichi, Dauphina, Autonnie, *Ginger~*, Coke Cola (Reiyanne), and Death. Thank you all and explore my page. Stay Fresh Everyone! ^^
Sass King bb.hero.s
Julian TheJu1ian
Hallo bodies. Welcome to my profile and stuff. Don't take me seriously because I don't take me seriously. Award-winning procrastinator and occasional doodler. Time Magazine's person of the year, 2006. I'm not at the beach. This is a bathtub! No Wii U chat or blank friend requests please. Splatfest: 10/16
Konononor Konononor
Oh you poor soul, finding yourself here ;3; I'm Konononor, or Kiwi if it's easier for you. I occasionally draw and shout at videogames; normal stuff, really. Also, /I am terrible at Splatoon. Expect salt comparable to the oceans themselves/.
Ben LightMechaDragon
VGFan64 GamerFan64
Just another user here on Miiverse. Don't mind me. XD Please no random friend requests unless we've talked to each other. P.S: I don't do Wii U Chat. I like to do competitive matches and friendly matches. Also, I ♥ to draw! Thanks for liking my art! ♥ you all! My Motto: Show Your Smile to the World! t: Bunch o' Stuff Star Squad: Me, FireDragon, Pooba, Alexandra, Kirby & King Dedede
Kiara cruwnn
Gabbster Zelda-Garza
Call me Gabby woop woop Btw follow Y_Are_You_Here, he's really good and he's really cool! >v<
☆Sαrαн☆ Profera7503
Thanks Miiverse for 1.05K! check out Splatoon7503 Main OCs: Satomi, Genki OuO)// Awesome best friends/artists you need to check out: ☆-Stat (Statisky) (Tsurugiya) ☆-Tran (AnimeFanGirl) ☆-Emma (Empiku) ☆-Ella (batgurl99063) ☆-Sonic (SonicSpeed4582) ☆-Fati (TruUnknown) ☆-Coco (CoCo18400) ☆-Val (xerneasx123) ☆-Tesu (horrormovielover) ☆-Choco (NyanFace) ☆-Shizuo (Kirionic)
EmPeeFour Mp4Grace
Second Account: @Mp4_Yepo(EmPeeTri) G'Day, I'm Grace. First things first, I'm Australian. Weeb at heart. My profile contains lots of fabulous Marth Memes... So be careful!! Follow me? Look at my profile? ...notice my existence?...please senpai? Joined: 24/04/2015
Aftertaste SilverWolfSilent
くろきょう okosamanoho
☆Thank you for miiverse☆ 自分の絵をインターネット上に投稿してコメントし合ったりするようなSNS系を利用したのはミーバースが初めてでした 1年近く前は本当に一人で細々とやる方針だったのでここまでたくさんの共感が頂けるようになるとは思ってもいませんでした 温かいコメントもたくさん貰い、それに一人一人返信していくのも本当に楽しかった思い出です…!話が下手な私でもコメントで話しかけて下さったり、仲良くして頂き、感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです…絵を描く楽しみが見つけられたサービスでした 運営陣の方々、お疲れ様でした!そして、最後まで本当に本当にありがとうございました!♪
Bia MukuroY
Kassy Cs Celestial_Etna
º·. SniperLand News.·º ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ Enjoy yourself around we have kek (cake) ˘▼˘ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ☆This is amoussing as mousse kek ☆º·.Monthly Quote.·º "Do not judge my story by the chapter you walked in on." -Unknown ↓ Have a lovely day/week! - Kassy, 13 ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨
Raymundo RayDangoVago
[RayDango] Nos vemos!!. Yucateco fan de Nintendo,Animación,Juegos,Pizza,Musica ochentera,Musica Vocaloid y Frikieadas,Solo publico dibujos,Me gusta el dibujo a pesar de no ser muy bueno. In English ;D I like Cartoons,Anime,Nintendo,Games,Pizza,Vocaloid and 80s Music,etc Age/Edad:2?. I only post drawns,My english is bad®. saludos.
AskVincent Michicookies2
Michicookies' wiiu account. Have fun! The meechness that ensues is pure magic. proceed with caution! Michiko ★ 21 ★ Canadian/American ★ ♀ Owner of Vincent the Inkling, a popular blogging inkling boy! *** I ALWAYS READ COMMENTS ***
Gus CursedPuppetRuo
Hey, I'm Gus, or wemarchalone on most of the internet! I play Smash and Pokémon, lots of RPGs, and I finally have Splatoon in my hands after 84 years. I draw a lot, and mostly post on twitter when it comes to sharing. I'm really friendly and I love playing games, so feel free to add me!
βгαη¥™ Brittoodles
Warrior Princess on the ♭απleƒield I am addi¢ted to Splatoon. Please Sэnd H€ιρ. ★Ocs: 3D, Star, Spitz, Patches, Red, Valentine.™ ★Animation/Artist/Gamer/Dog Owner/Blogger★ ★No Trades★No Requests★No Life★
Vinny PaperVinny
Hello, Vinny/Cute King/GUZMA here! My real name is Iván and I love videogames, fairytales, and I'm a big Peachy fan. <3 I speak English & Spanish. Friends: 100/100 (So I'm sorry if I don't accept your request right away, it's nothing personal!) 3DS Miiverse profile: KewlishVinny ♡【—Currently addicted to Splatoon and Animal Crossing—】♡
Knight HappyHylian
Hello and welcome! ^_^ I'm a person who draws for fun. My drawings mostly include (but are not limited to) characters from The Legend of Zelda, Splatoon, Undertale, and Pokémon. Additional info: *I don't take requests. *I also don't accept random/blank friend requests. Thank you for visiting my profile!
V.Squidson xerneasx123
Valerie Squidson | Female | 16 Those are all OC details~ XD I've started putting more information about Splatoon OCs in my Play Journal if you're curious. I got a Switch! <3 I'm planning on being here as long as Miiverse is around. :) Also, I've started accepting FRs. Statisky is my senpai~ You should definitely follow her! Follower counts only hurt people, so I hid mine.
Strawberry Gina2001
♥Thank you to all my friends here. ♥Thank you all for the wonderful memorys I had. ♥Thank you for all my 8890+ followers. THANK YOU MIIVERSE
Mano Lon VaporeonAkira
#VelberanFLW Hi! I'm Mano! I like Splatoon, cartoons and most of the Nintendo games. Oh, I really like to draw too! So... If you like these things (Splatoon) too, let's be friends and (splat some inklings) have fun! I don't draw much here, but I'm very active on DA ;) Stay Fresh! (or not...Just be careful with the dynamo rollers, really).
ソラリサメ♪~ whattas
Hi, I'm Jen! I like Splatoon a lot. I also like drawing! I have a tumblr. You might know me from there!
Voxridian Nintendrew97
Hello! I'm Voxridian, previously known as Gills! Pleasure to meet you :) I loved Miiverse, so I will miss this place! Ya'll have been so kind, thank you so much! I consider myself a cartoonist, positive entertainer, writer, voice artist and humorist. ♂ 20 Libra
Tri-Falls xXSkyLinkXx
Little Gamer Nerd 100 percent Zelda Trash XD I love the series Splatoon and even made a little series of it my own. Hope to speak to you all soon :3
カニたん!♪♪ grassyghosty
I'm Grass/Crab! I'm a girl who loves books, Nintendo games and drawing! ♥ Enjoy your stay~ • Mains the Custom Hydra Splatling, Luna Blaster Neo and all the Dynamo Rollers~ . Now on Splatoon 2! ♥
ruthie liechiberry
tm: liechiberry tw: liechiberri hi! my name is ruthie but you can call me rufa or liechi! ☆ - fire emblem, pokémon, splatoon
Edesome Edesome
Doesn't matter what you like, what you dislike, what you're good at, what you are. We all like games here and I LOVE games. So I think we'll get along fine. Plan to do drawings when I have free time, currently busy with uni (Any comment/ criticism is welcomed). Age: 20 Currently playing the most: Splatoon (Fav game 2015) ♥My sweet Eli♥
707 PikaSkittles
Mystic Messenger Amino: ~☆ Yoosung the Lolol Master ! ! ~☆ Colors!3d: AmbyChu Art Amino: AmbyChu. Xenoblade Amino: Juju is a God. Look up "AmbyChu" in general and you'll find me.
Lance TheGreenGamer
Sarusa☆ DanteLeonSaad01
*PRETTY MUCH DEAD ON POSTING BECAUSE OF SWITCH AND SPLATOON2* Follow my alt SaadKoro99 for drawings and game posts... Saad/Sarusa 18 Weeaboo Gamer Squib LGBT Supporter 我说中国话. 私は日本語を話すことがで. Cool Users: Amy, Domi, Blank, Stat, Hina, Chin, Carrot/NaH, Sapha, Valerie, Chi-san, Tran, Lexxie, James, North and other friends Just a weird nerd, peeps...
Maxy Maxime1999
I love birds. Especially when they're blue. I have one, his name is MaxySplatoon Real S+99 player. Splatoon fanatic. Plays competitively : ) Feel free to support me. Won't be using miiverse anymore btw. ____________ sapnu puas
Paul jan Pauljan
Hello I enjoy drawing, watching movies/cartoons/shows and playing games. Constructive criticism is welcome NO BLIND FRIEND REQUESTS I speak Dutch and English. Deviantart: PJ-K21
Ty crashbox1011
Aquarius Rising/Scorpio Sun/Virgo Moon Drum n' Bass/Industrial Rock/Punk Rock/BreakBeat/House/Rave loving Japanese Gremlin Just love yourself, don't look for confirmation from anyone else because no one knows you better than yourself.
Berry berry37625
[Blank]0~0 CyberDwagon
Heyo! Not the best artist, so excuse the mess. Hmmmm might make a list of cool peeps to follow....
ジザ ziza666
へいよーぐっつすっす\(°ω°)/ 毎度共感、コメントくださる方々有難う御座います! ※最近なかなかinできないつらい(´・ω・) 見掛けた際には宜しくですぜ。 ■スプラに夢中なう■ < :]ミ→♂/ランク50/S+[ボールド、ダイナモ] ボールドマーカー命。 素敵なボーイ見付けたら手が勝手に共感押しちゃう病末期。 ▼フレンドさん▼ ●相互フォロワーさん ●楽しいバトルをして下さった方 のみリクエストを飛ばしたり承諾したりしております。 ※交流、合流がない、イン期間が空いている方は フレンドから外させていただきます。 ご了承くださいませ。 < :]ミ サブアカ有り < :]ミ ▼絵心、工房、ポケアカ、スプラ 各コミュにて活動中。 ※不躾なコメントには共感レスしません。 最悪削除又はブロックさせていただきます。 ていけー。
Aldo SanchezAldo
⭐☆★⭐☆★⭐☆★⭐☆★⭐☆★⭐ Mysterious, kind and fair. Living somewhere beyond the stars. Legend says Aldo comes to visit his Miiverse home every 100 years... ⭐Animal Crossing New Leaf Town Dream Address: [5D00-0019-4581] ⭐Chatting with [k·] powers... ⭐Thank you for everything, Miiverse. Even if I'm gone, I'm always watching over you. ⭐☆★⭐☆★⭐☆★⭐☆★⭐☆★⭐
Αshaun Ashaun
Hi my name is Ashaun (or Ash for short), and I'm 18 years old. If you like my drawings, feel free to follow me; I follow back...sometimes. I don't accept random or blank friend request, sorry. I'm glad you checked out my profile, and have nice day you amazing people!
Grant GrantGamer
Hidey Ho! The name's Grant and I'm just here to express my creativity and art style. Seeing other peoples art inspires me to continue drawing here and continue to make friends and have fun. Oh, and also M E M E S. Can't forget those. Oowah~ WRYYYYYYY
David LinkSonic
ayy lmao Idk (.__.)/ This account is for quick drawings/doodles btw. XD The one whole rules this account is a female. (Snowcone [heya guys! :DD]) The mii and the one who does smash bros is a male. (David but he's barely online here XD)
andy akanesayumi
Hola/hi there :) My name is Andrea but call me Andy future graphic digital designer (^o^)/ nice to meet ya! Mucho gusto! Im really into nintendo and anime stuff X,D thanks for checking my profile ! Btw: Im still not really good with english (sorry about my typos X,D!) Have a great day! (OuO)/
Nickiola nickiola
Inactive because of college. :v Heyo! I'm Nickiola! :3 19 | ♀ | 100% Chinese but 100% whitewashed Legend of Zelda lover Splatoon trash I have an amazing squib family. ♡ Don't mess with them. Claire and Jonny are my kids! ♥ I have too many wonderful friends to list now, but you know who you are! ♡ I'm NOT accepting random friend requests. Please don't send any. No Wii U chat. 13/16
☆Chi-san☆ djemit
Dam homework is getting to me 'Squid-itter' - ThatOneVaporeon 'SquidTube'- Chi-San (Live Streams)
Shu DragonMuffin
(Also known as intoxicatedbadb0i) Im a socially awkward self-taught piece of art trash that'll smother you with hugs and other nice things. I only accept friend requests that have messages and/or from mutuals. Im always up for a chat, drop me a pm! Have an awesome day you beautiful stranger.
okaavri avidonna
Howdy, I'm Okaavri! Unfortunately, I've kind of moved on from this site until the Nintendo Switch - however I can be found in other places! ;) I do still lurk here. Give me a shout on my hiatus post if you wanna know anything! :D You can find me anywhere else online as Okaavri. I'm okaavr-ywhere.;D
Oscar OSCAR75
Hi. I'm @OSCAR75MIIVERSE! If you know what I mean. ;) Hola, Soy @OSCAR75MIIVERSE! Y el que quiera entenderlo que lo entienda. ;)
Gakenzi Gakenzi
Hello there! Thanks for visiting my profile! I mainly just post art here, so if you like that then hopefully you'll like me! -------------------------------------- Thanks for 1300+ followers! Yeah and comment on whatever you like, I don't mind :3 No requests. No Wii U chat. #PapiIsBestGirl "Excuse me...What did you say about my hair?!" -Josuke Higashikata
Thanks for the nice memories!
Sorry for any possible inconvenience.
I'm away from my WiiU at mome...
Thanks for the nice memories!
Sorry for any possible inconvenience.
I'm away from my WiiU at moment.
Peace to everyone!
Farewell, Miiverse.